who is the great whore in Revelation?

You mean like calling everybody who disagrees with you 'Satanists'? lol not even a good try, nothing 'ad hom' in my post. You're just defensive about being wrong, is all.
Again............Bible Study over? :question: Nothing ad hominem? You presented NOTHING that would disprove the book, chapter and verse presented, the "actual content" of the Bible.......and presented a personal opinion concerning the messenger?

A study in the English Language. Ad Hominem: appealing to "personal" considerations rather than to the facts presented.
Again............Bible Study over? :question: Nothing ad hominem? You presented NOTHING that would disprove the book, chapter and verse presented, the "actual content" of the Bible.......and presented a personal opinion concerning the messenger?

A study in the English Language. Ad Hominem: appealing to "personal" considerations rather than to the facts presented.

So you can't refute the facts. I already know that, and now everybody else does, too. Your strawmen don't fly, either.
Nope.. Jerusalen has 7 hills and Rome never had any relatioship with Babylon.

Study it in context.. Its Israel.
Wait.............Joe Biden is Catholic as well as the majority who sit on the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court!!!!

Several Old Testament prophets referred to Jerusalem as being a spiritual harlot and a mother of such harlotry (Isaiah 1:21; Jeremiah 2:20; 3:1–11; Ezekiel 16:1–43; 23, as well as Epistle to the Galatians 4:25).

Some of these Old Testament prophecies, as well as the warnings in the New Testament concerning Jerusalem, are in fact very close to the text concerning Babylon in Revelation. This suggests that John of Patmos may well have actually been citing those prophecies in his description of Babylon.[33]

For example, in Matthew 23:34–37 and Luke 11:47–51, Jesus himself assigned all of the bloodguilt for the killing of the prophets and of the saints (of all time) to the Pharisees of Jerusalem.

In Revelation 17:6 and 18:20,24, almost identical phrasing is used in charging that very same bloodguilt to Babylon. This is also bolstered by Jesus' statement that "it's not possible for a prophet to be killed outside of Jerusalem." (Luke 13:33).
They funny thing is, Joe Biden is such a mental basket case no one ever suggests he is the anti-christ.

Diaper boy is too much of a joke

Trump has been in diapers since he was hosting the Apprentice game show.
The whore in the bible is Israel. The prophets of the OT scolded Israel all the time for "whoring after false gods".. and call her harlot, whore and prostitute. So much for exaggerations and figurative language.
Quit shitting razor blades over stupid shit....lol
Yes they are.99.9% of all religion on earth makes up the whore of babylon. Jesus started a single religion. Even Gods chosen back then rejected Jesus so God cut them off-Matt 23:37-38) Out of his great love, even though they hated Jesus, left the door open to them--They must accept Jesus as the one sent to them from God-The Messiah, they have outright refused for over 1950 years.
One religion on earth -listens and obeys Jesus. They are easy to spot-Jesus said they would be hated if they followed him.

The Bible tells us over and oveer again who the Whore of Babylon is.
You don't have to participate on this thread.
Do you read. I did not realize this was in religion because I give the people there respect UNLIKE many others

Otherwise I'd be calling you a dick faced mother fucker if this was anywhere else
Do you think he knows by now. And please get on your knees and ask for forgiving for what you put in that WH.................Every one is a child in there

The WH? Trump was afraid he would be banned from Twitter. Who is the child?

Wait..........Kamala is Catholic!!

Is Kamala Harris anti-Catholic? - Religion News Service
September 10, 2020. By. Thomas Reese. (RNS) — President Donald Trump’s supporters are trying to paint Kamala Harris as being anti-Catholic, according to a new Associated Press report, accusing ...
God had a single religion in the OT. They were cut off for denying Christ and sending him to his death. So YES Jesus did start a new religion. That is ok if Paul named it christianity. How could there be any unity unless they gathered together and learned truth? And as billions have read in Revelation-Jesus spoke to 7 seperate congregations. Some bibles say church but its a mistranslation of the greek word-Congregation is correct.
God had a single religion in the OT huh......Well you know what I can buy that since Judaism is older than christianity and islam and both are off shoots of it...What I am getting at is that he did not "PROCLAIM" a religion....He never stood up and said "hey I am creating a religion"....We all know Jesus was a Jew right? We all know that he was strung up on a stick right? And considering the NT was written long, long after he was strung up on that stick we only have the words of people who never saw him (exception being John the Baptists) That are quoting what they have heard others say.

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