Who is the Russian on USMB...

Vlad set me up at USMB a decade ago as a sleeper agent. My activation code was when Dean posted "alt Right" August 15, 2016
Of course, the Russian campaign did influence the election and did produce votes for Trump. And there is good reason to believe that these efforts did, in fact, swing the election for Trump, considering the narrow margin of victory in certain swing States.

Of course no person woul admit that their minds were influenced by a propaganda campaign. That is exactly what is to be expected. Yes, geniuses, as it turns out....someone else thought of this before you did. They studied it and determined that these propaganda campaigns are effective.

Here's the list of real reasons Hillary lost.

1) Hillary

That's it, the full list. Nominate better candidates
If you have no proof of the bullshit you just spouted,
Of course we have proof, gay cowboy. It comes in the form of every study ever done on this matter. This is why candidates buy political ads. This is why corporations advertise. This is why, when you open your browser, you see ads for dildos and anal lube.

You said the Russians changed the outcome of the election, dumb ass
Of course, the Russian campaign did influence the election and did produce votes for Trump. And there is good reason to believe that these efforts did, in fact, swing the election for Trump, considering the narrow margin of victory in certain swing States.

Of course no person woul admit that their minds were influenced by a propaganda campaign. That is exactly what is to be expected. Yes, geniuses, as it turns out....someone else thought of this before you did. They studied it and determined that these propaganda campaigns are effective.

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Uneducated people are easily duped. That's why chump loves 'em.
He continues to lie & they continue to believe him.
It's quite frightening how many illiterates live in this country. It's quite obvious why the right wing wants to keep them uneducated.

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who influenced the election?
And who on usmb feels they were duped,
Led into voting for Trump unwhttingly?

USMB is a tiny microcosm of the real world.
There were over 200 million views of troll and bot fake news on Facebook & Twitter
That's not the real world either but certainly beats a post by a Russian here (there are actually a few Putin trolls about) that ends up with 50-75 views.

*Btw - we had a burner of a thunder storm here last night - Had a bolt hit within 100 feet of my place. Saw flash of white light through my window and a simultaneous CRACK! That stuff make it east to Burley around midnight?
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who influenced the election?



That didn't really work. The media tried their damndest to, and IMO should be held accountable.

I refuse to hold my breath until that happens, though.

Hillary outspent The Donald by like 5:1.

She did it with others' money and he used his own.

The man's just trying to do something good for America before..it's not like it was.

True story.
Hey thanks for reminding me about the movie Stand By Me! Made me think of my boys from back then! I spent the whole week end hanging with those guys! The world has not felt that right for thirty years! It seemed fitting to hang with them on memorial day, we sure shared some memories.
I'm Russian and I didn't influence the election (Dems and their puppeteers were pretty sure they would influence the election but couldn't).

However I like Trump just because he seems to be the first US president (at least during the last two decades) who doesn't belong to Deep State. And I feel sorry for him watching how Deep State has been hobbling him using their puppets in Congress and everywhere else.

Are you sure it was the "Deep State" mantra taught to you by Hannity,and not a

Buried state; Profound State; Submerged State; Yawning State; Below State; Bottomless State; Fathomless State; Immersed State; etc.

At the very least, if you're going to ape Hannity, give it a little semblance of originality, don't you think???................LOL

You can always tell a Trumpling by their undying NEED to include the term around once in every sentence ...
But once is so nice, they sometimes do it twice! :)
This Derp State crap has got to come to an end ... Eventually?

Let me get this straight. The President staffed his campaign with 2 indicted tax frauds/money launderers (one pled guilty already), an agent of a foreign power (Page), and an unregistered foreign agent (Flynn), among other things. And the scandal is that the FBI was concerned?
Who decided that?

Nothing to hide? Nothing to fear, Treasonweasel
Clapper’s really worrying

About what - You gonna lock him up too? :D
Let me get this straight. The President staffed his campaign with 2 indicted tax frauds/money launderers (one pled guilty already), an agent of a foreign power (Page), and an unregistered foreign agent (Flynn), among other things. And the scandal is that the FBI was concerned?
Who decided that?

Nothing to hide? Nothing to fear, Treasonweasel
Clapper’s really worrying

About what - You gonna lock him up too? :D
It’s what happens to traitors
Everything that I’ve heard is that the Russians tried to break us apart, they did pro Hillery crap too.
Then you haven't been paying attention, because the consensus among our law enforcement and intelligence agencies was that the efforts were generally directed to help Trump.

They did actually - at times, play both sides of the same issue.

Examples of that were gun policy and race relations. The intent was to get everyone to take sides and sow division. That's what Trump is all about after all. So they teed it up for him as often as they could.

But yes, in the end their intent was to get Trump elected .. PROBABLY because they have some serious dirt on His Orangeness and knew he'd go easier on them out of fear.

They were right

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