Who is the Russian on USMB...

Haha....gay cowboy is all mad again...this must be a day that ends in 'y'

Russian shill has more shit to talk after being outed, that's nice.

IDGAF. We know what your are, baby.
I think the probability that your dumb ass lapped up some Russian propaganda is 100%, give or take 0%.
Or you could prove it!
Prove what, exactly? And what sort of proof would you like? Be specific, on both answers.
Not specific enough. Go waste someone else's time.

Beware of this Russian spy Comrads.............Don't let her tits and nice ass fool you.............In the end she will betray mother Russia..............

Haha....gay cowboy is all mad again...this must be a day that ends in 'y'

Russian shill has more shit to talk after being outed, that's nice.

IDGAF. We know what your are, baby.
I think the probability that your dumb ass lapped up some Russian propaganda is 100%, give or take 0%.
Or you could prove it!
Prove what, exactly? And what sort of proof would you like? Be specific, on both answers.

Okay, you're done here, faggot fake.

a) You don't know what a Hoosier is, bitch.

b) I have a friend in Indiana tommorow.

I been in the USA for a minute (aka all my life), You? No. You're a fraud.
You are an odd little freak. Let me get this straight:

You think I don't know what a hoosier is. Therefore, ....hell, who even knows. Therefore you are whipped up into a big , ignorant, gay cowboy frenzy. Again. Like you always are. Good for you.

Beware of this Russian spy Comrads.............Don't let her tits and nice ass fool you.............In the end she will betray mother Russia..............

Russian shill has more shit to talk after being outed, that's nice.

IDGAF. We know what your are, baby.
I think the probability that your dumb ass lapped up some Russian propaganda is 100%, give or take 0%.
Or you could prove it!
Prove what, exactly? And what sort of proof would you like? Be specific, on both answers.

Okay, you're done here, faggot fake.

a) You don't know what a Hoosier is, bitch.

b) I have a friend in Indiana tommorow.

I been in the USA for a minute (aka all my life), You? No. You're a fraud.
You are an odd little freak. Let me get this straight:

You think I don't know what a hoosier is. Therefore, ....hell, who even knows. Therefore you are whipped up into a big , ignorant, gay cowboy frenzy. Again. Like you always are. Good for you.
Such a hossier

Beware of this Russian spy Comrads.............Don't let her tits and nice ass fool you.............In the end she will betray mother Russia..............

I think the probability that your dumb ass lapped up some Russian propaganda is 100%, give or take 0%.
Or you could prove it!
Prove what, exactly? And what sort of proof would you like? Be specific, on both answers.

Okay, you're done here, faggot fake.

a) You don't know what a Hoosier is, bitch.

b) I have a friend in Indiana tommorow.

I been in the USA for a minute (aka all my life), You? No. You're a fraud.
You are an odd little freak. Let me get this straight:

You think I don't know what a hoosier is. Therefore, ....hell, who even knows. Therefore you are whipped up into a big , ignorant, gay cowboy frenzy. Again. Like you always are. Good for you.
Such a hossier
The moment you are asked to talk like an adult, you wilt like lettuce in the sun. And it is every single time.

Beware of this Russian spy Comrads.............Don't let her tits and nice ass fool you.............In the end she will betray mother Russia..............

Or you could prove it!
Prove what, exactly? And what sort of proof would you like? Be specific, on both answers.

Okay, you're done here, faggot fake.

a) You don't know what a Hoosier is, bitch.

b) I have a friend in Indiana tommorow.

I been in the USA for a minute (aka all my life), You? No. You're a fraud.
You are an odd little freak. Let me get this straight:

You think I don't know what a hoosier is. Therefore, ....hell, who even knows. Therefore you are whipped up into a big , ignorant, gay cowboy frenzy. Again. Like you always are. Good for you.
Such a hossier
The moment you are asked to talk like an adult, you wilt like lettuce in the sun. And it is every single time.
Says a hossier
The Democrats have deluded themselves into believing that the Russians swung the vote away from Shrillary in key jurisdictions.

Now, all they have to do is to (1) identify an issue likely to flip voters and (2) accumulate evidence of widespread candidate-flipping.

I have little doubt that the Rooooskies TRIED to influence the November 8, 2016 General Election.

They also failed, miserably, even if their boy came out on top.

There is no hard evidence of statistically significant candidate flipping attributable to any Rooooskie-provided dirt.

There is, on the other hand, plenty of evidences that Shrillary and the Democrats shot themselves in the foot, over and over...

$hitty foreign policy track record... $hitty stance on Illegals.... $hitty stance on perverts homosexuals... and a truly $hitty candidate.

It's not Everybody-BUT-You, silly Democrats... it's just YOU... and your amoral, sickening agenda.
The Democrats have deluded themselves into believing that the Russians swung the vote away from Shrillary in key jurisdictions.

Now, all they have to do is to (1) identify an issue likely to flip voters and (2) accumulate evidence of widespread candidate-flipping.

I have little doubt that the Rooooskies TRIED to influence the November 8, 2016 General Election.

They also failed, miserably, even if their boy came out on top.

There is no hard evidence of statistically significant candidate flipping attributable to any Rooooskie-provided dirt.

There is, on the other hand, plenty of evidences that Shrillary and the Democrats shot themselves in the foot, over and over...

$hitty foreign policy track record... $hitty stance on Illegals.... $hitty stance on perverts homosexuals... and a truly $hitty candidate.

It's not Everybody-BUT-You, silly Democrats... it's just YOU... and your amoral, sickening agenda.

The weather had far more impact on the election than any Russians.

It's ridiculous that anyone would fall for the crazed conspiracy theory. It's dumber than the flat earth theory. Only someone with democrat level IQ and complete lack of any need for evidence could ever fall for it.

Beware of this Russian spy Comrads.............Don't let her tits and nice ass fool you.............In the end she will betray mother Russia..............

Prove what, exactly? And what sort of proof would you like? Be specific, on both answers.

Okay, you're done here, faggot fake.

a) You don't know what a Hoosier is, bitch.

b) I have a friend in Indiana tommorow.

I been in the USA for a minute (aka all my life), You? No. You're a fraud.
You are an odd little freak. Let me get this straight:

You think I don't know what a hoosier is. Therefore, ....hell, who even knows. Therefore you are whipped up into a big , ignorant, gay cowboy frenzy. Again. Like you always are. Good for you.
Such a hossier
The moment you are asked to talk like an adult, you wilt like lettuce in the sun. And it is every single time.
Says a hossier

says a brain dead Russian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I'm Russian and I didn't influence the election (Dems and their puppeteers were pretty sure they would influence the election but couldn't).

However I like Trump just because he seems to be the first US president (at least during the last two decades) who doesn't belong to Deep State. And I feel sorry for him watching how Deep State has been hobbling him using their puppets in Congress and everywhere else.

I am Russian and I can tell you for sure Stratford57 is a perfect example of what happens to dupes who watch too much Putinvision (most Russians).

“Deep state” term that tinfoil rightwingers have also now adopted is actually of Russian origins.
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I'm Russian and I didn't influence the election (Dems and their puppeteers were pretty sure they would influence the election but couldn't).

However I like Trump just because he seems to be the first US president (at least during the last two decades) who doesn't belong to Deep State. And I feel sorry for him watching how Deep State has been hobbling him using their puppets in Congress and everywhere else.

I am Russian and I can tell you for sure Stratford57 is a perfect example of what happens to dupes who watch too much Putinvision (most Russians).

“Deep state” term that tinfoil rightwingers have also now adopted is actually of Russian origins.
Again, only hitlery’s fan base would have been influenced. I wish you Russian haters would get that right.

What was their reason for flipping your vote?

Either you liked hitlery or not. How did they get you to flip?
The Democrats have deluded themselves into believing that the Russians swung the vote away from Shrillary in key jurisdictions.

Now, all they have to do is to (1) identify an issue likely to flip voters and (2) accumulate evidence of widespread candidate-flipping.

I have little doubt that the Rooooskies TRIED to influence the November 8, 2016 General Election.

They also failed, miserably, even if their boy came out on top.

There is no hard evidence of statistically significant candidate flipping attributable to any Rooooskie-provided dirt.

There is, on the other hand, plenty of evidences that Shrillary and the Democrats shot themselves in the foot, over and over...

$hitty foreign policy track record... $hitty stance on Illegals.... $hitty stance on perverts homosexuals... and a truly $hitty candidate.

It's not Everybody-BUT-You, silly Democrats... it's just YOU... and your amoral, sickening agenda.

Impossible to identify the rationale of each voter
But in an election decided in a few key states by less than one percent, there are multiple factors that could have swung 10,000 votes

Russian propaganda in support of Trump was widespread and they helped support the rhetoric
...Impossible to identify the rationale of each voter...
Unfortunately for you(r side), it is impossible to identify the rationale of statistically significant groups of candidate-flippers, either.

...But in an election decided in a few key states by less than one percent, there are multiple factors that could have swung 10,000 votes...
You(r side) needs to (1) identify a Candidate-Flipping Issue then (2) analyze one-such Bloc-of-10000 in detail, to demonstrate the likelihood that you are correct.

...Russian propaganda in support of Trump was widespread and they helped support the rhetoric
No doubt.

Now, all you(r side) have to do is to demonstrate its effectiveness in a reliable and defensible fashion, through analysis and quantification.


Unfortunately for you(r side), the bottom line here is, if you(r side) cannot provide such data, then it (a) never happened or (b) you(r side) won't do its homework.

Either way, under such circumstances, it's not a Tough Sell... it's an Impossible Sell... or, put another way... No Sale.

We, the People of the United States, do, indeed, need to learn the lessons of the 2016 campaign season and election, and guard against foreign influence.

You(r side), in turn, need to look elsewhere for the decisive cause(s) of your shocking and humiliating defeat on November 8, 2016.


With all respect and goodwill, I suggest that you begin by looking at those aspects of your agenda-platform that you now understand are not palatable to your countrymen.

Then - again, with all respect and goodwill and hopes for a better future - I humbly suggest that you take a long, hard look in the mirror, rather than blaming everyone else.

You need to stop being seen as standing alongside Illegal Aliens rather than your fellow countrymen.

You need to stop being seen as defending outrageous Muslim behaviors and embedded cultural isolation rather than standing alongside your fellow Western Civilization folk.

You need to stop being seen as enabling perversion homosexuality in public life and overseeing the legal degradation of traditional marriage.

You need to stop being seen as the Party of White Guilt and deluding yourselves that you can continue to win in the future without courting the White Vote as your Majority Base.

You need to stop being seen as Internationalists-Globalists and Open Borders advocates, and to begin putting America as the primary beneficiary of your diplomacy.

You need to stop being seen as only caring about the Coastal and Urban Liberal Strongholds and spend one helluva lot more time courting White Straight Christian America.

Rightly or wrongly... true or not... in whole or in part... you(r side) is SEEN in this way... you(r side) is PERCEIVED in this way, and, let's face it...


If you have to explain-away those perceptions, you're already on the defensive, and well along your way to losing - again.


Hard on the heels of multiple scandals and Bad Optics Moments during the 2016 campaign, you hired a Hispanic as DNC Chair and a Muslim as vice-chair.

Sorry, but that was a matter of " doubling-down on 'stupid' " - not exactly brightest-crayon-in-the-box thinking - more like collective petulance and childish defiance.

You need to change-out DNC leadership sooner rather than later.

The only saving grace for you in all of this is that Drumpf is so vile and so despised that you may actually win an upcoming election or two or three as a simple knee-jerk reaction.

But the longer you postpone your ever-so-necessary Come-to-Jesus Moment, and delay taking that long, hard look in the mirror, the longer your access to power remains at-risk.

You(r side) won't do that... you won't take that long, hard look until you're absolutely forced to... you'll continue to delude yourselves... until it's too late.

Such is the fate of impractical idealogues, on both sides of the aisle.


God Save the Republic.
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who influenced the election?



That didn't really work. The media tried their damndest to, and IMO should be held accountable.

I refuse to hold my breath until that happens, though.

Hillary outspent The Donald by like 5:1.

She did it with others' money and he used his own.

The man's just trying to do something good for America before..it's not like it was.

True story.

The media should be held responsible? And not Trump? When has Trump ever made a correction? The MSM does so every time they make an error; Trump never has, never will and has told more lies and attempts to mislead We the People and blame others all the time. Of course the biddable and easily fooled base will believe Trump's ever flip and every flop as the truth.
I'm Russian and I didn't influence the election (Dems and their puppeteers were pretty sure they would influence the election but couldn't).

However I like Trump just because he seems to be the first US president (at least during the last two decades) who doesn't belong to Deep State. And I feel sorry for him watching how Deep State has been hobbling him using their puppets in Congress and everywhere else.

I am Russian and I can tell you for sure Stratford57 is a perfect example of what happens to dupes who watch too much Putinvision (most Russians).

“Deep state” term that tinfoil rightwingers have also now adopted is actually of Russian origins.
Again, only hitlery’s fan base would have been influenced. I wish you Russian haters would get that right.

What was their reason for flipping your vote?

Either you liked hitlery or not. How did they get you to flip?
Only hopeless Zombies could blame Russians (or somebody else) for "interfering" the election just because they hated to admit they LOST to a much better, much more honest and much more patriotic candidate.

Putin: It is an attempt to lay the blame at someone else’s door. This is not our problem. The problem is in US politics. That is the problem. Trump’s team proved more capable during the election campaign. At times, I actually thought the man was overdoing it, really. That is true. However, it turned out that he was right, that he found a key to those social groups and voters’ groups that he had bet on, and they came out and voted for him.

The other team lost. They are reluctant to acknowledge the mistake. They do not want to admit that they did not get it, that they miscalculated. It is easier to say, “We are not to blame, the Russians are to blame, they interfered in our election, but we are good.”

One of the hackers’ planted stories was that Mrs Clinton’s election campaign managers had acted unfairly with regard to other Democratic Party candidates. However, when that information appeared in the public domain, the campaign manager actually acknowledged that it was true and resigned.

They should have apologised to the public and they should have said before resigning, “We will not repeat these mistakes.” But what did they do? They said, “We are not to blame. It is the Russians.” What have the Russians got to do with it? Did the Russians engage in pushing through one Democratic Party candidate to the detriment of another candidate?
St Petersburg International Economic Forum plenary meeting

Putin: After all, Trump is being prevented from carrying out any of his election platforms and plans. In health care, in other spheres. The moment he makes a decision on migrants, a court immediately blocks it. This is happening all the time.
Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club

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