Who Is The Worst President Since WWII?

Bush won worst president in 2006.

The major distinction, of course, seemingly beyond your ken, is that Bush had the entire media establishment hammering away at how terrible he had to be seen to be.


Oh, here we go again. The liberal media victimology card.

A day from now in some other topic we'll be reminded that Foxnews is the number one cable news channel,

and how rightwing talk totally dominates radio.

Make up your minds.

Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Edward R. Murrow, Ted Koppel, Andy Rooney, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopoulos, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ed Bradley, Campbell Brown, Jack Cafferty, Walter Cronkite, Jim Lehrer, Roger Grimsby, Soledad O’Brien, Keith Olbermann, Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer, Bob Schieffer, Paula Zahn, Sam Donaldson, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, David Shuster, Bernard Shaw, Jessica Savitch, Harry Reasoner, Sally Quinn, Gwen Ifill, Douglas Kiker, Charles Kuralt, Roger Mudd, Robert MacNeil, Charles Osgood, Douglas Edwards, John Chancellor, Charles Gibson, Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Ann Curry, Marvin Kalb, Bryant Gimbel, Andrea Mitchell, Jeanne Moos, Bill Schneider, Daniel Schoor, Richard Threlkeld, Jake Tapper, Ann Compton, Lester Holt, Michael Beschloss, Norah O’Donnell, Chris Matthews, Joy Behar, Jon Stewart, Ric Sanchez, Rachel Maddow, Bill Moyers, Fareed Zakaria, Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, Paul Krugman, Ed Schultz, Paul Begala, James Carville, Linda Douglas, Howie Kurtz, Phil Donohue, Tavis Smiley, Mark Shields, Bill Press, Larry O’Donnell, Joe Conason, Margaret Carlson, Bob Beckel, Larry King, Alan Colmes,
First of all, I never said that Clinton WAS Saddam. It is an analogy and an apt one.

Let me know the times Clinton held public executions for defying his authority...

"ad hominem attacks with everything you say just for self-confidence."

I do so for my amusement.
To believe I require more self-confidence would identify you as a fool.

Then you're an immature negative person who can't have civilized debate and need to grow up.

Some of us grow up, she grew out. Pots and pans in her efficiency apartment are trapped in geo-synchronous orbit around her equator.

Got a present for ya'....

Last edited by a moderator:
The major distinction, of course, seemingly beyond your ken, is that Bush had the entire media establishment hammering away at how terrible he had to be seen to be.


Oh, here we go again. The liberal media victimology card.

A day from now in some other topic we'll be reminded that Foxnews is the number one cable news channel,

and how rightwing talk totally dominates radio.

Make up your minds.

Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Edward R. Murrow, Ted Koppel, Andy Rooney, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopoulos, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ed Bradley, Campbell Brown, Jack Cafferty, Walter Cronkite, Jim Lehrer, Roger Grimsby, Soledad O’Brien, Keith Olbermann, Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer, Bob Schieffer, Paula Zahn, Sam Donaldson, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, David Shuster, Bernard Shaw, Jessica Savitch, Harry Reasoner, Sally Quinn, Gwen Ifill, Douglas Kiker, Charles Kuralt, Roger Mudd, Robert MacNeil, Charles Osgood, Douglas Edwards, John Chancellor, Charles Gibson, Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Ann Curry, Marvin Kalb, Bryant Gimbel, Andrea Mitchell, Jeanne Moos, Bill Schneider, Daniel Schoor, Richard Threlkeld, Jake Tapper, Ann Compton, Lester Holt, Michael Beschloss, Norah O’Donnell, Chris Matthews, Joy Behar, Jon Stewart, Ric Sanchez, Rachel Maddow, Bill Moyers, Fareed Zakaria, Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, Paul Krugman, Ed Schultz, Paul Begala, James Carville, Linda Douglas, Howie Kurtz, Phil Donohue, Tavis Smiley, Mark Shields, Bill Press, Larry O’Donnell, Joe Conason, Margaret Carlson, Bob Beckel, Larry King, Alan Colmes,


Well maybe if America was as conservative as you think, conservatism would be commercially successful.
There was no "witch hunt," of course. That bumper-sticker must be getting pretty worn by now. The initial investigation was about Whitewater and the death of Vince Foster, idiot. Now, you want the money back? Go ask Clinton for it. The whole thing, from start to finish, was his making. You suck at trying to divert blame from where it belongs, drone.

So Repubs [sic] make an accusation and shoot a ginormous wad of taxpayer $$$ ($70,000,000) down the drain and PROVE NOTHING RELATING TO THE ORIGINAL ALLEGATIONS and YOU say ask the Dems [sic] where the money went?

What I have actually said is to go ask Clinton for it, since the whole thing from start to finish was his making, which it was. Your imagination really gets in the way of your reading comprehension, champ.

It was the textbook definition of a witch hunt. The Repubs then settled for stumbling upon the fact that he had a CONSENSUAL extra-marital affair. Whoopee..... NOT!!!

$70,000,000 in taxpayer $$$ down the rat hole for that :thup:

Thanks for playing FAILTroll.

as to the OP- The Gipper was the worst by far. He was a budget-busting, amnesty-giving, tax-raisin', RINO.
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Let me know the times Clinton held public executions for defying his authority...

Then you're an immature negative person who can't have civilized debate and need to grow up.

Some of us grow up, she grew out. Pots and pans in her efficiency apartment are trapped in geo-synchronous orbit around her equator.

Got a present for ya'....

And no sooner has she claimed there's no conservative media, she then posts a clip from Foxnews.
Last edited by a moderator:
Oh, here we go again. The liberal media victimology card.

A day from now in some other topic we'll be reminded that Foxnews is the number one cable news channel,

and how rightwing talk totally dominates radio.

Make up your minds.

Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Edward R. Murrow, Ted Koppel, Andy Rooney, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopoulos, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ed Bradley, Campbell Brown, Jack Cafferty, Walter Cronkite, Jim Lehrer, Roger Grimsby, Soledad O’Brien, Keith Olbermann, Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer, Bob Schieffer, Paula Zahn, Sam Donaldson, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, David Shuster, Bernard Shaw, Jessica Savitch, Harry Reasoner, Sally Quinn, Gwen Ifill, Douglas Kiker, Charles Kuralt, Roger Mudd, Robert MacNeil, Charles Osgood, Douglas Edwards, John Chancellor, Charles Gibson, Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Ann Curry, Marvin Kalb, Bryant Gimbel, Andrea Mitchell, Jeanne Moos, Bill Schneider, Daniel Schoor, Richard Threlkeld, Jake Tapper, Ann Compton, Lester Holt, Michael Beschloss, Norah O’Donnell, Chris Matthews, Joy Behar, Jon Stewart, Ric Sanchez, Rachel Maddow, Bill Moyers, Fareed Zakaria, Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, Paul Krugman, Ed Schultz, Paul Begala, James Carville, Linda Douglas, Howie Kurtz, Phil Donohue, Tavis Smiley, Mark Shields, Bill Press, Larry O’Donnell, Joe Conason, Margaret Carlson, Bob Beckel, Larry King, Alan Colmes,


Well maybe if America was as conservative as you think, conservatism would be commercially successful.

Look at that.

I smashed you in the kisser with a custard pie and you had to run and change your tune.

Must be another one of you 'wins,' huh?
Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Edward R. Murrow, Ted Koppel, Andy Rooney, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopoulos, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ed Bradley, Campbell Brown, Jack Cafferty, Walter Cronkite, Jim Lehrer, Roger Grimsby, Soledad O’Brien, Keith Olbermann, Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer, Bob Schieffer, Paula Zahn, Sam Donaldson, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, David Shuster, Bernard Shaw, Jessica Savitch, Harry Reasoner, Sally Quinn, Gwen Ifill, Douglas Kiker, Charles Kuralt, Roger Mudd, Robert MacNeil, Charles Osgood, Douglas Edwards, John Chancellor, Charles Gibson, Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Ann Curry, Marvin Kalb, Bryant Gimbel, Andrea Mitchell, Jeanne Moos, Bill Schneider, Daniel Schoor, Richard Threlkeld, Jake Tapper, Ann Compton, Lester Holt, Michael Beschloss, Norah O’Donnell, Chris Matthews, Joy Behar, Jon Stewart, Ric Sanchez, Rachel Maddow, Bill Moyers, Fareed Zakaria, Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, Paul Krugman, Ed Schultz, Paul Begala, James Carville, Linda Douglas, Howie Kurtz, Phil Donohue, Tavis Smiley, Mark Shields, Bill Press, Larry O’Donnell, Joe Conason, Margaret Carlson, Bob Beckel, Larry King, Alan Colmes,


Well maybe if America was as conservative as you think, conservatism would be commercially successful.

Look at that.

I smashed you in the kisser with a custard pie and you had to run and change your tune.

Must be another one of you 'wins,' huh?

I guess a comprehension of sarcasm is another skill you lack.
Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Edward R. Murrow, Ted Koppel, Andy Rooney, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopoulos, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ed Bradley, Campbell Brown, Jack Cafferty, Walter Cronkite, Jim Lehrer, Roger Grimsby, Soledad O’Brien, Keith Olbermann, Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer, Bob Schieffer, Paula Zahn, Sam Donaldson, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, David Shuster, Bernard Shaw, Jessica Savitch, Harry Reasoner, Sally Quinn, Gwen Ifill, Douglas Kiker, Charles Kuralt, Roger Mudd, Robert MacNeil, Charles Osgood, Douglas Edwards, John Chancellor, Charles Gibson, Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Ann Curry, Marvin Kalb, Bryant Gimbel, Andrea Mitchell, Jeanne Moos, Bill Schneider, Daniel Schoor, Richard Threlkeld, Jake Tapper, Ann Compton, Lester Holt, Michael Beschloss, Norah O’Donnell, Chris Matthews, Joy Behar, Jon Stewart, Ric Sanchez, Rachel Maddow, Bill Moyers, Fareed Zakaria, Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, Paul Krugman, Ed Schultz, Paul Begala, James Carville, Linda Douglas, Howie Kurtz, Phil Donohue, Tavis Smiley, Mark Shields, Bill Press, Larry O’Donnell, Joe Conason, Margaret Carlson, Bob Beckel, Larry King, Alan Colmes,


Well maybe if America was as conservative as you think, conservatism would be commercially successful.

Look at that.

I smashed you in the kisser with a custard pie and you had to run and change your tune.

Must be another one of you 'wins,' huh?

##Fox News
##Town Hall
##American Thinker
##Red State
##The Daily Caller
##Drudge Report
##Human Events
##Right Wing News
##Canada Free Press
##Free Republic
##The Hill
##Catholic Edition
##Washington Times
##Hot Air
Pajamas Media
National Review Online
Gateway Pundit
National Catholic Reporter
Washington Examiner
Military Times
Voice of America
The Blaze
United Press International
Catholic News Service
The New Media Journal
Spero News
Conservative News and Views
Washington Free Beacon

Conservative Talk Radio
Rush Limbaugh
Glenn Beck
Sean Hannity
Mark Levin
Michael Savage
Laura Ingraham
Neal Boortz
Hugh Hewitt
Dana Loesch
Kevin Jackson
G. Gordon Liddy
Dennis Prager
Monica Crowley
Michael Reagan
Phyllis Schlafly
Tammy Bruce
Herman Cain
Dennis Miller
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Mark Davis
Greg Garrison
Steve Malzberg
Tom Sullivan
Michael Medved
Howie Carr
Jay Severin
Mark Davis
Mike Rosen
Jay Sekulow
Mike McConnell
Chris Baker
Cal Thomas
Michael Berry
Lee Rodgers
Ben Shapiro
John Gibson
Mancow Muller
Mike Gallagher
Roger Hedgecock
Bill Cunningham
Lars Larson
Curtis Sliwa
Ed Morrissey
Michael Koolidge
Scott Hennen
Larry Elder
Lou Dobbs
Michael Graham
Andrew Wilkow
Rusty Humphries
Tony Katz
Jordan Sekulow
Andrea Shea King
Rick Amato
Mike Church
The Victory Sessions

Conservative Newspapers / Magazines
Wall Street Journal
The Weekly Standard
Washington Times
American Spectator
Christian Science Monitor
The Hill
NY Post
Human Events
National Review
National Journal
Investors Business Daily
American Conservative Magazine
Modern Age
The New American
Chronicles #magazine#
Soldier of Fortune
Army Times
Commentary Magazine
Reason #magazine#
Tea Party Review
City Journal
The Advocate
Foreign Policy #magazine#

Conservative Media Watchdogs
Accuracy in Media
Media Research Center
Parents Television Council
Media Fairness Caucus
Family Research Council
American Decency Association
Culture and Media Institute
Morality in Media
Center for Media and Public Affairs
Media Trackers

Conservative Media Personalities
Judge Jeanine Pirro
Bill O'Reilly
Michael Reagan
Scott Rasmussen
Grover Norquist
Chris Wallace
Brit Hume
Ann Coulter
Sarah Palin
Elizabeth Hasslebeck
Charles Krauthammer
Patrick J. Buchanan
Megyn Kelly
Dana Perino
Dick Morris
Bernie Goldberg
Bill Kristol
Oliver North
Sean Hannity
Glenn Beck
Steve Forbes
James Dobson
Andrew Napolitano
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Lou Dobbs
David Limbaugh
Greg Gutfeld
Karl Rove
Mike Huckabee
S.E. Cupp
John Stossel
Bret Baier
Brent Bozell
Lynne Cheney
Fred Barnes
Neil Cavuto
John Bolton
Larry Kudlow
Dennis Miller
Jedediah Bila
Ralph Reed
Tony Perkins
Bill Bennett
Ken Blackwell
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Dinesh D'Souza
Gerald Celente
Frank Luntz
Rick Santelli
Ari Fleischer
Michael Barone
Daniel Pipes
Ann Barnhardt
Stuart Varney

Conservative Journalists
Katie Pavlich
James O'Keefe
Jason Mattera
Michelle Malkin
Debbie Schlussel
Jonah Goldberg
Joel Pollak
Jill Stanek
Matt Drudge
Gary Bauer
Joseph Farah
Thomas Sowell
Cal Thomas
Mark Steyn
Tucker Carlson
Steven Crowder
Jerome Corsi
Pamela Geller
Peter Hitchens
Major Garrett
Ben Shapiro
Lila Rose
David Horowitz
Hannah Giles
Dana Loesch
Erick Erickson
Mike Flynn
Byron York
John Nolte
Mary Katharine Ham
Ed Driscoll
Aaron Klein
Andrea Tantaros
Nina Easton
Stanley Kurtz
Jim Geraghty
Timothy P. Carney
Peter Schweizer
Dan Riehl
Eugene Volokh
Stacy McCain
Patrick Frey
James Taranto
James S. Robbins
John H. Fund

Feel better now? Your denial of the undeniable is getting boring.
So Repubs [sic] make an accusation and shoot a ginormous wad of taxpayer $$$ ($70,000,000) down the drain and PROVE NOTHING RELATING TO THE ORIGINAL ALLEGATIONS and YOU say ask the Dems [sic] where the money went?

What I have actually said is to go ask Clinton for it, since the whole thing from start to finish was his making, which it was. Your imagination really gets in the way of your reading comprehension, champ.

It was the textbook definition of a witch hunt.

You need a new textbook.
Oh, here we go again. The liberal media victimology card.

A day from now in some other topic we'll be reminded that Foxnews is the number one cable news channel,

and how rightwing talk totally dominates radio.

Make up your minds.

Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Edward R. Murrow, Ted Koppel, Andy Rooney, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopoulos, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ed Bradley, Campbell Brown, Jack Cafferty, Walter Cronkite, Jim Lehrer, Roger Grimsby, Soledad O’Brien, Keith Olbermann, Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer, Bob Schieffer, Paula Zahn, Sam Donaldson, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, David Shuster, Bernard Shaw, Jessica Savitch, Harry Reasoner, Sally Quinn, Gwen Ifill, Douglas Kiker, Charles Kuralt, Roger Mudd, Robert MacNeil, Charles Osgood, Douglas Edwards, John Chancellor, Charles Gibson, Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Ann Curry, Marvin Kalb, Bryant Gimbel, Andrea Mitchell, Jeanne Moos, Bill Schneider, Daniel Schoor, Richard Threlkeld, Jake Tapper, Ann Compton, Lester Holt, Michael Beschloss, Norah O’Donnell, Chris Matthews, Joy Behar, Jon Stewart, Ric Sanchez, Rachel Maddow, Bill Moyers, Fareed Zakaria, Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, Paul Krugman, Ed Schultz, Paul Begala, James Carville, Linda Douglas, Howie Kurtz, Phil Donohue, Tavis Smiley, Mark Shields, Bill Press, Larry O’Donnell, Joe Conason, Margaret Carlson, Bob Beckel, Larry King, Alan Colmes,


Well maybe if America was as conservative as you think, conservatism would be commercially successful.

It is dumbass its called FOX News :badgrin:
Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Edward R. Murrow, Ted Koppel, Andy Rooney, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopoulos, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ed Bradley, Campbell Brown, Jack Cafferty, Walter Cronkite, Jim Lehrer, Roger Grimsby, Soledad O’Brien, Keith Olbermann, Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer, Bob Schieffer, Paula Zahn, Sam Donaldson, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, David Shuster, Bernard Shaw, Jessica Savitch, Harry Reasoner, Sally Quinn, Gwen Ifill, Douglas Kiker, Charles Kuralt, Roger Mudd, Robert MacNeil, Charles Osgood, Douglas Edwards, John Chancellor, Charles Gibson, Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Ann Curry, Marvin Kalb, Bryant Gimbel, Andrea Mitchell, Jeanne Moos, Bill Schneider, Daniel Schoor, Richard Threlkeld, Jake Tapper, Ann Compton, Lester Holt, Michael Beschloss, Norah O’Donnell, Chris Matthews, Joy Behar, Jon Stewart, Ric Sanchez, Rachel Maddow, Bill Moyers, Fareed Zakaria, Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, Paul Krugman, Ed Schultz, Paul Begala, James Carville, Linda Douglas, Howie Kurtz, Phil Donohue, Tavis Smiley, Mark Shields, Bill Press, Larry O’Donnell, Joe Conason, Margaret Carlson, Bob Beckel, Larry King, Alan Colmes,


Well maybe if America was as conservative as you think, conservatism would be commercially successful.

Look at that.

I smashed you in the kisser with a custard pie and you had to run and change your tune.

Must be another one of you 'wins,' huh?

I'm still coping with your claim that Edward R. Murrow is to blame for GW Bush being the worst president in the 2006 poll.
Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Edward R. Murrow, Ted Koppel, Andy Rooney, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopoulos, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ed Bradley, Campbell Brown, Jack Cafferty, Walter Cronkite, Jim Lehrer, Roger Grimsby, Soledad O’Brien, Keith Olbermann, Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer, Bob Schieffer, Paula Zahn, Sam Donaldson, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, David Shuster, Bernard Shaw, Jessica Savitch, Harry Reasoner, Sally Quinn, Gwen Ifill, Douglas Kiker, Charles Kuralt, Roger Mudd, Robert MacNeil, Charles Osgood, Douglas Edwards, John Chancellor, Charles Gibson, Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Ann Curry, Marvin Kalb, Bryant Gimbel, Andrea Mitchell, Jeanne Moos, Bill Schneider, Daniel Schoor, Richard Threlkeld, Jake Tapper, Ann Compton, Lester Holt, Michael Beschloss, Norah O’Donnell, Chris Matthews, Joy Behar, Jon Stewart, Ric Sanchez, Rachel Maddow, Bill Moyers, Fareed Zakaria, Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, Paul Krugman, Ed Schultz, Paul Begala, James Carville, Linda Douglas, Howie Kurtz, Phil Donohue, Tavis Smiley, Mark Shields, Bill Press, Larry O’Donnell, Joe Conason, Margaret Carlson, Bob Beckel, Larry King, Alan Colmes,


Well maybe if America was as conservative as you think, conservatism would be commercially successful.

It is dumbass its called FOX News :badgrin:

Explain that to PC. She doesn't believe there's any conservative media of any consequence.
Geez, any dumb ass can watch the Cain accusers and see they have zero credibility.
Thomas another matter but that was the FIRST TIME a Senate Judiciary hearing allowed that kind of testimony of "he talked dirty to me at work" nonsense in the confirmation hearings of a Supreme Court Justice.
Wow, take a look at the hearings and the obvious coaching by Senate Democrats of Anita Hill.
Even if her story was 100% true SO WHAT, DOES NOT COME CLOSE to what Clinton did.

I guess you've forgotten that Clinton was impeached.

Impeached for crimes he was ultimately found not guilty.

And who has convicted Thomas OR Cain or ANYTHING?????

Speaking of forgetting things.

And I was not speaking of the Lewinsky matter. I am speaking of the many women Clinton showed his penis to that were state employees, how many he sexually harassed and how many he propositioned.
Geez, any dumb ass can watch the Cain accusers and see they have zero credibility.
Thomas another matter but that was the FIRST TIME a Senate Judiciary hearing allowed that kind of testimony of "he talked dirty to me at work" nonsense in the confirmation hearings of a Supreme Court Justice.
Wow, take a look at the hearings and the obvious coaching by Senate Democrats of Anita Hill.
Even if her story was 100% true SO WHAT, DOES NOT COME CLOSE to what Clinton did.

I guess you've forgotten that Clinton was impeached.

Impeached for crimes he was ultimately found not guilty.

And who has convicted Thomas OR Cain or ANYTHING?????

Speaking of forgetting things.

And I was not speaking of the Lewinsky matter. I am speaking of the many women Clinton showed his penis to that were state employees, how many he sexually harassed and how many he propositioned.

Cool, you make the point that your bud's Thomas and Cain never got convicted and than give a list of accusations against Clinton for stuff he was never convicted of as if the accusations were fact. If that isn't hypocrisy what is?
I guess you've forgotten that Clinton was impeached.

Impeached for crimes he was ultimately found not guilty.

And who has convicted Thomas OR Cain or ANYTHING?????

Speaking of forgetting things.

And I was not speaking of the Lewinsky matter. I am speaking of the many women Clinton showed his penis to that were state employees, how many he sexually harassed and how many he propositioned.

Cool, you make the point that your bud's Thomas and Cain never got convicted and than give a list of accusations against Clinton for stuff he was never convicted of as if the accusations were fact. If that isn't hypocrisy what is?

Cain is a separate matter as he is not and has not been an elected or government official.
So that leaves Clarence Thomas as he was nominated for SCOTUS.
How many $750,000 checks did Clarence Thomas write to women he sexually harassed?
Speaking of "hypocrisy".
Last edited by a moderator:

Well maybe if America was as conservative as you think, conservatism would be commercially successful.

Look at that.

I smashed you in the kisser with a custard pie and you had to run and change your tune.

Must be another one of you 'wins,' huh?

##Fox News
##Town Hall
##American Thinker
##Red State
##The Daily Caller
##Drudge Report
##Human Events
##Right Wing News
##Canada Free Press
##Free Republic
##The Hill
##Catholic Edition
##Washington Times
##Hot Air
Pajamas Media
National Review Online
Gateway Pundit
National Catholic Reporter
Washington Examiner
Military Times
Voice of America
The Blaze
United Press International
Catholic News Service
The New Media Journal
Spero News
Conservative News and Views
Washington Free Beacon

Conservative Talk Radio
Rush Limbaugh
Glenn Beck
Sean Hannity
Mark Levin
Michael Savage
Laura Ingraham
Neal Boortz
Hugh Hewitt
Dana Loesch
Kevin Jackson
G. Gordon Liddy
Dennis Prager
Monica Crowley
Michael Reagan
Phyllis Schlafly
Tammy Bruce
Herman Cain
Dennis Miller
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Mark Davis
Greg Garrison
Steve Malzberg
Tom Sullivan
Michael Medved
Howie Carr
Jay Severin
Mark Davis
Mike Rosen
Jay Sekulow
Mike McConnell
Chris Baker
Cal Thomas
Michael Berry
Lee Rodgers
Ben Shapiro
John Gibson
Mancow Muller
Mike Gallagher
Roger Hedgecock
Bill Cunningham
Lars Larson
Curtis Sliwa
Ed Morrissey
Michael Koolidge
Scott Hennen
Larry Elder
Lou Dobbs
Michael Graham
Andrew Wilkow
Rusty Humphries
Tony Katz
Jordan Sekulow
Andrea Shea King
Rick Amato
Mike Church
The Victory Sessions

Conservative Newspapers / Magazines
Wall Street Journal
The Weekly Standard
Washington Times
American Spectator
Christian Science Monitor
The Hill
NY Post
Human Events
National Review
National Journal
Investors Business Daily
American Conservative Magazine
Modern Age
The New American
Chronicles #magazine#
Soldier of Fortune
Army Times
Commentary Magazine
Reason #magazine#
Tea Party Review
City Journal
The Advocate
Foreign Policy #magazine#

Conservative Media Watchdogs
Accuracy in Media
Media Research Center
Parents Television Council
Media Fairness Caucus
Family Research Council
American Decency Association
Culture and Media Institute
Morality in Media
Center for Media and Public Affairs
Media Trackers

Conservative Media Personalities
Judge Jeanine Pirro
Bill O'Reilly
Michael Reagan
Scott Rasmussen
Grover Norquist
Chris Wallace
Brit Hume
Ann Coulter
Sarah Palin
Elizabeth Hasslebeck
Charles Krauthammer
Patrick J. Buchanan
Megyn Kelly
Dana Perino
Dick Morris
Bernie Goldberg
Bill Kristol
Oliver North
Sean Hannity
Glenn Beck
Steve Forbes
James Dobson
Andrew Napolitano
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Lou Dobbs
David Limbaugh
Greg Gutfeld
Karl Rove
Mike Huckabee
S.E. Cupp
John Stossel
Bret Baier
Brent Bozell
Lynne Cheney
Fred Barnes
Neil Cavuto
John Bolton
Larry Kudlow
Dennis Miller
Jedediah Bila
Ralph Reed
Tony Perkins
Bill Bennett
Ken Blackwell
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Dinesh D'Souza
Gerald Celente
Frank Luntz
Rick Santelli
Ari Fleischer
Michael Barone
Daniel Pipes
Ann Barnhardt
Stuart Varney

Conservative Journalists
Katie Pavlich
James O'Keefe
Jason Mattera
Michelle Malkin
Debbie Schlussel
Jonah Goldberg
Joel Pollak
Jill Stanek
Matt Drudge
Gary Bauer
Joseph Farah
Thomas Sowell
Cal Thomas
Mark Steyn
Tucker Carlson
Steven Crowder
Jerome Corsi
Pamela Geller
Peter Hitchens
Major Garrett
Ben Shapiro
Lila Rose
David Horowitz
Hannah Giles
Dana Loesch
Erick Erickson
Mike Flynn
Byron York
John Nolte
Mary Katharine Ham
Ed Driscoll
Aaron Klein
Andrea Tantaros
Nina Easton
Stanley Kurtz
Jim Geraghty
Timothy P. Carney
Peter Schweizer
Dan Riehl
Eugene Volokh
Stacy McCain
Patrick Frey
James Taranto
James S. Robbins
John H. Fund

Feel better now? Your denial of the undeniable is getting boring.

You actually left out quite a few....lol.
LOL, so President Bill Clinton is "acquitted" in the Senate.
And after that admits to what he was charged with on national TV.
Democrats are party rah rah dumb ass partisan party sheeple.
Republicans have no shortage of those types also.

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