Who Is The Worst President Since WWII?

LOL, so President Bill Clinton is "acquitted" in the Senate.
And after that admits to what he was charged with on national TV.
Democrats are party rah rah dumb ass partisan party sheeple.
Republicans have no shortage of those types also.

wrong dummy

The original charges were never proven. Repub witch hunt inquisitors "stumbled upon" a CONSENSUAL affair in the process of said witch hunt. They ended up blowing $70,000,000 TAXPAYER MONEY to prove that, yes, middle-aged men are fond of young ladies. You people take the cake. :thup:

Glad to help Sport :)

Kenneth Starr’s $70 million bag of garbage
The independent counsel's pathetic final report reveals what a travesty the right wing's get-Clinton crusade was.

The investigation Ray inherited from his predecessor Kenneth Starr cost $70 million, and in the end yielded only the promise that it could have led to the president’s indictment, but didn’t. We all deserved more than that. (Although stay tuned: Ray promises that Part 2 will focus on Whitewater, the Clinton land deal that launched the Starr investigation in the first place. But since Starr himself decided not to proceed with indictments in that matter, it’s probably safe to assume Part 2 won’t contain any OIC-vindicating bombshells, either.)

IOW's Repubs couldn't prove anything so they took whatever they could get which, ended up being crumbs. Crumbs for $70,000,000 in taxpayer $$$

Looks like Issa(R) is carrying-on the grand tradition :rolleyes:
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Look at that.

I smashed you in the kisser with a custard pie and you had to run and change your tune.

Must be another one of you 'wins,' huh?

##Fox News
##Town Hall
##American Thinker
##Red State
##The Daily Caller
##Drudge Report
##Human Events
##Right Wing News
##Canada Free Press
##Free Republic
##The Hill
##Catholic Edition
##Washington Times
##Hot Air
Pajamas Media
National Review Online
Gateway Pundit
National Catholic Reporter
Washington Examiner
Military Times
Voice of America
The Blaze
United Press International
Catholic News Service
The New Media Journal
Spero News
Conservative News and Views
Washington Free Beacon

Conservative Talk Radio
Rush Limbaugh
Glenn Beck
Sean Hannity
Mark Levin
Michael Savage
Laura Ingraham
Neal Boortz
Hugh Hewitt
Dana Loesch
Kevin Jackson
G. Gordon Liddy
Dennis Prager
Monica Crowley
Michael Reagan
Phyllis Schlafly
Tammy Bruce
Herman Cain
Dennis Miller
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Mark Davis
Greg Garrison
Steve Malzberg
Tom Sullivan
Michael Medved
Howie Carr
Jay Severin
Mark Davis
Mike Rosen
Jay Sekulow
Mike McConnell
Chris Baker
Cal Thomas
Michael Berry
Lee Rodgers
Ben Shapiro
John Gibson
Mancow Muller
Mike Gallagher
Roger Hedgecock
Bill Cunningham
Lars Larson
Curtis Sliwa
Ed Morrissey
Michael Koolidge
Scott Hennen
Larry Elder
Lou Dobbs
Michael Graham
Andrew Wilkow
Rusty Humphries
Tony Katz
Jordan Sekulow
Andrea Shea King
Rick Amato
Mike Church
The Victory Sessions

Conservative Newspapers / Magazines
Wall Street Journal
The Weekly Standard
Washington Times
American Spectator
Christian Science Monitor
The Hill
NY Post
Human Events
National Review
National Journal
Investors Business Daily
American Conservative Magazine
Modern Age
The New American
Chronicles #magazine#
Soldier of Fortune
Army Times
Commentary Magazine
Reason #magazine#
Tea Party Review
City Journal
The Advocate
Foreign Policy #magazine#

Conservative Media Watchdogs
Accuracy in Media
Media Research Center
Parents Television Council
Media Fairness Caucus
Family Research Council
American Decency Association
Culture and Media Institute
Morality in Media
Center for Media and Public Affairs
Media Trackers

Conservative Media Personalities
Judge Jeanine Pirro
Bill O'Reilly
Michael Reagan
Scott Rasmussen
Grover Norquist
Chris Wallace
Brit Hume
Ann Coulter
Sarah Palin
Elizabeth Hasslebeck
Charles Krauthammer
Patrick J. Buchanan
Megyn Kelly
Dana Perino
Dick Morris
Bernie Goldberg
Bill Kristol
Oliver North
Sean Hannity
Glenn Beck
Steve Forbes
James Dobson
Andrew Napolitano
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Lou Dobbs
David Limbaugh
Greg Gutfeld
Karl Rove
Mike Huckabee
S.E. Cupp
John Stossel
Bret Baier
Brent Bozell
Lynne Cheney
Fred Barnes
Neil Cavuto
John Bolton
Larry Kudlow
Dennis Miller
Jedediah Bila
Ralph Reed
Tony Perkins
Bill Bennett
Ken Blackwell
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Dinesh D'Souza
Gerald Celente
Frank Luntz
Rick Santelli
Ari Fleischer
Michael Barone
Daniel Pipes
Ann Barnhardt
Stuart Varney

Conservative Journalists
Katie Pavlich
James O'Keefe
Jason Mattera
Michelle Malkin
Debbie Schlussel
Jonah Goldberg
Joel Pollak
Jill Stanek
Matt Drudge
Gary Bauer
Joseph Farah
Thomas Sowell
Cal Thomas
Mark Steyn
Tucker Carlson
Steven Crowder
Jerome Corsi
Pamela Geller
Peter Hitchens
Major Garrett
Ben Shapiro
Lila Rose
David Horowitz
Hannah Giles
Dana Loesch
Erick Erickson
Mike Flynn
Byron York
John Nolte
Mary Katharine Ham
Ed Driscoll
Aaron Klein
Andrea Tantaros
Nina Easton
Stanley Kurtz
Jim Geraghty
Timothy P. Carney
Peter Schweizer
Dan Riehl
Eugene Volokh
Stacy McCain
Patrick Frey
James Taranto
James S. Robbins
John H. Fund

Feel better now? Your denial of the undeniable is getting boring.

You actually left out quite a few....lol.

And I don't think that list, unlike PC's, includes any people that have been dead for 40 years.
Geez, any dumb ass can watch the Cain accusers and see they have zero credibility.
Thomas another matter but that was the FIRST TIME a Senate Judiciary hearing allowed that kind of testimony of "he talked dirty to me at work" nonsense in the confirmation hearings of a Supreme Court Justice.
Wow, take a look at the hearings and the obvious coaching by Senate Democrats of Anita Hill.
Even if her story was 100% true SO WHAT, DOES NOT COME CLOSE to what Clinton did.

I guess you've forgotten that Clinton was impeached.

Impeached for crimes he was ultimately found not guilty.

And who has convicted Thomas OR Cain or ANYTHING?????

Speaking of forgetting things.

And I was not speaking of the Lewinsky matter. I am speaking of the many women Clinton showed his penis to that were state employees, how many he sexually harassed and how many he propositioned.

Last time I looked Thomas was still on the Supreme Court.
And who has convicted Thomas OR Cain or ANYTHING?????

Speaking of forgetting things.

And I was not speaking of the Lewinsky matter. I am speaking of the many women Clinton showed his penis to that were state employees, how many he sexually harassed and how many he propositioned.

Cool, you make the point that your bud's Thomas and Cain never got convicted and than give a list of accusations against Clinton for stuff he was never convicted of as if the accusations were fact. If that isn't hypocrisy what is?

Cain is a separate matter as he is not and has not been an elected or government official.
So that leaves Clarence Thomas as he was nominated for SCOTUS.
How many $750,000 checks did Clarence Thomas write to women he sexually harassed?
Speaking of "hypocrisy".

So, you have excuses and a video of Clinton's apology for trying to hide the Monica BJ's. The guy was a womanizer. Everyone knows that. You are accusing him of something else. Where are the convictions for all the penis waving and sexual harassment charges you allege?
and than give a list of accusations against Clinton for stuff he was never convicted of as if the accusations were fact.

I see a pattern. The other day in another thread you lamely tried to use Jap internment camps in the 1940's after Pearl Harbor as evidence of FDR to imitate Hitler concentration camps in the 1930's depression, Now you want to use Clinton's apology for getting some WH bj's and trying to hide it to committing extensive criminal offenses and sexual harassment. Looks like a pattern of trying to misinform to me.
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Some of you are not gonna like this.....

1. "Poll: Obama 'worst president' since World War II

2. In a new Quinnipiac University Poll, 33% named Barack Obama the worst president since World War II. Only 8% named Obama as the best president.

3. President Obama has topped predecessor George W. Bush in another poll, but not one he would like.

4. "Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll."
Poll: Obama 'worst president' since World War II

5. Just one more kick in the behind: guess who was picked, far and away, as the BEST PRESIDENT SINCE WWII????

"Ronald Reagan topped the poll as the best president since World War II, with 35%. He is followed by presidents Bill Clinton (18%) and John F. Kennedy (15%)."

His chickens....coming home.....to roost.

Cool, I bet that poll excited you to the big O; sadly, anyone with a brain needs only to have lived and stayed informed and watched the Bush/Cheney show. The worst administration since that of James Buchanan.

Does a man make history, or does history make the man? Why?

A good essay question I recall from a lower division History Course. Maybe PC would write a blue book long response detailing the failures of Buchanan, Bush Jr. & Obama.
LOL, so President Bill Clinton is "acquitted" in the Senate.
And after that admits to what he was charged with on national TV.
Democrats are party rah rah dumb ass partisan party sheeple.
Republicans have no shortage of those types also.

wrong dummy

The original charges were never proven. Repub witch hunt inquisitors "stumbled upon" a CONSENSUAL affair in the process of said witch hunt. They ended up blowing $70,000,000 TAXPAYER MONEY to prove that, yes, middle-aged men are fond of young ladies. You people take the cake. :thup:

Glad to help Sport :)

Kenneth Starr’s $70 million bag of garbage
The independent counsel's pathetic final report reveals what a travesty the right wing's get-Clinton crusade was.

The investigation Ray inherited from his predecessor Kenneth Starr cost $70 million, and in the end yielded only the promise that it could have led to the president’s indictment, but didn’t. We all deserved more than that. (Although stay tuned: Ray promises that Part 2 will focus on Whitewater, the Clinton land deal that launched the Starr investigation in the first place. But since Starr himself decided not to proceed with indictments in that matter, it’s probably safe to assume Part 2 won’t contain any OIC-vindicating bombshells, either.)

IOW's Repubs couldn't prove anything so they took whatever they could get which, ended up being crumbs. Crumbs for $70,000,000 in taxpayer $$$

Looks like Issa(R) is carrying-on the grand tradition :rolleyes:

"never proven"
He admitted to all of them on national TV.
Good that you admit that the millions wasted on Clarence Thomas was a waste also.
But Thomas is not an admitted liar like Clinton.
Clinton lied in a court proceeding and admitted it.
Not my fault you are ignorant.
Clinton is a liar same as Obama "you can keep your doctor".
And you support liars.
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
"I misled people"
Admitted to it and I believe that is a good thing.
He LIED to protect his family.
But that does not take away from the fact he lied and then admitted to being a liar.
and than give a list of accusations against Clinton for stuff he was never convicted of as if the accusations were fact.

I see a pattern. The other day in another thread you lamely tried to use Jap [sic] internment camps in the 1940's after Pearl Harbor as evidence of FDR to imitate Hitler concentration camps in the 1930's depression, Now you want to use Clinton's apology for getting some WH bj's and trying to hide it to committing extensive criminal offenses and sexual harassment. Looks like a pattern of trying to misinform to me.

You don't "see" a pattern, you are setting one. In that other thread it was you (or one of your far-left doppelgangers, you're all alike anyway) who brought up Hitler's death camps, not me. Here, I merely provided a reminder of Clinton's confession about what he perjured himself over.

Looks like YOU are setting a pattern of playing the apologist for any democrat no matter what vile behavior they engage in.
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I see a pattern. The other day in another thread you lamely tried to use Jap [sic] internment camps in the 1940's after Pearl Harbor as evidence of FDR to imitate Hitler concentration camps in the 1930's depression, Now you want to use Clinton's apology for getting some WH bj's and trying to hide it to committing extensive criminal offenses and sexual harassment. Looks like a pattern of trying to misinform to me.

You don't "see" a pattern, you are setting one. In that other thread it was you (or one of your far-left doppelgangers, you're all alike anyway) who brought up Hitler's death camps, not me. Here, I merely provided a reminder of Clinton's confession about what he perjured himself over.

Looks like YOU are setting a pattern of playing the apologist for any democrat no matter what vile behavior they engage in.

I didn't bring up death camps PoliticalChic compared FDR economics to Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin methods of economic growth. But who cares besides you? You by admission decided that in the middle of a discussion about Clinton being a criminal by a poster who accused him of exposing himself on numerous occasions and of a long list of sexual harassment cases that never existed, post the Clinton apology as if it had some kind of relevance to the discussion, which it did't. Just like the comparison to the Jap internment camps. It's a common deflection technique. You offer up unrelated evidence with the understanding that there is a good chance it won't be noticed that it is unrelated and even if it is won't be challenged. So you are a follower of the trickster school of deception and propaganda marketing.

Well maybe if America was as conservative as you think, conservatism would be commercially successful.

Look at that.

I smashed you in the kisser with a custard pie and you had to run and change your tune.

Must be another one of you 'wins,' huh?

##Fox News
##Town Hall
##American Thinker
##Red State
##The Daily Caller
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Gateway Pundit
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The New Media Journal
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Washington Free Beacon

Conservative Talk Radio
Rush Limbaugh
Glenn Beck
Sean Hannity
Mark Levin
Michael Savage
Laura Ingraham
Neal Boortz
Hugh Hewitt
Dana Loesch
Kevin Jackson
G. Gordon Liddy
Dennis Prager
Monica Crowley
Michael Reagan
Phyllis Schlafly
Tammy Bruce
Herman Cain
Dennis Miller
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Mark Davis
Greg Garrison
Steve Malzberg
Tom Sullivan
Michael Medved
Howie Carr
Jay Severin
Mark Davis
Mike Rosen
Jay Sekulow
Mike McConnell
Chris Baker
Cal Thomas
Michael Berry
Lee Rodgers
Ben Shapiro
John Gibson
Mancow Muller
Mike Gallagher
Roger Hedgecock
Bill Cunningham
Lars Larson
Curtis Sliwa
Ed Morrissey
Michael Koolidge
Scott Hennen
Larry Elder
Lou Dobbs
Michael Graham
Andrew Wilkow
Rusty Humphries
Tony Katz
Jordan Sekulow
Andrea Shea King
Rick Amato
Mike Church
The Victory Sessions

Conservative Newspapers / Magazines
Wall Street Journal
The Weekly Standard
Washington Times
American Spectator
Christian Science Monitor
The Hill
NY Post
Human Events
National Review
National Journal
Investors Business Daily
American Conservative Magazine
Modern Age
The New American
Chronicles #magazine#
Soldier of Fortune
Army Times
Commentary Magazine
Reason #magazine#
Tea Party Review
City Journal
The Advocate
Foreign Policy #magazine#

Conservative Media Watchdogs
Accuracy in Media
Media Research Center
Parents Television Council
Media Fairness Caucus
Family Research Council
American Decency Association
Culture and Media Institute
Morality in Media
Center for Media and Public Affairs
Media Trackers

Conservative Media Personalities
Judge Jeanine Pirro
Bill O'Reilly
Michael Reagan
Scott Rasmussen
Grover Norquist
Chris Wallace
Brit Hume
Ann Coulter
Sarah Palin
Elizabeth Hasslebeck
Charles Krauthammer
Patrick J. Buchanan
Megyn Kelly
Dana Perino
Dick Morris
Bernie Goldberg
Bill Kristol
Oliver North
Sean Hannity
Glenn Beck
Steve Forbes
James Dobson
Andrew Napolitano
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Lou Dobbs
David Limbaugh
Greg Gutfeld
Karl Rove
Mike Huckabee
S.E. Cupp
John Stossel
Bret Baier
Brent Bozell
Lynne Cheney
Fred Barnes
Neil Cavuto
John Bolton
Larry Kudlow
Dennis Miller
Jedediah Bila
Ralph Reed
Tony Perkins
Bill Bennett
Ken Blackwell
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Dinesh D'Souza
Gerald Celente
Frank Luntz
Rick Santelli
Ari Fleischer
Michael Barone
Daniel Pipes
Ann Barnhardt
Stuart Varney

Conservative Journalists
Katie Pavlich
James O'Keefe
Jason Mattera
Michelle Malkin
Debbie Schlussel
Jonah Goldberg
Joel Pollak
Jill Stanek
Matt Drudge
Gary Bauer
Joseph Farah
Thomas Sowell
Cal Thomas
Mark Steyn
Tucker Carlson
Steven Crowder
Jerome Corsi
Pamela Geller
Peter Hitchens
Major Garrett
Ben Shapiro
Lila Rose
David Horowitz
Hannah Giles
Dana Loesch
Erick Erickson
Mike Flynn
Byron York
John Nolte
Mary Katharine Ham
Ed Driscoll
Aaron Klein
Andrea Tantaros
Nina Easton
Stanley Kurtz
Jim Geraghty
Timothy P. Carney
Peter Schweizer
Dan Riehl
Eugene Volokh
Stacy McCain
Patrick Frey
James Taranto
James S. Robbins
John H. Fund

Feel better now? Your denial of the undeniable is getting boring.

I'm stealing that list.

Here we have a President of The United States of America, the leader of the free world and who does he choose to have an affair with?
A fat 21 year old intern that is a cross between Mr. Ed and John Elway with a wig on.
Here we have a President of The United States of America, the leader of the free world and who does he choose to have an affair with?
A fat 21 year old intern that is a cross between Mr. Ed and John Elway with a wig on.

Something is wrong with you. You are broken. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Lots of people considered the girl attractive and not overweight until after her difficulties began anyhow. The fact you would make such disparaging remarks about her at this late date because of your hatred for Clinton shows the kind of person you are. Sad, you should seek help.
Look at that.

I smashed you in the kisser with a custard pie and you had to run and change your tune.

Must be another one of you 'wins,' huh?

##Fox News
##Town Hall
##American Thinker
##Red State
##The Daily Caller
##Drudge Report
##Human Events
##Right Wing News
##Canada Free Press
##Free Republic
##The Hill
##Catholic Edition
##Washington Times
##Hot Air
Pajamas Media
National Review Online
Gateway Pundit
National Catholic Reporter
Washington Examiner
Military Times
Voice of America
The Blaze
United Press International
Catholic News Service
The New Media Journal
Spero News
Conservative News and Views
Washington Free Beacon

Conservative Talk Radio
Rush Limbaugh
Glenn Beck
Sean Hannity
Mark Levin
Michael Savage
Laura Ingraham
Neal Boortz
Hugh Hewitt
Dana Loesch
Kevin Jackson
G. Gordon Liddy
Dennis Prager
Monica Crowley
Michael Reagan
Phyllis Schlafly
Tammy Bruce
Herman Cain
Dennis Miller
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Mark Davis
Greg Garrison
Steve Malzberg
Tom Sullivan
Michael Medved
Howie Carr
Jay Severin
Mark Davis
Mike Rosen
Jay Sekulow
Mike McConnell
Chris Baker
Cal Thomas
Michael Berry
Lee Rodgers
Ben Shapiro
John Gibson
Mancow Muller
Mike Gallagher
Roger Hedgecock
Bill Cunningham
Lars Larson
Curtis Sliwa
Ed Morrissey
Michael Koolidge
Scott Hennen
Larry Elder
Lou Dobbs
Michael Graham
Andrew Wilkow
Rusty Humphries
Tony Katz
Jordan Sekulow
Andrea Shea King
Rick Amato
Mike Church
The Victory Sessions

Conservative Newspapers / Magazines
Wall Street Journal
The Weekly Standard
Washington Times
American Spectator
Christian Science Monitor
The Hill
NY Post
Human Events
National Review
National Journal
Investors Business Daily
American Conservative Magazine
Modern Age
The New American
Chronicles #magazine#
Soldier of Fortune
Army Times
Commentary Magazine
Reason #magazine#
Tea Party Review
City Journal
The Advocate
Foreign Policy #magazine#

Conservative Media Watchdogs
Accuracy in Media
Media Research Center
Parents Television Council
Media Fairness Caucus
Family Research Council
American Decency Association
Culture and Media Institute
Morality in Media
Center for Media and Public Affairs
Media Trackers

Conservative Media Personalities
Judge Jeanine Pirro
Bill O'Reilly
Michael Reagan
Scott Rasmussen
Grover Norquist
Chris Wallace
Brit Hume
Ann Coulter
Sarah Palin
Elizabeth Hasslebeck
Charles Krauthammer
Patrick J. Buchanan
Megyn Kelly
Dana Perino
Dick Morris
Bernie Goldberg
Bill Kristol
Oliver North
Sean Hannity
Glenn Beck
Steve Forbes
James Dobson
Andrew Napolitano
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Lou Dobbs
David Limbaugh
Greg Gutfeld
Karl Rove
Mike Huckabee
S.E. Cupp
John Stossel
Bret Baier
Brent Bozell
Lynne Cheney
Fred Barnes
Neil Cavuto
John Bolton
Larry Kudlow
Dennis Miller
Jedediah Bila
Ralph Reed
Tony Perkins
Bill Bennett
Ken Blackwell
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Dinesh D'Souza
Gerald Celente
Frank Luntz
Rick Santelli
Ari Fleischer
Michael Barone
Daniel Pipes
Ann Barnhardt
Stuart Varney

Conservative Journalists
Katie Pavlich
James O'Keefe
Jason Mattera
Michelle Malkin
Debbie Schlussel
Jonah Goldberg
Joel Pollak
Jill Stanek
Matt Drudge
Gary Bauer
Joseph Farah
Thomas Sowell
Cal Thomas
Mark Steyn
Tucker Carlson
Steven Crowder
Jerome Corsi
Pamela Geller
Peter Hitchens
Major Garrett
Ben Shapiro
Lila Rose
David Horowitz
Hannah Giles
Dana Loesch
Erick Erickson
Mike Flynn
Byron York
John Nolte
Mary Katharine Ham
Ed Driscoll
Aaron Klein
Andrea Tantaros
Nina Easton
Stanley Kurtz
Jim Geraghty
Timothy P. Carney
Peter Schweizer
Dan Riehl
Eugene Volokh
Stacy McCain
Patrick Frey
James Taranto
James S. Robbins
John H. Fund

Feel better now? Your denial of the undeniable is getting boring.

I'm stealing that list.


Yes. This list needs to go up in response to every post the RWnuts make crying about a dominant liberal media.
Last edited:
Here we have a President of The United States of America, the leader of the free world and who does he choose to have an affair with?
A fat 21 year old intern that is a cross between Mr. Ed and John Elway with a wig on.

Something is wrong with you. You are broken. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Lots of people considered the girl attractive and not overweight until after her difficulties began anyhow. The fact you would make such disparaging remarks about her at this late date because of your hatred for Clinton shows the kind of person you are. Sad, you should seek help.

So you believe Clinton thought Lewinsky was "beautiful".
You too?
Something is wrong with you.
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
"I misled people"
Admitted to it and I believe that is a good thing.
He LIED to protect his family.
But that does not take away from the fact he lied and then admitted to being a liar.

"To protect his family"? Bullshit. To (try and) protect his own ass.
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
"I misled people"
Admitted to it and I believe that is a good thing.
He LIED to protect his family.
But that does not take away from the fact he lied and then admitted to being a liar.

"To protect his family"? Bullshit. To (try and) protect his own ass.

Protect his own ass against the wrath of his family knowing.
Same difference.
Look at that.

I smashed you in the kisser with a custard pie and you had to run and change your tune.

Must be another one of you 'wins,' huh?

##Fox News
##Town Hall
##American Thinker
##Red State
##The Daily Caller
##Drudge Report
##Human Events
##Right Wing News
##Canada Free Press
##Free Republic
##The Hill
##Catholic Edition
##Washington Times
##Hot Air
Pajamas Media
National Review Online
Gateway Pundit
National Catholic Reporter
Washington Examiner
Military Times
Voice of America
The Blaze
United Press International
Catholic News Service
The New Media Journal
Spero News
Conservative News and Views
Washington Free Beacon

Conservative Talk Radio
Rush Limbaugh
Glenn Beck
Sean Hannity
Mark Levin
Michael Savage
Laura Ingraham
Neal Boortz
Hugh Hewitt
Dana Loesch
Kevin Jackson
G. Gordon Liddy
Dennis Prager
Monica Crowley
Michael Reagan
Phyllis Schlafly
Tammy Bruce
Herman Cain
Dennis Miller
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Mark Davis
Greg Garrison
Steve Malzberg
Tom Sullivan
Michael Medved
Howie Carr
Jay Severin
Mark Davis
Mike Rosen
Jay Sekulow
Mike McConnell
Chris Baker
Cal Thomas
Michael Berry
Lee Rodgers
Ben Shapiro
John Gibson
Mancow Muller
Mike Gallagher
Roger Hedgecock
Bill Cunningham
Lars Larson
Curtis Sliwa
Ed Morrissey
Michael Koolidge
Scott Hennen
Larry Elder
Lou Dobbs
Michael Graham
Andrew Wilkow
Rusty Humphries
Tony Katz
Jordan Sekulow
Andrea Shea King
Rick Amato
Mike Church
The Victory Sessions

Conservative Newspapers / Magazines
Wall Street Journal
The Weekly Standard
Washington Times
American Spectator
Christian Science Monitor
The Hill
NY Post
Human Events
National Review
National Journal
Investors Business Daily
American Conservative Magazine
Modern Age
The New American
Chronicles #magazine#
Soldier of Fortune
Army Times
Commentary Magazine
Reason #magazine#
Tea Party Review
City Journal
The Advocate
Foreign Policy #magazine#

Conservative Media Watchdogs
Accuracy in Media
Media Research Center
Parents Television Council
Media Fairness Caucus
Family Research Council
American Decency Association
Culture and Media Institute
Morality in Media
Center for Media and Public Affairs
Media Trackers

Conservative Media Personalities
Judge Jeanine Pirro
Bill O'Reilly
Michael Reagan
Scott Rasmussen
Grover Norquist
Chris Wallace
Brit Hume
Ann Coulter
Sarah Palin
Elizabeth Hasslebeck
Charles Krauthammer
Patrick J. Buchanan
Megyn Kelly
Dana Perino
Dick Morris
Bernie Goldberg
Bill Kristol
Oliver North
Sean Hannity
Glenn Beck
Steve Forbes
James Dobson
Andrew Napolitano
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Lou Dobbs
David Limbaugh
Greg Gutfeld
Karl Rove
Mike Huckabee
S.E. Cupp
John Stossel
Bret Baier
Brent Bozell
Lynne Cheney
Fred Barnes
Neil Cavuto
John Bolton
Larry Kudlow
Dennis Miller
Jedediah Bila
Ralph Reed
Tony Perkins
Bill Bennett
Ken Blackwell
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Dinesh D'Souza
Gerald Celente
Frank Luntz
Rick Santelli
Ari Fleischer
Michael Barone
Daniel Pipes
Ann Barnhardt
Stuart Varney

Conservative Journalists
Katie Pavlich
James O'Keefe
Jason Mattera
Michelle Malkin
Debbie Schlussel
Jonah Goldberg
Joel Pollak
Jill Stanek
Matt Drudge
Gary Bauer
Joseph Farah
Thomas Sowell
Cal Thomas
Mark Steyn
Tucker Carlson
Steven Crowder
Jerome Corsi
Pamela Geller
Peter Hitchens
Major Garrett
Ben Shapiro
Lila Rose
David Horowitz
Hannah Giles
Dana Loesch
Erick Erickson
Mike Flynn
Byron York
John Nolte
Mary Katharine Ham
Ed Driscoll
Aaron Klein
Andrea Tantaros
Nina Easton
Stanley Kurtz
Jim Geraghty
Timothy P. Carney
Peter Schweizer
Dan Riehl
Eugene Volokh
Stacy McCain
Patrick Frey
James Taranto
James S. Robbins
John H. Fund

Feel better now? Your denial of the undeniable is getting boring.

I'm stealing that list.


Might be some significant names not included. I don't see Mary Matalin or Bay Buchanan.
##Fox News
##Town Hall
##American Thinker
##Red State
##The Daily Caller
##Drudge Report
##Human Events
##Right Wing News
##Canada Free Press
##Free Republic
##The Hill
##Catholic Edition
##Washington Times
##Hot Air
Pajamas Media
National Review Online
Gateway Pundit
National Catholic Reporter
Washington Examiner
Military Times
Voice of America
The Blaze
United Press International
Catholic News Service
The New Media Journal
Spero News
Conservative News and Views
Washington Free Beacon

Conservative Talk Radio
Rush Limbaugh
Glenn Beck
Sean Hannity
Mark Levin
Michael Savage
Laura Ingraham
Neal Boortz
Hugh Hewitt
Dana Loesch
Kevin Jackson
G. Gordon Liddy
Dennis Prager
Monica Crowley
Michael Reagan
Phyllis Schlafly
Tammy Bruce
Herman Cain
Dennis Miller
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Mark Davis
Greg Garrison
Steve Malzberg
Tom Sullivan
Michael Medved
Howie Carr
Jay Severin
Mark Davis
Mike Rosen
Jay Sekulow
Mike McConnell
Chris Baker
Cal Thomas
Michael Berry
Lee Rodgers
Ben Shapiro
John Gibson
Mancow Muller
Mike Gallagher
Roger Hedgecock
Bill Cunningham
Lars Larson
Curtis Sliwa
Ed Morrissey
Michael Koolidge
Scott Hennen
Larry Elder
Lou Dobbs
Michael Graham
Andrew Wilkow
Rusty Humphries
Tony Katz
Jordan Sekulow
Andrea Shea King
Rick Amato
Mike Church
The Victory Sessions

Conservative Newspapers / Magazines
Wall Street Journal
The Weekly Standard
Washington Times
American Spectator
Christian Science Monitor
The Hill
NY Post
Human Events
National Review
National Journal
Investors Business Daily
American Conservative Magazine
Modern Age
The New American
Chronicles #magazine#
Soldier of Fortune
Army Times
Commentary Magazine
Reason #magazine#
Tea Party Review
City Journal
The Advocate
Foreign Policy #magazine#

Conservative Media Watchdogs
Accuracy in Media
Media Research Center
Parents Television Council
Media Fairness Caucus
Family Research Council
American Decency Association
Culture and Media Institute
Morality in Media
Center for Media and Public Affairs
Media Trackers

Conservative Media Personalities
Judge Jeanine Pirro
Bill O'Reilly
Michael Reagan
Scott Rasmussen
Grover Norquist
Chris Wallace
Brit Hume
Ann Coulter
Sarah Palin
Elizabeth Hasslebeck
Charles Krauthammer
Patrick J. Buchanan
Megyn Kelly
Dana Perino
Dick Morris
Bernie Goldberg
Bill Kristol
Oliver North
Sean Hannity
Glenn Beck
Steve Forbes
James Dobson
Andrew Napolitano
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Lou Dobbs
David Limbaugh
Greg Gutfeld
Karl Rove
Mike Huckabee
S.E. Cupp
John Stossel
Bret Baier
Brent Bozell
Lynne Cheney
Fred Barnes
Neil Cavuto
John Bolton
Larry Kudlow
Dennis Miller
Jedediah Bila
Ralph Reed
Tony Perkins
Bill Bennett
Ken Blackwell
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Dinesh D'Souza
Gerald Celente
Frank Luntz
Rick Santelli
Ari Fleischer
Michael Barone
Daniel Pipes
Ann Barnhardt
Stuart Varney

Conservative Journalists
Katie Pavlich
James O'Keefe
Jason Mattera
Michelle Malkin
Debbie Schlussel
Jonah Goldberg
Joel Pollak
Jill Stanek
Matt Drudge
Gary Bauer
Joseph Farah
Thomas Sowell
Cal Thomas
Mark Steyn
Tucker Carlson
Steven Crowder
Jerome Corsi
Pamela Geller
Peter Hitchens
Major Garrett
Ben Shapiro
Lila Rose
David Horowitz
Hannah Giles
Dana Loesch
Erick Erickson
Mike Flynn
Byron York
John Nolte
Mary Katharine Ham
Ed Driscoll
Aaron Klein
Andrea Tantaros
Nina Easton
Stanley Kurtz
Jim Geraghty
Timothy P. Carney
Peter Schweizer
Dan Riehl
Eugene Volokh
Stacy McCain
Patrick Frey
James Taranto
James S. Robbins
John H. Fund

Feel better now? Your denial of the undeniable is getting boring.

I'm stealing that list.


Might be some significant names not included. I don't see Mary Matalin or Bay Buchanan.

Maybe PoliticalChic could help us with the missing names, she's quoted every rightwing nut imaginable (in lieu of, god forbid, having an original thought).

Forum List
