Who is trump lawyer....John Lauro

LOL, keep talking Winnie, I'm seeing your low self esteem exhibited even as you attempt to disparage me in order to raise yourself up. Maybe you should have a drink and calm down, you're unnecessarily triggered. That happens when somebody has their unsubstantiated position exposed.
Maybe I should forward this thread to Chris Reykdal.
Hey Barney, Still afraid to tell your position in the former job market.
It's ok.
Are you collecting SS, you know, the system you think is corrupt?
Still afraid to tell your position in the former job market.
It's ok.
Are you collecting SS, you know, the system you think is corrupt?
Winnie, Winnie, Winnie. You are not to be trusted. You are a troll on an internet message board. I wouldn't tell you anything personal about me. Your attacks on my courage notwithstanding. As an example of your dishonesty, you just posted a position that I challenge you to find ANY POST THAT I have made saying SS is corrupt. That is tantamount to libel. That is a crime in violation of board rules. Should I report you? I am aware that you are used to being able to play fast and loose with the truth when around children but you and your ilk haven't indoctrinated me.

Appears that he is describing his legal defense on TV.
He says. "I will ask Pence <this> on cross examination"
Why is he telling us his strategy?
Just believe the exact opposite of what this typical trump lawyer has to say.

Is he the Next Michael Avenatti?

Haha no Michael Avenatti is a well trained demafasict lawyer
As an example of your dishonesty, you just posted a position that I challenge you to find ANY POST THAT I have made saying SS is corrupt. That is tantamount to libel. That is a crime in violation of board rules.
Screenshot 2023-08-06 at 6.09.49 PM.png

Do you see the question mark?
You know what that means?
You fail at every turn, and you turn rather slowly.
Trump doesn't want the trial on the teeeveee & neither does his mob because they're boy will be exposed as the criminal lowlife that he is.

Nothing scares the shit out of Mango Guy more then bad publicity. Except maybe a prison cell which is what be deserves.

Trump received bad publicity every day for four years straight and got over 10 million more votes dumb ass.
Trump received bad publicity every day for four years straight and got over 10 million more votes dumb ass.
Where's your proof that your boy received 10 million more votes then Biden?

You going to pull it out of your ass?
Trump received bad publicity every day for four years straight and got over 10 million more votes dumb ass.
Yup, trump got 10 million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016.
Problem is, Biden still got 7 million more votes than trump.

All your claim proves is that trump voting support grew in numbers, but didn't grow in numbers enough to counter the (D) voting growth.
Yup, trump got 10 million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016.
Problem is, Biden still got 7 million more votes than trump.

All your claim proves is that trump voting support grew in numbers, but didn't grow in numbers enough to counter the (D) voting growth.

It couldn't counter the unvetted, unverifiable votes - that is all that it means.
Literally all.
You are simply repeating falsehoods and denying reality.
so you believe team trump didn't lose 60 courts cases (or how about, didn't win).
Are you arguing the number of court cases, or are you arguing some flaws in these 60 court cases?
Ten million more votes than 2016 dumb ass. You’re so pre programmed to defend all things leftist it’s hilarious.
Nobody gives a shit about 2016 except Trump's asseaters like you who still jizz on themselves in glory over the win, even though Hillary beat his ass in the popular vote.

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