Who is trump lawyer....John Lauro

The thread is about trump and his dickless lawyer.
STFU you fucking Cultist.
Who is Trump's lawyer--John Lauro. Wrong again moron. Trump's is an adjective. It is not a noun. You don't even know what your own thread is about and you call yourself an educator. This, Winnie is why Johnny Cannot Read. You have TDS and you call me a cultist. Too funny for words.
Who is Trump's lawyer--John Lauro. Wrong again moron. Trump's is an adjective. It is not a noun. You don't even know what your own thread is about and you call yourself an educator. This, Winnie is why Johnny Cannot Read. You have TDS and you call me a cultist. Too funny for words.
Reaching for anything.
KKK again. You won't understand. You're NOT an athlete.

You hang on the Johnny Cannot Read thing.
What is your evidence of that ^^^, except for the FACT that you get owned and you have ZERO data.
As mentioned earlier, I'd give you the data of success, expect you would be DOXING me and stalking me. No thanks.

I don't need your perverted self following me. Get LOST fucker.

Screenshot 2023-08-06 at 4.36.17 PM.png
except for the FACT
Except for the fact that you claim to be an educator and you can't even decipher the subject of a thread that you posted, moron. Then you try to make some irrelevant remarks about someone who is NOT the subject of the thread and disparage what you assume is my ethnicity. Typical garbage behavior of a democrat racist bigot. So go ahead and whine, Winnie, it'll make you feel better, snowflake.
Except for the fact that you claim to be an educator and you can't even decipher the subject of a thread that you posted, moron. Then you try to make some irrelevant remarks about someone who is NOT the subject of the thread and disparage what you assume is my ethnicity. Typical garbage behavior of a democrat racist bigot. So go ahead and whine, Winnie, it'll make you feel better, snowflake.
“Don’t even decipher”….

Reaching for anything.
KKK again. You won't understand. You're NOT an athlete.

You hang on the Johnny Cannot Read thing.
What is your evidence of that ^^^, except for the FACT that you get owned and you have ZERO data.
As mentioned earlier, I'd give you the data of success, expect you would be DOXING me and stalking me. No thanks.

I don't need your perverted self following me. Get LOST fucker.

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That's a good one Winnie. As untruthful as most of your posts, but good just the same. I don't have to out you. Your low self esteem does that all by itself. You feel the need to wear your life on your sleeve while you brag about your position in life as if anyone on this board cares. You dox yourself.
Except for the fact that you claim to be an educator and you can't even decipher the subject of a thread that you posted, moron. Then you try to make some irrelevant remarks about someone who is NOT the subject of the thread and disparage what you assume is my ethnicity. Typical garbage behavior of a democrat racist bigot. So go ahead and whine, Winnie, it'll make you feel better, snowflake.
Your constant usage of the word, MORON, speaks volumes about your insecurities. You poor useless DICK.
Check your History.
Your low self esteem does that all by itself. You feel the need to wear your life on your sleeve while you brag about your position in life as if anyone on this board cares.
So Which is it fucker? Low self esteem or Brag about your position in life.
It must suck to be you.

You can't even keep up with your own LIES.
What area? You think you know where I teach.
That's on you. Admit, you don't KNOW, so how can you make such a claim.
Well, because you are an insecure OLD adult White Male.

Quote the educational Statistics for my school. I'll tell you they are way above average, but that hurts your unsubstantiated claims.....doesn't it.
If I provided a Stat for my school, you'd just call me a LIAR.
You're game is weak.

I Know, but you can't possibly know. You are just reaching.
I enjoy destroying your misconceptions.
You have ZERO facts, you just do the POS45 thing.

LOL at another Fake American failure.
Tell me what you actually ADD to your community? Waiting.......

You shouldn’t be anywhere near the mind of a child.
trumps low quality lawyer, who said nice things about trump.....LOLLOLL
He was the one that said, "This trial needs to be on TV"
Then the fuckstains on the right are bitching about the trial being on TV.

So, which is it, @fakeconcernedAmerican...lol...
Do you want the trial on TV or NOT?
Trump doesn't want the trial on the teeeveee & neither does his mob because they're boy will be exposed as the criminal lowlife that he is.

Nothing scares the shit out of Mango Guy more then bad publicity. Except maybe a prison cell which is what be deserves.
So Which is it fucker?
So your nonstop usage of profanity is better than moron. Nice to know. That must be where Johnny is getting his vocabulary eh?
And you are too much of a pussy to even tell the board what you did for a living.
Great lexicon, Winnie. I don't wear my background on my sleeve. I am not interested in your approval. Why would I?

Just to remind you..

LOL, that is your response to a statement about you being near the mind of a child? Trump? Abortion? You have TDS bad, Winnie. You should seek mental health counseling. Is Chris Reykdal aware of your mental condition?

Appears that he is describing his legal defense on TV.
He says. "I will ask Pence <this> on cross examination"
Why is he telling us his strategy?
Just believe the exact opposite of what this typical trump lawyer has to say.

Is he the Next Michael Avenatti?

Damn you stupid
Because you are embarrassed?
I get ya, some people just have those jobs that are just low skill.
I'm sure you excelled at your low skill job.
Way to go Barney.
LOL, keep talking Winnie, I'm seeing your low self esteem exhibited even as you attempt to disparage me in order to raise yourself up. Maybe you should have a drink and calm down, you're unnecessarily triggered. That happens when somebody has their unsubstantiated position exposed.
Maybe I should forward this thread to Chris Reykdal.

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