Who is upset about the shut down?

Yep...................they did storm the WWII Memorial, and as soon as some right wing teabaggers (like Bachmann) heard they were there, she ran over as quick as she could for some pointless photo ops.

If I was one of those vets, I would have flipped the bitch off and asked her why she voted to shut down the government in the first place.

If I was one of those vets, I would have flipped the bitch off and asked her why she voted to shut down the government in the first place.

Obama admin. knew about WWII veterans' request, rejected it | The Daily Caller

The White House and the Department of the Interior rejected a request from Rep. Steven Palazzo’s office to have World War II veterans visit the World War II memorial in Washington, the Mississippi Republican told The Daily Caller Tuesday.

Palazzo helped the veterans commit an act of civil disobedience against the Park Service Tuesday, when the heroes stormed through barricades around the closed memorial. (Related: WWII vets storm closed memorial as GOP congressman reportedly distracts cops)

The veterans were visiting the memorial as part of Honor Flight, a non-profit that provides veterans free transport to the nation’s capital to visit the memorials to the wars they fought in.

For each day the government is shut down, Sen. Ted Cruz says he’ll donate his salary to charity.

The Texas Republican made his promise Monday, just hours before lawmakers hit a stalemate that sent the government into a shutdown, the National Review reports.

"If . . . Harry Reid forces a government shutdown, I intend to donate my salary to charity for each day the government is shut down," Cruz said in a statement.

Cruz makes $174,000 a year. That’s $467.71 a day — before tax.

Montana Republican Rep. Steve Daines plans to do the same. The Missoulian reports
Daines will donate his salary to the Big Sky Honor Flight, a nonprofit that flies vets to Washington D.C. to visit war memorials.

House Speaker John Boehner says he'll simply return his check to the Treasury during the shutdown. He earns $223,500 or $612.33 a day. Boehner wrote a letter to House members encouraging them to return their checks as well.

Reporters have asked other lawmakers if they'll do the same, but many have shied away from answering the question.

Cruz says he'll donate his salary because he knows many federal employees will go without pay during the shutdown.

Sen. Ted Cruz to Donate Salary During Shutdown


Senator Ted Cruz

good to see
Its funny. I worked for the Forest service in the 90's when this happened. What did we do when we went to work ? The boss made a beer run and we got drunk and stoned while having a cook out. There was no talk of "back pay" and the talk of it not is just stupid. No work, no cashola. I feel no sadness for the government workers at all. They can hit the food stamp and unemployment line, or go work at McDonald's for 20 hours a week with the rest of America. Pretty much, fuck them all.

Yep...................they did storm the WWII Memorial, and as soon as some right wing teabaggers (like Bachmann) heard they were there, she ran over as quick as she could for some pointless photo ops.

If I was one of those vets, I would have flipped the bitch off and asked her why she voted to shut down the government in the first place.

But you are not so blow it out your ass. Say, why did you get rid of the "gay" from your user name ?
The whole government is not shut down.

Liberals can't say this in public....spoils the image and takes away some of the alarmist's agenda of scaring the shit out of the welfare recipients.

Yes...."only" 800,000 workers

Republicans are so generous?......they are willing to bring back 8 of the 800,000 so they can keep the WWII memorial open
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Put up a clean Continuing Resolution and Democrats will vote for it

Note to Republicans.....The WHOLE Government is shut down
Not just the pieces you like

Note to democrats... The WHOLE government is not shut down. Not even close.
Note to democratic congressmen... you should not be above the laws you make. Carving out exceptions to people you like, and yourselves, is corrupt.
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Put up a clean Continuing Resolution and Democrats will vote for it

Note to Republicans.....The WHOLE Government is shut down
Not just the pieces you like

How about if Congress did their job and put up a budget?

Then we wouldn't have the foolishness of CR's like we've had for the last seven years.

164 Democrats Vote Against Funding Veterans' Benefits
164 Democrats Voted Against American Veterans

Democrats HATE Veterans...(channeling rdean )

This bill would have restored funding for American veterans' benefits. The 164 Democrats listed on this page don't think veterans' benefits are important enough to pay for. Click the tweet buttons to ask them why.

Yep...................they did storm the WWII Memorial, and as soon as some right wing teabaggers (like Bachmann) heard they were there, she ran over as quick as she could for some pointless photo ops.

If I was one of those vets, I would have flipped the bitch off and asked her why she voted to shut down the government in the first place.

But you are not so blow it out your ass. Say, why did you get rid of the "gay" from your user name ?

You're right..................I'm not a WWII veteran, nor have I ever claimed to be.

However..........................I DID serve this country from 1982 until 2002, and am proud of my service in the U.S. Navy.

I spent time over in Beruit, I've spent time in Desert Storm both parts I and II, and I've been in the area of Kosovo.

What have YOU done for this country?

Me? I spent over 20 years of my life defending it.
I've been monitoring forums and comment sections in media all day and it's very tame out there with the exception of progressives screaming "the sky is falling".

All in all quite quiet.

Who told them the sky is falling? NASA is furloughed.:lol:

See... now that's just the opposite kind of example that the OP was looking for. Those folks are clearly not bothered by the "shutdown".


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjl8aewzHFc]Grey Dawn: Senior Revolution - YouTube[/ame]
The whole government is not shut down.

Have not read all the new posts, but isn't it like 15% ? And all the important stuff is funded as far as I know. Funny thing though, the IRS has owed me money now for almost a year. They sent all the folks who never were there to answer the phones, yet their message says they guys who make sure YOU pay up are. Odd how that is.
Yep...................they did storm the WWII Memorial, and as soon as some right wing teabaggers (like Bachmann) heard they were there, she ran over as quick as she could for some pointless photo ops.

If I was one of those vets, I would have flipped the bitch off and asked her why she voted to shut down the government in the first place.

But you are not so blow it out your ass. Say, why did you get rid of the "gay" from your user name ?

You're right..................I'm not a WWII veteran, nor have I ever claimed to be.

However..........................I DID serve this country from 1982 until 2002, and am proud of my service in the U.S. Navy.

I spent time over in Beruit, I've spent time in Desert Storm both parts I and II, and I've been in the area of Kosovo.

What have YOU done for this country?

Me? I spent over 20 years of my life defending it.

See, this bull shit did not start for you until you and Pete got bashed by yoder5 and others. As for the veracity of your claim, I call bull shit. For one, you always bring it up as if you have something to prove, and for another you at one time were SO proud of the GAY in your name, but not so much anymore considering that you changed it. As for MY service four year active with NMCB 74 out of Gulf Port and 8 reserves . I was went traunning/Admin reserves(T.A.R.) loveingly called "Tards" by the jelous and was a driver. I hauled new recruits to MEPS in Oakland CA and to the airport so they could go to boot camp. That's all you get because I know what I have done and have no need to prove it to a guy on a message board. So anyway, why did you change your name ?
I always thought when people added the gay in ABS's name that it was just a joking jab.:dunno:
But you are not so blow it out your ass. Say, why did you get rid of the "gay" from your user name ?

You're right..................I'm not a WWII veteran, nor have I ever claimed to be.

However..........................I DID serve this country from 1982 until 2002, and am proud of my service in the U.S. Navy.

I spent time over in Beruit, I've spent time in Desert Storm both parts I and II, and I've been in the area of Kosovo.

What have YOU done for this country?

Me? I spent over 20 years of my life defending it.

See, this bull shit did not start for you until you and Pete got bashed by yoder5 and others. As for the veracity of your claim, I call bull shit. For one, you always bring it up as if you have something to prove, and for another you at one time were SO proud of the GAY in your name, but not so much anymore considering that you changed it. As for MY service four year active with NMCB 74 out of Gulf Port and 8 reserves . I was went traunning/Admin reserves(T.A.R.) loveingly called "Tards" by the jelous and was a driver. I hauled new recruits to MEPS in Oakland CA and to the airport so they could go to boot camp. That's all you get because I know what I have done and have no need to prove it to a guy on a message board. So anyway, why did you change your name ?

Actually, my name on these board is ABikerSailor. Those who put anything gay in my name really don't know me. Not only am I not gay, but I'm very much heterosexual, however, I am gay friendly. Some of the best people I've served with over the 20 plus years that I was in the Navy (and yeah.................I already know the jokes) were gay, and I was happy to serve with them.

I served for over 20 years (which is why I have a blue ID card) and you only served 4. Quick question..................were you called up for service while you were in the Reserves? I'm guessing you weren't.

Me? After serving independent duty on a MSC vessel (which is hard to get and even harder to qualify for) I was given the opportunity to not only see new applicants (they only become recruits when they do their final swear in), but was also given the opportunity to let them in to my service, because from 1999 until 2002, I was the LPO of the Navy MEPS in Amarillo.

PN1 Murphy is who they knew me by, not only the Head Classifier, but also the LPO.

If you don't understand the terms, look 'em up.
Yep...................they did storm the WWII Memorial, and as soon as some right wing teabaggers (like Bachmann) heard they were there, she ran over as quick as she could for some pointless photo ops.

If I was one of those vets, I would have flipped the bitch off and asked her why she voted to shut down the government in the first place.

But you are not so blow it out your ass. Say, why did you get rid of the "gay" from your user name ?

You're right..................I'm not a WWII veteran, nor have I ever claimed to be.

However..........................I DID serve this country from 1982 until 2002, and am proud of my service in the U.S. Navy.

I spent time over in Beruit, I've spent time in Desert Storm both parts I and II, and I've been in the area of Kosovo.

What have YOU done for this country?

Me? I spent over 20 years of my life defending it.

Me? I've always paid my taxes and never sponged off the system. I'm the guy who makes it possible for the rest of you freeloaders to make it through life, have a roof over your heads and food on your table.

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