Who is Your Biggest Enemy? Hillary: 'Republicans'

What matters about Clinton is what she would do to the tax structure.

What matters about Clinton is who she would place on the Supreme Court.

What matters about Clinton is what she would do about Putin and ISIS and Iraq and Afghanistan and the Euro crisis and Yemen.

What matters about Clinton is what monetary policy she would attempt to implement.

What matters about Clinton is what "government safety net" programs she would implement.

What matters about Clinton is what business regulatory structure she would implement.

While the dumbass retard partisan hacks would be working themselves into a tizzy over how many times she didn't say "God" in her Christmas message, Clinton will be taking advantage of their idiocy to push through legislation which the morons will never read and will only know what they are told through their piss pouring media masters.

That's how Obama got Dodd-Frank; ObamaCare; the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act; the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act; and the START Treaty through.
Explain how they were supposed to prevent legislation other than prevent it by voting against it? It was bad....but criminal?

Not hardly.
You defeat bad legislation by READING it, and giving sound reasons why it is bad legislation.

You DON'T manufacture BULLSHIT about it. When you LIE, and your LIE is exposed, then you shot yourself in the head.

Example? "Death panels".

I bet 99.9999 percent of the rubes on this forum have never even read the ACA. They just parrot what they are told to regurgitate.
Death panels was just an easy way to underscore Socialized medicine.

And the ACA was specifically worded to mislead the public using tortured language. ..
as Gruber clearly stated.
But what FIRST matters is the integrity of a candidate for the Presidency.

So then it was ok for an admitted drunk president who got a DUI, but daddy stepped in to cover his ass.
Selective memory ..on integrity.

Should a recovering alcoholic be president....ummmmm relapse is a Big possibility when you have as much stress as Bush did.

During the debate Candidates were asked who their #1 enemy was.

No. They weren't. Your whole topic is based on a false premise.

Here is what they were asked:

MODERATOR: Governor Chafee, Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." You've all made a few people upset over your political careers. Which enemy are you most proud of?

For Clinton, there could be no other answer than the Republicans. They have been on the attack against her for nearly 25 years.
What stupid fucking question.

And Hillary's answer was republicans?

Stupid answer as well.
It was the OBVIOUS answer, and has the added benefit of being true.
Wrong! Currently her biggest enemy is the FBI, which is investigating her.
The tards have spent millions, if not billions, of manhours foaming at the mouth over Benghazi and emails, and about six minutes on substantive policy issues.
1) She falsely claimed the attack was due to a US citizen applying his first amendment rights.
2) She claimed to NOT be aware that the ambassador in the most volatile country located in the most volatile part of the world had asked for extra security...and claimed to not be aware that it was denied.
3) She claimed to have offered all emails to the committee which has since been found to be untrue.

And you feel it is a waste of time?

Bet you would think otherwise if it were Condoleezza Rice.

You idiots are stuck in a rut.

Id rather have an idiot tell me I am stuck in a rut than believe a politician who says to me "I know how it looks....just trust me"

Hey genius...you ever question the following....

Why did an independent analyst have to tell the State Department that it is not a good idea to have a lower level employee make a unilateral decision as to whether or not to offer more security to an embassy, when requested by the ambassador, in the most volatile region in the world?

I mean...did you hear what Hillary said? (paraphrased)....We made mistakes and the independent analysts gave us ideas to make things better and we are implmenting them.

Really? She needed someone to tell her that?

That is what every politician says after an investigation. Shit happens, an investigation follows, lessons are learned.

You call yourself "Jarhead". I assume that means you were in the military like me. If you are involved in enough situations around the world, sooner or later shit happens, no matter how much you drill and try to anticipate what could happen.

What matters is what you do next about it. You follow up with a "lessons learned" investigation, yes? God only knows how many of those I went through.

Imagine how fucking retarded it would look if all the other Jarheads decided to manufacture bullshit about what happened before the facts of the investigation were known. This is exactly why you see me saying we all need to wait for facts first and that the facts take time to discern. But I am almost always ignored.

That is what happens even in the military, though, isn't it? Rumors fly like crazy. Some people suffer from the blank slate syndrome. Whatever story they hear first is the one that sticks, even if the facts prove different later. It's too late. The facts don't make a dent. The original bullshit is the story they believe.

It is this blank slate syndrome which the hack media takes advantage of. They make up a story so they can get to those dumb blank brains first.

That's the way the right wing is these days. Long before the Benghazi investigations revealed the facts, the rubes all believed the story they were fed by the hack partisan media piss pourers. And they still believe them to this day, even though REPUBLICAN-led committees have found Clinton to be virtually without fault.

And even though there was no "stand down order", the rubes repeated that lie a million times over the year following the attack.
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During the debate Candidates were asked who their #1 enemy was.

No. They weren't. Your whole topic is based on a false premise.

Here is what they were asked:

MODERATOR: Governor Chafee, Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." You've all made a few people upset over your political careers. Which enemy are you most proud of?

For Clinton, there could be no other answer than the Republicans. They have been on the attack against her for nearly 25 years.
What stupid fucking question.

And Hillary's answer was republicans?

Stupid answer as well.
It was the OBVIOUS answer, and has the added benefit of being true.
Wrong! Currently her biggest enemy is the FBI, which is investigating her.
Wishful thinking.

And she was asked who she was PROUDEST of having as an enemy. I doubt she is proud the FBI is investigating the emails.
During the debate Candidates were asked who their #1 enemy was.

No. They weren't. Your whole topic is based on a false premise.

Here is what they were asked:

MODERATOR: Governor Chafee, Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." You've all made a few people upset over your political careers. Which enemy are you most proud of?

For Clinton, there could be no other answer than the Republicans. They have been on the attack against her for nearly 25 years.
What stupid fucking question.

And Hillary's answer was republicans?

Stupid answer as well.
It was the OBVIOUS answer, and has the added benefit of being true.
Wrong! Currently her biggest enemy is the FBI, which is investigating her.
Wishful thinking.

And she was asked who she was PROUDEST of having as an enemy. I doubt she is proud the FBI is investigating the emails.
She is proud to have honorable public servants as enemies? SHouldnt that suggest she is unfit for office?
What matters about Clinton is what she would do to the tax structure.

What matters about Clinton is who she would place on the Supreme Court.

What matters about Clinton is what she would do about Putin and ISIS and Iraq and Afghanistan and the Euro crisis and Yemen.

What matters about Clinton is what monetary policy she would attempt to implement.

What matters about Clinton is what "government safety net" programs she would implement.

What matters about Clinton is what business regulatory structure she would implement.

While the dumbass retard partisan hacks would be working themselves into a tizzy over how many times she didn't say "God" in her Christmas message, Clinton will be taking advantage of their idiocy to push through legislation which the morons will never read and will only know what they are told through their piss pouring media masters.

That's how Obama got Dodd-Frank; ObamaCare; the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act; the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act; and the START Treaty through.
Explain how they were supposed to prevent legislation other than prevent it by voting against it? It was bad....but criminal?

Not hardly.
You defeat bad legislation by READING it, and giving sound reasons why it is bad legislation.

You DON'T manufacture BULLSHIT about it. When you LIE, and your LIE is exposed, then you shot yourself in the head.

Example? "Death panels".

I bet 99.9999 percent of the rubes on this forum have never even read the ACA. They just parrot what they are told to regurgitate.
Death panels was just an easy way to underscore Socialized medicine.

And the ACA was specifically worded to mislead the public using tortured language. ..
as Gruber clearly stated.
The rubes on the right were fed "death panels" lies. That does not mean the rubes on the left weren't fed their own lies. They were.

The Right wing rubes get grubered every day. And so do the Left wing rubes.

When I said 99.999 percent of the rubes have not read the ACA, I meant left and right. But the momentum always favors the guy who put the plan on the table, and that means the opposition has to be laser-focused on reality and truth to defeat a bad plan. They need to be smarter and more honest so people can feel and see the difference. Truth has an effect like pure oxygen in a smoke filled room. And that is exactly what drew me to the conservative movement from a very young age.

That movement left the reservation years ago.
I thought we weren't allowed to talk about Boooooooosh!
Only because you libroids refuse to learn from the past....or hate having it thrown back in your fat faces@!/&*() £€=!#!
I think it's you that's getting it in the face. After 20+ years of vilification, there's every chance that Hillary Clinton WILL BE the next President of the United States. :laugh2:
It was the OBVIOUS answer.
Really? She's proud that she considers half the nation an enemy?
You have it backwards. Half the nation sees her as an enemy.

did the dems consider Bush an enemy?
This is a topic about Clinton.


yes, and my point is that the opposing party always considers a president of the other party an enemy. Thats just the way it is.

Whats also true is that 65% of americans use the word "liar" as the first choice descriptive for Hillary clinton.

When things and people were more civil and dignified and honest and tolerant and decent political contenders considered members of the other party "OPPONENTS" not enemies.

I remember Bob Dole saying just that, which, in retrospect, must have been the main reason he lost against his crooked and philandering OPPONENT. Which was also a Clinton.

The Democrats who have an astonishing lack of dignity, honesty, tolerance and decency made the term not only acceptable, but laudable. It is their credo, their second sharpest weapon with Republicans.

The first one, of course, is accusing Republicans of what Democrats are the undisputed champions of: RACISM.
The first one, of course, is accusing Republicans of what Democrats are the undisputed champions of: RACISM.

It is undeniable the Republican party is deeply infected with racists and bigots. They make it VERY clear they HATE homosexuals, Mexicans, blacks, and Muslims.

The GOP leadership is too cowardly to go after these assholes and root them out. They have allowed the bigots' numbers to climb for too long, and now they must feel there are too many of them to kick out without suffering in the polls for it.

But what the GOP does not get is that two thirds of Americans are so sick of both parties they stayed home during the last election.

If the GOP applied some heavy chemo to this metastasized cancer of liars, psychopaths, hypocrites, and bigots, they would start attracting people like me back to the party. And we outnumber the scum by large margins.

As for the Democrats and racism, they are guilty of what Michael Gerson called "the soft bigotry of low expectations".

If blacks were smart, they would stop voting entirely until one or the other party got their shit together.

I'm not saying blacks are dumber than anyone else. I'm saying a lot of people stick with abusive partners because they don't see a better alternative out there and think they can't survive on their own.

And blacks sure as hell aren't the only group which picks horrible role models for their leaders. Just look at conservatives these days! :D
can you believe this idiots actually claims to be a Republican and/or conservative??
g5000 and JakeStarkey cant admit they are left-wing nutjobs

JakeStarkey sends his messages from the home of the criminally insane and G5000 is an enigma, wrapped in delusion.
Funny how you just joined in August Easy65 .

How much are you getting paid to post your threads filled with such hatred?
Facts are considered hatred in a nation infected with stupidity.

Factual you say? Easy's thread is probably from a blog...Show me a factual link please~

Hillary did say republicans, and this blog took off with that and spewed their hatred.

Hatred you say....please tell me what in the post constitutes hatred?
can you believe this idiots actually claims to be a Republican and/or conservative??
g5000 and JakeStarkey cant admit they are left-wing nutjobs
I'm proud bedowin is my enemy. :D

He's the very kind of person I am talking about which has helped to move the conservative movement way off the reservation, and the kind of poison I am committed to rooting out.

A conservative used to be the smartest person in the room. Today, people like bedowin have made it so a conservative is likely to be the dumbest person in the room.
You're new here, and should not make assumptions.

It wasn't an assumption, it was a FACT. As already mentioned several times - with links - Liberals waster hundreds of man hours and millions of dollars going after Bush after they took over control of both the House and Senate...and facing coming up empty they charged and convicted Scooter Libby to justify their efforts! Yeah, Libby was worth every tax payer-funded dime of that Witch Hunt!

The fact is the Liberals came up with NOTHING for OUR money. As pointed out, enough evidence of criminal activity against Hillary is already more than was needed to convict Patraeus. Liberal condemnation of this investigation and calling it a 'witch hunt', in light of criminal activity already having been proven - unlike with the DNC's witch hunt, surpasses that old saying. The hypocrisy is so thick you could choke on it.

Republicans called investigation of Scooter Libby a witch hunt.
Democrats call investigating Hilarious Clinton a witch hunt.

THe difference is that Scooter Libby was not a witch.
No. They weren't. Your whole topic is based on a false premise.

Here is what they were asked:

MODERATOR: Governor Chafee, Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." You've all made a few people upset over your political careers. Which enemy are you most proud of?

For Clinton, there could be no other answer than the Republicans. They have been on the attack against her for nearly 25 years.
What stupid fucking question.

And Hillary's answer was republicans?

Stupid answer as well.
It was the OBVIOUS answer.
Really? She's proud that she considers half the nation an enemy?
You have it backwards. Half the nation sees her as an enemy.

Half the nation sees her as an enemy.

half the country sees her as a liar, an opportunist, and unqualified for the job she is seeking.

the other half wear rose colored glasses, and have their fingers in their ears.
If half of the American people are that stupid, we have bigger problems than Hillary.

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