Who knew? Muslim slavery is actually a good thing...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep......they are defending slavery....as long as muslims are the ones doing it.......

The left.....which defends islam against any and all real criticism.....is just batshit crazy....

Islamic Georgetown Prof Offers Tortured Defense Of Slavery And Non-Consensual Sex Under Islam [VIDEO]

A Georgetown University Islamic studies professor has come under fire for a talk he gave earlier this week in which he offered an Islam-based defense of slavery, concubinage and non-consensual sex.

Jonathan AC Brown, who serves as director of the Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown, gave his admittedly controversial speech on Tuesday at the International Institute of Islamic Thought, a Virginia-based group that has foundational ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

The websites Heat Street and The Daily Banter covered the talk, which was entitled “Islam and the Problem of Slavery.”

In the speech, and a subsequent question-and-answer session, Brown, a white convert to Islam, essentially downplayed the harshness of slavery in Islam. He also stated that American and Western society is “obsessed with the idea of autonomy and consent.”

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And at one point in the talk, Brown appeared to suggest that modern Muslims have little room to question the morality of slavery since Muhammad was a slave owner.

Read more: Islamic Georgetown Prof Offers Tortured Defense Of Slavery And Non-Consensual Sex Under Islam [VIDEO]

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