Who likes the fact that Biden wants to hire 87,000 more IRS agents.

The IRS already employs something like 75000 people I do not think we need to more than double that number

The IRS is six months behind in processing returns and refunds. They need more people.
I love it. Why don't you?
This is just like hiring more police with radar guns.

If you obey the laws, you have nothing to worry about.
Were you told by CNN Obama was using the IRS to target conservs and make them suffer.....HMMMMMM.....CNN let him get away

My God you people have a rude awakening

And you believed Fauci you dumb bastard you
I frankly don't care because my days of cooking the books are over.
Well you see. I believe they want to go back as far as they can

We have to finance 6 tril of wasted money.

I don't know how far they can go back. But I think every person in this country should have 20 yrs tax returns forensically audited, squeezing pennies. And indictments come flying. Seizure of assets

You wish for that
Why just 6 trillion what about the last president who ran the tab up to 8 trillion? We should make it 20 trillion to cover any unforseen expenses.
Were you told by CNN Obama was using the IRS to target conservs and make them suffer.....HMMMMMM.....CNN let him get away

Cutting down on phony "non-profit" status is making people suffer?

There are a lot mail order ministers out there who don't pay taxes.
Ohhhh I hope they come after you 40 hr libturds

But like Obama, the IRS will be a weaponized arm of the DNC

Sounds fine to me. I'm clean as a hounds tooth. Always have been and made it without cheating on taxes. You sound paranoid. Are you hiding questionable numbers on your income tax? Be afraid. Be very afraid! :eusa_boohoo:
The IRS is six months behind in processing returns and refunds. They need more people.
LOLOL.OK Temps then.......My Lord what a piss poor answer
Do you have any idea how long it takes to process a federal retirement? The government has been downsizing for years. It's time they returned to having enough people to get the job done in a reasonable amount of time.
Ohhhh I hope they come after you 40 hr libturds

But like Obama, the IRS will be a weaponized arm of the DNC

Sounds fine to me. I'm clean as a hounds tooth. Always have been and made it without cheating on taxes. You sound paranoid. Are you hiding questionable numbers on your income tax? Be afraid. Be very afraid! :eusa_boohoo:
Son. That was such a piss poor response for doubling the IRS.

All of my corporate tax and personals get audited twice. Then I audit the bastards before sending......so there
Ohhhh I hope they come after you 40 hr libturds

But like Obama, the IRS will be a weaponized arm of the DNC

Sounds fine to me. I'm clean as a hounds tooth. Always have been and made it without cheating on taxes. You sound paranoid. Are you hiding questionable numbers on your income tax? Be afraid. Be very afraid! :eusa_boohoo:
Son. That was such a piss poor response for doubling the IRS.

All of my corporate tax and personals get audited twice. Then I audit the bastards before sending......so there
Why do you not do your own taxes if you are auditing them? Really makes no sense to pay someone.
The IRS didn't seem to care about Hillary Clinton's fake charity that she used to launder bribes and evade taxes.
Ohhhh I hope they come after you 40 hr libturds

But like Obama, the IRS will be a weaponized arm of the DNC

Bring them IRS agents on, I use HR Block.
When you sign your prepared 1040, then you are expected to examine it before sending.

Accountants are liable for deliberate fraud and shit like that though. Not a 2000 mistake you will have to pay for
HR Block pays if they make a mistake.
Sounds fine to me. I'm clean as a hounds tooth. Always have been and made it without cheating on taxes. You sound paranoid. Are you hiding questionable numbers on your income tax? Be afraid. Be very afraid! :eusa_boohoo:

Most people are clean. But many use the guideline numbers to falsify their returns. That the guidelines say the IRS doesn't investigate less than X% charitable contributions, or less than y% business expenses. So instead of claiming their actual contributions, they claim up to the limit the IRS ignores.
Did Hunter Biden pay any taxes on his Russian, Ukraine or Chinese bribes?
Did "The Big Guy" pay any taxes on his "10% cut?
The IRS is six months behind in processing returns and refunds. They need more people.
LOLOL.OK Temps then.......My Lord what a piss poor answer
Do you have any idea how long it takes to process a federal retirement? The government has been downsizing for years. It's time they returned to having enough people to get the job done in a reasonable amount of time.
Of course their slow in retirement, every day delayed is extra interest earned. Plus they want all the aggravation to cut you short a few months by dropping dead.Their not dumb

Plus they have more dead voters to use as the Ace in the back pocket

So how much downsizing has the IRS done in recent years. We're talking about that one

Chuckle................Every time I see your handle I see one of the greatest Mail Fraud ever created...lolol

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