Who made bets to leave the board if their candidate loses?

I've heard a couple names but I won't mention them. I would rather they identify themselves.

I have the bet with Candycorn, Salt Jones and RDD_1210.

Of course, since the moderators have already stated they will NOT be IP banning anyone regardless of the bet, I fully expect that should Romney win, all three will continue to post.

Should Obama win, I will be the only one to keep their word and not post here again.

Do I get a goodbye hug?
I don't think anyone should leave. Just shut the hell up for God's sake the election is over.
Tomorrow I have to give 100 bucks to big brothers big sisters. And I will gladly do it. I wasn't about to risk not being able to irritate the left on this site.

That's an excellent bet. Maybe the members could try that next election.
I've heard a couple names but I won't mention them. I would rather they identify themselves.

I have the bet with Candycorn, Salt Jones and RDD_1210.

Of course, since the moderators have already stated they will NOT be IP banning anyone regardless of the bet, I fully expect that should Romney win, all three will continue to post.

Should Obama win, I will be the only one to keep their word and not post here again.

dont start sucking your own dick quite yet.....liability said he would leave and i believe him.....
I've heard a couple names but I won't mention them. I would rather they identify themselves.

I didn't make a bet but I'm probably out of here for a bit...

I am amazed at what 50% of the country wanted by voting for Obama.

High unemployment
High deficit spending.
Putting this country deeper in debt.
More people on food stamps
More people on welfare.
A housing market in shambles.
Bigger government.
A continuing attack on the people in this country that still produces in spite of this administration.

This election tells me that 50% of the country wants a cradle to grave entitlement policies.
Free Obama phones,free housing,free healthcare,free education.
To accomplish all this? Take away from the people that still have something left after another 4 years in this brutal Obama economy.

It really can be the only explanation by voting for Obama. :eusa_silenced:
I would expect lefties to keep their word (but they are safe). Whereas, righties have no honor, and their word means nothing - which will become even more apparent after Obama wins.

While I agree with you as righties pertains to the poster here?

I do not agree with that sentiment generally.

I know and have known over my lifetime many CONSERVATIVES who are very honorable people.

Now the morons who post here as conservatives here are plagued by the NAZIs who haunt this place, so this place is NOT representative of conservatives generally.

William Buckley would tear most of the NAZI scum who post here a new asshole if he was a player here.

Most of the people here claiming the mantle of conservative aren't remotely conservative.

They're brownshirts.
Here is my prediction: When the wingnut hate media conjure up another juicy Obama conspiracy theory - many of the loser retards will be back. Like moths to a flame...
ShitHook has no honor.

It's not about honor. I'm no fan of that tiny-dicked genital blister but the ONLY thing you guys are creating, with all of this "we made a bet now get off of the fucking island" bullshit, is a echo chamber circle jerk.

I recall when this place was a circle jerk for right wingers and it sucked. I'm positive that the forum environment that is being created here is the same for the remaining.

seriously, just be a bigger person and walk the fuck away from it.
ShitHook has no honor.

It's not about honor. I'm no fan of that tiny-dicked genital blister but the ONLY thing you guys are creating, with all of this "we made a bet now get off of the fucking island" bullshit, is a echo chamber circle jerk.

I recall when this place was a circle jerk for right wingers and it sucked. I'm positive that the forum environment that is being created here is the same for the remaining.

seriously, just be a bigger person and walk the fuck away from it.


Thanks but I'm fine with pointing out his lack of integrity in the meantime.

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