Who needs the FBI, DNI, CIA, etc...We have Mark Levin...

Wiretapping of this nature is not supposed to be used against American Citizens and Flynn did nothing illegal and was not the target of a warrant nor was their any warrant to wire tap him or Trump Tower.

Furthermore the fact that the call occurred at Trump Tower with Flynn was classified Information and leaking it IS A FELONY!

So I ask again, did Clapper Lie When he said No Russian Collusion or No Wiretapping at Trump Tower?

Which is it MORON?
Simple question!

Did Clapper Lie?

Again, was Flynn Wire taped at Trump Tower?

Moron.....when the other idiot Flynn, used a phone to "chat" with the Russian ambassador, he should have known that we monitor ALL phone calls with the Russian embassy.
Exactly - all of it sources to one person - Louise Mensch. That is the only original source they have.

thank you....I couldn't think of the British moron's name......

(please note that for right wingers......these 2 Britts,
Mensch=Credible, while Steele= Liar)
I don't know much about him other than what I've learned from him the last couple of days, I can't speak to the accuracy of what he is suggesting, but I do know if he is truly a Constitutional Conservative, he's alright by me.
If anyone with a brain needed MORE proof that the orange charlatan is either insane or a clever impostor in the oval office, one needs to look at where this so-called "president" gets his information to divert public attention from his real and ever-increasing problems.

Rather than asking for his daily briefing from our intelligence agencies, this nitwit probably accesses Breitbart or the Blaze........and whereas other serious people pick up the NYT or WashPost or WSJ in the morning to catch up on legitimate news, Trump probably picks up the National Inquirer.

BUT, his deplorable base DOES love the clown.......at least for now.

Who needs other idiots in this forum...we have you!!!
If anyone with a brain needed MORE proof that the orange charlatan is either insane or a clever impostor in the oval office, one needs to look at where this so-called "president" gets his information to divert public attention from his real and ever-increasing problems.

Rather than asking for his daily briefing from our intelligence agencies, this nitwit probably accesses Breitbart or the Blaze........and whereas other serious people pick up the NYT or WashPost or WSJ in the morning to catch up on legitimate news, Trump probably picks up the National Inquirer.

BUT, his deplorable base DOES love the clown.......at least for now.

“Exhibit 1, this is all public, Head Street:
two separate sources with links to the counter-intelligence community
have confirmed that the FBI sought and was granted a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court (FISA court,) this is spying, in October giving counter-intelligence permission to examine, quote, U.S. persons in Donald Trump’s campaign with ties to Russia.”
“Let me go on. They say the first FISA request naming Trump was denied back in June, denied by the court,
but the second was drawn more narrowly and was granted in October after evidence was present of a server possibly related to the Trump campaign, and its alleged links to Russian two banks.
“Now I know people are really hung up on Trump’s use of the words ‘wiretapping’ but how’d they get access
to this information, does it really matter? Whether it was wiretapping, electronic surveillance or whatever
it wa,s how did they get access to this information?”

“Exhibit 2, the Guardian a well-known British paper, quote,
‘the Guardian has learned that the FBI applied for a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court over the summer to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials.’”“Keep in mind this during a presidential election – the sitting president and the incumbent party is now investigating the presidential candidate of the Republican Party and his campaign.
The FISA court turned down the application asking the FBI and counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus.“According to one report the FBI was finally granted a warrant in October.

“Exhibit 3, McClatchy
reported that the FBI and 5 other Obama administration agencies probed possible covert Kremlin aid to Trump.” McClatchy added the investigations had been going on for months. “The agencies involved are the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the Justice Department, the Treasury Department’s financial crimes enforcement network, and representatives of the Director of Nation Intelligence.”
“Are you telling me Barack Obama didn’t know what was going on?”

Levin insisted on building on the case further.
Exhibit 4. “The New York Times,
‘intercepted Russian communications part of an inquiry into Trump associate, January 19. The FBI is leading the investigations aided by the NSA, the CIA, Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit. The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but they have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing.’”“Listen to this, one official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House.”
Exhibit 5. “The New York Times,
“Let’s continue, New York Times again, NSA gets more latitude to share intercepted communications in the final days of the Obama administration. The administration has expanded the power of the NSA to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s sixteen other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.
“Why would do this on the way out the door? Well, on March 1
Exhibit 6.
Obama administration rushed to preserve intelligence of Russian election hacking. In the Obama administration’s last days, listen to this, some White House officials scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Trump and Russians across the government.
“I’m not done!
Exhibit 7. New York Times,
‘Flynn is said to have talked to Russians about sanctions Trump took office.’ Where’d they get this information? “Here we have the Washington Post, March 2nd, U.S. investigators have examined contacts Attorney General Sessions had with Russian officials during the time he was advising Donald Trump’s campaign. The focus of the U.S. counter intelligence investigation has been on communication between
Trump campaign officials and Russia. “Now listen to this. The inquiry against Sessions is examining his contacts while serving as Trump’s foreign policy advisor in the SPRING and summer of 2016!”
“This has been going on for a year!”

What right wing morons don't seem to realize is that Trump is screwed either way........

If he is wrong about the wiretapping, he is labeled an idiot.
If he is correct about the wiretapping, he is ALSO screwed based on the reasons WHY a warrant was issued to wiretapp.

Either way, Trump's call for a full investigation is equivalent to his purchasing the rope to hang himself.
Levin did what he always does: He took factual information and extrapolated it out about 200 miles to fit his conspiracy theory.

Breitbart, ditto.

The problem is that he's trained all his listeners to obediently follow along and do the same thing.
Wiretapping of this nature is not supposed to be used against American Citizens and Flynn did nothing illegal and was not the target of a warrant nor was their any warrant to wire tap him or Trump Tower.

Furthermore the fact that the call occurred at Trump Tower with Flynn was classified Information and leaking it IS A FELONY!

So I ask again, did Clapper Lie When he said No Russian Collusion or No Wiretapping at Trump Tower?

Which is it MORON?
Simple question!

Did Clapper Lie?

Again, was Flynn Wire taped at Trump Tower?

Moron.....when the other idiot Flynn, used a phone to "chat" with the Russian ambassador, he should have known that we monitor ALL phone calls with the Russian embassy.
Clapper is a KNOWN liar....so seems likely he is lying again...but don't tell lefties, because they can't put 2 and 2 together.
If anyone with a brain needed MORE proof that the orange charlatan is either insane or a clever impostor in the oval office, one needs to look at where this so-called "president" gets his information to divert public attention from his real and ever-increasing problems.

Rather than asking for his daily briefing from our intelligence agencies, this nitwit probably accesses Breitbart or the Blaze........and whereas other serious people pick up the NYT or WashPost or WSJ in the morning to catch up on legitimate news, Trump probably picks up the National Inquirer.

BUT, his deplorable base DOES love the clown.......at least for now.
Your fear, it's refreshing.....
Levin did what he always does: He took factual information and extrapolated it out about 200 miles to fit his conspiracy theory.

Breitbart, ditto.

The problem is that he's trained all his listeners to obediently follow along and do the same thing.
I don't think so.

He merely outlined all the news reports of surveillance by Big Ears, reported by the left media. Then if you are capable of thinking clearly, you add to this Obama's other numerous surveillance actions and unconstitutional actions, and BINGO!!!

Do you know what FISA stands for? Big Ears sought to FISA requests to bug Trump...that is a HUGE FUCKING DEAL....the first was denied, but second allowed.

You need to do some research...

If you think Big Ears is going to leave clear cut evidence that he demanded Trump be surveilled, you are nuts.
Levin did what he always does: He took factual information and extrapolated it out about 200 miles to fit his conspiracy theory.

Breitbart, ditto.

The problem is that he's trained all his listeners to obediently follow along and do the same thing.
I don't think so.

He merely outlined all the news reports of surveillance by Big Ears, reported by the left media. Then if you are capable of thinking clearly, you add to this Obama's other numerous surveillance actions and unconstitutional actions, and BINGO!!!

Do you know what FISA stands for? Big Ears sought to FISA requests to bug Trump...that is a HUGE FUCKING DEAL....the first was denied, but second allowed.

You need to do some research...

If you think Big Ears is going to leave clear cut evidence that he demanded Trump be surveilled, you are nuts.
If such a historic accusation were made by a Democratic President about a Republican President, you would demand clear proof.

As you should.
Levin did what he always does: He took factual information and extrapolated it out about 200 miles to fit his conspiracy theory.

Breitbart, ditto.

The problem is that he's trained all his listeners to obediently follow along and do the same thing.
I don't think so.

He merely outlined all the news reports of surveillance by Big Ears, reported by the left media. Then if you are capable of thinking clearly, you add to this Obama's other numerous surveillance actions and unconstitutional actions, and BINGO!!!

Do you know what FISA stands for? Big Ears sought to FISA requests to bug Trump...that is a HUGE FUCKING DEAL....the first was denied, but second allowed.

You need to do some research...

If you think Big Ears is going to leave clear cut evidence that he demanded Trump be surveilled, you are nuts.
If such a historic accusation were made by a Democratic President about a Republican President, you would demand clear proof.

As you should.
What is 'clear proof?'
Levin did what he always does: He took factual information and extrapolated it out about 200 miles to fit his conspiracy theory.

Breitbart, ditto.

The problem is that he's trained all his listeners to obediently follow along and do the same thing.
I don't think so.

He merely outlined all the news reports of surveillance by Big Ears, reported by the left media. Then if you are capable of thinking clearly, you add to this Obama's other numerous surveillance actions and unconstitutional actions, and BINGO!!!

Do you know what FISA stands for? Big Ears sought to FISA requests to bug Trump...that is a HUGE FUCKING DEAL....the first was denied, but second allowed.

You need to do some research...

If you think Big Ears is going to leave clear cut evidence that he demanded Trump be surveilled, you are nuts.
If such a historic accusation were made by a Democratic President about a Republican President, you would demand clear proof.

As you should.
What is 'clear proof?'
Facts that can be proven.

If this were a Democratic President making such an accusation about a Republican President, what proof would you demand?

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