Who needs the FBI, DNI, CIA, etc...We have Mark Levin...

Clapper is a KNOWN liar....so seems likely he is lying again...but don't tell lefties, because they can't put 2 and 2 together.

Well, gipper certainly makes an irrefutable case against Clapper; I mean just look at the above who could refute such proof.....LOL
(gipper is such an asshole)
Clapper is a KNOWN liar....so seems likely he is lying again...but don't tell lefties, because they can't put 2 and 2 together.

Well, gipper certainly makes an irrefutable case against Clapper; I mean just look at the above who could refute such proof.....LOL
(gipper is such an asshole)
If an R lies to you, he/she is always a LIAR.

If a D lies to you, no big deal...you will still believe them.

The right has Mark Levin. You leftist schmucks have Jake Tapper and Don Lemon.
And Anthony Wiener and Chuck Schumer and Blinky Maddow and the other weird transexuals on CNN and MSNBC! :p
The ignorant bias MSM exemplified by George Stephanopoulos once again BIASED against Trump DEFENDING Obama!!!

The exact words of Sara Huckabee Sanders: “It does back up the fact that the administration was wiretapping American citizens. There is wide reporting.”
Stephanopoulos, however, was having none of it. “I’ve got to stop you,” he said. “That is simply not true.”

The two then sparred over anonymous sources and whether the president accepted the assessments of his intelligence agencies that, in fact, the wiretapping did not occur.
Stephanopoulos insisted that even if a tap occurred, there were important distinctions. George: "There is a world of difference between an illegal wiretap ordered by a president and a court ordered wiretap approved by a federal judge,”

‘That is Simply Not True’: George Stephanopoulos Spars With Trump Surrogate in Feisty Exchange

While it's unknown whether any of these scenarios occurred, it's “very likely that the people in the Obama administration had access to the communication of senior Trump officials in the run-up to the election, because they have very, very broad authority,” said Cindy Cohn, executive director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which has advocated for revising surveillance laws Through routine data collection programs authorized under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the government gathers information from the internet backbone, which carries web browsing histories and a rapidly increasing amount of telephone traffic.

The government discards information that is plainly domestic and searches through the rest using only specific selectors — a phone number or email address, for instance. But Americans’ information that is incidentally collected and determined to contain some foreign intelligence value is fair game for review.

Cohn said such data on Americans could include communications that are to, from or about foreign targets the FISA court has already approved for surveillance. For example, if two Trump campaign officials were talking via email about a Moscow official under surveillance, that conversation might get flagged.

How the feds could have listened to Trump’s phone calls
Levin did what he always does: He took factual information and extrapolated it out about 200 miles to fit his conspiracy theory.

Breitbart, ditto.

The problem is that he's trained all his listeners to obediently follow along and do the same thing.

How did he do that? He provided NOT anonymous sources... but showed where he got his information!
Levin did what he always does: He took factual information and extrapolated it out about 200 miles to fit his conspiracy theory.

Breitbart, ditto.

The problem is that he's trained all his listeners to obediently follow along and do the same thing.

How did he do that? He provided NOT anonymous sources... but showed where he got his information!
Where did I say he provided anonymous sources?

Read the first line.
Levin did what he always does: He took factual information and extrapolated it out about 200 miles to fit his conspiracy theory.

Breitbart, ditto.

The problem is that he's trained all his listeners to obediently follow along and do the same thing.

How did he do that? He provided NOT anonymous sources... but showed where he got his information!
Where did I say he provided anonymous sources?

Read the first line.

"extrapolated" LIKE YOU did?
For example... what "extrapolation" is done with this statement!
FBI, 5 other agencies probe possible covert Kremlin aid to Trump
The FBI and five other law enforcement and intelligence agencies have collaborated for months in an investigation into Russian attempts to influence the November election, including whether money from the Kremlin covertly aided President-elect Donald Trump, two people familiar with the matter said.
The agencies involved in the inquiry are the FBI, the CIA, the National Security Agency, the Justice Department, the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and representatives of the director of national intelligence, the sources said.
FBI, 5 other agencies probe possible covert Kremlin aid to Trump

What kind of extrapolation is that?
Levin did what he always does: He took factual information and extrapolated it out about 200 miles to fit his conspiracy theory.

Breitbart, ditto.

The problem is that he's trained all his listeners to obediently follow along and do the same thing.

How did he do that? He provided NOT anonymous sources... but showed where he got his information!
Where did I say he provided anonymous sources?

Read the first line.

"extrapolated" LIKE YOU did?
For example... what "extrapolation" is done with this statement!
FBI, 5 other agencies probe possible covert Kremlin aid to Trump
The FBI and five other law enforcement and intelligence agencies have collaborated for months in an investigation into Russian attempts to influence the November election, including whether money from the Kremlin covertly aided President-elect Donald Trump, two people familiar with the matter said.
The agencies involved in the inquiry are the FBI, the CIA, the National Security Agency, the Justice Department, the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and representatives of the director of national intelligence, the sources said.
FBI, 5 other agencies probe possible covert Kremlin aid to Trump

What kind of extrapolation is that?
If you think Obama tapped Trump's phones, great. Have him tossed in jail.

Go for it.
The reality that the Trumposter is facing is rather simple and it screws him TWO ways

If Trump is WRONG that he was wiretapped. it will show that he is a vengeful, petty moron.

If Trump is RIGHT that he was wiretapped, then an investigation MUST show what REASONS there were that he was spied upon for national security....

Either way, Trump screws himself.....and I love it.....LOL
The reality that the Trumposter is facing is rather simple and it screws him TWO ways

If Trump is WRONG that he was wiretapped. it will show that he is a vengeful, petty moron.

If Trump is RIGHT that he was wiretapped, then an investigation MUST show what REASONS there were that he was spied upon for national security....

Either way, Trump screws himself.....and I love it.....LOL

Why would Trump bring up the wiretapping unless there was some evidence of it occurring?
EVIDENCE: reported that the FBI and 5 other Obama administration agencies probed possible covert Kremlin aid to Trump.”
McClatchy added the investigations had been going on for months. “The agencies involved are the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the Justice Department, the Treasury Department’s financial crimes enforcement network, and representatives of the Director of Nation Intelligence.”
According to sources who spoke with outlet, the FBI, the CIA, the National Security Agency, the Justice Department, the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, and representatives of the director of national intelligence are all involved in the extensive probe. The inter-agency inquiry reportedly began last spring, long before the top cops received information about a dossier, written by a British spy, alleging the Russian government had damaging information on Trump.
So the above agencies went on and got a FISA order and tapped Trump BASED on what???

"a dossier, written by a British spy, alleging the Russian government had damaging information on Trump."

FBI once planned to pay former British spy who authored controversial Trump dossier
FBI once planned to pay former British spy who authored controversial Trump dossier
Clapper is a KNOWN liar....so seems likely he is lying again...but don't tell lefties, because they can't put 2 and 2 together.

Well, gipper certainly makes an irrefutable case against Clapper; I mean just look at the above who could refute such proof.....LOL
(gipper is such an asshole)

And you can put 2 and 2 together ?

C'mon....show us.
Clapper is a KNOWN liar....so seems likely he is lying again...but don't tell lefties, because they can't put 2 and 2 together.

Well, gipper certainly makes an irrefutable case against Clapper; I mean just look at the above who could refute such proof.....LOL
(gipper is such an asshole)
I can't do your homework for you. You lazy fuck.

If you didn't get all your news from the DNC, you would KNOW Clapper is a fucking liar.

Is it a sign of a mental disorder that the angry hysterical left compares a (conservative) voice on the radio with the FBI and the CIA? Take a deep breath lefties, everything will work out.

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