Who on the left will admit that the ultimate goal is to seize/outlaw guns?

why do you ask such an obvious question? can you explain please?

To me it seems obvious that a lot of people on the left have no respect for the second amendment and would probably support removing it entirely. Maybe I'm wrong; maybe I'm not. I wanted to see if I could create any interesting dialogue.
Again, you are wrong.

There are some on the right who want to get rid of the 14th Amendment - that doesn't mean all or a majority of conservatives seek to do so.

What ‘seems’ to you is not fact; indeed, it’s known as a hasty generalization fallacy, the consequence of the inability to think critically and rationally.

You’re not going to create ‘interesting dialogue’ when the premise of your thread fails as a fallacy and a lie.
If they wanted all guns seized they would simply abolish the second amendment or make it a felony to manufacture them.

The only legitimate way to abolish the Second Amendment would be to ratify a new amendment to the Constitution which overturns it. I don't think anyone credibly believes that there is anything close to enough public support to give any effort to enact such an amendment any plausible chance of success.

Those who oppose the right to keep and bear arms know that they cannot enact any laws or policies against it through any legitimate means, so they try to sneak around the Constitution, using corrupt legislators and corrupt judges to illegally enact and uphold laws that they know damn well are blatantly unconstitutional.
Universal background checks lead to gun registration and that leads to confiscation. An incredible series of events that just won't happen

You mean like you think a ban on partial birth abortions will lead to a complete ban on abortions?

Let me ask a few questions. When the federal government put heavy taxes and restrictions on the automatic firing system, were your rights to bear arms infringed?

If the federal government put heavy taxes and restrictions on abortion, would your right to an abortion infringed?

How did those restrictions Ben held these many years as constitutional?

The SCOTUS is a joke

Did those restrictive NSA lead, inevitably, to further restrictions?

Owning a gun and not having it when you need to defend yourself is a severe restriction on our Constitutional rights, yes they are
I have little doubt that the brainwashed leftist foot soldiers would love to see the 2nd amendment repealed, but I don't think the puppet masters behind the scenes care about saving lives. No, I think the end goal is political censorship, the repression of certain ideas and opinions. The powers that be want to convince the unwashed masses that people who say mean things online need to be investigated by the feds.
You are wrong and what you believe is irrelevant.

No one seeks to ‘outlaw’ guns, no one seeks to ‘confiscate’ guns.

Of course dishonest conservatives will continue to attempt to propagate that idiotic lie.

I'm not a conservative, though I do believe that regulating guns is an ineffective solution to the problem of gun violence. I'm not dishonest, nor am I trying to propagate a lie. That's how it appears to me, and clearly I'm not alone.
You may not be a conservative but you are being dishonest, because your thread premise is a lie.

And that premise is that ‘everyone’ on the ‘left’ advocates for making guns ‘illegal’ and ‘confiscating’ guns – you state it as a ‘fact,’ and then ask if anyone on the ‘left’ will acknowledge that ‘fact.’
Universal background checks lead to gun registration and that leads to confiscation. An incredible series of events that just won't happen

You mean like you think a ban on partial birth abortions will lead to a complete ban on abortions?

Let me ask a few questions. When the federal government put heavy taxes and restrictions on the automatic firing system, were your rights to bear arms infringed?

If the federal government put heavy taxes and restrictions on abortion, would your right to an abortion infringed?

How did those restrictions Ben held these many years as constitutional?

The SCOTUS is a joke

Did those restrictive NSA lead, inevitably, to further restrictions?

Owning a gun and not having it when you need to defend yourself is a severe restriction on our Constitutional rights, yes they are
Here's a hint, Kaz. The topic isn't abortion. It's guns.
Universal background checks lead to gun registration and that leads to confiscation. An incredible series of events that just won't happen

You mean like you think a ban on partial birth abortions will lead to a complete ban on abortions?

Let me ask a few questions. When the federal government put heavy taxes and restrictions on the automatic firing system, were your rights to bear arms infringed?

If the federal government put heavy taxes and restrictions on abortion, would your right to an abortion infringed?

How did those restrictions Ben held these many years as constitutional?

The SCOTUS is a joke

Did those restrictive NSA lead, inevitably, to further restrictions?

Owning a gun and not having it when you need to defend yourself is a severe restriction on our Constitutional rights, yes they are
Here's a hint, Kaz. The topic isn't abortion. It's guns.

Correct. And I'm demonstrating your double standard.

You're like partially banning guns is a slippery slope fallacy!

Oh, yeah, you can't ban any abortions, it's a slippery slope!

Your double standard is regarding guns
you state it as a ‘fact,’ and then ask if anyone on the ‘left’ will acknowledge that ‘fact.’

I feel like I presented it more as my opinion than as a fact, and I think I've been pretty open minded about talking about it. Yeah, I was a bit confrontational about it. That's how I really feel; it's how a lot of people really feel. I wanted to see if anybody would step up and have the debate.
Here's a hint, Kaz. The topic isn't abortion. It's guns.

He brings up a pretty fair point in my opinion. Are slippery slopes a thing or are they not? Is it only the evil opposition that does sneaky things like that?
Now I understand that there's a lot of people that think a lot of different things when it comes to this issue. Not all of you support something so drastic as that, but I really believe that a lot of you do, and that there is often a dishonest implication that that's not anybody's goal and people on the right are being paranoid crazies. Come on, for real? I want some honesty now from some of you on the left. Admit that what you want goes a lot further than background checks. Admit that that's where the gun rhetoric leads, and that you'll pick and pick and get as close to your goal as you possibly can. I just want to see some of you say it.
Gun lovers are the most 'glass half empty' pessimists in America.

You see slippery slopes everywhere. Universal background checks lead to gun registration and that leads to confiscation. An incredible series of events that just won't happen.

Let me ask a few questions. When the federal government put heavy taxes and restrictions on the automatic firing system, were your rights to bear arms infringed? How did those restrictions Ben held these many years as constitutional? Did those restrictive NSA lead, inevitably, to further restrictions?

So you'd never support legislation that was aimed at limiting access to firearms in general?
I believe that Americans should be permitted to own any guns used for sport and self defense. Shot guns, bolt and lever action rifles and revolvers. I can't understand the necessity for high capacity magazines though. Those are tools of mass shooting, not sport or defense.
I know there is laser tag but sometimes guys that couldn't cut it in the military want to feel like soldiers. :rolleyes:
If they wanted all guns seized they would simply abolish the second amendment or make it a felony to manufacture them.

The only legitimate way to abolish the Second Amendment would be to ratify a new amendment to the Constitution which overturns it. I don't think anyone credibly believes that there is anything close to enough public support to give any effort to enact such an amendment any plausible chance of success.

Those who oppose the right to keep and bear arms know that they cannot enact any laws or policies against it through any legitimate means, so they try to sneak around the Constitution, using corrupt legislators and corrupt judges to illegally enact and uphold laws that they know damn well are blatantly unconstitutional.
Last I heard Congress isnt the public. All it would take is "they" voting to abolish or amending the second amendment.
You are wrong and what you believe is irrelevant.

No one seeks to ‘outlaw’ guns, no one seeks to ‘confiscate’ guns.

Of course dishonest conservatives will continue to attempt to propagate that idiotic lie.

I'm not a conservative, though I do believe that regulating guns is an ineffective solution to the problem of gun violence. I'm not dishonest, nor am I trying to propagate a lie. That's how it appears to me, and clearly I'm not alone.
“I do believe that regulating guns is an ineffective solution to the problem of gun violence.”

That depends on what is meant by ‘regulation.’

There are firearm regulatory measures that have nothing to do with the availability of types or classifications of firearms, such as background checks, waiting periods, and age limitations.

And there are those who believe that regulating guns is an effective way to at least address aspects of gun violence – no one presents any regulatory measure as a ‘panacea’ for all gun crime and violence.

But to post something as stupid and wrong as ‘the left’ seeks to ‘outlaw’ guns and ‘confiscate’ all guns is being dishonest and a liar.

Last, that it appears to that your lie is true, and that others believe the same idiotic lie, is your problem, having nothing to do with ‘the left.’
Universal background checks lead to gun registration and that leads to confiscation. An incredible series of events that just won't happen

You mean like you think a ban on partial birth abortions will lead to a complete ban on abortions?

Let me ask a few questions. When the federal government put heavy taxes and restrictions on the automatic firing system, were your rights to bear arms infringed?

If the federal government put heavy taxes and restrictions on abortion, would your right to an abortion infringed?

How did those restrictions Ben held these many years as constitutional?

The SCOTUS is a joke

Did those restrictive NSA lead, inevitably, to further restrictions?

Owning a gun and not having it when you need to defend yourself is a severe restriction on our Constitutional rights, yes they are
Here's a hint, Kaz. The topic isn't abortion. It's guns.

Correct. And I'm demonstrating your double standard.

You're like partially banning guns is a slippery slope fallacy!

Oh, yeah, you can't ban any abortions, it's a slippery slope!

Your double standard is regarding guns
That suspicion of a slippery slope was implied in the OP.

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