Who on the left will admit that the ultimate goal is to seize/outlaw guns?

That is true. Their goal is life at conception.

Now you can see why the right (with its ultimate goal of banning all abortions) believes the left's ultimate goal is to ban all guns.

Both are statist, authoritarians and should not be trusted with your rights.

There is an important difference.

Those on the left wrong want to ban firearms, ostensibly because it is possible to commit a murder with one; even the the overwhelmingly vast majority of firearms are never used to commit murder or any other crime, and the overwhelming vast majority of firearm owners never use their arms to commit any crime. Of course, the obvious truth, that those on the left wrong won't admit, is that they know very well that an armed populace is the greatest threat and the greatest obstacle to tyrants and criminals; and, being on the side of tyrants and criminals, and against that of honest, law-abiding citizens, they don't want those citizens to have the power to defend themselves, their property, or their freedom.

We on the right oppose abortion, not because of a very distant possibility that abortion might be used to commit a crime, but rather because abortion is directly the killing of an innocent human being; and we see it as one of the most basic, essential, and necessary functions of government to protect innocent human beings from those who would murder them.
Those on the left wrong want to ban firearms, ostensibly because it is possible to commit a murder with one; even the the overwhelmingly vast majority of firearms are never used to commit murder or any other crime,
That's what they say, but they really want to ban firearms because communism must have no competing ideology. The only way to force communism on the world is to rid the world of free-market capitalism. That can never happen if Americans are armed. For the communist revolution to occur, there can be little to no resistance.
Actually, Confound, we are not trying to take guns away from everyone. We just want to take them away from paranoids. But, under the circumstances, I understand why you are concerned.
This sums it up for me;



You parroted something someone else wrote.

How liberal of you.

Just because you have no concern about the possibility of other people having their rights denied to them because you aren't Jewish ( just to make a point), doesn't mean those who are intent on diminishing the rights of others won't come after you later.

No person free to be in public should be prohibited from carrying a weapon for self defense.

If they can not be trusted to do so, they should not be in public.


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