Who On This Board Can Honestly Say ...

...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING? (Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
Every day I worry the FBI will find out I borrowed Millions from Putin's henchmen
Slim odds are you probably purchased something built / made overseas by a company who is owned in part by the Russian, a fact buried in obscurity some 3 rows deep. If you have bought any electronics from China you have basically economically supported the ChiCom government . And if you were . are ever brought in to answer questions by the FBI and eagerly, willingly, STUPIDLY attempt to answer their questions because you want to be 'honest' - Like Corsi and Scooter Libby - you will probably end up 'Lying to the FBI' without realizing it.

I can't remember what I wore last Tuesday, so I damn-well know I would never remember anything about an (1) e-mail I received over a year ago ... which is why my answer to any FBI question, learned from Mueller's exposed Perjury Trap tactic, would / will always be 'I Plead the 5th!'
That's really reaching....
says the person who says trump conspired with russia before the findings are even available.
It's easy to see if you aren't in denial.
I can...

There could be some child misdemeanors like toilet papering or egging a person's house the night before Halloween or trying pot when in school, or skipping school study hall to go to McDonalds, or drinking underage type stuff, but otherwise.... I have nothing to be afraid of.... by any prosecutor investigating me.... I'm clean as a whistle, when it comes to the Law, so are my parents and my sister and my husband...

I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.
But I bet you believe in Fairy Tales! :D
one of the biggest is TRUMP / RUSSIA.
Hide and watch....

He has been compromised by them.... it shows on his coat sleeve in every thing he says and does, related to Ruussia..... they've had him by the cohones for some time...

When they know his dirty secrets while watching him lie to the American people about it,

they have kompromat.... leverage over him.
You're so full of it. There is ZERO EVIDENCE of any f-ing collusion and you know it. Post it if I'm wrong. Your socialist heroes in Washington can't stand being out of power and they're willing to do ANYTHING to get it back and sheep like you don't give a damn about how low and how many laws they have to break to do it because you're pissed off that he won the election too. You don't care about justice, you only care about your party winning, even if it means destroying the integrity of our nation to do it. You people are disgusting.
she has the same thing we all have - media speculation. she rejects the speculation that doesn't implicate trump and runs with what does. she's far from the only one in here or in the real world to do that anymore.
I don't single her out, I feel the same way about all the leftists here. They think the ends justify the means, even if the people they embrace routinely commit felonies to achieve their political goals They think the monster they are creating won't eventually turn and devour them as well as the people they want to see devoured.
But I bet you believe in Fairy Tales! :D
one of the biggest is TRUMP / RUSSIA.
Hide and watch....

He has been compromised by them.... it shows on his coat sleeve in every thing he says and does, related to Ruussia..... they've had him by the cohones for some time...

When they know his dirty secrets while watching him lie to the American people about it,

they have kompromat.... leverage over him.
You're so full of it. There is ZERO EVIDENCE of any f-ing collusion and you know it. Post it if I'm wrong. Your socialist heroes in Washington can't stand being out of power and they're willing to do ANYTHING to get it back and sheep like you don't give a damn about how low and how many laws they have to break to do it because you're pissed off that he won the election too. You don't care about justice, you only care about your party winning, even if it means destroying the integrity of our nation to do it. You people are disgusting.
she has the same thing we all have - media speculation. she rejects the speculation that doesn't implicate trump and runs with what does. she's far from the only one in here or in the real world to do that anymore.
I don't single her out, I feel the same way about all the leftists here. They think the ends justify the means, even if the people they embrace routinely commit felonies to achieve their political goals They think the monster they are creating won't eventually turn and devour them as well as the people they want to see devoured.
i feel the same about any "extreme" viewpoint in that their human nature is making them see what they want after awhile. it's not left or right, it's being human. the people i really enjoy conversations with are those who understand this and try to work through it, not shove it right back cause that's todays "trend".
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')

These people think egging houses and TPing is all they could have POSSIBLY done wrong. They don't understand the reach and power of a well-connected prosecutor to destroy a citizen's life.

Naive in the extreme, but then again, they're liberals. If they could think better, they wouldn't BE liberals in the first place.

The vast majority of prosecutors are not corrupt. If you've done nothing illegal they can't do a thing to you.

Yes, prosecutors CAN destroy an innocent person's life if they choose to grossly abuse their powers, but in the end they'll pay a huge price for that sort of behavior.

Like most conservatives, you just can't comprehend that there are honest people in this world. You believe that everyone is as dishonest as you.
Liberals have NO PROBLEM with a police-state, as long as they're the ones running it.
But I bet you believe in Fairy Tales! :D
one of the biggest is TRUMP / RUSSIA.
Hide and watch....

He has been compromised by them.... it shows on his coat sleeve in every thing he says and does, related to Ruussia..... they've had him by the cohones for some time...

When they know his dirty secrets while watching him lie to the American people about it,

they have kompromat.... leverage over him.
You're so full of it. There is ZERO EVIDENCE of any f-ing collusion and you know it. Post it if I'm wrong. Your socialist heroes in Washington can't stand being out of power and they're willing to do ANYTHING to get it back and sheep like you don't give a damn about how low and how many laws they have to break to do it because you're pissed off that he won the election too. You don't care about justice, you only care about your party winning, even if it means destroying the integrity of our nation to do it. You people are disgusting.
she has the same thing we all have - media speculation. she rejects the speculation that doesn't implicate trump and runs with what does. she's far from the only one in here or in the real world to do that anymore.
I don't single her out, I feel the same way about all the leftists here. They think the ends justify the means, even if the people they embrace routinely commit felonies to achieve their political goals They think the monster they are creating won't eventually turn and devour them as well as the people they want to see devoured.

The fact is that neither you or any conservatives know for sure that Trump is innocent of collusion - none of us really know.

However, all known facts at this point sure seem to indicate that he's PROBABLY guilty - not the least of which is his own behavior.

You are just a partisan hack that instead of taking an objective point of view, insists that he's innocent - just based on your partisanship.

If Trump were a Democrat/liberal, based on the known facts, you'd be just as certain that he's absolutely and unquestionably guilty.

Try breaking out of your dedicated mindless partisan mindset - just for your own sake.
The fact is that neither you or any conservatives know for sure that Trump is innocent of collusion - none of us really know.

However, all known facts at this point sure seem to indicate that he's PROBABLY guilty
Really? WHAT "known facts"? I base my presumption of innocence on the FACT that NO evidence has been produced after two years of digging. On what do you base your presumption of guilt?
You are just a partisan hack that instead of taking an objective point of view, insists that he's innocent - just based on your partisanship.
Says the partisan hack who insists he's GUILTY, just based on your partisanship. Who has the moral high ground here? Not the one who assumes guilt without any evidence.
If Trump were a Democrat/liberal, based on the known facts, you'd be just as certain that he's absolutely and unquestionably guilty.
You defend Hillary Clinton even though the evidence against her is overwhelming, yet you keep talking about these "known facts" you can't name that you claim makes Trump "look guilty".
Try breaking out of your dedicated mindless partisan mindset - just for your own sake.
Try taking your own advice, hypocrite.
The fact is that neither you or any conservatives know for sure that Trump is innocent of collusion - none of us really know.

However, all known facts at this point sure seem to indicate that he's PROBABLY guilty
Really? WHAT "known facts"? I base my presumption of innocence on the FACT that NO evidence has been produced after two years of digging. On what do you base your presumption of guilt?
You are just a partisan hack that instead of taking an objective point of view, insists that he's innocent - just based on your partisanship.
Says the partisan hack who insists he's GUILTY, just based on your partisanship. Who has the moral high ground here? Not the one who assumes guilt without any evidence.
If Trump were a Democrat/liberal, based on the known facts, you'd be just as certain that he's absolutely and unquestionably guilty.
You defend Hillary Clinton even though the evidence against her is overwhelming, yet you keep talking about these "known facts" you can't name that you claim makes Trump "look guilty".
Try breaking out of your dedicated mindless partisan mindset - just for your own sake.
Try taking your own advice, hypocrite.

Learn to read, idiot! Do you know the meaning of the word 'probably'?

Seriously, if your not going to read and understand posts before you go into hysterics, please don't post!
My life has been depressingly law abiding. Underage drinking,speeding and brawling being my youthful misdemeanours.I got done a few times for speeding and that slowed me down. Age and respectability curbed my fighting.It just became not cool.
But I never ripped off students. Never declared bankruptcy, never dodged my taxes, never colluded with a foreign government, never employed illegals.
I never fucked a porn star whilst my wife was in maternity. Nor used campaign funds to hush it up. Never employed a fixer to sort out my problems.

Is this the new right wing stance on trumps guilt ?

How is that conversion going, Mo?
Liberals have NO PROBLEM with a police-state, as long as they're the ones running it.
That is conservatives you're talking about duuuh. Liberals and socialists are die-hard democrats. Socialism as seen outside your bubble of garbage is always democratic, communism and Nazism never.
The fact is that neither you or any conservatives know for sure that Trump is innocent of collusion - none of us really know.

However, all known facts at this point sure seem to indicate that he's PROBABLY guilty
Really? WHAT "known facts"? I base my presumption of innocence on the FACT that NO evidence has been produced after two years of digging. On what do you base your presumption of guilt?
You are just a partisan hack that instead of taking an objective point of view, insists that he's innocent - just based on your partisanship.
Says the partisan hack who insists he's GUILTY, just based on your partisanship. Who has the moral high ground here? Not the one who assumes guilt without any evidence.
If Trump were a Democrat/liberal, based on the known facts, you'd be just as certain that he's absolutely and unquestionably guilty.
You defend Hillary Clinton even though the evidence against her is overwhelming, yet you keep talking about these "known facts" you can't name that you claim makes Trump "look guilty".
Try breaking out of your dedicated mindless partisan mindset - just for your own sake.
Try taking your own advice, hypocrite.

Learn to read, idiot! Do you know the meaning of the word 'probably'?

Seriously, if your not going to read and understand posts before you go into hysterics, please don't post!
Everything Hillary has ever done has been investigated as multiple times and she has never been found to be indictable on anything, ditto the foundation and everything Obama holder learner etc etc have been convicted of in GOP minds. Many Republicans in the last 35 years have been put in jail, not a single Democrat. When do you figure this out, the GOP is the swamp and A catastrophe
every time...
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...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')

None of us are the president and none of us swore to uphold the constitution.
Everything Hillary has ever done has been investigated as multiple times and she has never been found to be indictable on anything...

Well, that is outright horseshit. Just admit the obvious truth. Hillary was caught red-handed and the double-standard "justice" system let Hillary skate.

The entire Russian-collusion investigation was fabricated in order for Mueller to go after Trump and everyone ever associated with Trump and to find something, anything, that could be used to bring down Trump. Comey, Rosenstein and the other goons in the DOJ/FBI KNEW there was no collusion. But, again, you have no problem with any of this because you hate Trump.

It looks like Mueller is going to try and say that it's a crime to pay off someone from speaking about a private affair when running for public office. Is that how you want it to be?
I can...

There could be some child misdemeanors like toilet papering or egging a person's house the night before Halloween or trying pot when in school, or skipping school study hall to go to McDonalds, or drinking underage type stuff, but otherwise.... I have nothing to be afraid of.... by any prosecutor investigating me.... I'm clean as a whistle, when it comes to the Law, so are my parents and my sister and my husband...
The average American commits 3 felonies a day, usually without them even knowing it...you’re probably not as “clean” as you think you are. Plus this whole, “if you have nothing to hide then you shouldn’t be afraid of anything,” is an absolute terrible standard to work with. I wouldn’t even call our government all that tyrannical, and yet we still are on average commiting 3 felonies a day...basically if they want to railroad you with something, they absolutely can. Which is what tyrannical governments do often to their “citizens”.
I can...

There could be some child misdemeanors like toilet papering or egging a person's house the night before Halloween or trying pot when in school, or skipping school study hall to go to McDonalds, or drinking underage type stuff, but otherwise.... I have nothing to be afraid of.... by any prosecutor investigating me.... I'm clean as a whistle, when it comes to the Law, so are my parents and my sister and my husband...
The average American commits 3 felonies a day, usually without them even knowing it...you’re probably not as “clean” as you think you are. Plus this whole, “if you have nothing to hide then you shouldn’t be afraid of anything,” is an absolute terrible standard to work with. I wouldn’t even call our government all that tyrannical, and yet we still are on average commiting 3 felonies a day...basically if they want to railroad you with something, they absolutely can. Which is what tyrannical governments do often to their “citizens”.
Hmmmmm...what three felonies did I commit today?

1) Hurt the widdle feewings of pseudocons across state lines.
2) Exceeded the daily caloric intake of an entire Vietnamese village.
3) Stopped for only two seconds at a stop sign instead of three.

I didn't violate any campaign finance laws or direct my lawyer to do so in order to pay off my hooker. I didn't grab any pussies. I didn't launder any Russian mob money. I didn't defraud any seniors of their life savings at a fake university. I didn't defraud any investors at a bankrupt casino.

Dammit, I need to up my game!
Yaknow, if a guy shoots someone on Fifth Avenue, who are we to demand some tyrannical prosecutor look into this crime?

Trump is acting just like the mob boss he is. Trying the prosecutor in the court of public opinion, just like Dapper Don did.

That shit only works on credulous rubes who are the kind of people who admire thieving murderers.
I can...

There could be some child misdemeanors like toilet papering or egging a person's house the night before Halloween or trying pot when in school, or skipping school study hall to go to McDonalds, or drinking underage type stuff, but otherwise.... I have nothing to be afraid of.... by any prosecutor investigating me.... I'm clean as a whistle, when it comes to the Law, so are my parents and my sister and my husband...
The average American commits 3 felonies a day, usually without them even knowing it...you’re probably not as “clean” as you think you are. Plus this whole, “if you have nothing to hide then you shouldn’t be afraid of anything,” is an absolute terrible standard to work with. I wouldn’t even call our government all that tyrannical, and yet we still are on average commiting 3 felonies a day...basically if they want to railroad you with something, they absolutely can. Which is what tyrannical governments do often to their “citizens”.
thank goodness most hard crimes require the intent to break the law!!!!!

manslaughter-heavy penalty
involuntary manslaughter-not as heavy penalty

there is gross negligence, but you had to have intended to do it.... had to know it would be a bad result

there is perjury
where you had to know you were lying,

it can't be charged if you simply were lying, but didn't know you were lying

back to your post, I just can't imagine what the 3 felonies a day, average people commit?
Well when I took the polygraph when I applied to the Houston Police Dept. the paleographer asked to see me after I completed my interview. He said he just wanted to shake my hand as it was so rare to meet someone those days that could answer the questions he asked truthfully. I truthfully was an Eagle scout and followed the creed even as an adult.

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