Who On This Board Can Honestly Say ...

...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
I’ll let you know once I run for President and ask a foreign adversary for help.
I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.

Neither did the Clintons, either one.

Penelope, you are just so dishonest that it is laughable! That's the only reason I read your posts. Each post gets higher on the stupid scale than the last!

Clinton didn't use the FBI and CIA to investigate Trump through the dossier? Wake up and smell the coffee!
I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.

Neither did the Clintons, either one.

Penelope, you are just so dishonest that it is laughable! That's the only reason I read your posts. Each post gets higher on the stupid scale than the last!

Clinton didn't use the FBI and CIA to investigate Trump through the dossier? Wake up and smell the coffee!

It was the GOP who started to investigate Trump and started the dossier and it wasn't the dossier that led to the first info that found Trump was involved with the Russian. Surely the dossier is coming to be found true, even I suspect the " Golden Showers" part.

Clinton was not involved in the Uranium deal as well. Trying to shut me up won't help your cause.

Trump sure is whining a lot about winning the election, but he won it by the skin of his teeth and he knows it, and Hillary won the maj vote.

I just love the fact that you continue to prove yourself to be a Clinton sycophant with every post. How many lies did you include in that post?

Shutting you up would be a disservice to morons everywhere. They would have nothing to which to aspire!

Your comments regarding the election are most telling. You don't even know that there are only 538 votes for President and Trump won the majority. California could have been won 11.2 million votes for Clinton to Trump's zero and he would still be your President!
I can...

There could be some child misdemeanors like toilet papering or egging a person's house the night before Halloween or trying pot when in school, or skipping school study hall to go to McDonalds, or drinking underage type stuff, but otherwise.... I have nothing to be afraid of.... by any prosecutor investigating me.... I'm clean as a whistle, when it comes to the Law, so are my parents and my sister and my husband...
You're delusional, or you're lying.
I'm clean. They wouldn't find anything on me. Nothing to hide here.

Is it that hard not to commit a felony?
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')

I've held a Top Secret clearance so I'm confident that any wrongdoing a special prosecutor dug up would be pretty minor. Sure, I've gone faster than the speed limit or run a light, but there's no current evidence that could link me to those past "crimes". I'll happily turn over 30+ years of tax returns. Crooked Donnie can't even do that.

The only clearance you probably had was when you were stocking items at Walmart.

I’m not the one pretending to be an admiral. I did serve 20 years as a Coast Guard radioman/telecommunications specialist with a TS clearance. Worked three jobs in 53 years; Coast Guard (20), TSA (1), local county government (15).

Is this projection? Do you work at Walmart? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

So your entire qualification for your job was that you were 6 feet tall, so you could walk ashore when your boat sank?

I am just pulling the puddle pilots chain!
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
I’ll let you know once I run for President and ask a foreign adversary for help.

Really? Who besides Hillary Clinton did that?
The fact is that neither you or any conservatives know for sure that Trump is innocent of collusion - none of us really know.

However, all known facts at this point sure seem to indicate that he's PROBABLY guilty
Really? WHAT "known facts"? I base my presumption of innocence on the FACT that NO evidence has been produced after two years of digging. On what do you base your presumption of guilt?
You are just a partisan hack that instead of taking an objective point of view, insists that he's innocent - just based on your partisanship.
Says the partisan hack who insists he's GUILTY, just based on your partisanship. Who has the moral high ground here? Not the one who assumes guilt without any evidence.
If Trump were a Democrat/liberal, based on the known facts, you'd be just as certain that he's absolutely and unquestionably guilty.
You defend Hillary Clinton even though the evidence against her is overwhelming, yet you keep talking about these "known facts" you can't name that you claim makes Trump "look guilty".
Try breaking out of your dedicated mindless partisan mindset - just for your own sake.
Try taking your own advice, hypocrite.

Learn to read, idiot! Do you know the meaning of the word 'probably'?

Seriously, if your not going to read and understand posts before you go into hysterics, please don't post!
"Probably guilty" means you assume he is guilty. You're unable to defend your hypocrisy and double standard so you call names and try to change the subject by focusing on the meaning of an insignificant word. I guess you think a distraction will save your sorry ass and no one will notice you can't defend your position of "guilty until proven innocent".
I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.

Neither did the Clintons, either one.

Penelope, you are just so dishonest that it is laughable! That's the only reason I read your posts. Each post gets higher on the stupid scale than the last!

Clinton didn't use the FBI and CIA to investigate Trump through the dossier? Wake up and smell the coffee!
I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.

Neither did the Clintons, either one.

Penelope, you are just so dishonest that it is laughable! That's the only reason I read your posts. Each post gets higher on the stupid scale than the last!

Clinton didn't use the FBI and CIA to investigate Trump through the dossier? Wake up and smell the coffee!

It was the GOP who started to investigate Trump and started the dossier and it wasn't the dossier that led to the first info that found Trump was involved with the Russian. Surely the dossier is coming to be found true, even I suspect the " Golden Showers" part.

Clinton was not involved in the Uranium deal as well. Trying to shut me up won't help your cause.

Trump sure is whining a lot about winning the election, but he won it by the skin of his teeth and he knows it, and Hillary won the maj vote.

I just love the fact that you continue to prove yourself to be a Clinton sycophant with every post. How many lies did you include in that post?

Shutting you up would be a disservice to morons everywhere. They would have nothing to which to aspire!

Your comments regarding the election are most telling. You don't even know that there are only 538 votes for President and Trump won the majority. California could have been won 11.2 million votes for Clinton to Trump's zero and he would still be your President!

I think the EC needs to go, it was put in place because most people couldn't read and news and travel was difficult. Only the elite got to vote for the Potus. You will still get your 2 Senators to each state, and that is not fair either. 2 Senators for what 39 million and 2 Senators for Wyoming with 550,000, hardly fair.

Clinton won the popular vote. Trump won the EC by the skin of the plaque on his teeth.
I can...

There could be some child misdemeanors like toilet papering or egging a person's house the night before Halloween or trying pot when in school, or skipping school study hall to go to McDonalds, or drinking underage type stuff, but otherwise.... I have nothing to be afraid of.... by any prosecutor investigating me.... I'm clean as a whistle, when it comes to the Law, so are my parents and my sister and my husband...
You're delusional, or you're lying.
No, I'm not delusional, but you are.... :eek:
I can...

There could be some child misdemeanors like toilet papering or egging a person's house the night before Halloween or trying pot when in school, or skipping school study hall to go to McDonalds, or drinking underage type stuff, but otherwise.... I have nothing to be afraid of.... by any prosecutor investigating me.... I'm clean as a whistle, when it comes to the Law, so are my parents and my sister and my husband...
You're delusional, or you're lying.
No, I'm not delusional, but you are.... :eek:

'NUH-UH! I know you are, but what am I?!'

Another prolific intellectual response.... :p
If I follow along here.

The Trump supporters are claiming that THEY are also criminals so they don't mind that Trump is as well?

Helluva defense there.
I can...

There could be some child misdemeanors like toilet papering or egging a person's house the night before Halloween or trying pot when in school, or skipping school study hall to go to McDonalds, or drinking underage type stuff, but otherwise.... I have nothing to be afraid of.... by any prosecutor investigating me.... I'm clean as a whistle, when it comes to the Law, so are my parents and my sister and my husband...
You're delusional, or you're lying.
No, I'm not delusional, but you are.... :eek:

'NUH-UH! I know you are, but what am I?!'

Another prolific intellectual response.... :p

What felonies have you committed, just curious....??? :D
I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.

Neither did the Clintons, either one.

Penelope, you are just so dishonest that it is laughable! That's the only reason I read your posts. Each post gets higher on the stupid scale than the last!

Clinton didn't use the FBI and CIA to investigate Trump through the dossier? Wake up and smell the coffee!
I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.

Neither did the Clintons, either one.

Penelope, you are just so dishonest that it is laughable! That's the only reason I read your posts. Each post gets higher on the stupid scale than the last!

Clinton didn't use the FBI and CIA to investigate Trump through the dossier? Wake up and smell the coffee!

It was the GOP who started to investigate Trump and started the dossier and it wasn't the dossier that led to the first info that found Trump was involved with the Russian. Surely the dossier is coming to be found true, even I suspect the " Golden Showers" part.

Clinton was not involved in the Uranium deal as well. Trying to shut me up won't help your cause.

Trump sure is whining a lot about winning the election, but he won it by the skin of his teeth and he knows it, and Hillary won the maj vote.

I just love the fact that you continue to prove yourself to be a Clinton sycophant with every post. How many lies did you include in that post?

Shutting you up would be a disservice to morons everywhere. They would have nothing to which to aspire!

Your comments regarding the election are most telling. You don't even know that there are only 538 votes for President and Trump won the majority. California could have been won 11.2 million votes for Clinton to Trump's zero and he would still be your President!

I think the EC needs to go, it was put in place because most people couldn't read and news and travel was difficult. Only the elite got to vote for the Potus. You will still get your 2 Senators to each state, and that is not fair either. 2 Senators for what 39 million and 2 Senators for Wyoming with 550,000, hardly fair.

Clinton won the popular vote. Trump won the EC by the skin of the plaque on his teeth.

My God, you are stupid!

Did you sleep through school? I'll bet you cannot name the largest of the 13 original states by population when the Constitution was written. Why would Rhode Island want to join a union where they would have zero power or influence?

Your history and government teachers are likely spinning in their graves because you are such a dumbass!

Trump defeated Hillary 306 -232 and that is "the skin of the plaques on his teeth"? You need to go back to school because your education either didn't take or you have had a stroke or massive brain trauma, Then again you could just be a liberal dumbass who prefers to lie about everything!
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING? (Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
Every day I worry the FBI will find out I borrowed Millions from Putin's henchmen
Slim odds are you probably purchased something built / made overseas by a company who is owned in part by the Russian, a fact buried in obscurity some 3 rows deep. If you have bought any electronics from China you have basically economically supported the ChiCom government . And if you were . are ever brought in to answer questions by the FBI and eagerly, willingly, STUPIDLY attempt to answer their questions because you want to be 'honest' - Like Corsi and Scooter Libby - you will probably end up 'Lying to the FBI' without realizing it.

I can't remember what I wore last Tuesday, so I damn-well know I would never remember anything about an (1) e-mail I received over a year ago ... which is why my answer to any FBI question, learned from Mueller's exposed Perjury Trap tactic, would / will always be 'I Plead the 5th!'
That's really reaching....
says the person who says trump conspired with russia before the findings are even available.
It was evident three years ago to me, and I said so on this board way back then... something stunk in Denmark with his comments and love for Russia/Putin.... I could see it before he even won the primary, and before we even knew the DNC emails were hacked... And for the life of me, could not understand why everyone else could not see it???

So in the least, I have been consistent, and not wavered from what I saw and what my gut, was telling me...
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING? (Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
Every day I worry the FBI will find out I borrowed Millions from Putin's henchmen
Slim odds are you probably purchased something built / made overseas by a company who is owned in part by the Russian, a fact buried in obscurity some 3 rows deep. If you have bought any electronics from China you have basically economically supported the ChiCom government . And if you were . are ever brought in to answer questions by the FBI and eagerly, willingly, STUPIDLY attempt to answer their questions because you want to be 'honest' - Like Corsi and Scooter Libby - you will probably end up 'Lying to the FBI' without realizing it.

I can't remember what I wore last Tuesday, so I damn-well know I would never remember anything about an (1) e-mail I received over a year ago ... which is why my answer to any FBI question, learned from Mueller's exposed Perjury Trap tactic, would / will always be 'I Plead the 5th!'
That's really reaching....
says the person who says trump conspired with russia before the findings are even available.
It was evident three years ago to me, and I said so on this board way back then... something stunk in Denmark with his comments and love for Russia/Putin.... I could see it before he even won the primary, and before we even knew the DNC emails were hacked... And for the life of me, could not understand why everyone else could not see it???

So in the least, I have been consistent, and not wavered from what I saw and what my gut, was telling me...
great. but it is also evident to many that hillary and obama did all kinds of illegal crap too. it's what they saw and what their gut told them. i can't understand how people will forgive deleting 33k e-mails for 1 person and yet implicate someone for a "supposed" meeting that "may have" violated rules.

i can't understand how people forgive lynch / clinton meeting on a tarmac in private her hillary is under investigation OF WHICH the FBI was never allowed to call it that per hillary and no one on the left cared.

i can't understand how FISA can say ILLEGAL WARRANTS and the left simply goes "no they're not!" and moves on.

i can't understand how obama can spy on reporters like sharyl attkisson and try to ruin her rep, break into her computer and bury her and the left doesn't give a shit but if trump removes someone from a white house briefing we're losing freedom of the press.

i can't understand why the left is so up in arms about the DNC server being hacked but not give a flying horse shit what was found that showed illegal / improper activity and never cared the hacking was never verified by the FBI.

you seem to care about *WHO* is doing it and base right wrong around that. of that yes, you are very consistent.
I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.

Neither did the Clintons, either one.

Penelope, you are just so dishonest that it is laughable! That's the only reason I read your posts. Each post gets higher on the stupid scale than the last!

Clinton didn't use the FBI and CIA to investigate Trump through the dossier? Wake up and smell the coffee!
I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.

Neither did the Clintons, either one.

Penelope, you are just so dishonest that it is laughable! That's the only reason I read your posts. Each post gets higher on the stupid scale than the last!

Clinton didn't use the FBI and CIA to investigate Trump through the dossier? Wake up and smell the coffee!

It was the GOP who started to investigate Trump and started the dossier and it wasn't the dossier that led to the first info that found Trump was involved with the Russian. Surely the dossier is coming to be found true, even I suspect the " Golden Showers" part.

Clinton was not involved in the Uranium deal as well. Trying to shut me up won't help your cause.

Trump sure is whining a lot about winning the election, but he won it by the skin of his teeth and he knows it, and Hillary won the maj vote.

I just love the fact that you continue to prove yourself to be a Clinton sycophant with every post. How many lies did you include in that post?

Shutting you up would be a disservice to morons everywhere. They would have nothing to which to aspire!

Your comments regarding the election are most telling. You don't even know that there are only 538 votes for President and Trump won the majority. California could have been won 11.2 million votes for Clinton to Trump's zero and he would still be your President!

I think the EC needs to go, it was put in place because most people couldn't read and news and travel was difficult. Only the elite got to vote for the Potus. You will still get your 2 Senators to each state, and that is not fair either. 2 Senators for what 39 million and 2 Senators for Wyoming with 550,000, hardly fair.

Clinton won the popular vote. Trump won the EC by the skin of the plaque on his teeth.
all this "not fair" is the left wanting MORE rights so they can stop people they don't agree with.

yea, THAT'S fair.
If I follow along here.

The Trump supporters are claiming that THEY are also criminals so they don't mind that Trump is as well?

Helluva defense there.
Once more with feeling
He would find nothing that could be used to subject someone to criminal prosecution.

Indeed, prosecutors often find evidence of wrongdoing but do not pursue prosecution because it wouldn’t be successful – the evidence may have been illegally obtained, for example.

The question is idiotic, of course, because no prosecutor is given unlimited authority, power, time, and funds to conduct an investigation – he is indeed limited by the Constitution, its case law, precedent, and procedure.

This imbecile has obviously never heard of the term "Corruption"
They say everything is "by the book, squeaky clean"....AS LONG AS IT'S THE OPPOSITION SUFFERING THE INJUSTICES.

I would say Muller was given damn near unlimited quantities of each of those.
if the same resources had been devoted to investigating Hillary or Obama this jackass would be screaming like a baby 24/7.

F'n hypocrite assholes.
Justice is dead in this country and, let's face it, these people of weak minds and little imagination cannot fathom why this should matter.
Nero fiddles even louder.

The vast majority on the right seem to be in an ankle grabbing stupor or something. Taking it all with no lube and no complaints.
I honestly don't understand it. It's so obviously skewed. The Left is on a parade of injustice and corruption, all the while gleefully pointing at the opposition as the ones doing wrong. it's insanity.

Has there ever even been ONE legitimate significant protest gathering by the right in the last 10 years or more?
The only time they've peeked out of their comfy cubby holes was in 2016 after Obama tried to rape them royally.
Then they went back into silent hiding.

All I can say is this is a bad path that is leading to very bad things.....incrementally.
The Left sees every breech of the Constitution that supports their insanity (but buries the nation) as a cause for celebration.

It's all so very funny to the imbeciles on the left. even if it drags them down with the sinking ship. Too stupid and childish to care.

If the Right ever got off it's lazy, apathetic ass this shit could all be brought under control. They won't.
What felonies have you committed, just curious....???
1. Neither the Thread Title Nor The OP 1st Post Says Anything About Committing Felonies.

2. None.

3. In your biased / partisan hate / venom you ignore / miss the entire premise of the thread - EVERYONE has done something in their lives...and an experienced....devious...determined prosecutor with an unlimited budget, an unlimited authority to look anywhere, and with a dedicated team of people who hate you / what you stand such a group could find anything on anyone.

Take Mueller for example - no investigation is needed. Public record is good enough.


- Recorded history of hiding and manufacturing evidence to put 2 innocent people in jail.
- Unethical use of tactics such as Perjury Traps and finding ways around Attorney Client Privilege
- Accused of / Sued for attempts to use leverage to extort false accusations
- Obstruction of Justice - Refused to comply with Congressional Subpoena, ignorantly/falsely claiming he does not work for Congress / they have no jurisdiction/authority over him
- FBI Whistleblower evidence shows he and his FBI failed to investigate Hillary Clinton in regards to Uranium One
- Evidence proves he hid Russian crimes in 2014 associated with the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One

- A long-time Friend of both Deputy US AG Rosenstein and Former FBI Director Comey
- Hiding evidence of Russian crimes in 2014
- Protected / Refused to Investigate Hillary / Uranium One
- Testimony by DOJ Oher shows he was working with Oher and foreign spy/FBI-employee Steel on the Russian-authored Dossier BEFORE an official investigation was opened on 'Russian Interference' and BEFORE he was appointed Special Counsel

Every One Of His Team Members is a certified / verified 'big time' DNC and Hillary donor, Trump-Hater, and one of his team members is even Hillary Clinton's own Clinton Foundation Lawyer.

(In an UN-corrupt, UN-rigged, UN-biased investigation where there is actually an objective and involved US AG (instead of one who has been MIA since before this whole crap began) there is NO WAY IN HELL MUELLER IS ALLOWED TO BE APPOINTED SPECIAL COUNSEL and NO WAY IN HELL anyone objective would allow his team to be so one-sidedly created, designed to successfully take down their target without opposition / objectivity to get on the way.)

Take any one of the DNC leaders right now - Pelosi, Feinstein, Schumer.....take any one of the GOP leaders right now - McConnell, whoever - and task a prosecutor to find dirt / crimes - even the slightest or even the mere perception of one that can be blown up bigger than life - on them, give them an unlimited budget and unlimited scope / authority, and a dedicated biased team....NONE of them would 'survive' / would come out unscathed.

Hell, do you realize the Democrats are trying to take down the President of the United States because of accused relationships with the Russians, ones that potentially benefitted the President Personally...and they are REALLY having to DIG to find the evidence to prove it....Yet at this minute the entire world knows that Diane Feinstein harbored a Chinese Communist Spy on her team, facilitated DECADES of Chinese Espionage against the United States THROUGH HER OFFICE while her and her husband personally made MILLIONS and no one is batting an eyelash, there are no calls for an investigation, no calls for her to be run out of Congress?!

The stunning, mind-numbing, faux, selective outrage and hypocrisy of it is undeniably epic and shows just what partisanship / partisan hatred can do, how it can divide a nation, cause people to demonize one group while protecting others for doing the same thing - or in Feinstein's case MUCH WORSE.

Everyone has something...some are worse than others...and it is incredible how some people can decide / attempt to dictate whose rises to a level of 'accountability', where a man has to be destroyed, and election overturned, and a government overthrown.....based on destructive partisanship and selective hate.

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