Who On This Board Can Honestly Say ...

...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING? (Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
Every day I worry the FBI will find out I borrowed Millions from Putin's henchmen
Slim odds are you probably purchased something built / made overseas by a company who is owned in part by the Russian, a fact buried in obscurity some 3 rows deep. If you have bought any electronics from China you have basically economically supported the ChiCom government . And if you were . are ever brought in to answer questions by the FBI and eagerly, willingly, STUPIDLY attempt to answer their questions because you want to be 'honest' - Like Corsi and Scooter Libby - you will probably end up 'Lying to the FBI' without realizing it.

I can't remember what I wore last Tuesday, so I damn-well know I would never remember anything about an (1) e-mail I received over a year ago ... which is why my answer to any FBI question, learned from Mueller's exposed Perjury Trap tactic, would / will always be 'I Plead the 5th!'
That's really reaching....
says the person who says trump conspired with russia before the findings are even available.
We aren't running for office, not have we conspired with Russia to try to win an election.
None of that is the premise of the thread, is it snowflake? NO, it isn't. And none of what you stated in the 2nd part of your sentence has been proven...it's just an unsupported snowflake tantrum.
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
Um well the only things they could investigate is either information that’s already public or financial information. Have I broken the law before? Yeah everyone has. Either you were punished or you got away with it. I never got punished for something criminal. Anything that I got away with had nothing to do with finances or a written record, so there wouldn’t be any evidence that could he found that would charge me with the crime.

Obviously, this doesn’t apply to Trump.
Let’s make up crimes, shall we?
says the person who says trump conspired with russia before the findings are even available.

It's part of the snowflake / Democrat core belief system / Kavanaugh 2,0:

Conservatives / Republicans are GUILTY until proven innocent.

The burden of evidence is upon the GOP / Conservative accused.
says the person who says trump conspired with russia before the findings are even available.

It's part of the snowflake / Democrat core belief system / Kavanaugh 2,0:

Conservatives / Republicans are GUILTY until proven innocent.

The burden of evidence is upon the GOP / Conservative accused.
dude - you post BLOCKBUSTER more than the video rental store ever did. i don't think i've ever seen you say "let's wait for the verdict" on the left.
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
Me.....next excuse
Have I broken the law before? Yeah everyone has.

THAT is the premise of this thread. Ding, ding - chicken dinner.

Doing so technically makes us all 'criminals'. In this case criminals are attempting to take down another criminal for breaking laws....crimes that have nothing to do with the reason for the investigation - Russian Interference.
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
My life is an open book. I would not be afraid of a professional prosecutor at all. I don't pay off hookers or suck Putin's cock. No worries!

And I have not ever heard you whining about excessive investigations into Hillary, you mewling piece of shit.
I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.
But I bet you believe in Fairy Tales! :D
one of the biggest is TRUMP / RUSSIA.
Hide and watch....

He has been compromised by them.... it shows on his coat sleeve in every thing he says and does, related to Russia..... they've had him by the cohones for some time...

When they know his dirty secrets while watching him lie to the American people about it,

they have kompromat.... leverage over him.
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I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.
But I bet you believe in Fairy Tales! :D
one of the biggest is TRUMP / RUSSIA.
Hide and watch....

He has been compromised by them.... it shows on his coat sleeve in every thing he says and does, related to Ruussia..... they've had him by the cohones for some time...

When they know his dirty secrets while watching him lie to the American people about it,

they have kompromat.... leverage over him.

I'll wait n see what happens.
...and Mueller is pissed right now because his victims are rebelling against his PERJURY TRAP tactics.


Corsi is suing. Stone is gonna plead the 5th, to not fall into that trap.

He had to only give the one guy, the Greek, 2 weeks in Jail. Flynn
got nothing in jail time, because they probably threatened Flynn's
son and Flynn's attorneys then fought Mueller.

Mueller is trying to wrap up quickly, because he knows when Barr
is seated, Rosenstein is dead meat and Barr will control Mueller.
He won't shut him down but he will question his tactics.
That sounds pretty biased. One of the things that makes the United States great is that we don't tolerate wannabe dictators and have a robust justice system that keeps things in check for the most part.

At the present time, the Country is having a difficult time keeping its
Justice system in line.
I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.
But I bet you believe in Fairy Tales! :D
one of the biggest is TRUMP / RUSSIA.
Hide and watch....

He has been compromised by them.... it shows on his coat sleeve in every thing he says and does, related to Ruussia..... they've had him by the cohones for some time...

When they know his dirty secrets while watching him lie to the American people about it,

they have kompromat.... leverage over him.
You're so full of it. There is ZERO EVIDENCE of any f-ing collusion and you know it. Post it if I'm wrong. Your socialist heroes in Washington can't stand being out of power and they're willing to do ANYTHING to get it back and sheep like you don't give a damn about how low and how many laws they have to break to do it because you're pissed off that he won the election too. You don't care about justice, you only care about your party winning, even if it means destroying the integrity of our nation to do it. You people are disgusting.
At the present time, the Country is having a difficult time keeping its
Justice system in line.
The evidence revealed in this scandal has proven we have had a problem with out 'Justice System' for YEARS.
Positively schizo.



Clearly Democrat socialists are starting to understand what the words Better Russian than democrat really mean. The DS still thinks mindless accusations mean something.
I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.
But I bet you believe in Fairy Tales! :D
one of the biggest is TRUMP / RUSSIA.
Hide and watch....

He has been compromised by them.... it shows on his coat sleeve in every thing he says and does, related to Ruussia..... they've had him by the cohones for some time...

When they know his dirty secrets while watching him lie to the American people about it,

they have kompromat.... leverage over him.
You're so full of it. There is ZERO EVIDENCE of any f-ing collusion and you know it. Post it if I'm wrong. Your socialist heroes in Washington can't stand being out of power and they're willing to do ANYTHING to get it back and sheep like you don't give a damn about how low and how many laws they have to break to do it because you're pissed off that he won the election too. You don't care about justice, you only care about your party winning, even if it means destroying the integrity of our nation to do it. You people are disgusting.
she has the same thing we all have - media speculation. she rejects the speculation that doesn't implicate trump and runs with what does. she's far from the only one in here or in the real world to do that anymore.
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')

I've held a Top Secret clearance so I'm confident that any wrongdoing a special prosecutor dug up would be pretty minor. Sure, I've gone faster than the speed limit or run a light, but there's no current evidence that could link me to those past "crimes". I'll happily turn over 30+ years of tax returns. Crooked Donnie can't even do that.

The only clearance you probably had was when you were stocking items at Walmart.

I’m not the one pretending to be an admiral. I did serve 20 years as a Coast Guard radioman/telecommunications specialist with a TS clearance. Worked three jobs in 53 years; Coast Guard (20), TSA (1), local county government (15).

Is this projection? Do you work at Walmart? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.
But I bet you believe in Fairy Tales! :D
one of the biggest is TRUMP / RUSSIA.
Hide and watch....

He has been compromised by them.... it shows on his coat sleeve in every thing he says and does, related to Ruussia..... they've had him by the cohones for some time...

When they know his dirty secrets while watching him lie to the American people about it,

they have kompromat.... leverage over him.

I'll wait n see what happens.

It already DID happen. He lied and the Russians knew he was lying. That’s kompromat.
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')

Nothing since the 1980s - and even back then most prosecutors would have probably just laughed.

I guess this explains a lot of your views about corruption in Washington. Your a dishonest person that can't comprehend that honest people exist. YOu think that everyone is as corrupt as you. You are wrong.
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')

So the fuck what?
Is this some sort of an argument about Mueller and defense of Trump?
If someone runs for the highest office in the land, then they'd better be ready to go under the microscope.
AND should have to release their tax returns, too.

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