Who On This Board Can Honestly Say ...

...and Mueller is pissed right now because his victims are rebelling against his PERJURY TRAP tactics.


Corsi is suing. Stone is gonna plead the 5th, to not fall into that trap.

He had to only give the one guy, the Greek, 2 weeks in Jail. Flynn
got nothing in jail time, because they probably threatened Flynn's
son and Flynn's attorneys then fought Mueller.

Mueller is trying to wrap up quickly, because he knows when Barr
is seated, Rosenstein is dead meat and Barr will control Mueller.
He won't shut him down but he will question his tactics.
That sounds pretty biased. One of the things that makes the United States great is that we don't tolerate wannabe dictators and have a robust justice system that keeps things in check for the most part.
i also got a ticket for uninspected one time. This thread is making me reevaluate my life, I have been an unscrupulous person :(
I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.
But I bet you believe in Fairy Tales! :D
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
He would find nothing that could be used to subject someone to criminal prosecution.

Indeed, prosecutors often find evidence of wrongdoing but do not pursue prosecution because it wouldn’t be successful – the evidence may have been illegally obtained, for example.

The question is idiotic, of course, because no prosecutor is given unlimited authority, power, time, and funds to conduct an investigation – he is indeed limited by the Constitution, its case law, precedent, and procedure.
What are the limits on mueller, and have any of them been exercised?
Apparently not.... and he is not an Independent Counsel like Kenneth Starr was or Archibald Cox in Watergate was...

Mueller is a Special Counsel so he has no free rein like those mentioned above, he reports to a boss in the Justice Dept, Deputy AG, Rod Rosenstein. He gets permission or a denial on everything he does or wants to do, from Rosenstein.

He isn't some rogue prosecutor...
I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.

Neither did the Clintons, either one.
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')

These people think egging houses and TPing is all they could have POSSIBLY done wrong. They don't understand the reach and power of a well-connected prosecutor to destroy a citizen's life.

Naive in the extreme, but then again, they're liberals. If they could think better, they wouldn't BE liberals in the first place.
there truly is nothing they could even try, to frame me with... and no, I do not think a well-RESPECTED prosecutor like Robert Mueller would conspire with his staff to even try.

And I certainly to not think like Donald Trump, that every aspect and every person in law enforcement and our judicial system is ''out to get, an innocent man''.... that's what dirty rotten MOBSTERS claim... for the most part....

And if you think DJT is clean as a whistle and they are twisting things to frame him, then it is you, that is being naive or simply duped, by believing a well known, con man.

Then you really are naive. You have no idea the number of laws on the books that you violate in a single given day, do you? If a prosecutor got the IRS involved, believe me, you would be in violation of something, somewhere. Believe it.
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
another pointless rage post.

they wouldn't find anything interesting that isn't already on my medical record or on facebook.

maybe they would find i was with someone who egged a house back in 1975. then again we got caught and had to confess at the time. or when we stole a pack of bubblegum at the grocery story i think the same year (i was a heathen at 10) and got caught outside the door and i had to call my mom, tell her what i did and pay for the gum i was not allowed to keep.

man, i'll never be president now.

if you don't want to go to jail, don't do the things that put you there. period.
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')

These people think egging houses and TPing is all they could have POSSIBLY done wrong. They don't understand the reach and power of a well-connected prosecutor to destroy a citizen's life.

Naive in the extreme, but then again, they're liberals. If they could think better, they wouldn't BE liberals in the first place.
there truly is nothing they could even try, to frame me with... and no, I do not think a well-RESPECTED prosecutor like Robert Mueller would conspire with his staff to even try.

And I certainly to not think like Donald Trump, that every aspect and every person in law enforcement and our judicial system is ''out to get, an innocent man''.... that's what dirty rotten MOBSTERS claim... for the most part....

And if you think DJT is clean as a whistle and they are twisting things to frame him, then it is you, that is being naive or simply duped, by believing a well known, con man.

Then you really are naive. You have no idea the number of laws on the books that you violate in a single given day, do you? If a prosecutor got the IRS involved, believe me, you would be in violation of something, somewhere. Believe it.
Probably not then either Sue.....

But I don't see Mueller putting forth petty laws broken either.

As example, it's not simply Cohen spending $3500 on the campaign vs. the $2500 campaign donation limit in the law, Cohen spent $250,000 vs the $2500 limit.... not a small petty difference..... Mueller could probably find a thousand other small campaign finance laws broken if he was being petty... or just looking for anything.

And it isn't like there was 5 or even 10 contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia that was denied by Trump, Campaign and Russia, there was over 80 contacts with them that were all initially denied.... while the Russians hacked and stole and disseminated a candidate's emails, which draws attention for any Norma human being....
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...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')

I've held a Top Secret clearance so I'm confident that any wrongdoing a special prosecutor dug up would be pretty minor. Sure, I've gone faster than the speed limit or run a light, but there's no current evidence that could link me to those past "crimes". I'll happily turn over 30+ years of tax returns. Crooked Donnie can't even do that.
I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.

Neither did the Clintons, either one.

Penelope, you are just so dishonest that it is laughable! That's the only reason I read your posts. Each post gets higher on the stupid scale than the last!

Clinton didn't use the FBI and CIA to investigate Trump through the dossier? Wake up and smell the coffee!
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')

I've held a Top Secret clearance so I'm confident that any wrongdoing a special prosecutor dug up would be pretty minor. Sure, I've gone faster than the speed limit or run a light, but there's no current evidence that could link me to those past "crimes". I'll happily turn over 30+ years of tax returns. Crooked Donnie can't even do that.

The only clearance you probably had was when you were stocking items at Walmart.
Clinton didn't use the FBI and CIA to investigate Trump through the dossier? Wake up and smell the coffee!

Do not call someone stupid when you make statements as stupid as that.

You are apparently referring to the Carter Page FISA warrant.

Page was NOT a member of the Trump campaign when that FISA warrant was first issued (or later either).

If Page had contact with the Trump team after he had been fired...that would be unexpected and on THEM.

Getting a warrant on Page...when he was not a member of the Trump team is not even close to "spying on Trump"

I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.

Neither did the Clintons, either one.

Penelope, you are just so dishonest that it is laughable! That's the only reason I read your posts. Each post gets higher on the stupid scale than the last!

Clinton didn't use the FBI and CIA to investigate Trump through the dossier? Wake up and smell the coffee!
I never sold uranium to the Russians, then lied about it. Never sold missile technology to the Chinese. Never used government agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent. I guess I'm pretty clean.

Neither did the Clintons, either one.

Penelope, you are just so dishonest that it is laughable! That's the only reason I read your posts. Each post gets higher on the stupid scale than the last!

Clinton didn't use the FBI and CIA to investigate Trump through the dossier? Wake up and smell the coffee!

It was the GOP who started to investigate Trump and started the dossier and it wasn't the dossier that led to the first info that found Trump was involved with the Russian. Surely the dossier is coming to be found true, even I suspect the " Golden Showers" part.

Clinton was not involved in the Uranium deal as well. Trying to shut me up won't help your cause.

Trump sure is whining a lot about winning the election, but he won it by the skin of his teeth and he knows it, and Hillary won the maj vote.
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...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
Every day I worry the FBI will find out I borrowed Millions from Putin's henchmen
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING? (Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
Every day I worry the FBI will find out I borrowed Millions from Putin's henchmen
Slim odds are you probably purchased something built / made overseas by a company who is owned in part by the Russian, a fact buried in obscurity some 3 rows deep. If you have bought any electronics from China you have basically economically supported the ChiCom government . And if you were . are ever brought in to answer questions by the FBI and eagerly, willingly, STUPIDLY attempt to answer their questions because you want to be 'honest' - Like Corsi and Scooter Libby - you will probably end up 'Lying to the FBI' without realizing it.

I can't remember what I wore last Tuesday, so I damn-well know I would never remember anything about an (1) e-mail I received over a year ago ... which is why my answer to any FBI question, learned from Mueller's exposed Perjury Trap tactic, would / will always be 'I Plead the 5th!'
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING?

(Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
We aren't running for office, not have we conspired with Russia to try to win an election.
...that if a professional prosecutor was given full authority to investigate every single aspect of your entire life, past and present, he would find NOTHING? (Anyone who says they could is lying. With unlimited authority, power, time, and funds, everyone can be 'exposed')
Every day I worry the FBI will find out I borrowed Millions from Putin's henchmen
Slim odds are you probably purchased something built / made overseas by a company who is owned in part by the Russian, a fact buried in obscurity some 3 rows deep. If you have bought any electronics from China you have basically economically supported the ChiCom government . And if you were . are ever brought in to answer questions by the FBI and eagerly, willingly, STUPIDLY attempt to answer their questions because you want to be 'honest' - Like Corsi and Scooter Libby - you will probably end up 'Lying to the FBI' without realizing it.

I can't remember what I wore last Tuesday, so I damn-well know I would never remember anything about an (1) e-mail I received over a year ago ... which is why my answer to any FBI question, learned from Mueller's exposed Perjury Trap tactic, would / will always be 'I Plead the 5th!'
That's really reaching....

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