Who other than Baltimore or San Francisco can win the Super Bowl?

He's had a great career and he has won a Super Bowl, so he is a great QB.

My definition is my definition, and I owe you no explanation. If you were not such a douche I might explain further, but.......nah. ;)
So Trent Dilfer is a great QB then? Jim McMahon? Brad Johnson?
None of them had a successful career that was as long as Flacco's.
They were middling QBs who played on a SB winning team. Same as Flacco.

You can have whatever opinion you want. You just can’t be mad when people make fun of them when they are objectively stupid.
They were middling QBs who played on a SB winning team. Same as Flacco.

You can have whatever opinion you want. You just can’t be mad when people make fun of them when they are objectively stupid.
You can think whatever you want, your opinion means nothing to me. :)
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The Browns are the other team that could make a serious run at the Super Bowl in my opinion.

They could get very dangerous or they can turn into the typical Browns.
How ironic that today is the 11th anniversary of the Mile High Miracle. Maybe Joe Flacco duplicates this performance tomorrow? In my estimation, it will be Stroud who duplicates this, this kid has been unbelievable, who knew that he would be a winner in tight games in his first season? That is hard for veteran QB's. He is the greatest surprise of the 2023 NFL season by a mile.

That's the beauty of sports. We can cheer on our favorite team(s) and enjoy the exercise to the fullest. And in the end, win or lose, the outcome makes no difference to our quality of life or circumstances . And then we look forward to next year with the same eagerness and hope.
If the best team always won, would we be as interested?

25 seasons, the team with the best regular-season record only won the World Series eight times
How often does team with best regular season record win Super Bowl?

During the 1970s and 80s, the team with the best regular season record won the Super Bowl almost 75% of the time

And there has been a real drought most recently; from 2004-2009, the team with the best regular season record did not win the Super Bowl.

Teams that won the Super Bowl with the most wins during regular-season:
1960s: 1 of 4 (25%)
1970s: 8 of 10 (80%)
1980s: 6 of 10 (60%)
1990s: 4 of 10 (40%)
2000s: 2 of 8 (25%)

In 2009, for the fifth consecutive season, the team with the best regular-season record (Tennessee Titans, 13-3) did not win the Lombardi Trophy. The previous season, the New England Patriots and Tom Brady (right) were 18-0 in 2007 heading into the Super Bowl and lost. The last team with the best record to win it was the Patriots in 2003.

Found this on Quora. Is it right?
No one really thinks the Chiefs have a chance, and Philly is in a hell of a tail spin in the last 6 weeks, they might not even beat Tampa Bay.

Do you think Detroit can get past San Francisco? Probably not. Rams are hot but probably not either.

But what about Buffalo, or Cleveland? I like Cleveland and think that their Super Bowl winning QB and that great defense could get them past Baltimore.
Every team in the AFC is flawed in some major way.
I see no flaws in the Niners.
Barring injury this SB is the Niners to lose.
If the best team always won, would we be as interested?

25 seasons, the team with the best regular-season record only won the World Series eight times
How often does team with best regular season record win Super Bowl?

During the 1970s and 80s, the team with the best regular season record won the Super Bowl almost 75% of the time

And there has been a real drought most recently; from 2004-2009, the team with the best regular season record did not win the Super Bowl.

Teams that won the Super Bowl with the most wins during regular-season:
1960s: 1 of 4 (25%)
1970s: 8 of 10 (80%)
1980s: 6 of 10 (60%)
1990s: 4 of 10 (40%)
2000s: 2 of 8 (25%)

In 2009, for the fifth consecutive season, the team with the best regular-season record (Tennessee Titans, 13-3) did not win the Lombardi Trophy. The previous season, the New England Patriots and Tom Brady (right) were 18-0 in 2007 heading into the Super Bowl and lost. The last team with the best record to win it was the Patriots in 2003.

Found this on Quora. Is it right?
Everybody loves an underdog unless of course the underdog beats our favorite team :) And its just in our cultural DNA to want our favorite super stars to produce whether boxing or golf or tennis or team sports or whatever.

But sports at least above college level has achieved such parity that on any given day anybody might beat anybody. Upsets are glorious when our person or team achieves one. Not so much when the reverse happens. When our guy misses the shot it's terrible. When the 'also ran' misses one it barely registers.

But yeah, its the anomalies and not the consistency that keeps us interested.
The two teams that I could see being the spoiler are the Steelers in the AFC and the Rams in the NFC.
The Steelers are interesting.
If they continue to run the ball as they have the last several weeks and the D can overcome the loss of Watt. I believe they're 5-3 against playoff teams with losses coming to Houston/SF/and CLE and that CLE loss was positioned for a win but KP took over the game and in KP fashion proceeded to burn less than 15 seconds off the clock with 3 INCs.

Disclosure: I have bets on the Steelers to win the AFC and SB.
I also have bets on the Niners and Lions.

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