Who pays taxes in America? Certainly not who RWers think...

Just wanted to correct statement, one of the dumbest Liberal propaganda pieces I have thrown out so far in this thread: "..Stimulus worked - ran out...".

3. President Obama said in February 2009 that the stimulus would lift "2 million Americans from poverty." But since Obama took office, 6.3 million Americans have fallen into poverty.
2010 U.S. Census data, the most recent available, showed that 46.2 million Americans were living in poverty. Worse still, child poverty has increased, rising to 21.6 percent. Many middle class Americans, unable to find work or decent wages, have fallen below the poverty line in recent years. It's the most tragic cost of this prolonged economic nightmare.

Just wanted to correct statement, one of the dumbest Liberal propaganda pieces I have thrown out so far in this thread: "..Stimulus worked - ran out..."

4. The "green economy," Obama vowed, would create millions of jobs. The Energy Department has handed out $35.2 billion in stimulus money to jumpstart the clean energy industry, but it's created more red ink than green jobs. Nationally, green technology accounts for just 2 percent of employment nationwide and there has been no marked boom in the industry.
Those loans, however, have created quite the scandal. Nearly half a billion in taxpayer dollars was lost to the now-bankrupt solar energy company Solyndra. The company, which has since laid off over 1,000 workers, was Obama's self-described poster-child for "American ingenuity and dynamism" in 2010. Today, it's the poster-child for the hazards of reckless spending.

Solyndra & 12 other 'Green Energy' companies Obama championed and funded with tax payer dollars, even while they were going bankrupt so his big donors would not lose any of THEIR money, went out of business...FAILED.

Tax Payer money WASTED - FAIL!
Just wanted to correct statement, one of the dumbest Liberal propaganda pieces I have thrown out so far in this thread: "..Stimulus worked - ran out..."

5. The fifth promise: one million electric cars. Obama promised the stimulus would put one million electric vehicles on the road by 2015. (FAIL!) Last month, the Washington Post reported that "evidence is mounting that President Obama was overly optimistic" to make that pledge. (TRANSLATION: WRONG...FAIL.)
General Motors' Volt, expected to be a hybrid hit, fell far short of its sales goals in 2011 by 38 percent. Fisker Automotive, which received half a billion dollars ($500 MILLION tax dollars) of stimulus money, also fell short of its manufacturing goals. On top of that, instead of creating jobs in the United States, the company is building its cars in Finland. So the Recovery Act did at least manage to stimulate Scandinavia.

-- Yeah, Obama created jobs alright... IN SCANDANAVIA using our tax dollars to do so!
Okay moron. You are as dumb as a rock, so let me explain this to you, although I doubt you are bright enough to understand. The super wealthy cap out on payroll taxes. If you earn $1 million, you stop paying payroll taxes after the first $117,000. So someone earning $1 million per year would pay a total or around $9000 with the employer total being another $9000, so we will account for the total $18,000. Now Medicare has no cap, so there is an additional combined 2.9% Medicare tax beyond the $117,000 cap. That amounts to an additional $25,000 approximately. So the person earning $1 million will pay about $43,000 in payroll taxes. That combines his/her contribution along with the employer. That equates to 4.3% of income. Now let's look at the person earning $50,000 per year. They are taxed at the full rate of 15.3% combined, employer and employee contribution. So the person earning $50,000 will pay $7650 or 15.3% of their income.

Now tell me oh smart one, who is paying the higher rate? Is 4.3% less than 15.3%? According to you it is the same. Okay moron. Next.

They both are held at the same 15.3 % for deductions you stupid bitch.
Yes the one making the million dollars gets capped out because the amount he pays based on that cut off figure could never be redrawn.
Does it represent less of the total earnings for the million air?? Well of course it does....

Though the taxes paid by the million air represent a smaller portion of the mans total earnings, they still pay more taxes.

You are so fucking stupid, instead of looking at actual taxes paid you want to classify through % of earnings paid in taxes.
In this instance the million air will always pay more taxes because he earns more based on a flat taxation rate.

Of course butthurt, stupid fucking dick suckers use fuck me up the ass math like you..................

As for excise taxes, it's the same thing. The wealthy pay a much smaller percentage of their income compared to lower income earners. If I have to draw this out for you also, well then you really are a moron.

Lay it our for me you dick sucking moron shit spewer............

No, let me lay it out for you.

We tried to convey to your ignorant, stupid dick sucking retarded ass.

Excise taxes are taxes paid when purchases are made on a specific good, such as gasoline. Excise taxes are often included in the price of the product. There are also excise taxes on activities, such as on wagering or on highway usage by trucks.Jan 22, 2015

Do you understand that, included in the price, the million air with more money buys more consumables with excise tax on them.

Making the million air paying more excise tax than the poor worker.

Yo really are just totally fucking stupid that you can not realize one can not change whether one pays excise tax or not.

It is included in the price like gasoline, the million air will definitely use more of these products than the poor.

Too stupid to understand that right??

As for overall taxes, Federal Income taxes account for a little over 35% of all tax revenue. Payroll taxes account for a little less than 35% of all tax revenue. Other federal taxes account for approximately 12% of all tax revenue. State and local taxes account for the remaining 18%. Those figures are ballpark but close. You see, there are other taxes besides federal income taxes, you moron.

No stupid corporate taxes account for 35% of all tax income, you keep spouting these figures sans links or statistics.

Get the sand out of your fucking pussy and stop being so fucking stupid!!
Why not lower our tax burden by simplifying unemployment compensation through a general tax on firms.
What the fuck you talking about? Firms already pay into the unemployment, the employee don't contribute a dime.
He must be a free loading Lib, since he apparently never had a job. Everybody who has received a real paycheck knows that!!!!!
No clue and no Cause? Why not acquire and possess one.
Why not lower our tax burden by simplifying unemployment compensation through a general tax on firms.
What the fuck you talking about? Firms already pay into the unemployment, the employee don't contribute a dime.
He must be a free loading Lib, since he apparently never had a job. Everybody who has received a real paycheck knows that!!!!!
No clue and no Cause? Why not acquire and possess one.
Why should I be a retard and rail against something that isn't happening????

You need to step away from the crack pipe!!!!!
Okay moron. You are as dumb as a rock, so let me explain this to you, although I doubt you are bright enough to understand. The super wealthy cap out on payroll taxes. If you earn $1 million, you stop paying payroll taxes after the first $117,000. So someone earning $1 million per year would pay a total or around $9000 with the employer total being another $9000, so we will account for the total $18,000. Now Medicare has no cap, so there is an additional combined 2.9% Medicare tax beyond the $117,000 cap. That amounts to an additional $25,000 approximately. So the person earning $1 million will pay about $43,000 in payroll taxes. That combines his/her contribution along with the employer. That equates to 4.3% of income. Now let's look at the person earning $50,000 per year. They are taxed at the full rate of 15.3% combined, employer and employee contribution. So the person earning $50,000 will pay $7650 or 15.3% of their income.

Now tell me oh smart one, who is paying the higher rate? Is 4.3% less than 15.3%? According to you it is the same. Okay moron. Next.

They both are held at the same 15.3 % for deductions you stupid bitch.
Yes the one making the million dollars gets capped out because the amount he pays based on that cut off figure could never be redrawn.
Does it represent less of the total earnings for the million air?? Well of course it does....

Though the taxes paid by the million air represent a smaller portion of the mans total earnings, they still pay more taxes.

You are so fucking stupid, instead of looking at actual taxes paid you want to classify through % of earnings paid in taxes.
In this instance the million air will always pay more taxes because he earns more based on a flat taxation rate.

Of course butthurt, stupid fucking dick suckers use fuck me up the ass math like you..................

As for excise taxes, it's the same thing. The wealthy pay a much smaller percentage of their income compared to lower income earners. If I have to draw this out for you also, well then you really are a moron.

Lay it our for me you dick sucking moron shit spewer............

No, let me lay it out for you.

We tried to convey to your ignorant, stupid dick sucking retarded ass.

Excise taxes are taxes paid when purchases are made on a specific good, such as gasoline. Excise taxes are often included in the price of the product. There are also excise taxes on activities, such as on wagering or on highway usage by trucks.Jan 22, 2015

Do you understand that, included in the price, the million air with more money buys more consumables with excise tax on them.

Making the million air paying more excise tax than the poor worker.

Yo really are just totally fucking stupid that you can not realize one can not change whether one pays excise tax or not.

It is included in the price like gasoline, the million air will definitely use more of these products than the poor.

Too stupid to understand that right??

As for overall taxes, Federal Income taxes account for a little over 35% of all tax revenue. Payroll taxes account for a little less than 35% of all tax revenue. Other federal taxes account for approximately 12% of all tax revenue. State and local taxes account for the remaining 18%. Those figures are ballpark but close. You see, there are other taxes besides federal income taxes, you moron.

No stupid corporate taxes account for 35% of all tax income, you keep spouting these figures sans links or statistics.

Get the sand out of your fucking pussy and stop being so fucking stupid!!

You truly need to replace those rocks between your ears with some brain cells. You are so stupid you believe corporate taxes account for 35% of all tax revenue. What kind of stupid are you?


Corporate taxes only account for 9% of all federal taxes, although in the 50's they did account for nearly one third. Payroll taxes are not corporate taxes you idiot. As for your personal sexual issues, I cannot help you with your problem. Maybe you need to get laid. In the meantime I am reporting your sorry ass for your vulgarity.
What percentage of payroll taxes do they pay?

The same as everyone else.

What percentage of excise taxes do they pay?

The same rate as everyone else and being that they consume more than we do they are contributing more.

What percentage of state taxes do they pay?

Most states that have an income tax have a progressive one, so again, more.

What percentage of local taxes do they pay?

Have you seen the houses they live in? The cars and boats they own? I would gather considerably more than I do.

The answer to all those is less than everyone else. I get so tired of the federal income tax comparison as if federal income taxes are the only taxes paid in this country. I'm not even making an argument that they don't pay enough. I'm just sick of people using the rate of income taxes they pay as a defense while they ignore all other taxes because it's ludicrous to only discuss what amounts to about 35% of total taxes paid in this country while ignoring the rest.

I don't think you put a whole of thought into your questions.

State taxes are regressive; this is a fact, and if you do not know this then you are not well informed. The lowest income earners pay the largest percentage of their income to taxes at the state and local level. The wealthy pay the least. See, even when you discuss state taxes, the only tax you look at is income taxes. States receive much more revenue from sales taxes and property taxes, which are a much larger percentage of lower income earners total earnings. As for payroll taxes, the very wealthy pay a much smaller percentage than those who earn under the cap. Apparently, you are the one who did not put a lot of thought into this. The fact is that low income earners do pay less than the super wealthy, but not by much. The middle class actually pays more as a percentage of their income than the super wealthy do, although the difference is negligible. What I find hilarious is that so many cons believe we should cut federal income taxes for the super wealthy, which means they would pay less than just about everyone.

State taxes are regressive; this is a fact, and if you do not know this then you are not well informed.

In Illinois, the income tax is a flat 3.75%.
Show me your definition of regressive and I'll show you your error.
The 1% pay much less then they should. They're cheats.

They pay nearly half of all the federal taxes, dumb ass.

Top 1 pay nearly half of federal income taxes

What percentage of payroll taxes do they pay? What percentage of excise taxes do they pay? What percentage of state taxes do they pay? What percentage of local taxes do they pay? The answer to all those is less than everyone else. I get so tired of the federal income tax comparison as if federal income taxes are the only taxes paid in this country. I'm not even making an argument that they don't pay enough. I'm just sick of people using the rate of income taxes they pay as a defense while they ignore all other taxes because it's ludicrous to only discuss what amounts to about 35% of total taxes paid in this country while ignoring the rest.

What percentage of payroll taxes do they pay?

The same %, up to the taxable limit.

What percentage of excise taxes do they pay?

The same amount per pack of smokes. The same amount per bottle of booze.

What percentage of state taxes do they pay?

Here in Illinois, we all pay 3.75% on our income.
In states like California, the state tax is steeply progressive.

What percentage of local taxes do they pay?

They pay the same sales tax, on higher amounts of purchases.
They pay more property tax on bigger houses.

The answer to all those is less than everyone else.

LOL! That's funny.

Actually you are wrong on most of this. Taxes on smokes and booze? Lower income earners pay a much larger percentage of their income in these taxes. We are talking percentage of income here, not totals. As for state and local taxes, lower income earners pay a much larger percentage of their income because almost all states have sales taxes as their largest source of revenue. Lower income earners spend everything they earn. As for property taxes, again the lower income earners are strapped as they pay a much larger percentage of their income to property taxes. This includes renters, because the landlords do not pay those property taxes as part of a good guy deal. They are included in the rent.

So you see, while your argument that the wealthy pay more in dollars is obviously true, lower income earners pay a much bigger percentage of their income to these taxes than the wealthy. It really is important to understand the difference.

Taxes on smokes and booze?

You mentioned excise taxes. In Chicago, combined state, county and city taxes on a pack of smokes is $6.18.
That tax falls equally on the guy who makes $10,000 and the guy who makes $1 million.
$6.18 a pack.

lower income earners pay a much larger percentage of their income because almost all states have sales taxes as their largest source of revenue.

Here in Chicago, the lovely Dems in charge just hiked the sales tax over 10%.
Rich guys buy more stuff than poor guys.

Lower income earners spend everything they earn.

Yeah, the Chicago Dems are really fucking the poor, aren't they?
Even though the rich pay the same percentages.
They go immediately to Federal income taxes, which after all the Reaganist cuts are now less than payroll taxes, while state and local taxes kill the nonrich. Take growing fees into account, and everyone's paying 20-30%, and 95% of new wealth goes to the 1%. The GOP wants more cuts for the rich...
Who Pays Taxes in America CTJReports

They go immediately to Federal income taxes, which after all the Reaganist cuts are now less than payroll taxes,

Can you believe it? The non-rich pay more in payroll taxes (15.3%) than they do in income taxes.
Damn those Republicans for cutting middle class income tax rates.
And for not privatizing Social Security and Medicare.
If they had, what would franco whine about?
And then the hater dupes believe 47% pay no taxes. Not devisive, hateful bs at all...AND 95% of newe wealth goes to the 1% and the country is falling apart. see sig. Great job.

View attachment 46454

And then the hater dupes believe 47% pay no taxes.

Well, according to your source, the bottom quintile pays 5.0% in Federal taxes.
The quintile above that pays 9.5%.
Neat trick when payroll taxes add up to 15.3%. It's almost like they pay negative income taxes.
Do any of the top 10% pay 30%? Seriously? Come on, you know better than that. The one tax record Romney released showed him paying less than 14% on 22 million of income. And he only released that one because he felt it necessary to release one. And it looked like he loaded up on that year. I bet besides that one year, he never paid more than 5%.
You know that to be true. Come on. Admit it.

The one tax record Romney released showed him paying less than 14% on 22 million of income.

When all your income is capital gains (15%) and you donate millions to charity, your rate will drop below 15%.

I bet besides that one year, he never paid more than 5%.

Interesting theory. How?
They go immediately to Federal income taxes, which after all the Reaganist cuts are now less than payroll taxes, while state and local taxes kill the nonrich. Take growing fees into account, and everyone's paying 20-30%, and 95% of new wealth goes to the 1%. The GOP wants more cuts for the rich...
Who Pays Taxes in America CTJReports

They go immediately to Federal income taxes, which after all the Reaganist cuts are now less than payroll taxes,

Can you believe it? The non-rich pay more in payroll taxes (15.3%) than they do in income taxes.
Damn those Republicans for cutting middle class income tax rates.
And for not privatizing Social Security and Medicare.
If they had, what would franco whine about?
And then the hater dupes believe 47% pay no taxes. Not devisive, hateful bs at all...AND 95% of newe wealth goes to the 1% and the country is falling apart. see sig. Great job.

View attachment 46454

And then the hater dupes believe 47% pay no taxes.

Well, according to your source, the bottom quintile pays 5.0% in Federal taxes.
The quintile above that pays 9.5%.
Neat trick when payroll taxes add up to 15.3%. It's almost like they pay negative income taxes.
Do any of the top 10% pay 30%? Seriously? Come on, you know better than that. The one tax record Romney released showed him paying less than 14% on 22 million of income. And he only released that one because he felt it necessary to release one. And it looked like he loaded up on that year. I bet besides that one year, he never paid more than 5%.
You know that to be true. Come on. Admit it.

The one tax record Romney released showed him paying less than 14% on 22 million of income.

When all your income is capital gains (15%) and you donate millions to charity, your rate will drop below 15%.

I bet besides that one year, he never paid more than 5%.

Interesting theory. How?

Where to start?
- Harry Reid and the Democrats claimed Romney had not paid taxes in years.

- Reid then got his hands on Romney's tax returns (a CRIME, btw) and read details right off of them from the floor of the Senate while attacking Romney

- Romney's records show he did pay taxes...and that he also gave more to charity than Obama and Biden combined

- Why are you attacking Romney for legally paying the amount of money he owed? If you have a problem with the existing tax code or 'loopholes' that not only he uesed but everyone who could or was smart enough to did then talk to your Congressman or the IRS. He did not break the law and paid what he owed...

...which can NOT be said for Secretary of the Treasury Timm 'Tax Cheat' Geithner, several other obama Cabinet member nominees, Al Sharpton, Charlie Rangel, etc...none of which paid their taxes until forced to do so. ...but they are all Democrats, so it's all good, right?
State taxes are regressive; this is a fact, and if you do not know this then you are not well informed.

State income taxes are progressive in most states, as has been pointed out to you more than once. Regarding the sales taxes and property taxes, the rate is the same for everyone and wealthier people consume more and own more property, hence, pay more. This is a fact, and if you do not know this then you are not well informed.

The lowest income earners pay the largest percentage of their income to taxes at the state and local level.

5% is 5% for everyone. 10% is 10% for everyone.

See, even when you discuss state taxes, the only tax you look at is income taxes.

No, actually, I specifically mentioned property and sales taxes before. Perhaps you only read what you wanted to.

States receive much more revenue from sales taxes and property taxes, which are a much larger percentage of lower income earners total earnings.

5% is 5% for everyone. 10% is 10% for everyone

As for payroll taxes, the very wealthy pay a much smaller percentage than those who earn under the cap.

6.2% is 6.2% for everyone.

What I find hilarious is that so many cons believe we should cut federal income taxes for the super wealthy, which means they would pay less than just about everyone.

What I find hilarious is that I support eliminating income taxes for everyone, including the middle class and poor, and people like you constantly fight against it. Why are you so hostile to the poor and middle class?
Actually you are wrong on most of this. Taxes on smokes and booze? Lower income earners pay a much larger percentage of their income in these taxes.

I agree that lower income people tend to spend more of their money on those things, so why don't you take that up with the Democrats who are generally the ones pushing for and constantly hiking up these so called "Sin Taxes?" In fact, that demographic typically elects so those very same people so obviously this doesn't bother them all that much so why does it bother you? The most left wing parts of this country generally have the highest rate of these burdensome taxes.
Only the Right has a problem with being taxed what they are allegedly worth under our form of Capitalism.

Who decides what an appropriate tax rate is according to someone's alleged worth? You?? :lol: :lol:
Only the Right has a problem with being taxed what they are allegedly worth under our form of Capitalism.

Who decides what an appropriate tax rate is according to someone's alleged worth? You?? :lol: :lol:

Several years ago a female deomcrat declared that everything above a certain amout on money earned by Americans should go to the Federal Government. She demonstrated an insane beliefe many Democrats have - that YOUR money is really the amount of THEIR money they allow you to have, and that THEY should be the ones with the authority to dictate how much money you earn is 'enough' to keep - all above that goes to them. Luckily members of her own party saw how insane that was and got her to be quiet.
Typical hater dupe talking point lol. Try thinking instead of stupid insults.

what a fucking retard, he tells the man to think rather than "stupid insults" and the first thing off his keyboard is to call him a "HATER DUPE".
HILARIOUS, SINCE YOU HATER DUPES (A political TERM, NOT PERSONAL HATE LIKE YOU GUYS GOING on and on about Libs being lazy burger flippers, welfare queens, faggots etc etc) never stop showing PERSONAL hatred for liberals. Usually racist code for that matter. Also seems like you'd be physically violent in the real world as typical with RW know nothings (ANOTHER political term).
Just wanted to correct statement, one of the dumbest Liberal propaganda pieces I have thrown out so far in this thread: "..Stimulus worked - ran out..."

2. Obama's economic advisers promised the stimulus would keep the unemployment rate below 8 percent. In 2012, the unemployment rate was supposed to fall below 6 percent. The prediction was not meant to be taken lightly. In a January 2009 radio address, Obama announced he was releasing a report based on "rigorous analysis" that charted unemployment through 2013 so "the American people can see exactly what this plan will mean for their families." Today, 12.8 million Americans are unemployed, 8.2 million cannot find enough work, and 1.1 million have given up looking for work altogether. Unemployment still remains above 8 percent, the supposed maximum rate, and certainly above 6 percent. For 36 straight months, unemployment has been higher than what the president promised. That's more than a rounding error; that is a failure of leadership.
That promise was before the election and before the depth of the meltdown was understood. Great job, Boooshies! It was thought the retraction was 3%, but turned out to be 9%. The UE rate was 7.8% before Obama took office and higher than 8% by Feb 2009. Anyone who looks at the years of growth that started 10/2009 knows the stimulus worked. All you have is discredited Pubcrappe.
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