Who pays taxes in America? Certainly not who RWers think...

They go immediately to Federal income taxes, which after all the Reaganist cuts are now less than payroll taxes,

Can you believe it? The non-rich pay more in payroll taxes (15.3%) than they do in income taxes.
Damn those Republicans for cutting middle class income tax rates.
And for not privatizing Social Security and Medicare.
If they had, what would franco whine about?
And then the hater dupes believe 47% pay no taxes. Not devisive, hateful bs at all...AND 95% of newe wealth goes to the 1% and the country is falling apart. see sig. Great job.

This should be illegal...Shit like this has destroyed our middle class!
Obama's policies have.
Total bs. TOTAL Pub OBSTRUCTION of Obama policy, brainwashed functional moron.

Our middle class started getting screwed over with Nixon kissing China's ass in the early 70's. Reagan lowered taxes to the ground on the super rich!!! What did they do for us??? Sent most of our industry to the third world and made super profit.

We were better off between 1920-1970.

Reagan lowered taxes to the ground on the super rich!!! What did they do for us???

They paid more taxes than ever before, while the economy boomed.

Sent most of our industry to the third world

Bullshit. Higher taxes and more idiotic regulations is what does that.
For instance, some fuckwit thinks CO2 is pollution, so he'll decree we reduce our use of fossil fuels and replace them with less reliable, more expensive power generators that don't produce when the Sun sets or the wind doesn't blow. Brilliant! Corporations love higher energy prices. Sure to create lots of jobs here. Moron.
and 95% of new wealth goes to the 1%

All under a Democratic president and accelerating.
It's been a trend occurring for decades, and Obama is just another corporate serving stooge.
BS. Pubs blocked all his reforms, because of silly voters who believe Pubcrappe like that.

Reagan left office in 1989 and it is still all his fault that it keeps getting worse! :lmao:

Democraps get a pass! :lol: can't make this stuff up!
The 1% pay much less then they should. They're cheats.

How are they cheating? You are making a really stupid, low information voter, statement. The rich take all their legal deductions. It is the rich in Congress that make the laws. Idiot!
and 95% of new wealth goes to the 1%

All under a Democratic president and accelerating.
It's been a trend occurring for decades, and Obama is just another corporate serving stooge.
BS. Pubs blocked all his reforms, because of silly voters who believe Pubcrappe like that.

Reagan left office in 1989 and it is still all his fault that it keeps getting worse! :lmao:

Democraps get a pass! :lol: can't make this stuff up!
Duh. Same gd tax rates and policies defended to the death by Pubs and silly ignorant dupes. DUH.

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.
Over the past 30 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:
Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.
But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):
1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%
A 13% drop since 1980

Share of National Income going to Top 10%:
1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%
An increase of 16% since Reagan.

The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.
1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)
A 12.3% drop after Reagan.

Household Debt as percentage of GDP:
1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%
A 45% increase after 1980.
Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:
1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%
A 5.6 times increase.

The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:
1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%
A 10% Decrease.
1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt
1 = https://www.clevelandfed.org/Research/PolicyDis/No7Nov04.pdf
1 = http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Zh1bveXc8rA/SuddUhLWUaI/AAAAAAAAA7M/iU2gefk317M/s1600-h/Clipboard01.jpg
2 – http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/blog/09/04/27/CongratulationstoEmmanuelSaez/
3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/images/charts/uspersonalsaving_thumb.gif
3 = http://www.bea.gov/national/nipaweb/TableView.asp?SelectedTable=58&Freq=Qtr&FirstYear=2008&LastYear=2010
4 = http://www.prudentbear.com/index.php/household-sector-debt-of-gdp
4 = http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/current/
5/6 = http://www.businessinsider.com/15-charts-about-wealth-and-inequality-in-america-2010-4?slop=1#slideshow-start
Overview = http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/2010062415/reagan-revolution-home-roost-charts
and 95% of new wealth goes to the 1%

All under a Democratic president and accelerating.
It's been a trend occurring for decades, and Obama is just another corporate serving stooge.
BS. Pubs blocked all his reforms, because of silly voters who believe Pubcrappe like that.

Please name the reforms or provide links.
Try looking at real news sometime.
and 95% of new wealth goes to the 1%

All under a Democratic president and accelerating.
It's been a trend occurring for decades, and Obama is just another corporate serving stooge.
BS. Pubs blocked all his reforms, because of silly voters who believe Pubcrappe like that.

Please name the reforms or provide links.
Try looking at real news sometime.

Translation: you can't produce.

Got it.
and 95% of new wealth goes to the 1%

All under a Democratic president and accelerating.
It's been a trend occurring for decades, and Obama is just another corporate serving stooge.
BS. Pubs blocked all his reforms, because of silly voters who believe Pubcrappe like that.

Please name the reforms or provide links.
Min wage, Fair Pay, College loan reform, tax hikes on the rich, closing loopholes on corps, etc etc. Then Dems give up, since Pubs believe compromise is weakness and and voting 50 times to repeal ACA and ridiculous witch hunts are good gov't.
and 95% of new wealth goes to the 1%

All under a Democratic president and accelerating.
It's been a trend occurring for decades, and Obama is just another corporate serving stooge.
BS. Pubs blocked all his reforms, because of silly voters who believe Pubcrappe like that.

Please name the reforms or provide links.
Min wage, Fair Pay, College loan reform, tax hikes on the rich, closing loopholes on corps, etc etc. Then Dems give up, since Pubs believe compromise is weakness and and voting 50 times to repeal ACA and ridiculous witch hunts are good gov't.

Gee...those sound like great things.

How did the democrats lose the house and senate ?

Seems like you'd want people who are for those things.
All under a Democratic president and accelerating.
It's been a trend occurring for decades, and Obama is just another corporate serving stooge.
BS. Pubs blocked all his reforms, because of silly voters who believe Pubcrappe like that.

Please name the reforms or provide links.
Min wage, Fair Pay, College loan reform, tax hikes on the rich, closing loopholes on corps, etc etc. Then Dems give up, since Pubs believe compromise is weakness and and voting 50 times to repeal ACA and ridiculous witch hunts are good gov't.

Gee...those sound like great things.

How did the democrats lose the house and senate ?

Seems like you'd want people who are for those things.
Because Pubs have made everyone sick of politics and only their zombie chumps show up in off years duh.
It's been a trend occurring for decades, and Obama is just another corporate serving stooge.
BS. Pubs blocked all his reforms, because of silly voters who believe Pubcrappe like that.

Please name the reforms or provide links.
Min wage, Fair Pay, College loan reform, tax hikes on the rich, closing loopholes on corps, etc etc. Then Dems give up, since Pubs believe compromise is weakness and and voting 50 times to repeal ACA and ridiculous witch hunts are good gov't.

Gee...those sound like great things.

How did the democrats lose the house and senate ?

Seems like you'd want people who are for those things.
Because Pubs have made everyone sick of politics and only their zombie chumps show up in off years duh.

I see..........
What percentage of payroll taxes do they pay?

The same as everyone else.

What percentage of excise taxes do they pay?

The same rate as everyone else and being that they consume more than we do they are contributing more.

What percentage of state taxes do they pay?

Most states that have an income tax have a progressive one, so again, more.

What percentage of local taxes do they pay?

Have you seen the houses they live in? The cars and boats they own? I would gather considerably more than I do.

The answer to all those is less than everyone else. I get so tired of the federal income tax comparison as if federal income taxes are the only taxes paid in this country. I'm not even making an argument that they don't pay enough. I'm just sick of people using the rate of income taxes they pay as a defense while they ignore all other taxes because it's ludicrous to only discuss what amounts to about 35% of total taxes paid in this country while ignoring the rest.

I don't think you put a whole of thought into your questions.

State taxes are regressive; this is a fact, and if you do not know this then you are not well informed. The lowest income earners pay the largest percentage of their income to taxes at the state and local level. The wealthy pay the least. See, even when you discuss state taxes, the only tax you look at is income taxes. States receive much more revenue from sales taxes and property taxes, which are a much larger percentage of lower income earners total earnings. As for payroll taxes, the very wealthy pay a much smaller percentage than those who earn under the cap. Apparently, you are the one who did not put a lot of thought into this. The fact is that low income earners do pay less than the super wealthy, but not by much. The middle class actually pays more as a percentage of their income than the super wealthy do, although the difference is negligible. What I find hilarious is that so many cons believe we should cut federal income taxes for the super wealthy, which means they would pay less than just about everyone.
BS. Pubs blocked all his reforms, because of silly voters who believe Pubcrappe like that.

Please name the reforms or provide links.
Min wage, Fair Pay, College loan reform, tax hikes on the rich, closing loopholes on corps, etc etc. Then Dems give up, since Pubs believe compromise is weakness and and voting 50 times to repeal ACA and ridiculous witch hunts are good gov't.

Gee...those sound like great things.

How did the democrats lose the house and senate ?

Seems like you'd want people who are for those things.
Because Pubs have made everyone sick of politics and only their zombie chumps show up in off years duh.

I see..........
I doubt it...How do you explain the lowest % turnout ever, the pure excitement of all the solutions passed and the spirit of good gov't, Pubtwit?
Please name the reforms or provide links.
Min wage, Fair Pay, College loan reform, tax hikes on the rich, closing loopholes on corps, etc etc. Then Dems give up, since Pubs believe compromise is weakness and and voting 50 times to repeal ACA and ridiculous witch hunts are good gov't.

Gee...those sound like great things.

How did the democrats lose the house and senate ?

Seems like you'd want people who are for those things.
Because Pubs have made everyone sick of politics and only their zombie chumps show up in off years duh.

I see..........
I doubt it...How do you explain the lowest % turnout ever, the pure excitement of all the solutions passed and the spirit of good gov't, Pubtwit?
How do you explain why your posts read like they were typed by a severely retarded chimp??? Was your liberal education that bad????
The 1% pay much less then they should. They're cheats.

They pay nearly half of all the federal taxes, dumb ass.

Top 1 pay nearly half of federal income taxes

What percentage of payroll taxes do they pay? What percentage of excise taxes do they pay? What percentage of state taxes do they pay? What percentage of local taxes do they pay? The answer to all those is less than everyone else. I get so tired of the federal income tax comparison as if federal income taxes are the only taxes paid in this country. I'm not even making an argument that they don't pay enough. I'm just sick of people using the rate of income taxes they pay as a defense while they ignore all other taxes because it's ludicrous to only discuss what amounts to about 35% of total taxes paid in this country while ignoring the rest.

What percentage of payroll taxes do they pay?

The same %, up to the taxable limit.

What percentage of excise taxes do they pay?

The same amount per pack of smokes. The same amount per bottle of booze.

What percentage of state taxes do they pay?

Here in Illinois, we all pay 3.75% on our income.
In states like California, the state tax is steeply progressive.

What percentage of local taxes do they pay?

They pay the same sales tax, on higher amounts of purchases.
They pay more property tax on bigger houses.

The answer to all those is less than everyone else.

LOL! That's funny.

Actually you are wrong on most of this. Taxes on smokes and booze? Lower income earners pay a much larger percentage of their income in these taxes. We are talking percentage of income here, not totals. As for state and local taxes, lower income earners pay a much larger percentage of their income because almost all states have sales taxes as their largest source of revenue. Lower income earners spend everything they earn. As for property taxes, again the lower income earners are strapped as they pay a much larger percentage of their income to property taxes. This includes renters, because the landlords do not pay those property taxes as part of a good guy deal. They are included in the rent.

So you see, while your argument that the wealthy pay more in dollars is obviously true, lower income earners pay a much bigger percentage of their income to these taxes than the wealthy. It really is important to understand the difference.
First point the number of people in the top tax brackets are extremely few when compared to every one else. This means a small percentage of the population is paying a very large proportion of the income taxes.
What percentage of payroll taxes do they pay?
They are responsible for the same standard deductions you are moron.

What percentage of excise taxes do they pay?
Same as you moron, excise taxes are taxes on goods such as cigarettes or gasoline and usually included in the price.

What percentage of state taxes do they pay?
They use the same state tax forms and tables as you do moron.

What percentage of local taxes do they pay?
They are held to the same tax tables and deductions locally as you moron.

The answer to all those is less than everyone else. I get so tired of the federal income tax comparison as if federal income taxes are the only taxes paid in this country.
Considering it is the only relevant tax we have been discussing is Federal, all other are equal or just as slanted against the rich moron.

I'm not even making an argument that they don't pay enough. I'm just sick of people using the rate of income taxes they pay as a defense while they ignore all other taxes because it's ludicrous to only discuss what amounts to about 35% of total taxes paid in this country while ignoring the rest.

So give us that break down of where the other 65% come from fucking moron ...................

Okay moron. You are as dumb as a rock, so let me explain this to you, although I doubt you are bright enough to understand. The super wealthy cap out on payroll taxes. If you earn $1 million, you stop paying payroll taxes after the first $117,000. So someone earning $1 million per year would pay a total or around $9000 with the employer total being another $9000, so we will account for the total $18,000. Now Medicare has no cap, so there is an additional combined 2.9% Medicare tax beyond the $117,000 cap. That amounts to an additional $25,000 approximately. So the person earning $1 million will pay about $43,000 in payroll taxes. That combines his/her contribution along with the employer. That equates to 4.3% of income. Now let's look at the person earning $50,000 per year. They are taxed at the full rate of 15.3% combined, employer and employee contribution. So the person earning $50,000 will pay $7650 or 15.3% of their income.

Now tell me oh smart one, who is paying the higher rate? Is 4.3% less than 15.3%? According to you it is the same. Okay moron. Next.

As for excise taxes, it's the same thing. The wealthy pay a much smaller percentage of their income compared to lower income earners. If I have to draw this out for you also, well then you really are a moron.

Now, state and local taxes. While income tax rates might be the same, almost every state gets their largest source of revenue from sales taxes. Lower income earners spend almost everything they earn, so they are paying a much bigger percentage of their income to state taxes than the wealthy. This shit isn't rocket science; it's actually quite simple, yet morons like you can't figure it out. Here's some reading for you to help get you better informed. Who Pays 5th Edition The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy ITEP

As for overall taxes, Federal Income taxes account for a little over 35% of all tax revenue. Payroll taxes account for a little less than 35% of all tax revenue. Other federal taxes account for approximately 12% of all tax revenue. State and local taxes account for the remaining 18%. Those figures are ballpark but close. You see, there are other taxes besides federal income taxes, you moron.
First point the number of people in the top tax brackets are extremely few when compared to every one else. This means a small percentage of the population is paying a very large proportion of the income taxes.

As they should since they are earning an incredible percentage of all earnings. Should we reduce their rates to 10% of earnings for them since they pay so much? Then we can tax everyone else at 40%. Yay!

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