Who pays taxes in America? Certainly not who RWers think...

Min wage, Fair Pay, College loan reform, tax hikes on the rich, closing loopholes on corps, etc etc. Then Dems give up, since Pubs believe compromise is weakness and and voting 50 times to repeal ACA and ridiculous witch hunts are good gov't.

Gee...those sound like great things.

How did the democrats lose the house and senate ?

Seems like you'd want people who are for those things.
Because Pubs have made everyone sick of politics and only their zombie chumps show up in off years duh.

I see..........
I doubt it...How do you explain the lowest % turnout ever, the pure excitement of all the solutions passed and the spirit of good gov't, Pubtwit?
How do you explain why your posts read like they were typed by a severely retarded chimp??? Was your liberal education that bad????
The 1% pay much less then they should. They're cheats.

They pay nearly half of all the federal taxes, dumb ass.

Top 1 pay nearly half of federal income taxes

What percentage of payroll taxes do they pay? What percentage of excise taxes do they pay? What percentage of state taxes do they pay? What percentage of local taxes do they pay? The answer to all those is less than everyone else. I get so tired of the federal income tax comparison as if federal income taxes are the only taxes paid in this country. I'm not even making an argument that they don't pay enough. I'm just sick of people using the rate of income taxes they pay as a defense while they ignore all other taxes because it's ludicrous to only discuss what amounts to about 35% of total taxes paid in this country while ignoring the rest.

What percentage of payroll taxes do they pay?

The same %, up to the taxable limit.

What percentage of excise taxes do they pay?

The same amount per pack of smokes. The same amount per bottle of booze.

What percentage of state taxes do they pay?

Here in Illinois, we all pay 3.75% on our income.
In states like California, the state tax is steeply progressive.

What percentage of local taxes do they pay?

They pay the same sales tax, on higher amounts of purchases.
They pay more property tax on bigger houses.

The answer to all those is less than everyone else.

LOL! That's funny.

Actually you are wrong on most of this. Taxes on smokes and booze? Lower income earners pay a much larger percentage of their income in these taxes. We are talking percentage of income here, not totals. As for state and local taxes, lower income earners pay a much larger percentage of their income because almost all states have sales taxes as their largest source of revenue. Lower income earners spend everything they earn. As for property taxes, again the lower income earners are strapped as they pay a much larger percentage of their income to property taxes. This includes renters, because the landlords do not pay those property taxes as part of a good guy deal. They are included in the rent.

So you see, while your argument that the wealthy pay more in dollars is obviously true, lower income earners pay a much bigger percentage of their income to these taxes than the wealthy. It really is important to understand the difference.
Only the Right has a problem with being taxed what they are allegedly worth under our form of Capitalism.
The loseriterian movement stands for one things....An America of a small group of super rich men that don't pay a cent and a whole lot of poor people.

This America allows corporations to do anything they please and this is why they hate regulations.

The government regulates for a good reason.
Why not lower our tax burden by simplifying unemployment compensation through a general tax on firms.
The people who produce the wealth and gain most from the wealth in the U.S. , pay the majority of the income tax. Does that come as a shock to foreign posters?

Of course it does. The working man or woman doesn't pay anywhere near what the wealthy and corporations pay in taxes.

The only people who don't pay taxes of any kind are the freeloaders and we have a boatload of those in America.
They go immediately to Federal income taxes, which after all the Reaganist cuts are now less than payroll taxes, while state and local taxes kill the nonrich. Take growing fees into account, and everyone's paying 20-30%, and 95% of new wealth goes to the 1%. The GOP wants more cuts for the rich...
Who Pays Taxes in America CTJReports

They go immediately to Federal income taxes, which after all the Reaganist cuts are now less than payroll taxes,

Can you believe it? The non-rich pay more in payroll taxes (15.3%) than they do in income taxes.
Damn those Republicans for cutting middle class income tax rates.
And for not privatizing Social Security and Medicare.
If they had, what would franco whine about?
And then the hater dupes believe 47% pay no taxes. Not devisive, hateful bs at all...AND 95% of newe wealth goes to the 1% and the country is falling apart. see sig. Great job.
….envying much?

I'd rather have a big middle class and be the best at infrastructure, science and education....Having a bunch of super rich cheats with a massive low class is very mexican...
You got that right. It's sad that the only jobs the right wing base aspires to are minimum wage jobs without benefits needing no education.
And the Dims aspire to a position where they don't pay taxes.....
They go immediately to Federal income taxes, which after all the Reaganist cuts are now less than payroll taxes, while state and local taxes kill the nonrich. Take growing fees into account, and everyone's paying 20-30%, and 95% of new wealth goes to the 1%. The GOP wants more cuts for the rich...
Who Pays Taxes in America CTJReports

They go immediately to Federal income taxes, which after all the Reaganist cuts are now less than payroll taxes,

Can you believe it? The non-rich pay more in payroll taxes (15.3%) than they do in income taxes.
Damn those Republicans for cutting middle class income tax rates.
And for not privatizing Social Security and Medicare.
If they had, what would franco whine about?
And then the hater dupes believe 47% pay no taxes. Not devisive, hateful bs at all...AND 95% of newe wealth goes to the 1% and the country is falling apart. see sig. Great job.

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And then the hater dupes believe 47% pay no taxes.

Well, according to your source, the bottom quintile pays 5.0% in Federal taxes.
The quintile above that pays 9.5%.
Neat trick when payroll taxes add up to 15.3%. It's almost like they pay negative income taxes.
Do any of the top 10% pay 30%? Seriously? Come on, you know better than that. The one tax record Romney released showed him paying less than 14% on 22 million of income. And he only released that one because he felt it necessary to release one. And it looked like he loaded up on that year. I bet besides that one year, he never paid more than 5%.
You know that to be true. Come on. Admit it.
The Clinton Charity Case - WSJ

The first couple of American liberalism reported income of $139 million in their hardship years from 2007-2014. That’s a tad more than most of the “everyday Americans” whom Mrs. Clinton claims to speak for, which may explain why an accompanying press release stressed that she and Bill had given $14,959,450 to charity.

That’s wonderful, save for the small detail that her charity of choice was her own family. The couple donated all but $200,000 of their gifts since 2007 to the Clinton Family Foundation, which isn’t exactly the Little Sisters of the Poor.

While the foundation does contribute to charitable causes, it also doubles as a vehicle to promote the first family’s political ambitions and public profile. It spends an outsized portion of its money, for instance, picking up the travel and other expenses for the whole family.

The foundation has also functioned between campaigns and stints in public office as a jobs program and financier for various Clinton operatives. Sidney Blumenthal, who was banned by the White House from a job at the State Department, was paid by the foundation while he was dispensing bad advice on Libya to Mrs. Clinton. Foreign governments, unions, wealthy Democrats and corporations donated to the foundation knowing its political importance to the woman who could be the next U.S. President.
Romney released showed him paying less than 14% on 22 million of income.
That would be $ 3,080,000.
One with $ 50,000 would be $ 7,000
Hmmm… fucking Romney did not pay his "fair share"
Why not lower our tax burden by simplifying unemployment compensation through a general tax on firms.
What the fuck you talking about? Firms already pay into the unemployment, the employee don't contribute a dime.
He must be a free loading Lib, since he apparently never had a job. Everybody who has received a real paycheck knows that!!!!!
Why not lower our tax burden by simplifying unemployment compensation through a general tax on firms.
What the fuck you talking about? Firms already pay into the unemployment, the employee don't contribute a dime.
He must be a free loading Lib, since he apparently never had a job. Everybody who has received a real paycheck knows that!!!!!
Probably "works" for the DNC as "social media expert"

isnt it just like a leftard to whine about state and local taxes? who wants more of those? Democrats usually
Why not lower our tax burden by simplifying unemployment compensation through a general tax on firms.
What the fuck you talking about? Firms already pay into the unemployment, the employee don't contribute a dime.
He must be a free loading Lib, since he apparently never had a job. Everybody who has received a real paycheck knows that!!!!!
He is like 3/4Ths of these liberal posters never worked a day in his life, or works as a sign spinner , or a burger flipper.
Typical hater dupe talking point lol. Try thinking instead of stupid insults.

what a fucking retard, he tells the man to think rather than "stupid insults" and the first thing off his keyboard is to call him a "HATER DUPE".
Just wanted to correct statement, one of the dumbest Liberal propaganda pieces I have thrown out so far in this thread: "..Stimulus worked - ran out..."

The 'Stimulus' Bill, Obama's 1st real piece of legislation to address the economy' (Yeah, and if you like your plan you can keep your plan, too) was a disaster. It was hailed as a 'Jobs' bill but failed disasterously, unlesws you call spending over $774,000 PER job 'saved'/'created' a 'success.

- This failed bill cost nearly $1 TRILLION dollars ( - $875 BILLION - added to the debt in 1 shot ... that's 25% of the total entire Bush deficit over his 8 year period)

- It contained over 7,000 (SEVEN THOUSAND) pieces of Democratic Party-ONLY earmarks (totally destroying Obama's promise NOT to allow any earmarks in the laws he signed)

- Obama bragged about 'shovel-rerady' projects...and was forced to admit to the American people he had no idea there was NO SUCH THING.

- He 'NATIONALIZED' GM, violating Bankruptcy laws in the process, took over the US car company, gave half ownership to the Unions, sold part of GM - an American-owned car company - to a foreign car industry that was having worse financial troubles than GM was, eventually sold MOST of GM's stock off at a LOSS of tax dollars, and still holds some of GM's stock.

- His used-car provision/gimmick was a failure

- And, AGAIN, the final tally was that Obama's massive debt-adding socialist spending spree resulted in a reported $774,000+ PER JOB 'victory'
*** Many of those jobs reported as 'saved'/'created' were proven to be pure BOGUS - one company explained that the Obama administration claimed to have saved more jobs at their industry than there were people who actually worked there. Another company said Obama claimed he saved jobs at their business when NO ONE was ever in jeopardy of losing their jobs.

Many Liberals will say 'economists' (Liberals) claim it did not work because Obama did not spend ENOUGH money (Yeah, we should have passed 20,000 earmarks and paid $1Million PER JOB 'created' / 'saved'...), but other economists blame the massive spending at that time as one reason the economy did not bounce back faster.
Just wanted to correct statement, one of the dumbest Liberal propaganda pieces I have thrown out so far in this thread: "..Stimulus worked - ran out..."

1. Obama's economic advisers promised the stimulus would keep the unemployment rate below 8 percent. In 2012, the unemployment rate was supposed to fall below 6 percent. The prediction was not meant to be taken lightly. In a January 2009 radio address, Obama announced he was releasing a report based on "rigorous analysis" that charted unemployment through 2013 so "the American people can see exactly what this plan will mean for their families."
Today, 12.8 million Americans are unemployed, 8.2 million cannot find enough work, and 1.1 million have given up looking for work altogether. Unemployment still remains above 8 percent, the supposed maximum rate, and certainly above 6 percent. For 36 straight months, unemployment has been higher than what the president promised. That's more than a rounding error; that is a failure of leadership.
Just wanted to correct statement, one of the dumbest Liberal propaganda pieces I have thrown out so far in this thread: "..Stimulus worked - ran out..."

2. Obama's economic advisers promised the stimulus would keep the unemployment rate below 8 percent. In 2012, the unemployment rate was supposed to fall below 6 percent. The prediction was not meant to be taken lightly. In a January 2009 radio address, Obama announced he was releasing a report based on "rigorous analysis" that charted unemployment through 2013 so "the American people can see exactly what this plan will mean for their families." Today, 12.8 million Americans are unemployed, 8.2 million cannot find enough work, and 1.1 million have given up looking for work altogether. Unemployment still remains above 8 percent, the supposed maximum rate, and certainly above 6 percent. For 36 straight months, unemployment has been higher than what the president promised. That's more than a rounding error; that is a failure of leadership.

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