*WHo Shot The Retired Military Girl In The Neck?*

Why did the capital police move away from the doors to begin with? Their body language looks very relaxed for being in such a dangerous situation. They are not yelling at the rioters telling them to get back and even when the woman is shot they still seem oddly calm.
Being calm in the face of danger sounds like they were well-trained.

You didn't know? Running around in circles with your hands waving around in the air is standard protocol.
Why did the capital police move away from the doors to begin with? Their body language looks very relaxed for being in such a dangerous situation. They are not yelling at the rioters telling them to get back and even when the woman is shot they still seem oddly calm.
Being calm in the face of danger sounds like they were well-trained.

What "danger"? Ashli was an unarmed broad.
Sorry bout that,

1. The whole intrusion was staged, and was led by antifa and blm, others were lured in, by just being in the crowd.
2. I also saw footage of the cops waving people in.
3. The barricades were not breached, they were moved to allow protesters to move forward, where they were eventually waved inside.
4. Those who broke the windows were Antifa, and blm, that will be slow rolled.

Nantifa Pelosi is in charge of the capital police.....soooo
The Yellow Press always puts all of the information on Policemen who shoot other people.
Sorry bout that,

1. The whole intrusion was staged, and was led by antifa and blm, others were lured in, by just being in the crowd.
2. I also saw footage of the cops waving people in.
3. The barricades were not breached, they were moved to allow protesters to move forward, where they were eventually waved inside.
4. Those who broke the windows were Antifa, and blm, that will be slow rolled.

There is that "convict frame of mind" being used for someone who went where they should not have and tried to enter into a barricaded area with men pointing guns at them because they were breaking and entering and then they claim it is someone elses fault, you guys sound like BLM now, congrats.

Yes, both the congress occupiers and BLM have the exact same protection for political expression.
Minor damage to public property is inferior to the right of free political expression, if some slight property damage is required in order to get the media coverage necessary.

Both BLM and the congressional occupiers should have gone where they went and done what they did, given what they believed to be true.
Right or wrong has nothing to do with it.
That is to be decided later in court, and has nothing to do with their intent at the time.
They can be wrong and still have a legally protected intent.
What legally protected intent do they have?

To get media coverage.
It is not just the same as the 1967 civil rights riots and Vietnam war riots, but traditions going back to the 1700s when presidents were hung in effigy.

Getting media coverage requires breaking the law.
But getting media coverage is a protected right, or can be if there is sufficient justification.
So then minor violations are warranted.
It only becomes prosecutable when you deliberately harm individuals, without justifiable need.
This was public property, so harmed no individual rights at all.
Sorry bout that,

1. The whole intrusion was staged, and was led by antifa and blm, others were lured in, by just being in the crowd.
2. I also saw footage of the cops waving people in.
3. The barricades were not breached, they were moved to allow protesters to move forward, where they were eventually waved inside.
4. Those who broke the windows were Antifa, and blm, that will be slow rolled.


So, you're calling her stupid then. I might agree with that as she followed Q.

When this first happened I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. However at the time I didn't know how close to the chamber she was and that if she was listening should have heard the warnings. The cop or Secret Service officer I believe was in his right to shoot anyone coming through that door considering where he was standing and the potential consequences if those under his protection were caught up in the mob.

She died a fucking idiot for a fucking dumb cause.

Of course the right is going to fetishize her service but in the end she dishonored it.

She was not at all in any risk of trying to get through the door.
And a warning shot would have sufficed.
I did not hear any warning, and I watched half a dozen videos.
The cop fired 2 shots in quick succession, aimed exactly at her, and no one else.
And she was not part of the group trying to bust down the barricade, but just standing nearby.

She - was the tip of the spear to the mob behind her.

Warning shot? Inside a building? That doesn't sound safe, I think you watch too much tv.

There were people in the hallway shouting about a gun, she was shot because she was the one trying to move forward. She wasn't standing there, she was crawling through one of the broken windows to the door.

In this video you can see her climbing through the window.

2 quick shots, good training.
Sorry bout that,

1. Some one shot and killed her, during Jan. 6th.
2. If it was clean kill, then why haven't we heard who did it?
3. Name rank and badge number, or was it some other?
4. Her death should really be pissing off the Veterans.
5. They want answers, I want answers.
6. The world wants answers.
7. Who fired that bullet???
8. It was a crime whoever shot her, she had no weapon, and was shot through a doorway. I viewed the video.

9. The cop, whom the President Trump was shamed in the White House, lowered the flag, well he died of a heart condition.
10. No word who the supposed capital cop was, politician, just he was put on administration leave.


Secret Service shot her.. They were doing their job. Most veterans are ashamed of her.

She was climbing in thru the window they had smashed.

<iframe width="618" height="348" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Sorry bout that,

1. Some one shot and killed her, during Jan. 6th.
2. If it was clean kill, then why haven't we heard who did it?
3. Name rank and badge number, or was it some other?
4. Her death should really be pissing off the Veterans.
5. They want answers, I want answers.
6. The world wants answers.
7. Who fired that bullet???
8. It was a crime whoever shot her, she had no weapon, and was shot through a doorway. I viewed the video.

9. The cop, whom the President Trump was shamed in the White House, lowered the flag, well he died of a heart condition.
10. No word who the supposed capital cop was, politician, just he was put on administration leave.

Your concerns would have more merit if it wasn't 100% rooted in your worship of a cult leader....Instead of being rooted in the general opposition to excessive force.....

if it was, we would all be asking you, where the fuck have you been?? Because she isn't the first this has happened to....with even much less room to justify it...

But I am anti-Trump and am a far left liberal progressive, and still find this shooting by police very troubling.
It apparently has NOT been investigated at all.
Unlike the Breonna Taylor murder, there is no press coverage or even anyone suggesting it be investigated.
That makes it much more troubling.
As far as I understand law, public political protest is a protected right in a public building.
So shooting her was not just murder, but an attempt to intimidate and suppress political expression, which is a far greater crime even than murder.
I could easily excuse it if the person were scared or had no choice.
But they could easily have just instead fired a warning shot up or down, and did not have to fire 2 shots.
So this was deliberate.
Extremely troubling.
Then protest the event and petition Congress for redress like they did for Ms. Taylor.
He thinks continuously saying "I am a far left progressive" is supposed to change anything.....

A far left progressive already KNEW that violently storming the Capitol TO PREVENT the electoral count in hopes that would keep their preferred candidate in office wouldn't be met with roses and cupcakes...

A far left progressive has DECADES AND DECADES of case history to inform them of this......


These students weren't trying to storm the Federal Capitol to do anything.....and the police shootings that happened at a predominantly black Jackson State around that same time doesn't even get mentioned.....but you are acting shocked that a woman was shot by Capitol police...and you call yourself a "progressive"??
Staged mother fucking Demonicrats. Should have seen this coming, though it's always shocking the depths for which these fuckers will go. They kill their own kind too, JFK & Epstein could tell you all about it.
Sorry bout that,

1. Some one shot and killed her, during Jan. 6th.
2. If it was clean kill, then why haven't we heard who did it?
3. Name rank and badge number, or was it some other?
4. Her death should really be pissing off the Veterans.
5. They want answers, I want answers.
6. The world wants answers.
7. Who fired that bullet???
8. It was a crime whoever shot her, she had no weapon, and was shot through a doorway. I viewed the video.

9. The cop, whom the President Trump was shamed in the White House, lowered the flag, well he died of a heart condition.
10. No word who the supposed capital cop was, politician, just he was put on administration leave.

Your concerns would have more merit if it wasn't 100% rooted in your worship of a cult leader....Instead of being rooted in the general opposition to excessive force.....

if it was, we would all be asking you, where the fuck have you been?? Because she isn't the first this has happened to....with even much less room to justify it...

But I am anti-Trump and am a far left liberal progressive, and still find this shooting by police very troubling.
It apparently has NOT been investigated at all.
Unlike the Breonna Taylor murder, there is no press coverage or even anyone suggesting it be investigated.
That makes it much more troubling.
As far as I understand law, public political protest is a protected right in a public building.
So shooting her was not just murder, but an attempt to intimidate and suppress political expression, which is a far greater crime even than murder.
I could easily excuse it if the person were scared or had no choice.
But they could easily have just instead fired a warning shot up or down, and did not have to fire 2 shots.
So this was deliberate.
Extremely troubling.
Then protest the event and petition Congress for redress like they did for Ms. Taylor.
He thinks continuously saying "I am a far left progressive" is supposed to change anything.....

A far left progressive already KNEW that violently storming the Capitol TO PREVENT the electoral count in hopes that would keep their preferred candidate in office wouldn't be met with roses and cupcakes...

A far left progressive has DECADES AND DECADES of case history to inform them of this......

View attachment 448340

These students weren't trying to storm the Federal Capitol to do anything.....and the police shootings that happened at a predominantly black Jackson State around that same time doesn't even get mentioned.....but you are acting shocked that a woman was shot by Capitol police...and you call yourself a "progressive"??

Ribgy is a Tim Pool style liberal in that he isn't.
Why did the capital police move away from the doors to begin with? Their body language looks very relaxed for being in such a dangerous situation. They are not yelling at the rioters telling them to get back and even when the woman is shot they still seem oddly calm.
Being calm in the face of danger sounds like they were well-trained.

Being calm in the face of danger sounds like they were well-trained.

Doesn't sound to me like the cop that shot the girl was calm, or well-trained.

Could be used as a defense.
There is a huge difference between a deliberate murder and an emotional mistake.
But we do not know because nothing has been done it appears?
So then it appears a deliberate act of intimidation by the government supporting this murder, instead of explaining it was not being prosecuted due to it being an understandable mistake.
Without public disclosure, now the government has become complicit.
Sorry bout that,

1. Some one shot and killed her, during Jan. 6th.
2. If it was clean kill, then why haven't we heard who did it?
3. Name rank and badge number, or was it some other?
4. Her death should really be pissing off the Veterans.
5. They want answers, I want answers.
6. The world wants answers.
7. Who fired that bullet???
8. It was a crime whoever shot her, she had no weapon, and was shot through a doorway. I viewed the video.

9. The cop, whom the President Trump was shamed in the White House, lowered the flag, well he died of a heart condition.
10. No word who the supposed capital cop was, politician, just he was put on administration leave.

Your concerns would have more merit if it wasn't 100% rooted in your worship of a cult leader....Instead of being rooted in the general opposition to excessive force.....

if it was, we would all be asking you, where the fuck have you been?? Because she isn't the first this has happened to....with even much less room to justify it...
Whenever a Democrat NAZI uses the term "cult leader" I automatically ignore anything he has to say.
Sorry bout that,

1. Some one shot and killed her, during Jan. 6th.
2. If it was clean kill, then why haven't we heard who did it?
3. Name rank and badge number, or was it some other?
4. Her death should really be pissing off the Veterans.
5. They want answers, I want answers.
6. The world wants answers.
7. Who fired that bullet???
8. It was a crime whoever shot her, she had no weapon, and was shot through a doorway. I viewed the video.

9. The cop, whom the President Trump was shamed in the White House, lowered the flag, well he died of a heart condition.
10. No word who the supposed capital cop was, politician, just he was put on administration leave.

Your concerns would have more merit if it wasn't 100% rooted in your worship of a cult leader....Instead of being rooted in the general opposition to excessive force.....

if it was, we would all be asking you, where the fuck have you been?? Because she isn't the first this has happened to....with even much less room to justify it...

But I am anti-Trump and am a far left liberal progressive, and still find this shooting by police very troubling.
It apparently has NOT been investigated at all.
Unlike the Breonna Taylor murder, there is no press coverage or even anyone suggesting it be investigated.
That makes it much more troubling.
As far as I understand law, public political protest is a protected right in a public building.
So shooting her was not just murder, but an attempt to intimidate and suppress political expression, which is a far greater crime even than murder.
I could easily excuse it if the person were scared or had no choice.
But they could easily have just instead fired a warning shot up or down, and did not have to fire 2 shots.
So this was deliberate.
Extremely troubling.
Then protest the event and petition Congress for redress like they did for Ms. Taylor.
He thinks continuously saying "I am a far left progressive" is supposed to change anything.....

A far left progressive already KNEW that violently storming the Capitol TO PREVENT the electoral count in hopes that would keep their preferred candidate in office wouldn't be met with roses and cupcakes...

A far left progressive has DECADES AND DECADES of case history to inform them of this......

View attachment 448340

These students weren't trying to storm the Federal Capitol to do anything.....and the police shootings that happened at a predominantly black Jackson State around that same time doesn't even get mentioned.....but you are acting shocked that a woman was shot by Capitol police...and you call yourself a "progressive"??
Of course, your characterization of what happened is a blatant lie.

Breaking and entering can be deadly.
Only when NAZIs are in charge of the building.

What a stupid lie.. WE don't have any Nazi Congressmen or Senators. They should sue your pants off for slander and throw your sorry butt out of the US. Go back to England and overthrow your own government.
All the Dims are fucking NAZIs. For weeks I've been watching them say how Republicans need to be "deprogrammed" and "censored." I've never seen such blatant attacks on the Constitution.
Sorry bout that,

1. The whole intrusion was staged, and was led by antifa and blm, others were lured in, by just being in the crowd.
2. I also saw footage of the cops waving people in.
3. The barricades were not breached, they were moved to allow protesters to move forward, where they were eventually waved inside.
4. Those who broke the windows were Antifa, and blm, that will be slow rolled.


So, you're calling her stupid then. I might agree with that as she followed Q.

When this first happened I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. However at the time I didn't know how close to the chamber she was and that if she was listening should have heard the warnings. The cop or Secret Service officer I believe was in his right to shoot anyone coming through that door considering where he was standing and the potential consequences if those under his protection were caught up in the mob.

She died a fucking idiot for a fucking dumb cause.

Of course the right is going to fetishize her service but in the end she dishonored it.

She was not at all in any risk of trying to get through the door.
And a warning shot would have sufficed.
I did not hear any warning, and I watched half a dozen videos.
The cop fired 2 shots in quick succession, aimed exactly at her, and no one else.
And she was not part of the group trying to bust down the barricade, but just standing nearby.

She - was the tip of the spear to the mob behind her.

Warning shot? Inside a building? That doesn't sound safe, I think you watch too much tv.

There were people in the hallway shouting about a gun, she was shot because she was the one trying to move forward. She wasn't standing there, she was crawling through one of the broken windows to the door.

In this video you can see her climbing through the window.

2 quick shots, good training.

2 quick shots, good training.

Piss Poor training

10 CFR § 1047.7 - Use of deadly force. | CFR | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (cornell.edu)
Why did the capital police move away from the doors to begin with? Their body language looks very relaxed for being in such a dangerous situation. They are not yelling at the rioters telling them to get back and even when the woman is shot they still seem oddly calm.
Being calm in the face of danger sounds like they were well-trained.

Being calm in the face of danger sounds like they were well-trained.

Doesn't sound to me like the cop that shot the girl was calm, or well-trained.

Could be used as a defense.
There is a huge difference between a deliberate murder and an emotional mistake.
But we do not know because nothing has been done it appears?
So then it appears a deliberate act of intimidation by the government supporting this murder, instead of explaining it was not being prosecuted due to it being an understandable mistake.
Without public disclosure, now the government has become complicit.
They are going to keep his name hidden and hope it blows over. Once they give out his name, they won't be able to get him off.

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