*WHo Shot The Retired Military Girl In The Neck?*

Sorry bout that,

1. Some one shot and killed her, during Jan. 6th.
2. If it was clean kill, then why haven't we heard who did it?
3. Name rank and badge number, or was it some other?
4. Her death should really be pissing off the Veterans.
5. They want answers, I want answers.
6. The world wants answers.
7. Who fired that bullet???
8. It was a crime whoever shot her, she had no weapon, and was shot through a doorway. I viewed the video.

9. The cop, whom the President Trump was shamed in the White House, lowered the flag, well he died of a heart condition.
10. No word who the supposed capital cop was, politician, just he was put on administration leave.

Retired? Girl? :heehee:
This was murder, and nothings being done to get to the bottom of why this girl was shot in the neck
There’s an ongoing investigation and the officer is on leave.

She was shot as she was breaking through a barricaded door approaching where the members of Congress were sheltering.

I haven't heard this. Do you have a link?
Sorry bout that,

1. The whole intrusion was staged, and was led by antifa and blm, others were lured in, by just being in the crowd.
2. I also saw footage of the cops waving people in.
3. The barricades were not breached, they were moved to allow protesters to move forward, where they were eventually waved inside.
4. Those who broke the windows were Antifa, and blm, that will be slow rolled.


So, you're calling her stupid then. I might agree with that as she followed Q.

When this first happened I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. However at the time I didn't know how close to the chamber she was and that if she was listening should have heard the warnings. The cop or Secret Service officer I believe was in his right to shoot anyone coming through that door considering where he was standing and the potential consequences if those under his protection were caught up in the mob.

She died a fucking idiot for a fucking dumb cause.

Of course the right is going to fetishize her service but in the end she dishonored it.

She was not at all in any risk of trying to get through the door.
And a warning shot would have sufficed.
I did not hear any warning, and I watched half a dozen videos.
The cop fired 2 shots in quick succession, aimed exactly at her, and no one else.
And she was not part of the group trying to bust down the barricade, but just standing nearby.

She - was the tip of the spear to the mob behind her.

Warning shot? Inside a building? That doesn't sound safe, I think you watch too much tv.

There were people in the hallway shouting about a gun, she was shot because she was the one trying to move forward. She wasn't standing there, she was crawling through one of the broken windows to the door.

In this video you can see her climbing through the window.

2 quick shots, good training.

2 quick shots, good training.

Piss Poor training

10 CFR § 1047.7 - Use of deadly force. | CFR | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (cornell.edu)

A mob attacking the capital, mere feet from their chambers. That's enough of a threat.

Also, would just like to point this one part from your link.

(2) Warning shots shall not be fired.
Sorry bout that,

1. Some one shot and killed her, during Jan. 6th.
2. If it was clean kill, then why haven't we heard who did it?
3. Name rank and badge number, or was it some other?
4. Her death should really be pissing off the Veterans.
5. They want answers, I want answers.
6. The world wants answers.
7. Who fired that bullet???
8. It was a crime whoever shot her, she had no weapon, and was shot through a doorway. I viewed the video.

9. The cop, whom the President Trump was shamed in the White House, lowered the flag, well he died of a heart condition.
10. No word who the supposed capital cop was, politician, just he was put on administration leave.

High probability shooter was AA and has been put on administrative leave, last I heard.
Sorry bout that,

1. The whole intrusion was staged, and was led by antifa and blm, others were lured in, by just being in the crowd.
2. I also saw footage of the cops waving people in.
3. The barricades were not breached, they were moved to allow protesters to move forward, where they were eventually waved inside.
4. Those who broke the windows were Antifa, and blm, that will be slow rolled.


So, you're calling her stupid then. I might agree with that as she followed Q.

When this first happened I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. However at the time I didn't know how close to the chamber she was and that if she was listening should have heard the warnings. The cop or Secret Service officer I believe was in his right to shoot anyone coming through that door considering where he was standing and the potential consequences if those under his protection were caught up in the mob.

She died a fucking idiot for a fucking dumb cause.

Of course the right is going to fetishize her service but in the end she dishonored it.

She was not at all in any risk of trying to get through the door.
And a warning shot would have sufficed.
I did not hear any warning, and I watched half a dozen videos.
The cop fired 2 shots in quick succession, aimed exactly at her, and no one else.
And she was not part of the group trying to bust down the barricade, but just standing nearby.

She - was the tip of the spear to the mob behind her.

Warning shot? Inside a building? That doesn't sound safe, I think you watch too much tv.

There were people in the hallway shouting about a gun, she was shot because she was the one trying to move forward. She wasn't standing there, she was crawling through one of the broken windows to the door.

In this video you can see her climbing through the window.

2 quick shots, good training.

No, she was not at all the "tip of the spear", but off to the side.
Waring shots are always safest inside a building.
Outside a shot can go for a mile.
Inside there is solid concrete floors that act as the ceiling above as well.
A ricochet is possible, but ricohets have very little energy, so very little danger.
Much less than actually aiming at a human.
2 shots is horrible training.
50 years ago anyone shooting 2 shots in quick succession was immediately fired.
Double tapping is a military technique for grouping for maximum kill ratios, and is totally illegal for police.
You clearly have military brainwashing.
Where are the BLM riots for a cop killing an unarmed citizen?

Oh, you know the reason: the unarmed citizen was a white, right wing veteran. Xiden the FICUS has defined such people as domestic terrorists who deserve to be put down if they refuse to undergo deprogramming.
She was a loony, and following her orange god got her killed. T's & P's.
Sorry bout that,

1. The whole intrusion was staged, and was led by antifa and blm, others were lured in, by just being in the crowd.
2. I also saw footage of the cops waving people in.
3. The barricades were not breached, they were moved to allow protesters to move forward, where they were eventually waved inside.
4. Those who broke the windows were Antifa, and blm, that will be slow rolled.


So, you're calling her stupid then. I might agree with that as she followed Q.

When this first happened I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. However at the time I didn't know how close to the chamber she was and that if she was listening should have heard the warnings. The cop or Secret Service officer I believe was in his right to shoot anyone coming through that door considering where he was standing and the potential consequences if those under his protection were caught up in the mob.

She died a fucking idiot for a fucking dumb cause.

Of course the right is going to fetishize her service but in the end she dishonored it.

She was not at all in any risk of trying to get through the door.
And a warning shot would have sufficed.
I did not hear any warning, and I watched half a dozen videos.
The cop fired 2 shots in quick succession, aimed exactly at her, and no one else.
And she was not part of the group trying to bust down the barricade, but just standing nearby.

She - was the tip of the spear to the mob behind her.

Warning shot? Inside a building? That doesn't sound safe, I think you watch too much tv.

There were people in the hallway shouting about a gun, she was shot because she was the one trying to move forward. She wasn't standing there, she was crawling through one of the broken windows to the door.

In this video you can see her climbing through the window.

2 quick shots, good training.

2 quick shots, good training.

Piss Poor training

10 CFR § 1047.7 - Use of deadly force. | CFR | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (cornell.edu)

A mob attacking the capital, mere feet from their chambers. That's enough of a threat.

Also, would just like to point this one part from your link.

(2) Warning shots shall not be fired.

They were all evacuated, you fucking moron. There was no excuse for shooting her and killing her.
This was murder, and nothings being done to get to the bottom of why this girl was shot in the neck
There’s an ongoing investigation and the officer is on leave.

She was shot as she was breaking through a barricaded door approaching where the members of Congress were sheltering.

I haven't heard this. Do you have a link?

The NY Times is doing good reporting on this.

Inside the Deadly Capitol Shooting
Sorry bout that,

1. The whole intrusion was staged, and was led by antifa and blm, others were lured in, by just being in the crowd.
2. I also saw footage of the cops waving people in.
3. The barricades were not breached, they were moved to allow protesters to move forward, where they were eventually waved inside.
4. Those who broke the windows were Antifa, and blm, that will be slow rolled.


So, you're calling her stupid then. I might agree with that as she followed Q.

When this first happened I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. However at the time I didn't know how close to the chamber she was and that if she was listening should have heard the warnings. The cop or Secret Service officer I believe was in his right to shoot anyone coming through that door considering where he was standing and the potential consequences if those under his protection were caught up in the mob.

She died a fucking idiot for a fucking dumb cause.

Of course the right is going to fetishize her service but in the end she dishonored it.

She was not at all in any risk of trying to get through the door.
And a warning shot would have sufficed.
I did not hear any warning, and I watched half a dozen videos.
The cop fired 2 shots in quick succession, aimed exactly at her, and no one else.
And she was not part of the group trying to bust down the barricade, but just standing nearby.

She - was the tip of the spear to the mob behind her.

Warning shot? Inside a building? That doesn't sound safe, I think you watch too much tv.

There were people in the hallway shouting about a gun, she was shot because she was the one trying to move forward. She wasn't standing there, she was crawling through one of the broken windows to the door.

In this video you can see her climbing through the window.

2 quick shots, good training.

2 quick shots, good training.

Piss Poor training

10 CFR § 1047.7 - Use of deadly force. | CFR | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (cornell.edu)

A mob attacking the capital, mere feet from their chambers. That's enough of a threat.

Also, would just like to point this one part from your link.

(2) Warning shots shall not be fired.

There was no need for ANY shots to be fired.
Breaking and entering can be deadly.
Yep....it's funny to watch the trump cultists be so much against law and order. Not surprising when worshipping their orange god....but funny nonetheless.
This is your conception of law and order, NAZI:

This was murder, and nothings being done to get to the bottom of why this girl was shot in the neck
There’s an ongoing investigation and the officer is on leave.

She was shot as she was breaking through a barricaded door approaching where the members of Congress were sheltering.

She was not. She was just standing near by.
And a warning show would have sufficed.
The people breaking through were using battering rams.
She was not holding anything.
This was murder, and nothings being done to get to the bottom of why this girl was shot in the neck
There’s an ongoing investigation and the officer is on leave.

She was shot as she was breaking through a barricaded door approaching where the members of Congress were sheltering.

She was not. She was just standing near by.
And a warning show would have sufficed.
The people breaking through were using battering rams.
She was not holding anything.
YOu know....we can see the video of her climbing thru the broken window, right?
Members of the Democrat Reich are proud to show how utterly classless they are.

LOLOL.. Stop. Trump has all the class of a feral boar hog.

Lawmakers are taking matters into their own hands to prevent white supremacists and other extremists from joining and remaining in the military.

Following the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol — and the subsequent revelation that nearly 1 in 5 people charged in connection with the riot have some form of military background — Congress plans to insert language into this year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to address extremism at the Pentagon and other federal agencies.

“The attack on our Capitol was an insurrection fueled in large part by groups that espouse the same extreme white supremacists’ views – groups that actively recruit veterans and from the ranks of our military,” Rep. Anthony Brown (D-Md.) said in a statement to The Hill.

“We must recommit ourselves to rooting these beliefs out of our ranks, protecting our servicemembers from radicalization and ensuring all Americans feel safe serving the country we all love,” he added.
ROFL! That's utterly hilarious coming from a minion of the Democrat Reich.

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