Who Should Have The Right To Vote?

Why shouldn't I collect the benefits that morons like you foisted on me?

I dunno. Maybe you can't be trusted to vote. You might try to vote yourself higher benefits.

I certainly don't trust you to vote. You've already proven yourself incompetent on that score.

Really? How is that?

Well, you said you agree with me on most of my views, yet you vote for people who are the complete opposite.

I said I agree with you on most of your views? When was that?
What is wrong with welfare? What is wrong with unemployment insurance? What is wrong with requiring a minimum wage?

I understand that there was a good deal of fraud with welfare before it was reformed during the Clinton Administration. Now that AFDC has been replaced by TANF much of that has been eliminated. If the reader does not know which changes occurred do an Internet search and learn something about welfare today before posting.

Those of us who have traveled outside of our borders have been to countries where there is great poverty and even greater wealth. I humbly suggest that the Callous Conservatives seek a new nation where they can live and none of their money is taken to feed, shelter and provide healthcare for the poor.

For the life of me, I do not know why it's so hard for people to understand that you have to have healthy, educated, citizens to succeed as a country. And when all the money goes to the top, it's unhealthy for our economy.
Man, you are one miserable little twerp.

ROFL! Why, because I understand democracy?

No, you Gawd damn sure don't.

Yes I do. That makes you pout because I'm not a gullible brainwashed drone like you. Like all drones, your understanding of democracy is pure fantasy.

You think taking away the American vote from law abiding citizens equals democracy? You are a boob.

No I don't. What makes you think I give a damn about democracy?

Nothing you post makes me think of anything other than how truly screwed up you are. I wonder, what made you into the boob you are today? Actually I don't think the word boob when I read one of your posts - because there is never one. You apparently can't hold two thoughts together and must post in a series. Thus boob should be boobs (at least).

If I believed you were brighter than a moonless night I might suspect your serial posting was an effort to censor a thoughtful post which preceded it. That you're dumber than the average poster, I dismiss such a thought as impossible.
Who in their right mind can disagree with this?
If you have no skin in the game you wont do whats right for the country,only that which will further enrich you at the cost of the tax payer.
It's a no brainer really.
Everyone who lives here has skin in the game. The idea that renters aren't tax payers is false, the taxes are factored into the rents, or aren't people supposed to be able to figure that out.
Who in their right mind can disagree with this?
If you have no skin in the game you wont do whats right for the country,only that which will further enrich you at the cost of the tax payer.
It's a no brainer really.
Everyone who lives here has skin in the game. The idea that renters aren't tax payers is false, the taxes are factored into the rents, or aren't people supposed to be able to figure that out.

Sure renters pay taxes. My beef is with people who exist solely on welfare.
They should not be able to vote themselves largess from the tax payers.
What about a farmer who receives crop subsidies or artificial price supports? Should he be allowed to vote for the largess?
What about a corporate executive who is receiving huge subsidies?

No, and no.
We've come a long way in this country. At the start, voting laws were determined on a state by state basis. Many required land ownership for voting rights. Women and colored people were not necessarily excluded since they too have been landowners since well before the start of this country. The concept was that those who had no investment in this country should have no say in in our government, a concept not without merit.

These days it seems we've accepted this idiotic notion that everyone should be able to vote. It's created a serious conflict of interest when people dependent on government are able to vote to increase and sustain such dependence extorting the toils of the producers in this country.

So here's my proposal. Zero liability voters should be banned!

That's right. If you're a net consumer of government, you don't get to vote. It's perfectly fair since I'm the one paying taxes to fund your entitlements. This doesn't include people on Social Security. They paid into that and they deserve to draw from it. That isn't welfare.

But for those of you who pay ZERO taxes, who are on welfare, foodstamps, or disability, I don't hate you, I have no animosity toward you, but I don't think you should have the right to vote in this country.

How about corporations that pay zero taxes? Since corporations are now considered citizens and given the blessing by the supreme court of outright buying elections with campaign contributions, shouldn't the zero tax corporations be treated the same as those on welfare, food stamps, etc, and be banned from voting their interests with money? Link below.

20 big profitable US companies paid no taxes
And again a question you didn't answer. How is loaning yourself money an asset? If you spent $100 and pay yourself back with interest, what does that even mean? Social Security goes into the general fund, payments come out of the general fund. They don't even separate it. When your pay goes into your checking, you pay your bills from your checking, how can you be saving the money you spent to pay your bills? And again, how is paying yourself back with "interest" from your checking to your checking meaningful to anyone but the most gullible sap? There are people who don't realize that. You do, it keeps getting explained to you. And it's not sticking.

Again, how is paying your bills from your checking account and paying yourself back from your checking to your checking with interest an asset? Explain please.

It amazes me how many drones don't understand this obvious fact.

I amazes me how many drones mistake absurd questions and comparing their checking account to the federal treasury as an obvious fact.

So you don't know what a G/L is, figures. We seriously need to teach economics in high school in this country. The knowledge of people who get out not knowing anything about money is just sad. Go back to insulting me, you're a moron. I can't help you.

I don't need your help fool.
If you seriously don't know how your checkbook to your family is like the General Fund to the government, you are seriously mind blowingly stupid. I think you're just playing dumb. Not sure why you want to look dumb. But whatever.

My checkbook has absolutely zero resemblance to the government general fund.
Looks as if this thread has been kidnapped by the echo chamber.

Real Americans believe in one vote for every citizen and the majority wins.

1) real Americans believe every qualified citizen can vote and be an engineer or doctor
2) real Americans believe you cant vote for liberal programs since they are opposed to the Constitution.
Looks as if this thread has been kidnapped by the echo chamber.

Real Americans believe in one vote for every citizen and the majority wins.

1) real Americans believe every qualified citizen can vote and be an engineer or doctor
2) real Americans believe you cant vote for liberal programs since they are opposed to the Constitution.
Is that sarcasm?

1 Is there actually someone who believes that every citizen can become a doctor or engineer?

2 I think if the people of the united states should promoted welfare to establish justice (social and otherwise) it would help insure domestic tranquility (peace in the streets) in order to remove some of the flaws of our union (past and present)... don't just do it for ourselves, do it for the children.
Looks as if this thread has been kidnapped by the echo chamber.

Real Americans believe in one vote for every citizen and the majority wins.

1) real Americans believe every qualified citizen can vote and be an engineer or doctor
2) real Americans believe you cant vote for liberal programs since they are opposed to the Constitution.
Is that sarcasm?

1 Is there actually someone who believes that every citizen can become a doctor or engineer?

2 I think if the people of the united states should promoted welfare to establish justice (social and otherwise) it would help insure domestic tranquility (peace in the streets) in order to remove some of the flaws of our union (past and present)... don't just do it for ourselves, do it for the children.

Whatever you say comrade ......
Looks as if this thread has been kidnapped by the echo chamber.

Real Americans believe in one vote for every citizen and the majority wins.

1) real Americans believe every qualified citizen can vote and be an engineer or doctor
2) real Americans believe you cant vote for liberal programs since they are opposed to the Constitution.
Is that sarcasm?

1 Is there actually someone who believes that every citizen can become a doctor or engineer?

2 I think if the people of the united states should promoted welfare to establish justice (social and otherwise) it would help insure domestic tranquility (peace in the streets) in order to remove some of the flaws of our union (past and present)... don't just do it for ourselves, do it for the children.

Whatever you say comrade ......
Maybe I should have worded it another way:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
How about corporations that pay zero taxes? Since corporations are now considered citizens and given the blessing by the supreme court of outright buying elections with campaign contributions, shouldn't the zero tax corporations be treated the same as those on welfare, food stamps, etc, and be banned from voting their interests with money? Link below.

20 big profitable US companies paid no taxes

Corporations are not voters.

Looks as if this thread has been kidnapped by the echo chamber.

Real Americans believe in one vote for every citizen and the majority wins.

1) real Americans believe every qualified citizen can vote and be an engineer or doctor
2) real Americans believe you cant vote for liberal programs since they are opposed to the Constitution.
Is that sarcasm?

1 Is there actually someone who believes that every citizen can become a doctor or engineer?

2 I think if the people of the united states should promoted welfare to establish justice (social and otherwise) it would help insure domestic tranquility (peace in the streets) in order to remove some of the flaws of our union (past and present)... don't just do it for ourselves, do it for the children.

Whatever you say comrade ......
Maybe I should have worded it another way:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Hmmmm . . . Where does it mention robbing Peter to pay Paul?
It takes a special kind of stupid to say that collecting the benefits of the insurance you paid for is welfare.

The OP specifically excluded social security.

Read and expand post 442 and probably dozen more in this thread. This has been a pissing contest between me, Kaz and Bripat9643 since they insist that Soc Sec is a welfare program and I consider it a rather typical mismanaged government insurance program. I finally decided arguing with fools was rubbing off on me and quit.
Looks as if this thread has been kidnapped by the echo chamber.

Real Americans believe in one vote for every citizen and the majority wins.

1) real Americans believe every qualified citizen can vote and be an engineer or doctor
2) real Americans believe you cant vote for liberal programs since they are opposed to the Constitution.
Is that sarcasm?

1 Is there actually someone who believes that every citizen can become a doctor or engineer?

2 I think if the people of the united states should promoted welfare to establish justice (social and otherwise) it would help insure domestic tranquility (peace in the streets) in order to remove some of the flaws of our union (past and present)... don't just do it for ourselves, do it for the children.

Whatever you say comrade ......
Maybe I should have worded it another way:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Hmmmm . . . Where does it mention robbing Peter to pay Paul?
It mentions taxes, welfare and creates the framework for writing laws to deal with the ever changing needs of our nation, not to mention the process of amending the constitution itself... in order to form a more perfect union.
1) real Americans believe every qualified citizen can vote and be an engineer or doctor
2) real Americans believe you cant vote for liberal programs since they are opposed to the Constitution.
Is that sarcasm?

1 Is there actually someone who believes that every citizen can become a doctor or engineer?

2 I think if the people of the united states should promoted welfare to establish justice (social and otherwise) it would help insure domestic tranquility (peace in the streets) in order to remove some of the flaws of our union (past and present)... don't just do it for ourselves, do it for the children.

Whatever you say comrade ......
Maybe I should have worded it another way:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Hmmmm . . . Where does it mention robbing Peter to pay Paul?
It mentions taxes, welfare and creates the framework for writing laws to deal with the ever changing needs of our nation, not to mention the process of amending the constitution itself... in order to form a more perfect union.
In other words, it doesn't mention robbing Peter to pay Paul.

When did the country pass the Constitutional Amendment allowing government to hand out welfare checks?
It takes a special kind of stupid to say that collecting the benefits of the insurance you paid for is welfare.

The OP specifically excluded social security.

Read and expand post 442 and probably dozen more in this thread. This has been a pissing contest between me, Kaz and Bripat9643 since they insist that Soc Sec is a welfare program and I consider it a rather typical mismanaged government insurance program. I finally decided arguing with fools was rubbing off on me and quit.

Most liberals will try and equate SS to welfare.
It just goes to show how far they will go to ease the guilt of being a freeloader.

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