Who should Pres. Obama pick as his running mate if he dumps Biden?

I can't see letting Joe Biden go this late in the game, unless he really starts to lose it. I'm sure they have contingencies in place should it ever appear that he might have to take the reigns as President.
Perhaps Obama should pick someone...anyone...that knows the century in which we live???

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rMfztUWy7c&feature=player_embedded]Biden Thinks We're In 20th Century - YouTube[/ame]
Hed be finished if he isnt now

Because the PEOPLE are clamoring for Joe?

Getting rid of Biden would be an admission by Obama and his campaign of how inept they are. Biden isn't any different then he was in 2008. He was just as retarded then as he is now. So they would basically be admitting that they are so stupid that they put Biden on the ticket and let him be Vice President for four years even though he was obviously incapable to do so. Now people with a brain already know that they are that inept and stupid but this would be an admission to everyone.

They don't have to admit it. Informed people know they are stupid and incompetent.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNZczIgVXjg]3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

What a team.

If you thought Obama/Biden was scary bad, you ain't seen nuthin' yet!
Hed be finished if he isnt now

Because the PEOPLE are clamoring for Joe?

Getting rid of Biden would be an admission by Obama and his campaign of how inept they are. Biden isn't any different then he was in 2008. He was just as retarded then as he is now. So they would basically be admitting that they are so stupid that they put Biden on the ticket and let him be Vice President for four years even though he was obviously incapable to do so. Now people with a brain already know that they are that inept and stupid but this would be an admission to everyone.

You can't fix a mistake you can't admit.
I hope he dumps Biden.

That'll confirm he's a crazed fuck-up.

Romney has this election so "in the bag."

President Romney.....

Get used to it Liberhoids.......
For discussion's sake there is one person who could guarantee a landslide victory for him. No, not that woman, condi. Think about Obama/Rice. You would strip the moderate vote from mittens entirely, and pull a number of republicans to his side also. Condi is respected enough by many dems and it is not like they will jump ship to Romney/Ryan for that decision anyway.

Now, THAT is the funniest thing I've heard in months!!! You actually think that Condi Rice would WANT to be Vice President in a second Obama White House? She's a conservative, you idiot. She's fundamentally opposed to the progressive agenda that Barry loves.

Seriously, dude...you need to stop smoking that shit!
Consensus is that Biden is the only one stupid enough to take the spot. The Big O is stuck.
Consensus is that Biden is the only one stupid enough to take the spot. The Big O is stuck.

What WOULD be the impact of liberal and other Democrat voters, though, if Shrillary accepted the assignment?
http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/240665-desperation.html#post5814384 <--- thread link about this topic.

Not saying it WILL happen. Just bouncing this one off the possibility.

IF the President were to dump VP Biden as his running mate, who would/should he pick as his running mate this campaign season?

(Not in the form of a "poll" since I suspect the groundswell will be for the present Secretary of State.)

But just spit-ball it.

Who is he most likely to pick and why?​

Who SHOULD he pick (regardless of whether it's not the one you think he is most likely to pick) and why?​

I vote for the other cranky, old, crazy Uncle Joe.

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Consensus is that Biden is the only one stupid enough to take the spot. The Big O is stuck.

What WOULD be the impact of liberal and other Democrat voters, though, if Shrillary accepted the assignment?

I think Hillary is going to leave the administration altogether if Obama is re-elected. She is going to let him hang out to dry.

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