who should replace Biden?


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Michelle Obama will replace Biden at the Convention. :stir: That, according to someone who has rarely ever been wrong when it comes to Trump and that is Wayne Allyn Root.

"For 4 Long Years I’ve Been Warning Joe Biden Belongs in Nursing Home, Wife Jill Should Be Indicted for Elder Abuse, Obama is the Real President, and Biden Will Be Replaced at Convention by Michelle Obama. Believe Me Now?"​

June 28, 2024

Big Mike has already ruled that out.
All signs point to Newsom.

A ticket of Newsom/Whitmer would offer two of the most jack-booted fascists the party has to offer and would represent a further commitment to the Great reset by selecting two candidates who are actively pursuing it,
Newsom is a mean, angry, snake with a horrible record of results in his state. He’d fit right in on a Democrat ticket.

The Democrats would have to completely admit they have no standards though, because we Just went through like 8 years of the left whining about how Trump is a bully, while Newsom is that and some. I’ll assume the Democrats would suddenly not hold that standard anymore, and probably applaud when things get nasty…. AND claim soft gentle victimhood at the same time LOL
I called that months ago. Biden has coveted the presidency for DECADES. Ate buckets of Obama shit as VP. Now that he's in the White House no way he's going to step aside.
He is beholden to the DNC.

Remember, in 2020 he was like 5th in the Democrat primary with no momentum, and then within like a 36 hour period 3-4 candidates stepped down and all pledged support to Biden. The DNC made that call, these weren’t organic decisions by independent hopefuls..

They also made the call to take down Bernie Sanders in 2016 and install Hillary Clinton as the nominee.

If the DNC wants Biden out, they’ll get him out. They’ll turn on him, get him to take psych testing and label him a crazed old man if it means not losing the election, Biden doesn’t even have to agree to it, the DNC will use its media arm to manipulate the narrative as they always do

They’re big problem will be trying to explain to the woke DEI black community that Harris will be passed up because she polls horribly, worse than Biden.
who do you wish?
Well, since I'm on the right, what my wish is does not matter. However, I will say that they are screwed if they pass over the black woman and go with a white person. If they actually do this, Trump should pick a black person and tout it all the way to the election how blacks are better off under him than under democrats.
who do you wish?

Nobody should replace Biden.

Bottom line is Biden isn't in control of anything. All he does is sign and say what he is told. If he is replaced he will be replaced the people who are running things already because they will decide who to put in and that person will just keep doing the same things they are doing now.

Biden is doing the bidding of his party and those that fund him. That's who needs to be replaced.

I say keep him there because he is a liability and will cause them to lose the next election. Then not winning is what America needs

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