Who started WW II.

Can you read?????

Do you understand trrhe words in your link where it says FDR.......... MAY ........ have known

The other one is lame opinion like yours.

FDR wanted war. That he may have said otherwise is just yet another example of a politician lying. You will never see the level of proof that will satisfy you. The military intelligence agencies can and do keep secrets from even the president. Secrets buried in some vault somewhere and labeled "Eyes Only." And if the military intelligence agencies don't think you have a need to know, you won't see it. The best we can get is testimony from second hand sources. Such as the wife of the cryptographer William Friedman telling his wife of the "surprise attack," "But they knew! But they knew!"
FDR. That's who. It has been uncovered that there were a number of things suggested for FDR to do to goad the Japanese into attacking the U.S. All of them were done. Also, FDR knew that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor. But because that is what he wanted, he did nothing. Except make sure that our two most important ships there, our aircraft carriers, were out to sea when the attack happened.

They may have even been able to decode this message that admiral Yamamoto sent back to Japan. "The task force, keeping its movements strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow." Why was this and probably other messages sent? Probably because admiral Yamamoto himself didn't want to pull off a sneak attack. They no doubt knew that doing so is exactly what FDR would have wanted.

Though what FDR really wanted was to go to war with Germany. He saw to it that also happened. Sure, Germany may have declared war on the U.S. But we were basically already at war with them anyway. By supplying England with weapons and other supplies. No doubt a deal was also secretly made with Stalin to attack Germany. Knowing that the U.S. would support them too. A former Russian military intelligence officer named Vladmir Rezun wrote a book about it called, "Icebreaker: Who Started The Second World War." Supposedly, this book has been "debunked." But who would know better than a Russian military intelligence officer.

The whole reason reason that Germany attacked Russia was because they found out that the Russians were about to attack them! At the time, here is how the two opposing military forces stacked up against each other.

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WWII is just a con-tinuation of WWI with about a 15 year hiatus.
No I am better than you

No one was murdered justifying the invasion of Poland this is fact and Hitler staged those murders.

You are a fool and a liar and history proves this

The only thing you are better than me at is in being a fool. I told you who in Poland would have liked to see Germans dead. You would be a fool to think that some of them didn't make it happen. And to think that he would have killed his own people to justify war is stupid. He wasn't FDR. And to hell with your history as written by the victors.
You mean Banzai?
Yep Arms up ( Kinda like an NFL touchdown gesture ) unless your on an Aircraft Carrier and planes are taking off ( then you say it while you wave your hat in a circular motion while saying that and “ RPM “ for the Propellor speed in Japanese

Thde Japanese fleet maintained radio silence. That is irrefutable historic fact. The problem with your failure is that Yamamato was talking TO THE STRIKE FORCE. Talking to them is not breaking radio silence.

Yamamato was not in command of the strike force nor was he with it he was TALKING TO IT. They did not transmit anything back to him which would be breakin g silence . You are s sucking fool and failiure because you do not grasp what radio silence means. They absolutely did maintain it even if others transmitted TO THEM

What Nagumo did in fact matters over ALL ELSE. His decision allowed the US navy to fight back. Had he launched the third strike as planned we would never have been able to take back anything and would have lost

'It is this simple you idiot. SHIPS NEED FUEL. With no fuel in Hawaii the US navy would have been stuck on the west coast or near australia and been PARALYZED

You are dead wrong and an massively ignorant little man

The truth doesn't seem to interest you. Be that as it may, read this and disagree more.

www.antiwar.com › orig2 › stinnett1The Pearl Harbor Deception, by Robert Stinnett - Antiwar.com
Yep Arms up ( Kinda like an NFL touchdown gesture ) unless your on an Aircraft Carrier and planes are taking off ( then you say it while you wave your hat in a circular motion while saying that and “ RPM “ for the Propellor speed in Japanese
I am well acquainted with the word for reasons I will not get into here.

Not really. Your ally Stalin started world war 2 together with Hitler in the secret part of the Molotow-Ribbentrop-Pact where they agreed to eliminate Poland. And by the way: Germany had absolutelly nothing to do with the begin of world war 1 - but the role of Russia in the begin of this war was also immense. Russia declared war on Austria-Hungaria in their conflict with the Serbs - because Russia saw herselve in the role of the protector of all Slaws. Meanwhile Russia "protected" many Slaws to death. Ask the Poles, the Czechs and many others like currently for example the Belarussians and the Ukrainians.

And I say to everyone in the world: "Be careful now!". No one likes to see world war 3. No one will win this war if anyone will survive at all.

Stalin isn't my ally. I have written much saying just the opposite. Were you not paying attention? Also, "if" there was an agreement between Germany and Russia to take Poland, you would think that they would have coordinated their plan and attack at the same time. If there was such a plan, Hitler certainly got played for a fool. Because when Germany did invade, Russia didn't. Leaving all the blame on them. And a declaration of war by countries supporting Poland. Now if Germany and Russia would have attacked at the same time, allies of Poland couldn't very well declare war on just Germany. But when Russia did invade about two weeks later, it wasn't to late to declare war on them also. But it didn't happen. Neither did it when Russia invaded Finland about a couple weeks after invading Poland. After that, the countries that did declare war on Germany should have sought an armistice.
I've given you enough facts. When you ignore them, you deserve insults.
You have given me nothing, cupcake, you told us Hitler, the power hungry asshole, didn’t start WWII, then you said he did. Then you make claims that aren’t proven that Japan was lured to bomb us, you claim that millions of people are all lying, and you have nothing. You have given no reason that millions are lying, you just want everyone to see your preverted truth.
FDR. That's who. It has been uncovered that there were a number of things suggested for FDR to do to goad the Japanese into attacking the U.S. All of them were done. Also, FDR knew that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor. But because that is what he wanted, he did nothing. Except make sure that our two most important ships there, our aircraft carriers, were out to sea when the attack happened.

They may have even been able to decode this message that admiral Yamamoto sent back to Japan. "The task force, keeping its movements strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow." Why was this and probably other messages sent? Probably because admiral Yamamoto himself didn't want to pull off a sneak attack. They no doubt knew that doing so is exactly what FDR would have wanted.

Though what FDR really wanted was to go to war with Germany. He saw to it that also happened. Sure, Germany may have declared war on the U.S. But we were basically already at war with them anyway. By supplying England with weapons and other supplies. No doubt a deal was also secretly made with Stalin to attack Germany. Knowing that the U.S. would support them too. A former Russian military intelligence officer named Vladmir Rezun wrote a book about it called, "Icebreaker: Who Started The Second World War." Supposedly, this book has been "debunked." But who would know better than a Russian military intelligence officer.

The whole reason reason that Germany attacked Russia was because they found out that the Russians were about to attack them! At the time, here is how the two opposing military forces stacked up against each other.

View attachment 781422
awww bullshit. I don't know who did it, but you know nothing.
I did a thread about the holocaust. Put your crap about it there. Next, Hitler didn't want war. He knew that invading Poland would basically start a war just as WW I got started. He invaded Poland because he had no choice.
No, Hitler was convinced Chamberlain would crayfish like he did at Munich. Remember “Peace in our time”?
FDR's Oil Embargo Was an Act of War. Same With OPEC in 1973.

Our aircraft carriers were ordered out of Pearl Harbor in order to stalk and provoke the Japanese fleet moving toward Indonesia to seize Royal Dutch Shell's oil. The hope was that the Japanese would feel we were about to attack them and would instead attack us pre-emptively. The movement of its other fleet was thought to be a diversion.
An embargo isn’t an act of war. Every country has the right to decide who it wants to trade with. You also ignore the whole reason for the embargo. Japan was involved in an unprovoked war of aggression with China after conquering Manchuria and extorting the rule of French Indochina from the Vichy government.
What makes you think the U.S. was unprepared for war. If they was the case, how did we get prepared for war so quickly. It was the American public that wasn't prepared for war. They got a belly full of that bullshit in WW I. They had no interest in fighting another war in Europe. So FDR had to stage a reason to get the American public behind war. Next, there was no effort to be made in knowing of the German military buildup. There was no secret about it. And if it put people to work in a ruined German economy, all the better. Another point is that the Russian military was no joke. And Germany was basically at their doorstep.
The US was unprepared for war. It was getting prepared, mostly by building aircraft and weapons for Britain, France and the Netherlands. FDR managed to get the Two Ocean Navy bill passed in in July 1940 and the ships ordered under it were approaching completion, but none saw service until 1942. FDR believed the Germans were a serious threat to the U.S. and was prepared to push international law to the breaking point to keep the UK in the war. FDR had no interest in fighting Japan because it would take men and material away from the war on Germany,
An embargo isn’t an act of war. Every country has the right to decide who it wants to trade with. You also ignore the whole reason for the embargo. Japan was involved in an unprovoked war of aggression with China after conquering Manchuria and extorting the rule of French Indochina from the Vichy government.
That war started before Hitler became Leader Of Germany .
I've given you enough facts. When you ignore them, you deserve insults.
You haven’t provided any facts, you have presented myths and imaginary “events”. You’ve taken facts out of context, ignored proven history taken from Japanese records and post war testimony and invented a alternate world where up is down, red is green and water is dry.
The only thing you are better than me at is in being a fool. I told you who in Poland would have liked to see Germans dead. You would be a fool to think that some of them didn't make it happen. And to think that he would have killed his own people to justify war is stupid. He wasn't FDR. And to hell with your history as written by the victors.
No boy I am a better man than you in every respect. He killed millions of his own people in the holocaust he was in no way shape or form above murder to justify war.

What is stupid is your insipid denial of FACT
FDR wanted war. That he may have said otherwise is just yet another example of a politician lying. You will never see the level of proof that will satisfy you. The military intelligence agencies can and do keep secrets from even the president. Secrets buried in some vault somewhere and labeled "Eyes Only." And if the military intelligence agencies don't think you have a need to know, you won't see it. The best we can get is testimony from second hand sources. Such as the wife of the cryptographer William Friedman telling his wife of the "surprise attack," "But they knew! But they knew!"
There is no level of proof whatsoever

Whether he wanted war or not is irrlevant you ignorant retard. He took no action to make it happen as you claim and I have provejn that with irrefutable facts

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