Who started WW II.

FDR. That's who. It has been uncovered that there were a number of things suggested for FDR to do to goad the Japanese into attacking the U.S.
Did you sleep through history class?

WWII had already been waging for more than two years before Pearl Harbor was attacked.

There is no level of proof whatsoever

Whether he wanted war or not is irrlevant you ignorant retard. He took no action to make it happen as you claim and I have provejn that with irrefutable facts
FDR most definitely wanted war. But he wanted war with Germany. He pushed US forces right up to the line of international law and had the USN cross over. USN ships were conducting active military actions against the Kriegsmarine, while ostensibly being neutral. An American naval officer was piloting the British PBY that located Bismarck after the sinking of HMS Hood. FDR did nothing overt to entice the Japanese into attacking the US. The Japanese believed that if they gave the US a bloody nose it wouldn’t fight, in other words, the Japanese expected the US to behave like Russia did in the Russo-Japanese War.
Did you sleep through history class?

WWII had already been waging for more than two years before Pearl Harbor was attacked.

I disagree, there were two local wars happening. One, Germany against Europe and the USSR. The other Japan against China. It only became a world war when all three Axis combatants declared war against the USA tying the two independent wars together.
I disagree, there were two local wars happening. One, Germany against Europe and the USSR. The other Japan against China. It only became a world war when all three Axis combatants declared war against the USA tying the two independent wars together.
Every history book will tell you WWII started on September 1, 1939. The day Russia and Germany invaded Poland.
FDR's Oil Embargo Was an Act of War. Same With OPEC in 1973.

Our aircraft carriers were ordered out of Pearl Harbor in order to stalk and provoke the Japanese fleet moving toward Indonesia to seize Royal Dutch Shell's oil. The hope was that the Japanese would feel we were about to attack them and would instead attack us pre-emptively. The movement of its other fleet was thought to be a diversion.
FDR's "Oil Embargo" and other sanctions to "encourage" Japan to end it's war against China were classic devices the Left Libtards frequently pursue in place of military actions (war).

As for the U.S.Navy aircraft carriers of the Pacific Fleet; two of the three were in process of ferrying aircraft to Wake and Midway Island bases and a third was just out of shipyard overhaul and in San
Diego fitting out and loading it's air squadrons.

Once again you display the classic Left-wing loonie inclination towards either dumb, stupid, ignorant (or all three) along with intentional disinformation (lies).

Get back to us once you've passed basic K-12 education.
Every history book will tell you WWII started on September 1, 1939. The day Russia and Germany invaded Poland.
Only Germany invaded Poland on Sept.1, 1939.
Russia invaded the Eastern part about three weeks later to seize their share of territory as agreed to by Germany and Russia prior to the German invasion/attack.
Stalin isn't my ally.

The thought is: You are an US-American and the USA had been an ally of Stalin - what had and has chaotic consequences also for the USA.

I have written much saying just the opposite. Were you not paying attention? Also, "if" there was an agreement between Germany and Russia to take Poland,

There is no "if". Hitler and Stalin agreed in the Molotow-Ribbentrop-Pact to eliminate Poland again. Basing on this agreement Hitler made an orchestration which made it for the German public plausible that the Polish had attacked Germany. This inscenation ended with the famous sentence "Seit 5:45 Uhr wird jetzt zurückgeschossen" = "Since 5:45 a.m. they are now firing back". This was the birth of world war 2 - but not the pregnancy of world war 2.

you would think that they would have coordinated their plan and attack at the same time.

As far as I know Stalin attacked Poland a short time after Hitler. They said they like to help Poland - their Slawic brothers.

If there was such a plan, Hitler certainly got played for a fool.

I fear "godless fool" and Hitler are nearly the same word. The question is whether 'Stalin' had not been a much better Russian translation for "godless fool".

Because when Germany did invade, Russia didn't. Leaving all the blame on them. And a declaration of war by countries supporting Poland. Now if Germany and Russia would have attacked at the same time, allies of Poland couldn't very well declare war on just Germany.

We often say "Denken ist Glückssache" = "thinking is a matter of luck". You are not very lucky now. For the USA with a titanic unemployment of the people it gave millions of inner reasons to go into a war. And it was for your nation for sure much more easy to try to wipe out all Germans than to try to wipe out Russia.

But when Russia did invade about two weeks later, it wasn't to late to declare war on them also. But it didn't happen. Neither did it when Russia invaded Finland about a couple weeks after invading Poland.

So in case your leading idiots did really not know what was going on - what I doubt about - why decided your nation to be an enemy of Finland?

After that, the countries that did declare war on Germany

China, Polen, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Australien, Indien, Neuseeland, Südafrikanische Union, Kanada, Sowjetunion, Norwegen, Belgien, Luxemburg, Niederlande, Griechenland, Jugoslawien, Tuwinische Volksrepublik, Vereinigte Staaten, Philippinen, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Kuba, Panama, Tschechoslowakei, Dominikanische Republik, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexiko, Brasilien, Äthiopien, Irak, Bolivien, Iran, Kolumbien, Liberia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Uruguay, Türkei, Ägypten, Syrien, Libanon, Argentinien, Mongolei

should have sought an armistice.

¿sought an armistice? ... eine Waffenstillstand verlangen?

Sometimes I have the feeling all US-Americans are idiots. This is one of this moments. If I find a picture of Düren after world war 2 then I will send it. The winners of world war 2 had been only sad that not complete Germany had been a desert of rubble like Düren.

Here is a picture:


Oh - I found even a little film from the tourists of the USA in Düren in 1945:

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What war started before Hitler became Leader Of Germany .

His title was "the Leader" not only leader. "the Leader" = "der Führer" = autocrat = absolute ruler. The article is very important in this context.
This title refers by the way to Moses who leaded the Israelites to the land where milk and honey flows = where it is easy to near babies and to live happy.

If you should think now the leading Nazis had been absolutelly absolute perverts - then I will not disagree.
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His title was "the Leader" not only leader. "the Leader" = "der Führer" = autocrat = absolute ruler. The article is very important in this context.
This title refers by the way to Moses who leaded the Israelites to the land where milk and honey flows = where it is easy to near babies and to live happy.

If you should think now the leading Nazis had been absolutelly absolute perverts - then I will not disagree.
Hitler was NOT chancellor in 1933
He wasn't?

No. He may have made some mistakes. But he took a ruined German economy and turned it into the economic envy of the world! Being a fascist country, the "democratic" countries couldn't let him get away with that. Making them look like the stupid criminals that they are. So they had to get rid of him. And kill as many Germans as possible. After the war.
FDR wanted war. That he may have said otherwise is just yet another example of a politician lying. You will never see the level of proof that will satisfy you. The military intelligence agencies can and do keep secrets from even the president. Secrets buried in some vault somewhere and labeled "Eyes Only." And if the military intelligence agencies don't think you have a need to know, you won't see it. The best we can get is testimony from second hand sources. Such as the wife of the cryptographer William Friedman telling his wife of the "surprise attack," "But they knew! But they knew!"
FDR had the media in his back pocket and the media writes the history books. The racist attitude the U.S. had for Japan probably resulted in the criminal assumption that the Japanese would be pushovers and the U.S. could get into the "real war" in Europe after we squashed the little yellow menace. You almost have to laugh that FDR's oratory skills could make a menu sound profound and the media raved about his "fear itself" speech that was relatively meaningless as was "the day of infamy" speech and never asked a question. COS George Marshall who never had a combat command was credited with a near photographic memory and yet his testimony indicates that he couldn't remember where he was during the early morning hours of December 7. Marshall had the decoded message in his hands that indicated an imminent attack and he read it and re-read it and re-re-read it until the military message center went down and he sent a telegram to Hawaii that arrived about the same time as the Zeroes. The Carriers were out and the fix was in.
You have given me nothing, cupcake, you told us Hitler, the power hungry asshole, didn’t start WWII, then you said he did. Then you make claims that aren’t proven that Japan was lured to bomb us, you claim that millions of people are all lying, and you have nothing. You have given no reason that millions are lying, you just want everyone to see your preverted truth.

Hitler didn't start WW II. The Poles who were murdering ethnig Germans in Poland, causing Hitler to invade, started WW II. Next, I have given links to various websites that show that FDR knew the attack on Pear Harbor was going to happen. He wanted it to happen. Because there was no better way to get us out of the Great Depression. But the level of proof you require is buried so deep that you'll never see it. As for the millions lying, I take it you're speaking of the holocaust. I did a thread about that. Take that argument there. So I can show how perverted your "truth" is.
No. He may have made some mistakes. But he took a ruined German economy and turned it into the economic envy of the world! Being a fascist country, the "democratic" countries couldn't let him get away with that. Making them look like the stupid criminals that they are. So they had to get rid of him. And kill as many Germans as possible. After the war.
It was Socialism done right ?
The US was unprepared for war. It was getting prepared, mostly by building aircraft and weapons for Britain, France and the Netherlands. FDR managed to get the Two Ocean Navy bill passed in in July 1940 and the ships ordered under it were approaching completion, but none saw service until 1942. FDR believed the Germans were a serious threat to the U.S. and was prepared to push international law to the breaking point to keep the UK in the war. FDR had no interest in fighting Japan because it would take men and material away from the war on Germany,

We were prepared enough. We had so many ships that we gave many to England under the Lend Lease Act. Also, the U.S. had absolutely nothing to worry about from Germany. To me, the whole point was that we were an English speaking country. And England was of course an English speaking country. Right or wrong, the U.S. was bound to support England. Peace could have been sought. But wasn't. Next, having the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor was just a back door into getting involved in Europe. Which most American didn't want to see happen. Hitler really fucked up when he declared war on the U.S. in support of Japan.
It is opinion not evidence based gfact and it is not a well informed opinion

Well when they say that the U.S. was intercepting radio communications from the Japanese fleet, I believe them. Through triangulation, they would have known exactly where those signals were coming from. And it is most likely that we cracked the Japanese naval code. But with the U.S. wanting the American public to think that it was a surprise attack, you will never see the evidence.
No boy I am a better man than you in every respect. He killed millions of his own people in the holocaust he was in no way shape or form above murder to justify war.

What is stupid is your insipid denial of FACT

There was a famous jewish Nazi hunter out there named Simon
Wiesenthal. You couldn't get any more anti-Nazi that him. Even he admitted that there were no "death camps" on German soil. So how did Hitler holocaust millions of his own people. Also, you wouldn't know "fact" if it bit you in the ass.
There is no level of proof whatsoever

Whether he wanted war or not is irrlevant you ignorant retard. He took no action to make it happen as you claim and I have provejn that with irrefutable facts

Just continue on in your fantasy world. It won't end well.

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