Who started WW II.

Hitler basically started the war by invading Poland. And he was forced to do so because of ethnic Germans being murdered there. Not because he wanted a wider war. It was the same bullshit that started WW I. One side siding with another.
Defending a tyrant, the guy threw innocent people into concentration camps and killed them, pretend all you want. He wanted to conquer the world, even his henchman testified to that.
Not all Japanese thought that war with the U.S. was a good idea. One of the dissenters was Admiral Yamamoto himself. Bit apparently the Japanese high command thought that if they destroyed the American fleet at Pearl Harbor, the U.S. would be less likely to give them further trouble. They were dead wrong. And Hitler declaring war on the U.S. in support of the Japanese was a BIG mistake.
If Japan had only attacked European holdings in Asia FDR could have done nothing except shake his fist at them

But the imperialists were not very smart
There are still things from the Revolutionary War that are not known. Next, from what I have been reading, the U.S. cracked the Japanese military code. Not just their diplomatic code. That those who died at Pearl Harbor were just sacrificed to get the American public to support war is definitely something that the government isn't going to let be uncovered. You say there is "NO evidence." No kidding! Also, the Japanese fleet didn't maintain radio silence. We knew where all the signals were coming from and when.
Of course there are things from hundreds of years ago which are not known. Everyone did not write down every detail of what they did. That is not the same as saying that there are classified records from the revolution you moron.

The Japanese did not have A code or THE code to break they had many codes and the US only broke some of them. Less than half.

You are absolutely wrong the japanese fleet DID maintain radio silence. They actually locked up ALL of their microphones in one safe on one ship to ensure radio silence.

The US or FDR did not set up Pearl harbor to be attacked. Not only is there no evidence but your entire theory FAILS every test of logic and common sense. History proves this conclusively. Your delusional theory is filled with contradictions and BULLSHIT.

Yamamato and his ops officer Genda were the architects of the plan to attack pearl. The plan was a sound one which required three strikes. The first two targeted the ships in the harbor and the Aircraft stationed on land. The third targeted the oil tanks at pearl. Those tanks were above ground and only had light defenses. This planned airstrike was the most important. Those fuel tanks held million of gallons of fuel needed for the navy to operate. Without that fuel the US navy would not have been able to fight the japanese for years. Had they been destroyed as planned the US would habve been forced to negoiate a cease fire favorable to Japan which was exactly what Yamamato wanted.

It was the strike fleet commander Nagumo who unilaterally chose to cancel that strike and withdraw. He knew the US aircraft carriers were at sea and might attack his fleet at any moment so he chickened out and ran for home with the mission incomplete. This decision is ultimately why the US was able to win and why the Japanese lost.

Now accoerding to your dumbass theory FDR not only set it up for the Japs to hit Pearl but somehow knew what sort of decision Nagumo would make which made the attack on Pearl harbor a painful defeat for the US but not a decisive defeat and we would still have the ability to continue the fight.

You really suck at this sort of thing. You do not know jack shit about history or how to think logically.
Hitler basically started the war by invading Poland. And he was forced to do so because of ethnic Germans being murdered there. Not because he wanted a wider war. It was the same bullshit that started WW I. One side siding with another.
No he was not forced to by anyone being murdered.

He dsid in fact want a wider war.
I have given links to all sorts of evidence. But you wouldn't be satisfied with anything other than a declassified top secret document. Well given the implications, that just isn't going to happen. The second war in Iraq has been shown to have been started by a lie. But WW II is a whole different can of worms.
No you have not given any links with evidence.
Defending a tyrant, the guy threw innocent people into concentration camps and killed them, pretend all you want. He wanted to conquer the world, even his henchman testified to that.

Innocent? Your brain has been washed with a power hose. I'm surprised there aren't bits of brain matter scattered all over the place.
If Japan had only attacked European holdings in Asia FDR could have done nothing except shake his fist at them

But the imperialists were not very smart

An interesting thing about war. Proven over and over countless times throughout history. If you want war, you can make it happen. Though it is probably bullshit, George C. Scott made a statement when he was playing Patton. Basically, he said, "If they would only let me, I could start a war with the Russians. And make it look like they started it!"
Of course there are things from hundreds of years ago which are not known. Everyone did not write down every detail of what they did. That is not the same as saying that there are classified records from the revolution you moron.

The Japanese did not have A code or THE code to break they had many codes and the US only broke some of them. Less than half.

You are absolutely wrong the japanese fleet DID maintain radio silence. They actually locked up ALL of their microphones in one safe on one ship to ensure radio silence.

The US or FDR did not set up Pearl harbor to be attacked. Not only is there no evidence but your entire theory FAILS every test of logic and common sense. History proves this conclusively. Your delusional theory is filled with contradictions and BULLSHIT.

Yamamato and his ops officer Genda were the architects of the plan to attack pearl. The plan was a sound one which required three strikes. The first two targeted the ships in the harbor and the Aircraft stationed on land. The third targeted the oil tanks at pearl. Those tanks were above ground and only had light defenses. This planned airstrike was the most important. Those fuel tanks held million of gallons of fuel needed for the navy to operate. Without that fuel the US navy would not have been able to fight the japanese for years. Had they been destroyed as planned the US would habve been forced to negoiate a cease fire favorable to Japan which was exactly what Yamamato wanted.

It was the strike fleet commander Nagumo who unilaterally chose to cancel that strike and withdraw. He knew the US aircraft carriers were at sea and might attack his fleet at any moment so he chickened out and ran for home with the mission incomplete. This decision is ultimately why the US was able to win and why the Japanese lost.

Now accoerding to your dumbass theory FDR not only set it up for the Japs to hit Pearl but somehow knew what sort of decision Nagumo would make which made the attack on Pearl harbor a painful defeat for the US but not a decisive defeat and we would still have the ability to continue the fight.

You really suck at this sort of thing. You do not know jack shit about history or how to think logically.

The devotion to your cult is impressive. First of all, I looked into it. The Japanese fleet didn't maintain radio silence. Here is what one intercepted radio message said. Sent by admiral Yamomato from his flagship of the Japanese fleet to Japan. "The task force, keeping its movements strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the Unites States fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow."

Why was this and other messages sent? Because admiral Yamamoto himself didn't want to pull off a surprise attack. The Japanese knew very well that the American public was against getting involved in another war. Which they were. Especially in Europe. The Japanese weren't that stupid. They knew full well that an actual surprise attack would inflame the American public. Which it did. Also, the Japanese fleet had our fleet seriously outnumbered. If our two fleets had met in open battle, the Japanese most likely would have won. FDR wanted a surprise attack. The Japanese basically had no worries.

Next, what commander Nagumo wouldn't or wouldn't have done didn't matter in the slightest. They could even have actually invaded Hawaii. It wouldn't have mattered. We eventually would just have taken it back. And in so doing, weaken the Japanese forces even more. We wouldn't have had to chase them around the western and southern Pacific. We could have finished most of them off there. And your thinking that the U.S. would have caved in to Japan is just wishful thinking. The Japanese could never defeat the U.S. And they knew it.
No he was not forced to by anyone being murdered.

He dsid in fact want a wider war.

Yer fukin high! After WW I, much German territory was given to Poland. Such as the German city of Danzig. Which the Poles renamed Gdansk. Before the war, Hitler deported 60 to 70% of its jews to Palestine under The Haavara Agreement. This probably pissed off a lot of Polish Jews. They would have had reason to murder ethnic Germans. Also, without a doubt there were Russian agents in Poland who also secretly murdered Germans. Why? To provoke the Germans into invading Poland. Which they knew would turn out to their advantage. Which it did.
The Founding Fathers listed the duty of the federal government in one sentence" to provide for the common defense and to promote the general welfare. Americans elected FDR in '32 but It seems that FDR did neither in his first two terms.
The Unspoken Reason for This Thread Is to Discredit the New Deal

Then why was Hitler afraid to attack us in 1940 and attacked Russia instead in 1941?
An interesting thing about war. Proven over and over countless times throughout history. If you want war, you can make it happen. Though it is probably bullshit, George C. Scott made a statement when he was playing Patton. Basically, he said, "If they would only let me, I could start a war with the Russians. And make it look like they started it!"
That was hollywood speaking

In theory maybe, but its not as simple putting words in George C. Scott’s mouth
Yer fukin high! After WW I, much German territory was given to Poland. Such as the German city of Danzig. Which the Poles renamed Gdansk. Before the war, Hitler deported 60 to 70% of its jews to Palestine under The Haavara Agreement. This probably pissed off a lot of Polish Jews. They would have had reason to murder ethnic Germans. Also, without a doubt there were Russian agents in Poland who also secretly murdered Germans. Why? To provoke the Germans into invading Poland. Which they knew would turn out to their advantage. Which it did.
No I am better than you

No one was murdered justifying the invasion of Poland this is fact and Hitler staged those murders.

You are a fool and a liar and history proves this
The devotion to your cult is impressive. First of all, I looked into it. The Japanese fleet didn't maintain radio silence. Here is what one intercepted radio message said. Sent by admiral Yamomato from his flagship of the Japanese fleet to Japan. "The task force, keeping its movements strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the Unites States fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow."

Why was this and other messages sent? Because admiral Yamamoto himself didn't want to pull off a surprise attack. The Japanese knew very well that the American public was against getting involved in another war. Which they were. Especially in Europe. The Japanese weren't that stupid. They knew full well that an actual surprise attack would inflame the American public. Which it did. Also, the Japanese fleet had our fleet seriously outnumbered. If our two fleets had met in open battle, the Japanese most likely would have won. FDR wanted a surprise attack. The Japanese basically had no worries.

Next, what commander Nagumo wouldn't or wouldn't have done didn't matter in the slightest. They could even have actually invaded Hawaii. It wouldn't have mattered. We eventually would just have taken it back. And in so doing, weaken the Japanese forces even more. We wouldn't have had to chase them around the western and southern Pacific. We could have finished most of them off there. And your thinking that the U.S. would have caved in to Japan is just wishful thinking. The Japanese could never defeat the U.S. And they knew it.

Thde Japanese fleet maintained radio silence. That is irrefutable historic fact. The problem with your failure is that Yamamato was talking TO THE STRIKE FORCE. Talking to them is not breaking radio silence.

Yamamato was not in command of the strike force nor was he with it he was TALKING TO IT. They did not transmit anything back to him which would be breakin g silence . You are s sucking fool and failiure because you do not grasp what radio silence means. They absolutely did maintain it even if others transmitted TO THEM

What Nagumo did in fact matters over ALL ELSE. His decision allowed the US navy to fight back. Had he launched the third strike as planned we would never have been able to take back anything and would have lost

'It is this simple you idiot. SHIPS NEED FUEL. With no fuel in Hawaii the US navy would have been stuck on the west coast or near australia and been PARALYZED

You are dead wrong and an massively ignorant little man
Hitler basically started the war by invading Poland. ...

Not really. Your ally Stalin started world war 2 together with Hitler in the secret part of the Molotow-Ribbentrop-Pact where they agreed to eliminate Poland. And by the way: Germany had absolutelly nothing to do with the begin of world war 1 - but the role of Russia in the begin of this war was also immense. Russia declared war on Austria-Hungaria in their conflict with the Serbs - because Russia saw herselve in the role of the protector of all Slaws. Meanwhile Russia "protected" many Slaws to death. Ask the Poles, the Czechs and many others like currently for example the Belarussians and the Ukrainians.

And I say to everyone in the world: "Be careful now!". No one likes to see world war 3. No one will win this war if anyone will survive at all.

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The Unspoken Reason for This Thread Is to Discredit the New Deal

Then why was Hitler afraid to attack us in 1940 and attacked Russia instead in 1941?
The German surface navy was a joke in WW2. Hitler was smart enough not to want to fight on two continents and and engage allied forces in an Atlantic war until it became inevitable.
That was hollywood speaking

In theory maybe, but its not as simple putting words in George C. Scott’s mouth

Anytime one country attacks another, the attackers have absolutely no problem justifying themselves. They will make it look like the fault of those they attacked. And the population of the attacking country will swallow it hook, line and sinker. Doing otherwise would be "unpatriotic." And the "unpatriotic" are just as easily attacked. And the reason for them being attacked easily justifiable. The "patriotic" will be glad it happened.

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