Who started WW II.

It has everything to do with it BECAUSE YOU cited it as a lame excuse for your lies.

FDR did not know that the specific attrack was going to happen. There is NO evidence of any fore knowledge

I said I was wrong about what direction the planes came from. And from all the evidence available, it is most likely that FDR knew where and when the Japanese were going to attack. Which he wanted to happen! I gave a link to a website about the matter. Did you not read it?

You know nothing about that and neither does the video. Yes they did have more than enough time to cremate the bodies you lying fool

I watched the videos and THEY ARE FICTION

How often do I have to say this. If you want to have this discussion, go to my thread "The holocaust. The reality." State your treason there.
Not sure what all that has to do with who started WW II. And if the American ambassador spoke of any atrocities going on in Germany, it was probably bullshit propaganda to turn the American public against Germany. And as for WW I reparations, that was bullshit from the start. Germany didn't start WW I. They just got drug into it like everybody else. WW II was pretty much the same. Germany invaded Poland because ethnic Germans were being murdered there. That got the war started against Germany. But if that was the reason, why wasn't war declared on Russia when they did the same soon after. Or when they invaded Finland a few weeks after that.
Maybe I didn't make my point about why the FDR administration was criminally unprepared for war. The U.S. made no effort after WW1 to monitor the Nazi arms buildup which was prohibited by the terms of surrender and the Geneva convention and the FDR administration was clueless about what was happening in Europe or Japan for that matter.
I said I was wrong about what direction the planes came from. And from all the evidence available, it is most likely that FDR knew where and when the Japanese were going to attack. Which he wanted to happen! I gave a link to a website about the matter. Did you not read it?

There is NO evidence that he knew where and when they were going to attacl..

Your link is proven bullshit fiction
How often do I have to say this. If you want to have this discussion, go to my thread "The holocaust. The reality." State your treason there.
It is your treason and your thread is garbage and you were humilated there and provenwrong

If YOu bring it up on THIS thread then you answer for your disgusting lies

You KNOW you are a liar
I said I was wrong about what direction the planes came from. And from all the evidence available, it is most likely that FDR knew where and when the Japanese were going to attack. Which he wanted to happen! I gave a link to a website about the matter. Did you not read it?
He most likely knew? You have solid proof, because I can only find conspiracy sites that claim this with no real proof, other than it is “likely” and when you have an agenda, you take a theory and use it as fact.
Maybe I didn't make my point about why the FDR administration was criminally unprepared for war. The U.S. made no effort after WW1 to monitor the Nazi arms buildup which was prohibited by the terms of surrender and the Geneva convention and the FDR administration was clueless about what was happening in Europe or Japan for that matter.

What makes you think the U.S. was unprepared for war. If they was the case, how did we get prepared for war so quickly. It was the American public that wasn't prepared for war. They got a belly full of that bullshit in WW I. They had no interest in fighting another war in Europe. So FDR had to stage a reason to get the American public behind war. Next, there was no effort to be made in knowing of the German military buildup. There was no secret about it. And if it put people to work in a ruined German economy, all the better. Another point is that the Russian military was no joke. And Germany was basically at their doorstep.

There is NO evidence that he knew where and when they were going to attacl..

Your link is proven bullshit fiction

Oh, there is almost certainly evidence. But as you can imagine, it is buried very deep. I remember hearing once that there are things from the American Revolution that are still top secret. Also, when the cryptographer William Friedman was saying to his wife about the "surprise attack," "But they knew? But they knew!" That was just bullshit too?
He most likely knew? You have solid proof, because I can only find conspiracy sites that claim this with no real proof, other than it is “likely” and when you have an agenda, you take a theory and use it as fact.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are, it's a duck. Only an idiot couldn't have known that the Japanese were about to attack Pearl Harbor. But FDR wanted it to happen.
Oh, there is almost certainly evidence. But as you can imagine, it is buried very deep. I remember hearing once that there are things from the American Revolution that are still top secret. Also, when the cryptographer William Friedman was saying to his wife about the "surprise attack," "But they knew? But they knew!" That was just bullshit too?
No there is not.

There is nothing from gthe revolution which is top secret. They did not even HAVE any such classification system in the 18th century.

It is well known that they knew an attack was likely but not specifically where.

You are grasping at straws because there is NO evidence,
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are, it's a duck. Only an idiot couldn't have known that the Japanese were about to attack Pearl Harbor. But FDR wanted it to happen.
So you have no clue and no evidence other than you wanting it to be true so you can absolve little Adolph from being the racist tyrant he wanted to be so bad.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are, it's a duck. Only an idiot couldn't have known that the Japanese were about to attack Pearl Harbor. But FDR wanted it to happen.
WRONG moron.

One more time they were well of a probable attack virtually anywhere. However no one thought or would have thought that Pearl harbor specifically was the specific location of the attack.

That is a fact. Everyone thought the most likely target was the Phillippines which was the MOST intelligent conclusion.

You are a fool and you do not know jack shit about history.

FDR did not want or expect an attack on Pearl Habor and had he known it was coming the US defenses would have been on high alert.
What makes you think the U.S. was unprepared for war. If they was the case, how did we get prepared for war so quickly. It was the American public that wasn't prepared for war. They got a belly full of that bullshit in WW I. They had no interest in fighting another war in Europe. So FDR had to stage a reason to get the American public behind war. Next, there was no effort to be made in knowing of the German military buildup. There was no secret about it. And if it put people to work in a ruined German economy, all the better. Another point is that the Russian military was no joke. And Germany was basically at their doorstep.
The Founding Fathers listed the duty of the federal government in one sentence" to provide for the common defense and to promote the general welfare. Americans elected FDR in '32 but It seems that FDR did neither in his first two terms.
FDR. That's who. It has been uncovered that there were a number of things suggested for FDR to do to goad the Japanese into attacking the U.S. All of them were done. Also, FDR knew that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor. But because that is what he wanted, he did nothing. Except make sure that our two most important ships there, our aircraft carriers, were out to sea when the attack happened.

They may have even been able to decode this message that admiral Yamamoto sent back to Japan. "The task force, keeping its movements strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow." Why was this and probably other messages sent? Probably because admiral Yamamoto himself didn't want to pull off a sneak attack. They no doubt knew that doing so is exactly what FDR would have wanted.

Though what FDR really wanted was to go to war with Germany. He saw to it that also happened. Sure, Germany may have declared war on the U.S. But we were basically already at war with them anyway. By supplying England with weapons and other supplies. No doubt a deal was also secretly made with Stalin to attack Germany. Knowing that the U.S. would support them too. A former Russian military intelligence officer named Vladmir Rezun wrote a book about it called, "Icebreaker: Who Started The Second World War." Supposedly, this book has been "debunked." But who would know better than a Russian military intelligence officer.

The whole reason reason that Germany attacked Russia was because they found out that the Russians were about to attack them! At the time, here is how the two opposing military forces stacked up against each other.

View attachment 781422
This is revisionist lib history at its most insane

Yes the japanese and germans screwed up by dragging America into the war

And they paid a heavy price for their bad judgement

But it was their choice
WRONG moron.

One more time they were well of a probable attack virtually anywhere. However no one thought or would have thought that Pearl harbor specifically was the specific location of the attack.

That is a fact. Everyone thought the most likely target was the Phillippines which was the MOST intelligent conclusion.

You are a fool and you do not know jack shit about history.

FDR did not want or expect an attack on Pearl Habor and had he known it was coming the US defenses would have been on high alert.
This guy sees typical government incompetence and thinks its s diabolical grand scheme
FDR. That's who. It has been uncovered that there were a number of things suggested for FDR to do to goad the Japanese into attacking the U.S. All of them were done. Also, FDR knew that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor. But because that is what he wanted, he did nothing. Except make sure that our two most important ships there, our aircraft carriers, were out to sea when the attack happened.

They may have even been able to decode this message that admiral Yamamoto sent back to Japan. "The task force, keeping its movements strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow." Why was this and probably other messages sent? Probably because admiral Yamamoto himself didn't want to pull off a sneak attack. They no doubt knew that doing so is exactly what FDR would have wanted.

Though what FDR really wanted was to go to war with Germany. He saw to it that also happened. Sure, Germany may have declared war on the U.S. But we were basically already at war with them anyway. By supplying England with weapons and other supplies. No doubt a deal was also secretly made with Stalin to attack Germany. Knowing that the U.S. would support them too. A former Russian military intelligence officer named Vladmir Rezun wrote a book about it called, "Icebreaker: Who Started The Second World War." Supposedly, this book has been "debunked." But who would know better than a Russian military intelligence officer.

The whole reason reason that Germany attacked Russia was because they found out that the Russians were about to attack them! At the time, here is how the two opposing military forces stacked up against each other.

View attachment 781422
lol more crazy rubbish.
Hitler. Thread over.
No - not really. Hitler and Stalin made the Molotow-Ribbentrop-Pact. In the secret part of this pact Stalin and Hitler agreed to eliminate Poland again. This was the begin of world war 2.
Germany started the war, we did not enter the war for over two years. German aggression started the war. Was the rest of the world going to sit back and watch Germany conquer Europe?

Question: How long do you think had Germany been able to control a country like France? 1 year? 2 years? 5 years? What had really happened if Germany had conquered England? And Germany under Hitler was for sure not able to attack the USA. This was out of any possibility of Germany. All this propaganda nonsense from world war 2 which never had been changed sounds only totally crazy. German soldiers of world war 2 for example had also used horses and bikes. And marching meant really marching. What had happened when someone had destroyed railroads? ...
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Hitler murdering millions of innocent people makes it pretty clear that he was, in fact, the bad guy.

Even Stalin pales in comparison.

:lol: Stalin murdered millions of Russians. Mao murdered 20-100 million Chinese. The King of Belgium had massacred and mutilated 50% of the population of the Kongo. Cesar had murdered 50% of the Celts in Gaul and so on and so on. Alexander the Great had been an extreme mass-murderer too. ... So what is really your scale? ...
Japan had been rampaging since 1934 long before the Nazis invaded Poland .

This are two totally different wars - let me callk them world war II A and P (Atlantic war and Pacific war) - where not exists any common element between Germany and Japan - except world war 2 on its own. In both wars - as well the Atlantic war and the Pacific war - fought only three allies: the British empire, the USA and the USSR.

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