Who started WW II.

Awaiting the English translation... :rolleyes:

Take a look into your gun barrel - perhaps there is something what you understand. The common element of World War 2 are not Japan and Germany - the common element are the Brits, the USA and Russia.
He most likely knew? You have solid proof, because I can only find conspiracy sites that claim this with no real proof, other than it is “likely” and when you have an agenda, you take a theory and use it as fact.

The amount of radio traffic monitored pointed to much more activity toward Malaysia and the southern Pac Rim region.
Even more bullshit propaganda from the winning side. Despite what Hitler may or may not have said what he wanted in "Mein Kamph," he no doubt knew that what would happen would involve fighting a war on two fronts. He wasn't that crazy.

He was. I guess he lived in fear the USA will not attack Germany after Pearl Harbor - that's why he declared war on the USA and I guess he was happy when the USA accepted this declaration of war.

Russia alone was a much larger country. And he knew what the French went through when they tried to invade Russia.

That's unimportant. In Russia was someone he liked to fight down. This one had been a tyrant in his own quality - his name was Stalin.

What a load of horse shit! Hitler wasn't that stupid.

Hitler was much more stupid than anyone else is able to imagine who believes only a little in his stupidities or the stupid opposites of his stupidities.

Not even Napoleon could defeat Russia.

No no no no no. Napoleon got what he liked to get. He conquered Moscow. But Moscow was empty. A ghost city. I guess in this moment he understood the first time that he always had been wrong with his "powerful" way.

Hitler couldn't have thought that he could do better.

If Hitler thought at all ... but why do you think he liked to win?

You could chase Russians half the way around the world. There just weren't enough Germans to do that.

Do you know what a Russian prejudice is? They think if a German says "this is impossible" then he is only lazy and doesn't like to do the job.

Also, it might interest you to know that after WW I, the allies sent troops into Russia to try and defeat the Bolsheviks. They failed too.

Many US-Americans supported the revolution in Russia.

Also, Russians committed the greatest genocide in human history! Only the lowest of the low filthy scum would have supported them.

Many people are against kingdoms and empires. It needed some time to find out that one kind of tyranny was only replaced by another - more terrible - kind of tyranny.

But the U.S. did. And without our help, they would have defeated the Russians. I bet you support our having backed those responsible for the greatest genocide in human history. If so, guess what. That makes YOU and anybody like you the lowest of the low filthy scum as well. I'm not trying to be insulting. I'm just stating the facts.

hm hm hm ...

They prove no such thing/

It was not physically impossible and endless books prove Zyklon B was used

You already lost

The system of the gas chambers was just simple a system of pest control. Instead of rats human beings had been excecuted with carbon monoxide. Zyklon B was cheaper and much more unhuman so it fitted perfectly to the cruel darwinism of the Nazis who degenerated them on their own to act like a pestilence.
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Anti-semitism always leaves a yellow stain.

Oh by the way: Hitler's racism was a racism with markers - so he was able to use racism against everyone independent from any "race" ... from any appearance. Reason for: Jews had been Germans like all others and no one was able to see any difference between a German and a Jew - because there was just simple not any difference between a German and a Jew.
Maybe I didn't make my point about why the FDR administration was criminally unprepared for war. The U.S. made no effort after WW1 to monitor the Nazi arms buildup which was prohibited by the terms of surrender and the Geneva convention and the FDR administration was clueless about what was happening in Europe or Japan for that matter.

The problem was that Germany had much too less public arms, soldiers and policemen after world war 1. That's why the Commies and the Nazis had been additionally able to destabilize the democracy of Weimar in neverending street fights.
No there is not.

There is nothing from gthe revolution which is top secret. They did not even HAVE any such classification system in the 18th century.

It is well known that they knew an attack was likely but not specifically where.

You are grasping at straws because there is NO evidence,

There are still things from the Revolutionary War that are not known. Next, from what I have been reading, the U.S. cracked the Japanese military code. Not just their diplomatic code. That those who died at Pearl Harbor were just sacrificed to get the American public to support war is definitely something that the government isn't going to let be uncovered. You say there is "NO evidence." No kidding! Also, the Japanese fleet didn't maintain radio silence. We knew where all the signals were coming from and when.
So you have no clue and no evidence other than you wanting it to be true so you can absolve little Adolph from being the racist tyrant he wanted to be so bad.

I have given links to all sorts of evidence. But you wouldn't be satisfied with anything other than a declassified top secret document. Well given the implications, that just isn't going to happen. The second war in Iraq has been shown to have been started by a lie. But WW II is a whole different can of worms.
I have given links to all sorts of evidence. But you wouldn't be satisfied with anything other than a declassified top secret document. Well given the implications, that just isn't going to happen. The second war in Iraq has been shown to have been started by a lie. But WW II is a whole different can of worms.
Your links are not proof, they are all unproven theories and none of them are better than millions of eyewitness accounts. When you give me millions of eyewitness accounts that it did not happen then you may have something, until then you have nothing.
WRONG moron.

One more time they were well of a probable attack virtually anywhere. However no one thought or would have thought that Pearl harbor specifically was the specific location of the attack.

That is a fact. Everyone thought the most likely target was the Phillippines which was the MOST intelligent conclusion.

You are a fool and you do not know jack shit about history.

FDR did not want or expect an attack on Pearl Habor and had he known it was coming the US defenses would have been on high alert.

Before the attack on Pearl Harbor, one Japanese mini submarine was sank. From evidence that I've seen, it would seem that at least one got through. Also, a radar operator detected what a wiki page says was 180 planes 132 miles out heading towards Hawaii slightly from the north east. But he was told to ignore it. Apparently they were also expecting a flight of some B-17 to be heading there also. Which they thought they were. But they were wrong. Purposefully so? Could be. Because if they saw the Japanese planes, they probably also saw the formation of B-17. They couldn't have been the same. At one point, those B-17 that were heading to Hawaii were attacked by Japanese planes. (But because they weren't armed, there wasn't much they could do) So they must have been able to see both groups of aircraft. Also, I don't think it was by coincidence that our tow most important ships, our aircraft carriers, just happened to be out to sea at the time.
The Founding Fathers listed the duty of the federal government in one sentence" to provide for the common defense and to promote the general welfare. Americans elected FDR in '32 but It seems that FDR did neither in his first two terms.

From what I remember hearing, FDR did plenty to help put Americans to work. But it wasn't enough. There was only one sure fire way to get it done. War.
This is revisionist lib history at its most insane

Yes the japanese and germans screwed up by dragging America into the war

And they paid a heavy price for their bad judgement

But it was their choice

Not all Japanese thought that war with the U.S. was a good idea. One of the dissenters was Admiral Yamamoto himself. Bit apparently the Japanese high command thought that if they destroyed the American fleet at Pearl Harbor, the U.S. would be less likely to give them further trouble. They were dead wrong. And Hitler declaring war on the U.S. in support of the Japanese was a BIG mistake.
Your links are not proof, they are all unproven theories and none of them are better than millions of eyewitness accounts. When you give me millions of eyewitness accounts that it did not happen then you may have something, until then you have nothing.

We are talking about WW II here. Not the holocaust.
You already agreed that Hitler the madman started the war. All you said if is quacks like a duck analogy, that isn’t proof.

Hitler basically started the war by invading Poland. And he was forced to do so because of ethnic Germans being murdered there. Not because he wanted a wider war. It was the same bullshit that started WW I. One side siding with another.

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