Who started WW II.

It showed the ineffectiveness of the Soviet military, specifically in carrying out large scale offensive operations. The fact that they won in the end doesn’t change the reality they suffered far more casualties than they should have, and they knew it. The Red Army was at least a year away from carrying out any sort of offensive.
Barbarossa Was a Draw Play

In order to make the Nazis over-confident, Stalin could have created an intentional impression that Russia could easily be beaten by any army bigger than Finland's. Also, it could have been a test to see which officers were any good. As the overwhelming defeat of the Nazis proved, the Winter War in Finland said nothing about Russia's military power.
I always wondered what the fifth dimension would look like...

He didn’t think the war would last long enough for it to matter. The Soviets were supposed to collapse, not rally and fight back against his troops.

What a load of horse shit! Hitler wasn't that stupid. Not even Napoleon could defeat Russia. Hitler couldn't have thought that he could do better. You could chase Russians half the way around the world. There just weren't enough Germans to do that. Also, it might interest you to know that after WW I, the allies sent troops into Russia to try and defeat the Bolsheviks. They failed too. Also, Russians committed the greatest genocide in human history! Only the lowest of the low filthy scum would have supported them. But the U.S. did. And without our help, they would have defeated the Russians. I bet you support our having backed those responsible for the greatest genocide in human history. If so, guess what. That makes YOU and anybody like you the lowest of the low filthy scum as well. I'm not trying to be insulting. I'm just stating the facts.
“The Moscow Peace Treaty was signed in Moscow on 12 March 1940. A cease-fire took effect the next day at noon Leningrad time, 11 a.m. Helsinki time.[191][192] With it, Finland ceded a portion of Karelia, the entire Karelian Isthmus and land north of Lake Ladoga. The area included Viipuri (Finland's second-largest city [Population Register] or fourth-largest city [Church and Civil Register], depending on the census data[193]), much of Finland's industrialised territory, and significant land still held by Finland's military – all in all, nine percent of Finnish territory. The ceded territory included 13 percent of Finland's economic assets.[194] 12 percent of Finland's population, 422,000 to 450,000 Karelians, were evacuated and lost their homes.[195][196][197] Finland ceded a part of the region of Salla, Rybachy Peninsula in the Barents Sea, and four islands in the Gulf of Finland. The Hanko peninsula was leased to the Soviet Union as a military base for 30 years. The region of Petsamo, captured by the Red Army during the war, was returned to Finland according to the treaty.[198]

Yeah, hate to break it to you dude, but the Finns clearly lost.

Well, the Fins may not have exactly won. But they no doubt put up one hell of a fight. And they resisted well enough to keep their entire country from being taken over and basically becoming part of Russia. Like the Ukraine and many other republics had.
There is no evidence of ANY kind supporting your argument.

Mindless accusations without evidence do not prove a crime

Details defeat you. he was told to ignore them because rader was still very primitive and a flight of American planes were en route.

It is a well known fact that a radar operator in Hawaii saw aircraft heading towards Hawaii. But was told by a superior officer to ignore it. This might also interest you.

en.wikipedia.org › wiki › McCollum_memoMcCollum memo - Wikipedia

This website might also interest you.

www.independent.org › issues › articleThe Truth About Pearl Harbor: A Debate: The Independent Institute
You proved yourself a massive fool with that thread.

The holocaust was real and he invaded without any justification

Oh, really? Go to that thread and refute something. Next, you parrot the bullshit history written by the victors quite well.

Historic fact acknowledged by the losers

In the history section I did a thread called "The holocaust story." Though it wasn't exactly about the holocaust, it is now closed to debate. But you can still read it. IF YOU DARE!!! In pictures, it shows how our "history" works. Though at the end of it, it does show 3 rather short videos about the holocaust. Watch them. IF YOU DARE!!! The last one goes into your bullshit "acknowledged by the losers." The title of that one is "Confessions by Torture." Later in that video, you should find the testimony by people who were actually inmates at various camps telling what the conditions were like in them. And it isn't what you think they are. Will you call them liars? THEY WERE THERE!
WW2 started before Pearl Harbor but the fact is that FDR was desperate to get the U.S. into the "real war" in Europe. The best consensus is that the U.S. government criminally underestimated the Japanese.
It is a well known fact that a radar operator in Hawaii saw aircraft heading towards Hawaii. But was told by a superior officer to ignore it. This might also interest you.

en.wikipedia.org › wiki › McCollum_memoMcCollum memo - Wikipedia

This website might also interest you.

www.independent.org › issues › articleThe Truth About Pearl Harbor: A Debate: The Independent Institute
Yes and once again you ignore the details that they had a scheduled flight of B17s enroute which is WHY he was told to ignore it.
In the history section I did a thread called "The holocaust story." Though it wasn't exactly about the holocaust, it is now closed to debate. But you can still read it. IF YOU DARE!!! In pictures, it shows how our "history" works. Though at the end of it, it does show 3 rather short videos about the holocaust. Watch them. IF YOU DARE!!! The last one goes into your bullshit "acknowledged by the losers." The title of that one is "Confessions by Torture." Later in that video, you should find the testimony by people who were actually inmates at various camps telling what the conditions were like in them. And it isn't what you think they are. Will you call them liars? THEY WERE THERE!
Will you read a book proving how sgtupid and wrong your claioms are??


I did read and watch that thread you were crushed and OWNED
Oh, really? Go to that thread and refute something. Next, you parrot the bullshit history written by the victors quite well.
Closed to debate moron and you were already refuted folded spindeled mutilated and defeated

You KNOW you were destroyed and proven a liar and fool
It is a well known fact that a radar operator in Hawaii saw aircraft heading towards Hawaii. But was told by a superior officer to ignore it. This might also interest you.

en.wikipedia.org › wiki › McCollum_memoMcCollum memo - Wikipedia

This website might also interest you.

www.independent.org › issues › articleThe Truth About Pearl Harbor: A Debate: The Independent Institute
FDR's Oil Embargo Was an Act of War. Same With OPEC in 1973.

Our aircraft carriers were ordered out of Pearl Harbor in order to stalk and provoke the Japanese fleet moving toward Indonesia to seize Royal Dutch Shell's oil. The hope was that the Japanese would feel we were about to attack them and would instead attack us pre-emptively. The movement of its other fleet was thought to be a diversion.
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Yes and once again you ignore the details that they had a scheduled flight of B17s enroute which is WHY he was told to ignore it.
The I in CIA Stands Only for Ego

Likewise, there were many indicators about 9/11 that were dismissed by the "intelligence" agencies. One glaring piece of real intelligence came across in 1973, when the Israelis announced that the terrorists were planning to hijack airplanes and using them as bombs against heavily populated buildings. But WASP anti-semitism prevalent in the CIA thought the "Jewboys were trigger-happy racists who would say anything to get our money and support for what was their own damn problem."
WW2 started before Pearl Harbor but the fact is that FDR was desperate to get the U.S. into the "real war" in Europe. The best consensus is that the U.S. government criminally underestimated the Japanese.

For the U.S., WW II didn't start until FDR got the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor. That Hitler decided to declare war on the U.S. afterwards was the biggest mistake he made.
Yes and once again you ignore the details that they had a scheduled flight of B17s enroute which is WHY he was told to ignore it.

Yeah, right. And UFO's don't exist either. The radar operator knew from which direction the planes were coming from. And it wasn't from in the direction of the U.S.
Will you read a book proving how sgtupid and wrong your claioms are??


I did read and watch that thread you were crushed and OWNED

Will you watch 3 short videos to prove how wrong and stupid your claims are? No. And what book could I read that would say is was physically impossible for all the bodies that were said to have been cremated to have been cremated. What book could I read that would say that there was evidence of Zyklon-B having been used in the "gas chambers." Etc. etc. etc. No book worth reading. That's what book.
Closed to debate moron and you were already refuted folded spindeled mutilated and defeated

You KNOW you were destroyed and proven a liar and fool

Go to my thread, "The holocaust. The reality." It isn't closed to debate. Refute away there. I will crush you.

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