Who started WW II.

It showed the ineffectiveness of the Soviet military, specifically in carrying out large scale offensive operations. The fact that they won in the end doesn’t change the reality they suffered far more casualties than they should have, and they knew it. The Red Army was at least a year away from carrying out any sort of offensive.

The Fins just found a flaw in Russian tanks that the Fins were able to exploit. If that flaw hadn't been there, the Russians would have won.
The Fins just found a flaw in Russian tanks that the Fins were able to exploit. If that flaw hadn't been there, the Russians would have won.

The Russians did win. But the glaring flaws in doctrine, training, and skill demonstrated themselves extremely clearly.
Dude, Hitler flat out admitted that was his goal. Lebensraum, moron.

Even more bullshit propaganda from the winning side. Despite what Hitler may or may not have said what he wanted in "Mein Kamph," he no doubt knew that what would happen would involve fighting a war on two fronts. He wasn't that crazy. Russia alone was a much larger country. And he knew what the French went through when they tried to invade Russia.
Even more bullshit propaganda from the winning side. Despite what Hitler may or may not have said what he wanted in "Mein Kamph," he no doubt knew that what would happen would involve fighting a war on two fronts. He wasn't that crazy. Russia alone was a much larger country. And he knew what the French went through when they tried to invade Russia.

He didn’t think the war would last long enough for it to matter. The Soviets were supposed to collapse, not rally and fight back against his troops.
The Russians didn't win their war against Finland. The Fins sent them packing.
“The Moscow Peace Treaty was signed in Moscow on 12 March 1940. A cease-fire took effect the next day at noon Leningrad time, 11 a.m. Helsinki time.[191][192] With it, Finland ceded a portion of Karelia, the entire Karelian Isthmus and land north of Lake Ladoga. The area included Viipuri (Finland's second-largest city [Population Register] or fourth-largest city [Church and Civil Register], depending on the census data[193]), much of Finland's industrialised territory, and significant land still held by Finland's military – all in all, nine percent of Finnish territory. The ceded territory included 13 percent of Finland's economic assets.[194] 12 percent of Finland's population, 422,000 to 450,000 Karelians, were evacuated and lost their homes.[195][196][197] Finland ceded a part of the region of Salla, Rybachy Peninsula in the Barents Sea, and four islands in the Gulf of Finland. The Hanko peninsula was leased to the Soviet Union as a military base for 30 years. The region of Petsamo, captured by the Red Army during the war, was returned to Finland according to the treaty.[198]

Yeah, hate to break it to you dude, but the Finns clearly lost.
1. Wrong thread sucker.
2. Not long before Hitler came to power, Germans literally needed a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread with. Unemployment was also rampant. Hitler fixed all that. All without war. He took a ruined German economy and turned it into the economic envy of the world!
Via Socialism done right
Of course there isn't any "evidence." As far as the kind you're interested in. Criminals are well known for covering up or denying their crimes. The U.S. did everything it could to get the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor. In that, they succeeded. It's no wonder that when a radar operator saw planes heading for Pearl Harbor, he was told to ignore it.

There is no evidence of ANY kind supporting your argument.

Mindless accusations without evidence do not prove a crime

Details defeat you. he was told to ignore them because rader was still very primitive and a flight of American planes were en route.
I did a thread about the holocaust. Put your crap about it there. Next, Hitler didn't want war. He knew that invading Poland would basically start a war just as WW I got started. He invaded Poland because he had no choice.
You proved yourself a massive fool with that thread.

The holocaust was real and he invaded without any justification
What about the book by a former Russian military intelligence officer, "Icebreaker: Who started the second world war." And I showed something that told what the forces between Germany and Russia were. The Germans were seriously outnumbered. That sounds pretty organized and prepared to me. And with FDR's support, why wouldn't the Russians invade.
Germans were outnumbered when they attacked West into Lowlands and France in 1940.
Quality, and good tactics, etc. makes up for quantity.
The reason for invading Poland was that the Poles had land that Hitler wanted.
After Russia, We Were Next on His List

Stalin only wanted to dictate to people; Hitler wanted to exterminate them. If encouraged, the German birthrate could have supplied enough people to eventually be the only White race.

It is a contradiction of Aryan Supremacy to omit the alternative of developing Germany's own historical territory to satisfy a sense of superiority.
Maybe you need to reread my thread. As for what the Italians did, who cares.

As for what the Italians did, who cares?
Motto of Those Whose Daddies Bought Them Their Jobs: "It's Not a Job; It's a Position"

Like our own rulers, the Italians were led by incompetent aristocrats. They were a burden on Rommel, caring more about status than supplying what he needed to beat the British before the Americans even showed up.

Spoiled guillotine-fodder even controlled the Italian Socialists, causing Mussolini to leave that Party because his father wasn't important enough for him to get promoted by the Preppy Progressives running it, as they have run all Leftist movements after the French Revolution warned them to take over the side of their enemies, the common people.
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You lied and claimed the Holocaust didn’t happen, when we have vast amounts of evidence showing it did.


The Nazi economy relied on invading, occupying, and looting other countries to keep functioning. Hitler didn’t just want a war; he needed one.
He Preached Anti-Semitism Because He Needed to Steal the Jews' Money, Too

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