Who the Hell is ICIG Michael Atkinson and why does he still have his job?

This could be the end To the democrat party. The party of evil.

I’m a former democrat.. you guys are done

i'm not a (D)... & they ain't done ....but nice try.
Lol they are and so are you
This could be the end To the democrat party. The party of evil.

I’m a former democrat.. you guys are done

i'm not a (D)... & they ain't done ....but nice try.
Lol they are and so are you

you keep dreamin' the dream sweety.
Democrats have lost over 1000 seats since 2012 lol ITS been over haha
All it takes is a recession on Trump's watch, or some scandal with some real evidence to support accusations. People counted the Lib/Dems out before, back in the Reagan years I think. But times change and shit happens, at least Trump isn't getting us into a long ME war.

Back to Atkinson, here's a guy with a reputation for being fair and honest so I don't get why he didn't sit on that whistleblower report until he had more information on which to base a decision to turn it over to the Democrats. It smacks of playing politics rather than doing his job in an impartial and professional way. Why didn't he send somebody to find out what the whistleblower saw 1st-hand? Why didn't he check with the people mentioned in the report to verify they told the WB this or that? What was the rush?
I’m a former democrat.. you guys are done

i'm not a (D)... & they ain't done ....but nice try.
Lol they are and so are you

you keep dreamin' the dream sweety.
Democrats have lost over 1000 seats since 2012 lol ITS been over haha


swinging pendulum says what?
Have you seen her district? Is that how you picture America? Lol
On Sept. 30, ICIG Intel community Inspector General) Michael Atkinson issued a news release acknowledging that, under the policy existing when he received the whistleblower's complaint, he could not have deemed it credible and reported it to the director of national intelligence. Instead, he admitted, he processed the complaint under a policy allowing second-hand information — a policy that he did not establish until after he received that complaint.

According to his news release, Atkinson simply accepted at face value the whistleblower’s assertion that he had first-hand information of at least some of the events alleged, even though the report itself provides no such information.

The whistleblower policy says that the ICIG could not deem a complaint credible based on second-hand information. But it does not prevent a whistleblower from filing such a complaint or prevent Atkinson from using it as the basis for an investigation that might reveal first-hand sources. And besides, Atkinson continues, this whistleblower checked a box on a form filed with the complaint saying that he did have first-hand information.

But, Atkinson has admitted that he never reviewed the White House memorandum describing the content of the Trump-Zelensky call before concluding that the complaint about that call was “credible.” It appears that he substituted a checked box representing an unsupported assertion of first-hand knowledge for the actual substance and content of the complaint itself. IOW, he didn't verify anything, otherwise we would now by now what WAS his 1st-hand knowledge. The truth? Not a damn thing.

So Atkinson ignored what was the correct policy to check the report from this whistleblower and verify what was first-hand knowledge and review the entire report for fallacies. The report should have been validated, but wasn't. Instead, he sent it to the Democrats in the House, which to me smacks of biased and unprofessional conduct on his part. I want to know who he works for, what is the CoC from him up to Trump, and then I want to know what Trump is going to do about it. And then I want people to get fired, if not prosecuted.

And we haven't even talked about the scandal behind Atkinson's decision to backdate the whistleblower's report to AFTER the change was made to the Whistleblower policy to allow a report if it has no 1st-hand knowledge. Atkinson wanted this report to be made public and given to the Democrats to use for political purposes, and that is not his fucking job.

What’s Going On in the Intelligence Community IG Office?

Look, any whistleblower report, with or without 1st-hand knowledge ought to be verified, especially if it's all 2nd-hand knowledge. You cannot put this shit out in the wind without proper validation.


The law governing this was signed on 3 Jan 2016 and has not been changed since.

You have been lied to and are too stupid to even care.

Here is the link to the law....


Section K(5) is the relevant part.
thank you. i'll dig into this one. it does seem that we have names now, name won't talk, more confusion, dogs and cats sleeping together - no one knows what's true anymore so i simply want to see before and after documentation, not people talking about it. my jury is still out on this one but i'm open to info to help clarify the bullshit so this *is* appreciated.

(5)(A) An employee of an element of the intelligence community, an employee assigned or detailed to an element of the intelligence community, or an employee of a contractor to the intelligence community who intends to report to Congress a complaint or information with respect to an urgent concern may report such complaint or information to the Inspector General.

(B) Not later than the end of the 14-calendar day period beginning on the date of receipt from an employee of a complaint or information under subparagraph (A), the Inspector General shall determine whether the complaint or information appears credible. Upon making such a determination, the Inspector General shall transmit to the Director a notice of that determination, together with the complaint or information.

(C) Upon receipt of a transmittal from the Inspector General under subparagraph (B), the Director shall, within 7 calendar days of such receipt, forward such transmittal to the congressional intelligence committees, together with any comments the Director considers appropriate.

(D)(i) If the Inspector General does not find credible under subparagraph (B) a complaint or information submitted under subparagraph (A), or does not transmit the complaint or information to the Director in accurate form under subparagraph (B), the employee (subject to clause (ii)) may submit the complaint or information to Congress by contacting either or both of the congressional intelligence committees directly. (ii) An employee may contact the congressional intelligence committees directly as described in clause (i) only if the employee— (I) before making such a contact, furnishes to the Director, through the Inspector General, a statement of the employee’s complaint or information and notice of the employee’s intent to contact the congressional intelligence committees directly; and (II) obtains and follows from the Director, through the Inspector General, direction on how to contact the congressional intelligence committees in accordance with appropriate security practices. (iii) A member or employee of one of the congressional intelligence committees who receives a complaint or information under this subparagraph does so in that member or employee’s official capacity as a member or employee of such committee.

(E) The Inspector General shall notify an employee who reports a complaint or information to the Inspector General under this paragraph of each action taken under this paragraph with respect to the complaint or information. Such notice shall be provided not later than 3 days after any such action is taken.

(F) An action taken by the Director or the Inspector General under this paragraph shall not be subject to judicial review.

(G) In this paragraph, the term ‘‘urgent concern’’ means any of the following: (i) A serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operation of an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the Director of National Intelligence involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters. (ii) A false statement to Congress, or a willful withholding from Congress, on an issue of material fact relating to the funding, administration, or operation of an intelligence activity. (iii) An action, including a personnel action described in section 2302(a)(2)(A) of title 5, constituting reprisal or threat of reprisal prohibited under subsection (g)(3)(B) of this section in response to an employee’s reporting an urgent concern in accordance with this paragraph.

(H) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the protections afforded to an employee under section 3517(d) of this title or section 8H of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.). (I) An individual who has submitted a complaint or information to the Inspector General under this section may notify any member of either of the congressional intelligence committees, or a staff member of either of such committees, of the fact that such individual has made a submission to the Inspector General, and of the date on which such submission was made. (6) In accordance with section 535 of title 28, the Inspector General shall expeditiously report to the Attorney General any information, allegation, or complaint received by the Inspector General relating to violations of Federal criminal law that involves 1 a program or operation of an element of the intelligence community, or in the relationships between the elements of the intelligence community, consistent with such guidelines as may be issued by the Attorney General pursuant to subsection (b)(2) of such section. A copy of each such report shall be furnished to the Director.
within 7 days.

didn't this happen a month later? or they just chose to "announce it" a month later? it's obvious schiff knew days after it happened, but just wondering about process here.
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i'm not a (D)... & they ain't done ....but nice try.
Lol they are and so are you

you keep dreamin' the dream sweety.
Democrats have lost over 1000 seats since 2012 lol ITS been over haha


swinging pendulum says what?
Have you seen her district? Is that how you picture America? Lol

<pfffft> please.

have you seen trump's air, water & land deregs, total ankle grabbing for the NRA, & stoking the torch bearers with encouragement? is that how you want amerika?
Lol they are and so are you

you keep dreamin' the dream sweety.
Democrats have lost over 1000 seats since 2012 lol ITS been over haha


swinging pendulum says what?
Have you seen her district? Is that how you picture America? Lol

<pfffft> please.

have you seen trump's air, water & land deregs, total ankle grabbing for the NRA, & stoking the torch bearers with encouragement? is that how you want amerika?
Lol they are and so are you

you keep dreamin' the dream sweety.
Democrats have lost over 1000 seats since 2012 lol ITS been over haha


swinging pendulum says what?
Have you seen her district? Is that how you picture America? Lol

<pfffft> please.

have you seen trump's air, water & land deregs, total ankle grabbing for the NRA, & stoking the torch bearers with encouragement? is that how you want amerika?
i'd rather that than people who demonize people defending our constitutional rights so they can change them up per their own feelz. you want a country run by "feelz" is that how you want america?

why do you want to abolish constitutional rights? hey - if you pick one, the right will pick one and suddenly what the hell is the POINT of a constitution.
you keep dreamin' the dream sweety.
Democrats have lost over 1000 seats since 2012 lol ITS been over haha


swinging pendulum says what?
Have you seen her district? Is that how you picture America? Lol

<pfffft> please.

have you seen trump's air, water & land deregs, total ankle grabbing for the NRA, & stoking the torch bearers with encouragement? is that how you want amerika?

On Sept. 30, ICIG Intel community Inspector General) Michael Atkinson issued a news release acknowledging that, under the policy existing when he received the whistleblower's complaint, he could not have deemed it credible and reported it to the director of national intelligence. Instead, he admitted, he processed the complaint under a policy allowing second-hand information — a policy that he did not establish until after he received that complaint.

According to his news release, Atkinson simply accepted at face value the whistleblower’s assertion that he had first-hand information of at least some of the events alleged, even though the report itself provides no such information.

The whistleblower policy says that the ICIG could not deem a complaint credible based on second-hand information. But it does not prevent a whistleblower from filing such a complaint or prevent Atkinson from using it as the basis for an investigation that might reveal first-hand sources. And besides, Atkinson continues, this whistleblower checked a box on a form filed with the complaint saying that he did have first-hand information.

But, Atkinson has admitted that he never reviewed the White House memorandum describing the content of the Trump-Zelensky call before concluding that the complaint about that call was “credible.” It appears that he substituted a checked box representing an unsupported assertion of first-hand knowledge for the actual substance and content of the complaint itself. IOW, he didn't verify anything, otherwise we would now by now what WAS his 1st-hand knowledge. The truth? Not a damn thing.

So Atkinson ignored what was the correct policy to check the report from this whistleblower and verify what was first-hand knowledge and review the entire report for fallacies. The report should have been validated, but wasn't. Instead, he sent it to the Democrats in the House, which to me smacks of biased and unprofessional conduct on his part. I want to know who he works for, what is the CoC from him up to Trump, and then I want to know what Trump is going to do about it. And then I want people to get fired, if not prosecuted.

And we haven't even talked about the scandal behind Atkinson's decision to backdate the whistleblower's report to AFTER the change was made to the Whistleblower policy to allow a report if it has no 1st-hand knowledge. Atkinson wanted this report to be made public and given to the Democrats to use for political purposes, and that is not his fucking job.

What’s Going On in the Intelligence Community IG Office?

Look, any whistleblower report, with or without 1st-hand knowledge ought to be verified, especially if it's all 2nd-hand knowledge. You cannot put this shit out in the wind without proper validation.
Send him back to The Clinton Crime Cabal or Obama Bin Lying Jihad.

Release the Volker Transcripts. No more of this bullshit Secret hearings, and Anonymous so called Whistle Blowers.
Atkinson is a Trump appointee who is doing his job.

Of course that is NOT acceptable to Trumpers
Atkinson is a Trump appointee who is doing his job.

Of course that is NOT acceptable to Trumpers
He has been there for two decades. That's longer than anyone should be allowed to be a bureaucrat. Todays deep state corruption is the result of career bureaucrats who protect one another and know they can get away with anything.
Atkinson is a Trump appointee who is doing his job.

Of course that is NOT acceptable to Trumpers
He has been there for two decades. That's longer than anyone should be allowed to be a bureaucrat. Todays deep state corruption is the result of career bureaucrats who protect one another and know they can get away with anything.

He has held multiple jobs during that time, working his way up the chain just like anyone at any other job.
He worked for the DOJ for 15 years. That means he was a Bush appointee to begin with and was appointed to his current position in 2018 by Trump himself.

Shove your "deep state" bullshit up your ass.

It's childish and stupid
He worked for the DOJ for 15 years. That means he was a Bush appointee to begin with and was appointed to his current position in 2018 by Trump himself.

Shove your "deep state" bullshit up your ass.

It's childish and stupid

Yep. In every other profession experience and working your way up the ladder is seen as a positive...but these partisan sheep think that experience and expertise is not important for government workers.

Makes no sense at all.
He worked for the DOJ for 15 years. That means he was a Bush appointee to begin with and was appointed to his current position in 2018 by Trump himself.

Shove your "deep state" bullshit up your ass.

It's childish and stupid

Yep. In every other profession experience and working your way up the ladder is seen as a positive...but these partisan sheep think that experience and expertise is not important for government workers.

Makes no sense at all.
then they go back trump with ZERO political experience. to be honest that is something i like about him but it does slap him in the face like the iceland winds at times.
You fuckers keep throwing people under the bus and pretty soon that bus ain’t gonna be able to run
You fuckers keep throwing people under the bus and pretty soon that bus ain’t gonna be able to run
when you get a micro-ounce of credibility, i'll give a shit about what you say.

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