Who thinks 9/11 was an inside Job?

Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job?

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so, if they had another invesatigation and they arrive at basicly the same conclusion that it wasnt an inside job and just some political CYA you would accept it?

i highly doubt it
you would accuse the new investigators of being Bush dupes as well

thus, it would be a waste to do

those are blind assumptions....if it was done under the terns of the petition i would have faith in the process...but I think it is clear to most that with the amount of cover-up ..omissions and distortions the truth is not being told..the real question is how deep does the rabbit hole go...
but i say there is no rabbit hole

well that's nice...but others of greater expertise disagree..and this greatly concerns me...
Oh I think the govt is capable of pulling off the event. They just would have to have been insane to try it. What if one of the planes had MISSED? what if the info leaked? it would be the end of the republican party forever. and for what? a pretext for Iraq? they could have very easily found another pretext. If you're going to set this up, why not implicate Iraqis? why not hit the buildings lower so more people get trapped? or knock the buildings over rather than have them collapse into themselves? why use planes at all if there are explosives?
no, they are not capable
not at all
someone would have talked already
There ya go.... Just ask Armitage about that....
Oh I think the govt is capable of pulling off the event. They just would have to have been insane to try it

they are indeed insane...in that sense..

What if one of the planes had MISSED? what if the info leaked

once you realise how controlled the media is,,that's not such a concern..and there is a thing called contingency plans

it would be the end of the republican party forever.

the shadow government is not confined to party's

and for what? a pretext for Iraq? they could have very easily found another pretext. If you're going to set this up, why not implicate Iraqis?

best to have a shadowy villain..the war on terror that can last...one hundred years...

why not hit the buildings lower so more people get trapped? or knock the buildings over rather than have them collapse into themselves? why use planes at all if there are explosives?

it was a psyop..to serve a much larger purpose than Iraq...see northwoods..you can ask why this plan instead of this plan endlessly...they did it..how they did it

no, they are not capable
not at all
someone would have talked already
There ya go.... Just ask Armitage about that....

someone would of talked is a falacy...why has not bin laden location been..leaked...why is no one talking ???....its not contained within party's...another illusion

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Hi AllBiz:

Oh I think the govt is capable of pulling off the event.

No. A ‘rogue element’ working inside our Federal and State and Local Governments (my Pentagon thread) used our elected officials as puppets to carry out these 9/11 Inside-job attacks. I am the very first to agree that Senor Bush is an idiot (watch the video) without the wherewithal to plan anything (pic), but he sat in that Elementary School (pic) playing his ‘hiding-in-plain-sight’ role like a good inside-job puppet with a gun to his head. Right now the same rogue element bad guys are telling their Obama puppet (pic) what to do next . . .

They just would have to have been insane to try it. What if one of the planes had MISSED?

Give me a break!! All of this nonsense boils down to a few simple facts:

1. All of the Flight 93 pictures show AN EMPTY HOLE (my thread).


What fricking PLANE (the video clip)??? I showed you that this empty hole was already in this empty field from the U.S. Geological Survey pictures (look for yourself!) You guys run around talking about 100-ton Jetliners that never crashed in empty holes!


Say this with me really slow this time: This is another Shanksville picture of the EMPTY HOLE. We The People have been dumbed down to the point that empty holes (pic) equal crashed 100-ton Jetliners!


This is where ‘you’ think a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed going 530 miles per hour! Then you ask the silly question, “What if one of the planes missed?” What fricking PLANE?? These 911Truth Deniers (pic and pic) have no idea that ‘they’ are supposed to make ‘their’ case for a 100-ton Jetliner crashing in either of these locations, BEFORE they start rambling aimlessly about PLANES that are not present in ANY photograph; because no 100-ton Jetliner ever crashed at either location. Guess what? The inside-job bad guys stole 3 Trillion dollars during these 9/11 attacks ‘and’ they continue stealing trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars through these U.S./Global Economy Implosion Charades (pic), because they realize that Americans are SO STUPID that they can rob We The People blind without murdering any innocent Americans in a second round of 911-like attacks. Just look at the poll numbers above to realize that over 75 percent of USMB registered members are DUPES running after the Official Cover Story LIES like flies to BS . . .

what if the info leaked?

Donald Rumsfeld slipped up on the day after the 9/11 inside-job attacks and told Parade Magazine that the Pentagon was struck by a missile (story), but We The People are DUPES without one clue. Larry Silverstein told you that WTC-7 was ‘pulled’ (link) after some ‘decision to pull’ was made, but DUPES (pic) believe whatever they want to believe rather than what ‘is told’ by all the corroborating ‘evidence.’

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKhBzAh_eeA"]Leaked Expert Military Testimony[/ame]

You have tons of military experts telling you that no 100-ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon, but you look the other way and run after Loyal Bushie LIES anyway . . .

it would be the end of the republican party forever. and for what? a pretext for Iraq?

Stop asking silly questions and just show us ‘your evidence’ to support the Official Cover Story LIES. This 911Review article explains the “9/11 Conspiracy Of Silence” (here).

they could have very easily found another pretext. If you're going to set this up, why not implicate Iraqis?

In other words, since you guys cannot answer my silly questions, then Senor Bush and Karl Rove and Dick Cheney had nothing to do with carrying out these 9/11 attacks! No. Your job is to stop asking questions and start offering up ‘evidence’ that the Gov’t is being honest about all of these related 9/11 attacks. Good Luck!

Why not hit the buildings lower so more people get trapped? or knock the buildings over rather than have them collapse into themselves? why use planes at all if there are explosives?

What PLANES? These 100-ton+ Jetliners have hundreds of ‘time-change’ parts with serial numbers written down in log books that can help real investigators identify the PLANE in a matter of minutes after the cool-down period (story). So how many of these time-change parts have the Gov’t turned over to prove they are in possession of Flights 11, 77, 93 and 175?? Zero! At least nine of the supposed hijackers have been found alive (story), which means they did not go down in flames in any real Jetliner crash. The bad guys used Commercial Jetliners in their ‘Cover Story’ to guarantee FBI jurisdiction, when people inside the FBI and CIA helped plan and carry out the attacks in the first place. The FBI ran around confiscating security video from everybody around the Pentagon very quickly on 9/11 (story) and the Pentagon had 84 security cameras (story) covering the Heliport side of the Pentagon. The only reason that Judicial Watch obtained the CCTV security video clips (story) is because somebody on the inside leaked the original five frames (story) that started the discovery ball rolling; and even those released video clips have missing frames (story). Those of you DUPED by the Official Cover Story can try to answer the questions about ‘what’ the FBI has been HIDING from the very beginning . . .

Many of you refuse to wake the hell up concerning these 9/11 Inside-job Attacks, because you are afraid to open your eyes to the realization of being surrounded by Loyal Bushie DUPES (pic and pic) . . .


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If Flight 93 did not crash in PA, but instead landed elsewhere (as stated in another CT thread), where are the people who were on Flight 93? If this plane landed elsewhere, was it full of people or was it empty? If full of people, where are those people? If empty, where are the people who were listed as being on that flight? Where is Todd Beamer ('let's roll)?

Were they originally scheduled to get on Flight 93, got to the airport, told they had to switch flights and got onto another plane? If so, why haven't we heard from them? Where are the people who were on - or scheduled to be on -these planes (Flight 77 and Flight 93)?

I read on another CT thread that Flight 77 never took off from the airport and that a missile penetrated the Pentagon. Where is the plane (77) and where are the people who were supposed to have died on that plane when it crashed into the Pentagon?
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Terral says that Bush and Cheney killed them all.

Without raising one iota of suspicion from anyone.

As on the other thread, I am still waiting on answers to these questions from T and/or others who support that 9/11 was an inside job.
Hi Zoom:

If Flight 93 did not crash in PA, but instead landed elsewhere (as stated in another CT thread), where are the people who were on Flight 93?

I have already answered your questions (here) if anybody wants to run through everything again. What I want to know is how many of the Loyal Bushie DUPES (pic and pic and pic) clicked “No” to the OP Poll question before answering these kinds of questions from investigating the ‘evidence’ for themselves? This is the kind of moronic nonsense that I am talking about when people blindly accept distorted versions of ‘the 911Truth’ without having any idea about what really happened. Senor Bush could say Santa Claus and his band of renegade reindeer crashed into the Pentagon going 530 miles per hour and you guys would start building a memorial for Rudolf . . .

If this plane landed elsewhere, was it full of people or was it empty?

Why should I continue posting the same information for you time (story) and time (story) again, when you refuse to pull your head out of the sand for taking a good look around? Plenty of people attest to the fact that Flight 93 landed in Cleveland (story and story = watch the little short news video)! Flight 93 landed in Cleveland due to a bomb threat. This is the evidence for where Senor Bush says Flight 93 crashed (pic). Do the fricking math!

If full of people, where are those people? If empty, where are the people who were listed as being on that flight? Where is Todd Beamer ('let's roll)?

You cannot expect the Gov’t officials telling you that Flight 93 crashed into the little empty hole to come clean about the details of the fake/alleged Flight 93 manifest (link from story). The Gov’t IS LYING. Pure and simple. That is the reason you are looking at pictures of the empty hole (pic). That is how a very small percentage of us conclude that these 9/11 attacks are INSIDE JOBS in the first place, or the Gov’t would be telling us the truth.

Were they originally scheduled to get on Flight 93, got to the airport, told they had to switch flights and got onto another plane? If so, why haven't we heard from them? Where are the people who were on - or scheduled to be on -these planes Flight 77 and Flight 93)?

Answering the question about whether 9/11 was in inside job has NOTHING to do with hype about passengers. These Jetliners either crashed where the Gov’t says, OR they simply DID NOT. Period. Once you determine that all of the Shanksville pictures show AN EMPTY HOLE (google), then you know for A FACT that the Gov’t is LYING.


What do you see in the empty hole? Answer: Nothing but an empty hole. How many passengers are in the empty hole? None. Since the Gov’t has been LYING from day one, then you want a real investigation that ‘will’ begin to answer your passenger questions.

I read on another CT thread that Flight 77 never took off from the airport and that a missile penetrated the Pentagon. Where is the plane (77) and where are the people who were supposed to have died on that plane when it crashed into the Pentagon?

This is what I mean right here . . . Lord-Have-Mercy . . . Since the AA77 was canceled on 9/11 (my post), then nobody died in any Jetliner crash at the Pentagon. The evidence for the 9:31:39 AM missile strike that injured April Gallop and her son is here with the observational/geometric/algebraic exercises explained using diagrams and mathematical equations for the benefit of Bill Veale her attorney. I can tell you precisely what happened at the Pentagon during the two attacks (my thread) at 9:31:39 AM ‘and’ 9:36:27 AM, but my commentary includes NOTHING about any 100-ton Jetliner; because that never happened . . .


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm_cnFoMHjA"]This Guy Was There On 9/11[/ame]

These videos 'do' work everywhere on God's Green Earth but on this website!


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T, stop being so angry. I'm just asking questions and when you post gobs of links, it becomes tedious trying to hear your answers.

The following is from one of the links you provided.

A Boeing 767 out of Boston made an emergency landing Tuesday at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport due to concerns that it may have a bomb aboard, said Mayor Michael R. White.

White said the plane had been moved to a secure area of the airport, and was evacuated.

United identified the plane as Flight 93. The airline did not say how many people were aboard the flight.

UAL Flight 93 Landed Safely At Cleveland Hopkins Airport

If this is true, where are those people? Todd Beamer was on Flight 93. Where is he now?

Flight 77 was canceled? Ok. Where are the people who were holding tickets to board Flight 77? If that flight was canceled they must have been directed to take another flight. So, where are they? Why haven't we ever heard anyone say 'I was scheduled to be on Flight 77 and they canceled it and now they are reporting it crashed into the Pentagon. Whew, close call'?

You've provided much information but I still fail to see what happened to these people who were - or weren't - on these flights.
Hi Zoom:

T, stop being so angry. I'm just asking questions and when you post gobs of links, it becomes tedious trying to hear your answers.

Angry is not the appropriate term. I keep showing you evidence for the ‘inside-job attacks’ in the empty Shanksville hole in the ground and you keep asking questions about victims.


Let’s see: Maybe that is Todd Beamer’s body walking by to our left in the dark shirt and light-colored pants . . .

If this is true, where are those people? Todd Beamer was on Flight 93. Where is he now?

Since ‘you’ believe UA93 crashed into this empty hole, then that is Todd Beamer walking through the empty hole . . .

Flight 77 was canceled? Ok. Where are the people who were holding tickets to board Flight 77?


You must be talking about the people who were aboard the 100-ton Jetliner that crashed into this standing E-ring wall. Right? Well, the people are not in that green tree and not in the fire truck and not stuck to the cable reels.

If that flight was canceled they must have been directed to take another flight.

No. The inside-job bad guys murdered many innocent Americans on 9/11 and the three days that followed (“60-Hour Witness Assassination”) ‘and’ they assigned their victims seats on canceled flights and others that landed safely . . . Why? Because DUPES will believe anything. One reason I am a real 911Truther is because I cannot stand for anyone to deliberately lie into my face telling stories that do NOT even begin to match ‘the evidence.’

So, where are they? Why haven't we ever heard anyone say 'I was scheduled to be on Flight 77 and they canceled it and now they are reporting it crashed into the Pentagon. Whew, close call'?

Donald Rumsfeld controlled all of the DNA evidence from all of the 9/11 inside-job attack locations that included people gassed to have their bodies burned (like this) at Wright Patterson Field in Southern Ohio (link). All of the DNA evidence was shipped by military planes to "the mortuary complex at Dover AFB, Delaware" (link) where they mixed and matched the evidence to say anything they wished. Let me give you an example of how these bad guys continued running their Counterintelligence Disinformation Campaign right under your nose without anybody (well, they fooled most of you) knowing what was really going on:

Most of you guys have heard of the 911 Commission Report (link) representing 585 PDF pages of sworn 911 Commission Testimony. However, most of you might not of heard of the Arlington County After-Action Report pertaining only to the Pentagon (link) representing about 275 more pages of Official Sworn 9/11 Testimony. From these two documents of over 800 pages, I want you to guess how many times the plural term “explosions” is used in this sworn testimony to describe what really happened on 9/11? The answer is ZERO . . . and you guys still think that 9/11 was ‘not’ and inside job. Both of these documents use the singular use of the term “explosion” exactly six times and every use of the word in the corrupt ACAAR is directly connected to their ‘fake’ 9:38 AM AA77 crash that never even happened. Both of these Gov’t Documents have been ‘keyword sanitized,’ which you should suspect for an ‘inside job’ where the FBI and CIA are telling everybody what to say, when those cartoon characters helped to plan and carry out the attacks in the first place. Those of you who think (you are not thinking at all) that 9/11 is ‘not’ an inside job are siding with Senor Bush in saying a band of these guys did the attacks:


Okay, since we are asking questions: How did a band of Bearded Jihadist Radicals manage to eliminate all references to ‘explosions’ from these two Gov’t documents? How did they sanitize the times of “9:31 AM” and “9:32 AM” from the corrupt ACAAR, which just happens to be the time that the Pentagon was actually struck during the original missile strike that stopped these Pentagon clocks (pic)? The FBI had to turn over the Doubletree Security Video information and guess what time shows up with the first explosion? That is right! 9:32 AM!


You've provided much information but I still fail to see what happened to these people who were - or weren't - on these flights.

That is because Zoom is asking the wrong questions to determine whether or not we are looking at a 9/11 inside job. The Gov’t is either telling you ‘the truth’ or they are LIARS. Period! This is not a case of one or two little inconsistencies in the details, but we have empty holes where the Gov’t says 100-ton Jetliners supposedly crashed, which means you should be looking for pictures of a crashed 100-ton Jetliner to prop up ‘their’ stupid explanations.


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Hi Zoom:
Angry is not the appropriate term. I keep showing you evidence for the ‘inside-job attacks’ in the empty Shanksville hole in the ground and you keep asking questions about victims.

And you keep avoiding to answer my questions about these victims and keep directing the subject back to the hole in the ground.

If Flight 93, which was full of passengers, was in fact diverted to Cleveland and evacuated, where are the people who where on that plane?

The following is from one of the links you provided.

A Boeing 767 out of Boston made an emergency landing Tuesday at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport due to concerns that it may have a bomb aboard, said Mayor Michael R. White.

White said the plane had been moved to a secure area of the airport, and was evacuated.

United identified the plane as Flight 93. The airline did not say how many people were aboard the flight.

UAL Flight 93 Landed Safely At Cleveland Hopkins Airport

If this is true, where are those people? Todd Beamer was on Flight 93. Where is he now?

Since ‘you’ believe UA93 crashed into this empty hole, then that is Todd Beamer walking through the empty hole . . .

Funny I don't recall saying whether I did believe or did not believe that Flight 93 crashed in PA. You are assuming again. If what you say, and provide information for is true and that Flight 93 was in fact diverted to Cleveland and the flight evacuated, including Todd Beamer, where are they/he now?

Again, people bought tickets for flight 77 well in advanced of their flights on 9/11. They went to the airport, were told that their flight was canceled, and either boarded another flight or went home. How did the government murder them if they were all dispersed on other flights or if they left the airport?

You keep posting the same thing over and over yet you never answer my questions. If this information on the passengers is in the multitude of links you provide, please post those excerpts along with a link to the site. I couldn't find the answers to my questions in there; perhaps I missed it.
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I wish the government was as ruthlessly efficient delivering the mail as they are killing people.

boy no one has ever heard that old psyop line before.....


maybe we should write a pocket guide to denial for these morons with step by step instructions so they wouldn't have to think at all when they post.

that guide would only be about a paragraph long.
I wish the government was as ruthlessly efficient delivering the mail as they are killing people.

boy no one has ever heard that old psyop line before.....


maybe we should write a pocket guide to denial for these morons with step by step instructions so they wouldn't have to think at all when they post.

that guide would only be about a paragraph long.
you troofers are the ones in denial
you deny the facts

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