Who thinks 9/11 was an inside Job?

Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job?

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Funny though, that the very few possible "clues" you have to stand on here ... are pretty much ones that any half wit could cover up before anyone ever notices. However a vast majority are just ... junk ... not even good junk like that cool old couch you find at the dump and take home to clean and repair ... more like the "stepped in it" type junk.
Funny though, that the very few possible "clues" you have to stand on here ... are pretty much ones that any half wit could cover up before anyone ever notices. However a vast majority are just ... junk ... not even good junk like that cool old couch you find at the dump and take home to clean and repair ... more like the "stepped in it" type junk.

here you are again pretending like you know anything...stop pretending ...
Eots ... I post here because you think you know everything, yet you prove time and again you are just looking to point fingers. It's fun to watch, so yeah, keep it up, still worth a good laugh.
I would argue about 9-11 being an inside job but ONLY if there is nobody else on my side of the debate

( in other words i don't want to defend arguments made by somebody else )

and only if you keep your sense of humor to yourself

otherwise its gonna boil down to who said "HAHA" more times. oh look ! you said haha 50 times and we said it 850 times ! we win ! of course theres 20 of us and 1 of you ...

idiots ...

so if you want we can start a new thread and have a serious argument there. if you don't want that - then i win by default.

and you don't even need to tell me that you "only do it for fun" because i KNOW that already. you only "do it" because you're idiots ...
Hi Zoom:

And you keep avoiding to answer my questions about these victims and keep directing the subject back to the hole in the ground.


Prove to me a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed into this little hole and I will entertain these readers by answering your questions. Until then you have NO CASE for anyone dying here . . . Period.

Funny I don't recall saying whether I did believe or did not believe that Flight 93 crashed in PA. You are assuming again.

Let’s try tackling this problem from another direction: Click here. My questions:

1. Tell me about the victims in this empty hole . . .

2. Where are they now??


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Simple enough question. Ohh this is a public poll.

The bombing runs over American cities with the bio-toxic germs and heavy metals that are murdering scores of innocent people including infants, children, and the elderly must be "Al Quida"....Right?

Any person that has any type of respiratory ailment is subject to very serious illness or death by their bio-toxic bombing runs. Everyone is weakened by the introduction of the germs sprayed into the skies by "Al Quida" and the particle pollution is getting worst.

All the aircraft retrofitted with the spray nozzles responsible for the across the board attack on the lives and health of Americans can also spray Americans with more lethal microbiological toxins.

Maybe this is why "Al Quida" called for the so-called Base relocation scheme that stripped the states of their f-16 fighter jets, so when they (communist/Jews) decide it's time to release more deadly germs into the air the states will not have the ability to protect the population from mass murder.

The Jewish media made many reports of how Saddam sprayed his own people with chemical lethal weapons, but nothing is said about all the artificial clouds known as chem-trails sprayed all over the United States.

If "Al Quida" was responsible for 9-11 then they are also the ones making these bombing runs over America killing people and making them sick. The communist within the Government who have implemented all the KGB spying and seizure of our rights , liberties, and freedoms based on 9-11 must be "Al Quida"...Right?

It's amazing how "Al Quida" blocks freeman from the intelligence post because he is not a slave to the Israelis. Senator Schumer calls the son of a Terrorist Rahm Emanuel and it's done. A pro American is blocked from a strategically sensitive post and the president says "nothing"....Who is it that's really controlling the Government?

The Zionist Communist with dual citizenship being 3% of the population controlling the media, economy, and literally the government have been real busy. They have came a long way since the Bolshevik Revolution. They are pushing their slaves to yet another war.
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I would argue about 9-11 being an inside job but ONLY if there is nobody else on my side of the debate

( in other words i don't want to defend arguments made by somebody else )

and only if you keep your sense of humor to yourself

otherwise its gonna boil down to who said "HAHA" more times. oh look ! you said haha 50 times and we said it 850 times ! we win ! of course theres 20 of us and 1 of you ...

idiots ...

so if you want we can start a new thread and have a serious argument there. if you don't want that - then i win by default.

and you don't even need to tell me that you "only do it for fun" because i KNOW that already. you only "do it" because you're idiots ...

dude you need to read through this whole thread.myself,eots,terral and sealy bobo the ones who are not afraid of the truth that 9/11 was an inside job,have posted many times here on this thread.
I would argue about 9-11 being an inside job but ONLY if there is nobody else on my side of the debate

( in other words i don't want to defend arguments made by somebody else )

and only if you keep your sense of humor to yourself

otherwise its gonna boil down to who said "HAHA" more times. oh look ! you said haha 50 times and we said it 850 times ! we win ! of course theres 20 of us and 1 of you ...

idiots ...

so if you want we can start a new thread and have a serious argument there. if you don't want that - then i win by default.

and you don't even need to tell me that you "only do it for fun" because i KNOW that already. you only "do it" because you're idiots ...

dude you need to read through this whole thread.myself,eots,terral and sealy bobo the ones who are not afraid of the truth that 9/11 was an inside job,have posted many times here on this thread.
dude, you morons ARE scared of the truth
9/11 wasnt an inside job
I would argue about 9-11 being an inside job but ONLY if there is nobody else on my side of the debate

( in other words i don't want to defend arguments made by somebody else )

and only if you keep your sense of humor to yourself

otherwise its gonna boil down to who said "HAHA" more times. oh look ! you said haha 50 times and we said it 850 times ! we win ! of course theres 20 of us and 1 of you ...

idiots ...

so if you want we can start a new thread and have a serious argument there. if you don't want that - then i win by default.

and you don't even need to tell me that you "only do it for fun" because i KNOW that already. you only "do it" because you're idiots ...

dude you need to read through this whole thread.myself,eots,terral and sealy bobo the ones who are not afraid of the truth that 9/11 was an inside job,have posted many times here on this thread.
if bobo says it, it must be true.
I think it was a joint effort of the Israelis and Americans.

There are too many loose ends and funny stories for 911 to have been what the government said it was.

Besides, how can I expect that the Bush Administration was honest about 911 when everything else turned out to be a lie?

And now the new puppet is doing things just as usual. No radical change.

Just ask yourself this about 911: Who benefitted? Who eventually made a ton of money as a result?

That's who did it.
I think it was a joint effort of the Israelis and Americans.

There are too many loose ends and funny stories for 911 to have been what the government said it was.

Besides, how can I expect that the Bush Administration was honest about 911 when everything else turned out to be a lie?

And now the new puppet is doing things just as usual. No radical change.

Just ask yourself this about 911: Who benefitted? Who eventually made a ton of money as a result?

That's who did it.
pure delusion
Hi Zoom:

And you keep avoiding to answer my questions about these victims and keep directing the subject back to the hole in the ground.


Prove to me a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed into this little hole and I will entertain these readers by answering your questions. Until then you have NO CASE for anyone dying here . . . Period.

Funny I don't recall saying whether I did believe or did not believe that Flight 93 crashed in PA. You are assuming again.

Let’s try tackling this problem from another direction: Click here. My questions:

1. Tell me about the victims in this empty hole . . .

There are no victims in this empty hole if, as you stated, they were diverted to Cleveland and evacuated from the plane.

2. Where are they now??

They were evacuated at Cleveland and . . . where are they now? That's what I'm asking you.

You posted a link that stated that Flight 93 was diverted on 9/11 and forced to land at Cleveland and the passengers were evacuated. UAL Flight 93 Landed Safely At Cleveland Hopkins Airport If this is true, where are the passengers who were on that flight? You are saying that Flight 93 did not crash in PA. Ok. You then posted a link saying what did happen to the plane -- that it landed in Cleveland and the passengers were evacuated. Ok. Please tell me what happened to those passengers. If you are correct, and Flight 93 never crashed, and those passengers got off in Cleveland -- where are they now? What happened to them?

Please provide the excerpts from your many links and the link itself. I looked but could not find this particular information. I may have missed it as there is much information you provided.

I've looked for the same information about the passengers from Flight 77 but could not find it. Again, there is much information you provided; perhaps I missed it as well. Thanks.
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