Who thinks 9/11 was an inside Job?

Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job?

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Hi Zoom:

And you keep avoiding to answer my questions about these victims and keep directing the subject back to the hole in the ground.


Prove to me a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed into this little hole and I will entertain these readers by answering your questions. Until then you have NO CASE for anyone dying here . . . Period.

Funny I don't recall saying whether I did believe or did not believe that Flight 93 crashed in PA. You are assuming again.

Let’s try tackling this problem from another direction: Click here. My questions:

1. Tell me about the victims in this empty hole . . .

2. Where are they now??


that hole looks large enough and is shaped like a plane to me
I think it was a joint effort of the Israelis and Americans.

There are too many loose ends and funny stories for 911 to have been what the government said it was.

Besides, how can I expect that the Bush Administration was honest about 911 when everything else turned out to be a lie?

And now the new puppet is doing things just as usual. No radical change.

Just ask yourself this about 911: Who benefitted? Who eventually made a ton of money as a result?

That's who did it.
you my man are capable of thinking for yourself and outside the box.Bush and Cheney profitted from the attacks BIG TIME,thats been documented.yeah it was definetely a joint adventure by the Israelis and the CIA.We know the israelis were involved because there were some dancing israelis filmed on rooftops after the towers fell down and filmed driving by in a car dancing as well yet they were not arrested.of course the Bush dupes are so much in denial they ignore these kinds of overwhelming facts that prove that.:cuckoo:
n the aftermath of 9/11, I have heard many claims that a 757 could not possible have hit the Pentagon because the plane cannot fly so low to the ground at speeds of 500 mph or more. The primary reason given is that ground effect prevents this from happening. Is there any truth to this claim?- question from EricI am researching Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon. The aircraft was a Boeing 757-200 traveling 345 mph according to the flight data recorder. Because of damage to light poles about 1500 feet from the building, the leading edge of the wing was about 15-18 feet off the ground at this location. The impact damage at the building is contained below the slab of the second floor, which is 14 feet high. Nothing hit the lawn prior to the building facade. How would ground effect have been overcome for this scenario?- question from Russell PickeringYour article on ground effect says that it comes into play at a height equivalent to the wingspan of the aircraft, or about 125 ft for a 757. If a 757 tried to fly at low altitude at 500 mph, wouldn't ground effect force it up to at least 125 ft? And if the pilot tried to force the nose down at that speed, wouldn't the aircraft become unstable? I don't think any pilot could control an aircraft like that and hit the Pentagon. No 757 could fly like that, especially the terrorist supposedly flying Flight 11 who was an unskilled amateur pilot yet magically flew with total perfection.-
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0vxc50xAbk&feature=PlayList&p=3AF3FC2EC3DF655C&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=3]YouTube - 9/11 Pentagon Attack Eyewitness Mike Walter[/ame]
magic. Alex Jones put a curse on the plane.

first off your not even funny or witty..secondly...is that your brain dead answer to the fact of ground effect ?

no rosieots, enlighten us.

well pedoelvis it is pretty simple commercial airliners cant fly at crusing speed at low altitude as claimed by the official conspracy theory and only the most skilled piolits could even attempt to control a craft at these altitudes and if they did ..it would be at hundreds of mph slower than crusing speed ..not a invisble flash racing 8ft of the ground..it is not possible...it would be easily filmed and would look like this
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srTL3HVu4Wg]YouTube - Boeing 757 landing[/ame]
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first off your not even funny or witty..secondly...is that your brain dead answer to the fact of ground effect ?

no rosieots, enlighten us.

well pedoelvis it is pretty simple commercial airliners cant fly at crusing speed at low altitude as claimed by the official conspracy theory and only the most skilled piolits could even attempt to control a craft at thes altitudes and if they did ..it would be at hundreds of mph slower than crusing speed ..not a invisble flash racing 8ft of the ground..it is not possible...it would be easily filmed and would look like this
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srTL3HVu4Wg]YouTube - Boeing 757 landing[/ame]

yyyyyeah charlie sheen should stick to movies.
it had to be bolted to a track because ground effect would of forced it to higher altitude,,and this is a fighter with short wing span ..ground effect increases with wing span,,

The basic idea is a Boeing 757 is simply not designed to fly so fast so close to the ground and simply can't do it. This is because of the huge lift created under this huge plane going so fast. Not to mention there is an effect called "downwash", where the plane creates a huge suction under it as it flies. This would have picked up everything that was under a 757 and thrown it in all directions-- for instance cable spools and electrical generators.

This basically demolishes the official Pentagon story.
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