Who thinks 9/11 was an inside Job?

Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job?

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but then your one of those whack job diveconspiracy guys...the no patriots..or they are actual holograms or something ..and one of those no molten metal guys who believe first responders are in on the froofer conspiracy !..so you lack credibility
you are an idiot
i said no such thing
there was no "molten metal" because they were picking it up with tong devices, you can NOT pick up a LIQUID with tongs

and no first responders said anything of the sort, it was things you assholes twisted to make it look like thats what they said

but this is either a LIE or you are indeed in denial
no, its all the truth
well at least I Have some great new material for the diveconspiravy theory thread....the molten rock on display the curved beams from 911...don't really exist...the news cast ...fake....the nyfd first responders...in on the troofer lies....as they without question give multiple reports of molten metal....
well at least I Have some great new material for the diveconspiravy theory thread....the molten rock on display the curved beams from 911...don't really exist...the news cast ...fake....the nyfd first responders...in on the troofer lies....as they without question give multiple reports of molten metal....
did you ever think they might be calling red hot metal as molten, when in fact, it wasnt actually molten

see, this is where you guys twist what they say
to be molten, it would have to be in a LIQUID state
and, for there to be molten steel there, the fires would have had to be hotter than you guys claim
the nonesistent "thermite/thermate" would not have made pools of molten metal
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the first responders give multiple reports of steel flowing in puddles of liquid,,,no question about that...none...and even more evidence..in the steel that was malleable and glowing red hot all requiring temperatures well beyond what can be created in a building fire or any temperatures that NIST acknowledges...so the only argument you can make is these first responders lied or NIST lied and anybody that listens to the NIST spokes person and not see a man lying...or listen to the first responders and not hear a honest man is ....truly beyond me
the first responders give multiple reports of steel flowing in puddles of liquid,,,no question about that...none...and even more evidence..in the steel that was malleable and glowing red hot all requiring temperatures well beyond what can be created in a building fire or any temperatures that NIST acknowledges...so the only argument you can make is these first responders lied or NIST lied and anybody that listens to the NIST spokes person and not see a man lying...or listen to the first responders and not hear a honest man is ....truly beyond me
as you say, the fires werent hot enough
its YOU calling them liars
and i have yet to see a credible post by you with the first responders saying any such thing
the first responders give multiple reports of steel flowing in puddles of liquid,,,no question about that...none...and even more evidence..in the steel that was malleable and glowing red hot all requiring temperatures well beyond what can be created in a building fire or any temperatures that NIST acknowledges...so the only argument you can make is these first responders lied or NIST lied and anybody that listens to the NIST spokes person and not see a man lying...or listen to the first responders and not hear a honest man is ....truly beyond me
as you say, the fires werent hot enough
its YOU calling them liars
and i have yet to see a credible post by you with the first responders saying any such thing

no the fires where not that hot NIST had to acknowledge that...so where did the glowing red metals and molten steel come from ??...and what do you call a credible post ?
what is your standard ?...I know it is a tough one for you ...as you believe anyone can steal anyone else's identity and use it as they like..so it seems a impossibility to have any credible source..as long as you still hold this delusion
the first responders give multiple reports of steel flowing in puddles of liquid,,,no question about that...none...and even more evidence..in the steel that was malleable and glowing red hot all requiring temperatures well beyond what can be created in a building fire or any temperatures that NIST acknowledges...so the only argument you can make is these first responders lied or NIST lied and anybody that listens to the NIST spokes person and not see a man lying...or listen to the first responders and not hear a honest man is ....truly beyond me
as you say, the fires werent hot enough
its YOU calling them liars
and i have yet to see a credible post by you with the first responders saying any such thing

no the fires where not that hot NIST had to acknowledge that...so where did the glowing red metals and molten steel come from ??...and what do you call a credible post ?
what is your standard ?...I know it is a tough one for you ...as you believe anyone can steal anyone else's identity and use it as they like..so it seems a impossibility to have any credible source..as long as you still hold this delusion
the reason i believe that is because i have seen it happen
it DOES happen
again, your sites lack credibility, in order for another to get any kind of damages by sueing, you would have to first prove that site has any credibility, thus it is not worth it to actually file a laws suit against a nutty troofer site, because NO ONE gives them a lick of credibility
as you say, the fires werent hot enough
its YOU calling them liars
and i have yet to see a credible post by you with the first responders saying any such thing

no the fires where not that hot NIST had to acknowledge that...so where did the glowing red metals and molten steel come from ??...and what do you call a credible post ?
what is your standard ?...I know it is a tough one for you ...as you believe anyone can steal anyone else's identity and use it as they like..so it seems a impossibility to have any credible source..as long as you still hold this delusion
the reason i believe that is because i have seen it happen
it DOES happen
again, your sites lack credibility, in order for another to get any kind of damages by sueing, you would have to first prove that site has any credibility, thus it is not worth it to actually file a laws suit against a nutty troofer site, because NO ONE gives them a lick of credibility

thats is the height of denial these clips and have been viewed by millions ..these people have been featured in films that have had a million views on YouTube plus massive distribution of cds....total denial
no the fires where not that hot NIST had to acknowledge that...so where did the glowing red metals and molten steel come from ??...and what do you call a credible post ?
what is your standard ?...I know it is a tough one for you ...as you believe anyone can steal anyone else's identity and use it as they like..so it seems a impossibility to have any credible source..as long as you still hold this delusion
the reason i believe that is because i have seen it happen
it DOES happen
again, your sites lack credibility, in order for another to get any kind of damages by sueing, you would have to first prove that site has any credibility, thus it is not worth it to actually file a laws suit against a nutty troofer site, because NO ONE gives them a lick of credibility

thats is the height of denial these clips and have been viewed by millions ..these people have been featured in films that have had a million views on YouTube plus massive distribution of cds....total denial
so what?
millions of people read the onion too
that doesnt make it any more true
onion does not film video interviews with nasa and norad..personal..use their service records collect donations...the patriots site is not a editorial...it is statements to the website...directly from the source big difference....
Hi DiveCon and 9/11 Inside Job with Ms. Kitty and Mad Scientist mentioned:

great job of taking miss kitty and the Bush dupes to school Terral.:clap2:
you are delusional
he did nothing of the sort

These 911Truth Deniers run like crazy to the USMB Conspiracies Forum every day to stand with Senor Bush and Karl Rove trying to convince everyone that people like this pulled off the 9/11 Inside-job Attacks:


And then DiveBomb and his delusional pals have the gall to claim those among us 'knowing' the 911Truth are 'delusional.' Right here is the biggest LIAR of all:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6K5M0xtxQVQ"]Bush Is Among The Terrorists/Guilty!!![/ame]


When did DiveBomb explain the empty hole in the empty field outside Shankville? Even Donald Rumsfeld says Flight 93 was SHOT DOWN!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6Xoxaf1Al0&feature=related"]YouTube - Rumsfeld says Flight 93 was "shot down."[/ame]

The answer is that DiveBomb is here to throw as much dust into the air as humanly possible without EVER addressing the 'evidence' pointing to a definite 9/11 Inside Job. Ms. Kitty runs away each time she is confronted with THE EVIDENCE proving beyond all doubt that she has a 9/11 Case FOR NOTHING. Period! This is the North Tower entry hole . . .


. . . where you can see the wingtips and a massive entry hole!!! Right? Yes!


Okay King DiveBomb and Queen Kitty, so why does the E-ring wall at the Pentagon not include the same entry hole that was supposed to be created by a 100-ton Jetliner going 530 miles per hour on the same cotton-picking day??? DiveBomb runs to this thread to yell about somebody being delusional, when 'HE' and his Loyal Bushie pals are supposed to be presenting evidence to support the Official Gov't Cover Story that has 'no' basis in fact whatsoever. ZERO!



This is a photograph of WTC-7 collapsing at freefall speed directly into its own footprint in 6.6 seconds! Okay DiveBomb/Ms. Kitty/Mad Scientist/Other 911Truth Deniers, so one of you Official Cover Story LIARS go right ahead and explain how all of those massive 2800-degree Red-iron column/beam/girder/bar joists were 'severed' (cut) to allow WTC-7 to collapse in one fluid motion like this . . .

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwjmqkjwnvQ"]PDNY Firemen Predict What Has NEVER Happened![/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z86dBvWm9RE&NR"]Watch Again In Slow Motion[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7MvMLA3xXI&NR=1"]This Guy Is GUILTY . . .[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sulDYYAiCU&NR=1"]And Nothing But A LIAR!!![/ame]

Here is the 64,000-dollar Question: Has DiveBomb and his delusional pals presented clear evidence that the 9/11 attacks were carried out by 19 Bearded Jihadist Radicals among which at least 9 have been found alive and well?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7ixuf236Dk"]The Gov't Has Been LYING From Day One!!![/ame]

The evidence that 80 percent of these USMB members say that Bearded Jihadist Radicals pulled off these 9/11 attacks says that 4 out of 5 people coming to this Conspiracy Forum are Loyal Bushie DUPES. Period.




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stellar post ...
total bullshit

wtf is "stellar" about him posting the same stupid bullshit over and over
the same lame assed images hes used one hundred times and been debunked many more times
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Hi DiveCon and 9/11 Inside Job with Ms. Kitty and Mad Scientist mentioned:

great job of taking miss kitty and the Bush dupes to school Terral.:clap2:
you are delusional
he did nothing of the sort

These 911Truth Deniers run like crazy to the USMB Conspiracies Forum every day to stand with Senor Bush and Karl Rove trying to convince everyone that people like this pulled off the 9/11 Inside-job Attacks:


And then DiveBomb and his delusional pals have the gall to claim those among us 'knowing' the 911Truth are 'delusional.' Right here is the biggest LIAR of all:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6K5M0xtxQVQ"]Bush Is Among The Terrorists/Guilty!!![/ame]


When did DiveBomb explain the empty hole in the empty field outside Shankville? Even Donald Rumsfeld says Flight 93 was SHOT DOWN!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6Xoxaf1Al0&feature=related"]YouTube - Rumsfeld says Flight 93 was "shot down."[/ame]

The answer is that DiveBomb is here to throw as much dust into the air as humanly possible without EVER addressing the 'evidence' pointing to a definite 9/11 Inside Job. Ms. Kitty runs away each time she is confronted with THE EVIDENCE proving beyond all doubt that she has a 9/11 Case FOR NOTHING. Period! This is the North Tower entry hole . . .


. . . where you can see the wingtips and a massive entry hole!!! Right? Yes!


Okay King DiveBomb and Queen Kitty, so why does the E-ring wall at the Pentagon not include the same entry hole that was supposed to be created by a 100-ton Jetliner going 530 miles per hour on the same cotton-picking day??? DiveBomb runs to this thread to yell about somebody being delusional, when 'HE' and his Loyal Bushie pals are supposed to be presenting evidence to support the Official Gov't Cover Story that has 'no' basis in fact whatsoever. ZERO!



This is a photograph of WTC-7 collapsing at freefall speed directly into its own footprint in 6.6 seconds! Okay DiveBomb/Ms. Kitty/Mad Scientist/Other 911Truth Deniers, so one of you Official Cover Story LIARS go right ahead and explain how all of those massive 2800-degree Red-iron column/beam/girder/bar joists were 'severed' (cut) to allow WTC-7 to collapse in one fluid motion like this . . .

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwjmqkjwnvQ"]PDNY Firemen Predict What Has NEVER Happened![/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z86dBvWm9RE&NR"]Watch Again In Slow Motion[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7MvMLA3xXI&NR=1"]This Guy Is GUILTY . . .[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sulDYYAiCU&NR=1"]And Nothing But A LIAR!!![/ame]

Here is the 64,000-dollar Question: Has DiveBomb and his delusional pals presented clear evidence that the 9/11 attacks were carried out by 19 Bearded Jihadist Radicals among which at least 9 have been found alive and well?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7ixuf236Dk"]The Gov't Has Been LYING From Day One!!![/ame]

The evidence that 80 percent of these USMB members say that Bearded Jihadist Radicals pulled off these 9/11 attacks says that 4 out of 5 people coming to this Conspiracy Forum are Loyal Bushie DUPES. Period.





yeah that picture of that ape divecon is hilarious.:lol:poor little divecon is so afraid of the truth about government conspiracys like 9/11 and the kenendy assassination,that he wont even watch the videos that prove it cause he keeps his head buried in the sand.even if you post it where he went and CONFESSED he doesnt watch our videos to try and debunk them,he STILL cant admit he is afraid of the truth.how sad that is.
yeah that picture of that ape divecon is hilarious.:lol:poor little divecon is so afraid of the truth about government conspiracys like 9/11 and the kenendy assassination,that he wont even watch the videos that prove it cause he keeps his head buried in the sand.even if you post it where he went and CONFESSED he doesnt watch our videos to try and debunk them,he STILL cant admit he is afraid of the truth.how sad that is.
why is that funny?
hes done it about a hundred times
it might have been funny the FIRST time
after that it becomes pathetic
i dont wantch you stupid fucking videos NOW asshole
because i've wasted too much time on your bullshit in the past
you have ZERO credibility
yeah that picture of that ape divecon is hilarious.:lol:poor little divecon is so afraid of the truth about government conspiracys like 9/11 and the kenendy assassination,that he wont even watch the videos that prove it cause he keeps his head buried in the sand.even if you post it where he went and CONFESSED he doesnt watch our videos to try and debunk them,he STILL cant admit he is afraid of the truth.how sad that is.
why is that funny?
hes done it about a hundred times
it might have been funny the FIRST time
after that it becomes pathetic
i dont wantch you stupid fucking videos NOW asshole
because i've wasted too much time on your bullshit in the past
you have ZERO credibility

as opposed to the 911 ommission and popular mechanics.....I think its a hoot how divecon
discredits military experts..and first responders in favour of a pulp magazine
yeah that picture of that ape divecon is hilarious.:lol:poor little divecon is so afraid of the truth about government conspiracys like 9/11 and the kenendy assassination,that he wont even watch the videos that prove it cause he keeps his head buried in the sand.even if you post it where he went and CONFESSED he doesnt watch our videos to try and debunk them,he STILL cant admit he is afraid of the truth.how sad that is.
why is that funny?
hes done it about a hundred times
it might have been funny the FIRST time
after that it becomes pathetic
i dont wantch you stupid fucking videos NOW asshole
because i've wasted too much time on your bullshit in the past
you have ZERO credibility

as opposed to the 911 ommission and popular mechanics.....I think its a hoot how divecon
discredits military experts..and first responders in favour of a pulp magazine
PM is a respected magazine
has far more respect than Alex Jones and his groups ever will

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