Who thinks 9/11 was an inside Job?

Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job?

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Hi Big_D:

the first responders give multiple accounts of molten metal to not adress that fact is denial

As I said beforehand they could have easily been talking about the aluminum siding the WTC buildings had and that has a melting point far lower than steel.

Mr. Eots how do you think the govt planted all explosives needed without being seen?

You guys be sure to vote in the new 9/11 Poll here. :0)

GL in the debates,

its clear from the picture of the red hot steel...its clear from the wittness testimony..it is clear from the molten blob....and the melting point of aluminum is stiill 1200 f....your popular mechanics explanation to discount all this is not good enough sorry...as well as the thermal images still show hot spots with temperatures of2000 degrees Fahrenheit...nope not good enough by along shot

firemen have never seen building fire before ??.lol.....and where is the melted aluminum at the pentagon...at shanksville ???...lol

It's not that they haven't seen a burning building or that the witnesses are lying, it's that they could simply be getting them confused with other metals with a lower melting point. I was aware that that the melting point of aluminum is that high but the temperatures where the planes hit could have been that high. You can see a photo of it here:
My point is that it could have been other metals not just steel.
I would really like to know how the believers can explain how the govt planted the explosives without being seen. I have seen a number of responses but all of them were easily dismissible. I remember one of the earlier versions of the loose change movies said they were planted a few days prior during a number of power downs that last for only hours-which is obviously impossible. Then in the latest version they avoid the topic entirely. It almost seems that they couldnt explain it so they thought it was best to ignore it.
its clear from the picture of the red hot steel...its clear from the wittness testimony..it is clear from the molten blob....and the melting point of aluminum is stiill 1200 f....your popular mechanics explanation to discount all this is not good enough sorry...as well as the thermal images still show hot spots with temperatures of2000 degrees Fahrenheit...nope not good enough by along shot

firemen have never seen building fire before ??.lol.....and where is the melted aluminum at the pentagon...at shanksville ???...lol

It's not that they haven't seen a burning building or that the witnesses are lying, it's that they could simply be getting them confused with other metals with a lower melting point. I was aware that that the melting point of aluminum is that high but the temperatures where the planes hit could have been that high. You can see a photo of it here:
My point is that it could have been other metals not just steel.

the jet fuel burned off immediatly...that picture appears of metal being cut
I would really like to know how the believers can explain how the govt planted the explosives without being seen. I have seen a number of responses but all of them were easily dismissible. I remember one of the earlier versions of the loose change movies said they were planted a few days prior during a number of power downs that last for only hours-which is obviously impossible. Then in the latest version they avoid the topic entirely. It almost seems that they couldnt explain it so they thought it was best to ignore it.

for professionals at deception i really do not see the difficulty and it was several weeks of power downs and strange nosies..not 24 hrs...and you are talking about standard demolition techniques...there could very well be demolition techniques that are classified technology...and one can not dismiss all the evidence over the assumption someone would of saw...
Hi Big_D"

It's not that they haven't seen a burning building or that the witnesses are lying, it's that they could simply be getting them confused with other metals with a lower melting point.

Big_D is talking NONSENSE and has no idea about what he is even talking about! First of all, we are talking about 2800-degree red-iron structural steel (911Research.com = like this) that is bolted and welded together into a massive steel-framed network. You can apply building fire heat to one component and that energy races like electricity to the cooler areas of the network more quickly than any single component can reach even the local 'fire' temperature of around 800 degrees (Schwabcorp/UL faqs). WTC-7 columns and beams had 2 and 3-hour spray-on insulation 'and' was built using "Compartmentalization" (911Research.com) of all steel supports making 'death by fire' an impossibility (my thread)! Period.

I was aware that that the melting point of aluminum is that high but the temperatures where the planes hit could have been that high.

This is more 'nonsense,' because WTC-7 was NOT struck by any Jetliner 'and' suffered an identical 'symmetrical collapse:'

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC44L0-2zL8"]YouTube - WTC7 in Freefall--No Longer Controversial[/ame]


Here is a picture of WTC-7 collapsing at 'freefall' speed, but no signs of any 'fires' through the unbroken windows. This is what happened:


Somebody please help Big_D explain how 'all' of these massive 2800-degree columns and beams (pic and pic and pic) were 'severed' (cut = close-up shot) at the very same 'time' for the 'symmetrical collapse' to take place. Good Luck! :0)

You can see a photo of it here:
My point is that it could have been other metals not just steel.

This is more Bullony on the half shell. Your point is meaningless, because hydrocarbon fires simply do NOT even begin to burn hot enough to melt 2800 degree steel . . .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uNbKJofv3c]Get Yourself Informed . . .[/ame]

. . . which must become part of 'your' calculations for any 'symmetrical collapse.'


Go ahead and tell us what you see standing inside the little red box. That's right. We have pictures of people standing inside the impact hole, which proves that no foundry-level temperatures are present even at the very crash location! If Mr. Big_D will kindly post his "Building Fires Did It" thesis paper using whatever he calls 'credible evidence,' then I am happy to come behind and write a well-informed (link = #3) rebuttal.


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Hi Big_D"

It's not that they haven't seen a burning building or that the witnesses are lying, it's that they could simply be getting them confused with other metals with a lower melting point.

Big_D is talking NONSENSE and has no idea about what he is even talking about! First of all, we are talking about 2800-degree red-iron structural steel (911Research.com = like this) that is bolted and welded together into a massive steel-framed network. You can apply building fire heat to one component and that energy races like electricity to the cooler areas of the network more quickly than any single component can reach even the local 'fire' temperature of around 800 degrees (Schwabcorp/UL faqs). WTC-7 columns and beams had 2 and 3-hour spray-on insulation 'and' was built using "Compartmentalization" (911Research.com) of all steel supports making 'death by fire' an impossibility (my thread)! Period.

I was aware that that the melting point of aluminum is that high but the temperatures where the planes hit could have been that high.

This is more 'nonsense,' because WTC-7 was NOT struck by any Jetliner 'and' suffered an identical 'symmetrical collapse:'

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC44L0-2zL8"]YouTube - WTC7 in Freefall--No Longer Controversial[/ame]


Here is a picture of WTC-7 collapsing at 'freefall' speed, but no signs of any 'fires' through the unbroken windows. This is what happened:


Somebody please help Big_D explain how 'all' of these massive 2800-degree columns and beams (pic and pic and pic) were 'severed' (cut = close-up shot) at the very same 'time' for the 'symmetrical collapse' to take place. Good Luck! :0)

You can see a photo of it here:
My point is that it could have been other metals not just steel.

This is more Bullony on the half shell. Your point is meaningless, because hydrocarbon fires simply do NOT even begin to burn hot enough to melt 2800 degree steel . . .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uNbKJofv3c]Get Yourself Informed . . .[/ame]

. . . which must become part of 'your' calculations for any 'symmetrical collapse.'


Go ahead and tell us what you see standing inside the little red box. That's right. We have pictures of people standing inside the impact hole, which proves that no foundry-level temperatures are present even at the very crash location! If Mr. Big_D will kindly post his "Building Fires Did It" thesis paper using whatever he calls 'credible evidence,' then I am happy to come behind and write a well-informed (link = #3) rebuttal.



Eventually Terral when you debate Big D long enough you'll figure out he is a disinfo agent.He isnt an idiot moron in denial like these Bush dupes.We know that because like you said,he talks nonsense all the time.He'll pretend like he has questions about learning about 9/11 and all but when you explain it all to him and give him the answers,he'll just ask the same questions later on over and over again after you already answered them and ignore facts when you point out to him things like the reason we know explosives brought the towers down is witnesses heard and saw explosions going off in the basement seconds before the plane struck above and you can show him the pics of windows being blown out below before the tower has even collapsed and as you just noticed,he always comes up with some kind of nonsense to post the way dis info agents do.It was easy to figure out for me he wasnt just a mere idiot in denial like divecon,elvis,toro or retired gi sargent but instead o disinfo agent in the fact that unlike those guys who just come back with name calling when they cant counter your points and your videos and run off,he just comes back with all kinds of nonsense and garbage.He really isnt worth the trouble.watch what kind of nonsense he'll come up with when i explain in my next post how they were able to do it without anybody noticing.you'll see
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for professionals at deception i really do not see the difficulty and it was several weeks of power downs and strange nosies..not 24 hrs...and you are talking about standard demolition techniques...there could very well be demolition techniques that are classified technology...and one can not dismiss all the evidence over the assumption someone would of saw...

But where exactly in the buildings did they have explosives. They couldn't just have had them laid out for everyone to see, right?
Everytime the Bush dupes ask how they could have planted the explosives in the towers and go unnoticed,they always ask that and when given the answer to the question I am giving in this post,they ignore it.I wish they wouldnt ask a question to something if they dont want to hear the answer which most dont cause their in denial.But this is how they were able to do it.But of course the Bush dupes who know its true wont acknowledge it of course since they're so much in denial.they'll just automatically dismiss it.

Quote: Originally Posted by 9/11 inside job
Toro,you brought up a good point on this thread not too long ago I wanted to address even further than I did before.You mentioned that if explosives were used,then it would not have gone unnoticed by people in the buildings cause they would have to wire the buildings.good point but as i said before,Marvin Bush was the head of the security towers for the towers in the prior months before 9/11.so was Bush jr's cousin-Wirt Walker.Because of that,they were able to keep the coworkers from seeing what they were really doing.They brought in dumpsters all the time with the explosives hidden in them obviously.we know they brought dumpsters in the towers prior to 9/11 cause many workers saw them and saw construction workers coming in and out of the towers.

As I said before,they weren't real construction workers though.They were CIA operatives disguised as construction workers.again BUSH SR was the former director of that evil organization the CIA back in the 70's.His son was running the country and his brother was in charge of the security for the towers.Havent you ever been to a construction site before and seen where they have fences and signs that say-hard hat area,keep out? and dont allow anybody other than the construction workers to enter in there?I have.I have worked before in temp jobs doing construction before.I saw it quite a few times while doing that kind of work. well thats what was going on then.They had service elevators that only the construction workers-CIA plants,could use to get to these floors and wire them.the workers said that they heard a lot of unusual constuction work going on and the elevaters THEY used,would not allow them to stop and enter on certain floors.they had no access to them.

They didnt use regular elevators so thats how the workers there didnt know what was going on.They didnt know that Marvin Bush was a criminal or his cousin.They just thought they were real construction workers working there doing what they told them they were OFFICIALLY doing which was putting in new floor panels.they were told that and thats what they just assumed.They couldnt just go in there and look at what was going on,they call security on you for that if you do something like that.you know that.Obviously your in denial here and never watched any of those canada wants the truth videos that I postred countless numbers ot times here cause if you had,you would have seen that video where those workers there that survived,talked about seeing them bring in dumpsters and hearing loud construction work going on in the floors above them and hearing a dumpster being moved around on the floors above them.as far as them doing the unprecedented thing of saying there was a power outage that weekend,well they obviously didnt get all that work done in just one weekend,it took them a few months obviously.

Now this IS a theory of why they had the power outage happen that weekend "which never had happened there before." according to some workers who had been there 20 plus years,my theory for why they had it was they just wanted to get the CIA plants to take a quick scan of the towers and make sure the explosives were all set where they had to be and everything was ready to go.unti a new investigation is opened up,thats all we can do is speculate about that.but like i said,anybody who has a brain who watches those canada wants the truth videos can see the evidence is overwhelming explosives brought the towers down.
THATS how they did it without people noticing to answer your question.Now that THAT has been cleared up,that supposedly debunking 9/11 conspiracy link you posted and others like that, that the 9/11 apologists here blindly worship as the truth cause their in denial, are disinformation sites with disinformation,lies and propaganda.

if you want to find out the REAL truth,watch these 47 videos here.they debunk those two fairy tales the 9/11 coverup commission report and the NIST report.everytime I ask people to watch them and debunk them,they never do watch them.This is how i can tell if someone is REALLY interested in the truth or is in complete denial and wants to keep their head buried in the sand by listening to the lies and propaganda of the corporate controlled media and the government.anybody who watches these 47 videos and STILL defends the official version of the 9/11 commission report,is either an idiot moron like divecon and godboy, or they didnt watch them.I have posted it countless numbers of times here but the 9/11 apologists never watch them because they know its the truth and the truth scares them so they wont attempt to debunk them.here they are if you want to learn the TRUTH.
Canada 9/11 Truth - Videos
Everytime the Bush dupes ask how they could have planted the explosives in the towers and go unnoticed,they always ask that and when given the answer to the question I am giving in this post,they ignore it.I wish they wouldnt ask a question to something if they dont want to hear the answer which most dont cause their in denial.But this is how they were able to do it.But of course the Bush dupes who know its true wont acknowledge it of course since they're so much in denial.they'll just automatically dismiss it.

Quote: Originally Posted by 9/11 inside job
Toro,you brought up a good point on this thread not too long ago I wanted to address even further than I did before.You mentioned that if explosives were used,then it would not have gone unnoticed by people in the buildings cause they would have to wire the buildings.good point but as i said before,Marvin Bush was the head of the security towers for the towers in the prior months before 9/11.so was Bush jr's cousin-Wirt Walker.Because of that,they were able to keep the coworkers from seeing what they were really doing.They brought in dumpsters all the time with the explosives hidden in them obviously.we know they brought dumpsters in the towers prior to 9/11 cause many workers saw them and saw construction workers coming in and out of the towers.

As I said before,they weren't real construction workers though.They were CIA operatives disguised as construction workers.again BUSH SR was the former director of that evil organization the CIA back in the 70's.His son was running the country and his brother was in charge of the security for the towers.Havent you ever been to a construction site before and seen where they have fences and signs that say-hard hat area,keep out? and dont allow anybody other than the construction workers to enter in there?I have.I have worked before in temp jobs doing construction before.I saw it quite a few times while doing that kind of work. well thats what was going on then.They had service elevators that only the construction workers-CIA plants,could use to get to these floors and wire them.the workers said that they heard a lot of unusual constuction work going on and the elevaters THEY used,would not allow them to stop and enter on certain floors.they had no access to them.

They didnt use regular elevators so thats how the workers there didnt know what was going on.They didnt know that Marvin Bush was a criminal or his cousin.They just thought they were real construction workers working there doing what they told them they were OFFICIALLY doing which was putting in new floor panels.they were told that and thats what they just assumed.They couldnt just go in there and look at what was going on,they call security on you for that if you do something like that.you know that.Obviously your in denial here and never watched any of those canada wants the truth videos that I postred countless numbers ot times here cause if you had,you would have seen that video where those workers there that survived,talked about seeing them bring in dumpsters and hearing loud construction work going on in the floors above them and hearing a dumpster being moved around on the floors above them.as far as them doing the unprecedented thing of saying there was a power outage that weekend,well they obviously didnt get all that work done in just one weekend,it took them a few months obviously.

Now this IS a theory of why they had the power outage happen that weekend "which never had happened there before." according to some workers who had been there 20 plus years,my theory for why they had it was they just wanted to get the CIA plants to take a quick scan of the towers and make sure the explosives were all set where they had to be and everything was ready to go.unti a new investigation is opened up,thats all we can do is speculate about that.but like i said,anybody who has a brain who watches those canada wants the truth videos can see the evidence is overwhelming explosives brought the towers down.
THATS how they did it without people noticing to answer your question.Now that THAT has been cleared up,that supposedly debunking 9/11 conspiracy link you posted and others like that, that the 9/11 apologists here blindly worship as the truth cause their in denial, are disinformation sites with disinformation,lies and propaganda.

if you want to find out the REAL truth,watch these 47 videos here.they debunk those two fairy tales the 9/11 coverup commission report and the NIST report.everytime I ask people to watch them and debunk them,they never do watch them.This is how i can tell if someone is REALLY interested in the truth or is in complete denial and wants to keep their head buried in the sand by listening to the lies and propaganda of the corporate controlled media and the government.anybody who watches these 47 videos and STILL defends the official version of the 9/11 commission report,is either an idiot moron like divecon and godboy, or they didnt watch them.I have posted it countless numbers of times here but the 9/11 apologists never watch them because they know its the truth and the truth scares them so they wont attempt to debunk them.here they are if you want to learn the TRUTH.
Canada 9/11 Truth - Videos
for professionals at deception i really do not see the difficulty and it was several weeks of power downs and strange nosies..not 24 hrs...and you are talking about standard demolition techniques...there could very well be demolition techniques that are classified technology...and one can not dismiss all the evidence over the assumption someone would of saw...

But where exactly in the buildings did they have explosives. They couldn't just have had them laid out for everyone to see, right?

a better question is why the forensic evidence not destroyed can not be examined in a independent inquiry to determine such details..why did even the director of NIST voice publicly that important evidence was not forthcoming for the government...
for professionals at deception i really do not see the difficulty and it was several weeks of power downs and strange nosies..not 24 hrs...and you are talking about standard demolition techniques...there could very well be demolition techniques that are classified technology...and one can not dismiss all the evidence over the assumption someone would of saw...

But where exactly in the buildings did they have explosives. They couldn't just have had them laid out for everyone to see, right?

a better question is why the forensic evidence not destroyed can not be examined in a independent inquiry to determine such details..why did even the director of NIST voice publicly that important evidence was not forthcoming for the government...

also another better question to be asking is why is NIST afraid to debate their findings with any structural engineers or scientists in a public forum when challenged to.They wont do it.they always decline.
Summary: James Quintiere, Ph.D., former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division, called for an independent review of the World Trade Center Twin Tower collapse investigation. "I wish that there would be a peer review of this," he said, referring to the NIST investigation. "I think all the records that NIST has assembled should be archived. I would really like to see someone else take a look at what they've done; both structurally and from a fire point of view. ... I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable."

OpEdNews » Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
Summary: James Quintiere, Ph.D., former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division, called for an independent review of the World Trade Center Twin Tower collapse investigation. "I wish that there would be a peer review of this," he said, referring to the NIST investigation. "I think all the records that NIST has assembled should be archived. I would really like to see someone else take a look at what they've done; both structurally and from a fire point of view. ... I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable."

OpEdNews » Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
Terral, I understand how someone can view a photo like this (http://www.911lies.org/images2/thermite_thermate_explosives_wtc_911.jpg) and have questions.

I was trying to shorten a number of versions of why the beams are like this but these two links would do it better than I can:
WTC Molten Steel
Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - Molten Steel

Here is a video showing the workers cutting the steel at the time the photo I showed you earlier was taken: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJyBuANVkQ4[/ame]

In regards to the woman in the WTC tower, eots have shown me this before. Although, I do have many issues with it, I must say that this is one of the better arguments for your cause. Here was my response: First of all that poor woman was standing at the VERY edge of the building were the temperature would be at it's lowest. Secondly, if the footage of the woman in that video wasn't in a loop then you would see that it would not be too much longer till she would jump off the edge of the building. Obviously, showing that the heat was so unbearable that she decided to end her life. Thirdly, hair-straighteners go all the way up to 450 degrees. Therefore, hair will obviously melt at a much higher temperature which would be within the range of the heat in that area-if it didn't melt at all. We cannot get a clear shot of the woman and cannot see her hair. Fourth, she is obviously not standing where the fires took place. How she got there is a mystery. Lastly, the post impact temperature was a lot lower than when the planes originally hit the towers. We can only guess of the temperature of where she was at.

You may or may not know of a man named Kevin Cosgrove. He was in one of the WTC buildings and made a 911 call documenting that last few seconds of his life. You can find this anywhere on the web. Here is a youtube link here: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLW0jKKRXMo]YouTube - 911 Call in World Trade Center, while tower collapse[/ame]. This takes you right up to the end of the collapse of the towers. As you can tell there is no explosions that went off seconds beforehand. Here is a video of the CD of the JL Department stores. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rcctmcxGwM]YouTube - CDI J.L. Hudson department store implosion[/ame] You can tell the explosions went off from the bottom to the top adn the building fell seconds later. This is not heard in the Cosgove video.
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Eventually Terral when you debate Big D long enough you'll figure out he is a disinfo agent.He isnt an idiot moron in denial like these Bush dupes.We know that because like you said,he talks nonsense all the time.He'll pretend like he has questions about learning about 9/11 and all but when you explain it all to him and give him the answers,he'll just ask the same questions later on over and over again after you already answered them and ignore facts when you point out to him things like the reason we know explosives brought the towers down is witnesses heard and saw explosions going off in the basement seconds before the plane struck above and you can show him the pics of windows being blown out below before the tower has even collapsed and as you just noticed,he always comes up with some kind of nonsense to post the way dis info agents do.It was easy to figure out for me he wasnt just a mere idiot in denial like divecon,elvis,toro or retired gi sargent but instead o disinfo agent in the fact that unlike those guys who just come back with name calling when they cant counter your points and your videos and run off,he just comes back with all kinds of nonsense and garbage.He really isnt worth the trouble.watch what kind of nonsense he'll come up with when i explain in my next post how they were able to do it without anybody noticing.you'll see

Looks like you took the high road again and insult me, then when I respond you simply saying you are not wasting your time with me. I have responded to everything you said there. It is funny how you keep saying i repeat myself when you have done the same thing. In regards to the elevators theory, I have seen this before. I am no expert on the subject, but I do know that they have to be checked regularly by law. I believe they also are subject to surprise inspections. At Boston College they are subject to inspection every week. (http://www.bc.edu/offices/facilities/facservices/tech/trade/electrical.html) They cannot have explosives in the buildings w/o being noticed by one of the inspectors. You are probably going to respond by saying that these people were in on it but that just adds all the more people to the conspiracy and makes it even more crazy. Also, according to the experts the demolition and cords would still be found in the rubble-which it was not. Furthermore, the planes damaged the elevators significantly (http://www.911myths.com/drg_nist_review_2_1.pdf) and jet fuel poured down the side. (http://books.google.com/books?id=3C...4bzgDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3) Therefore, the demolition would have had to survive all that. Lastly, I know of maintenance workers who have to go into elevator shafts all the time and is only on a four story building. Are you saying that all the maintenance workers at the WTC buildings just never went into the shafts on a 110 story building in the months since the demolition was placed by the worker? Or do you believe they are in on it too?

FYI, I emailed former senator Mark Dayton asking if he believe 9/11 was an inside job an this is the response I received:
I do not believe that the United States government "attacked itself" or our country on September 11, 2001. I believe that was the work of Al Qaeda terrorists, as extensively documented by the 911 Commission.

I hope I answered your question. Thanks for contacting me!

If you want me to forward it to you, I'll be happy to do so.

Lastly, you informed me beforehand there was a London times article stating that Guiliani was the first to make a 911 call on the day of the attacks. After stating that it wasnt on their website you said it was modified but my local library should have a copy of it. Well, I went to library and thought I would try it out while I was there. I only found a couple articles that had his name on the dates you gave me and neither one stated what you said.
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thermite does not make the same noise as standard explosives..if you wanted to have a more silent demolition thermite would facilitate that...

I wasnt aware of that but it still would make some noise wouldnt it? Also,thermite needs a cutter around the column in order to slice it.
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Eventually Terral when you debate Big D long enough you'll figure out he is a disinfo agent.He isnt an idiot moron in denial like these Bush dupes.We know that because like you said,he talks nonsense all the time.He'll pretend like he has questions about learning about 9/11 and all but when you explain it all to him and give him the answers,he'll just ask the same questions later on over and over again after you already answered them and ignore facts when you point out to him things like the reason we know explosives brought the towers down is witnesses heard and saw explosions going off in the basement seconds before the plane struck above and you can show him the pics of windows being blown out below before the tower has even collapsed and as you just noticed,he always comes up with some kind of nonsense to post the way dis info agents do.It was easy to figure out for me he wasnt just a mere idiot in denial like divecon,elvis,toro or retired gi sargent but instead o disinfo agent in the fact that unlike those guys who just come back with name calling when they cant counter your points and your videos and run off,he just comes back with all kinds of nonsense and garbage.He really isnt worth the trouble.watch what kind of nonsense he'll come up with when i explain in my next post how they were able to do it without anybody noticing.you'll see

Looks like you took the high road again and insult me, then when I respond you simply saying you are not wasting your time with me. I have responded to everything you said there. It is funny how you keep saying i repeat myself when you have done the same thing. In regards to the elevators theory, I have seen this before. I am no expert on the subject, but I do know that they have to be checked regularly by law. I believe they also are subject to surprise inspections.

the clandestent government op cant take care of a elevator inspection policy...lol

They cannot have explosives in the buildings w/o being noticed by one of the inspectors. You are probably going to respond by saying that these people were in on it but that just adds all the more people to the conspiracy and makes it even more crazy.

people dont have to be in on it to be minpulated...especialy...elevator inspectors...lol

Also, the demolition and cords would still be found in the rubble-which it was not

the first responders said they found...nothing...nothing...bigger than a match book..everything..pulverised....if wires survived or where even used..what about all the miles of other wires that would run through the trade centers and the equipment within
this is a stupid argument....

FYI, I emailed former senator Mark Dayton asking if he believe 9/11 was an inside job an this is the response I received:
I do not believe that the United States government "attacked itself" or our country on September 11, 2001. I believe that was the work of Al Qaeda terrorists, as extensively documented by the 911 Commission.

I hope I answered your question. Thanks for contacting me!

If you want me to forward it to you, I'll be happy to do so.

Lastly, you informed me beforehand there was a London times article stating that Guiliani was the first to make a 911 call on the day of the attacks. After stating that it wasnt on their website you said it was modified but my local library should have a copy of it. Well, I went to library and thought I would try it out while I was there. I only found a couple articles that had his name on the dates you gave me and neither one stated what you said

Robert Baer – Former CIA Case Officer, Specialist in the Middle East, Directorate of Operations. Awarded Career Intelligence Medal. 21-year CIA veteran. Best-selling author, screenwriter, and actor. Academy Award-winning Syriana was based on Baer's memoir See No Evil. Writer and on-camera presenter for Emmy Award-nominated documentary Cult of the Suicide Bomber. Author of two nonfiction books about CIA operations, See No Evil (2002) and Sleeping with the Devil (2004) and the novel Blow the House Down (2007).

Article FBI Documents Contradict 9/11 Commission Report 2/28/08:

"There are enough discrepancies and unanswered questions in the 9/11 Commission Report that under a friendly administration, the 9/11 investigation should be re-opened." The Raw Story | Investigative News and Politics

Audio Interview Thom Hartmann Show 6/9/06:

Thom Hartmann: Are you of the opinion there was an aspect of 'inside job' to 9/11 within the U.S. government?

Robert Baer: There is that possibility, the evidence points at it.

Thom Hartmann: And why is it not being investigated?

Robert Baer: Why isn't the WMD story being investigated? Why hasn't anybody been held accountable for 9/11? We held people accountable after Pearl Harbor. Why has there been no change in command? Why have there been no political repercussions? Why has there been no -- any sort of exposure on this? It really makes you wonder. http://www.911blog.

Bogdan Dzakovic – Witness before the 9/11 Commission. 14-year Counter-terrorism expert in the Security Division of the Federal Aviation Administration. Team Leader of the FAA's Red (Terrorism) Team, which conducted undercover tests on airport security through simulated terrorist attacks. Former Team Leader in the Federal Air Marshal program. Former Coast Guard officer.

Video transcript 8/21/05 : Regarding the 9/11 Commission "The best I could say about it is they really botched the job by not really going into the real failures. … At worst, I think the 9/11 Commission Report is treasonous." 911report.com - 911 report Resources and Information. This website is for sale!

Letter to Congress regarding the 9/11 Commission Report 9/13/04, signed by the following 25 military, intelligence, and law enforcement veterans: National Security Whistleblowers Coalition

"[W]e the undersigned wish to bring to the attention of the Congress and the people of the United States what we believe are serious shortcomings in the report and its recommendations. …

Omission is one of the major flaws in the Commission’s report. We are aware of significant issues and cases that were duly reported to the commission by those of us with direct knowledge, but somehow escaped attention. …

The omission of such serious and applicable issues and information by itself renders the report flawed, and casts doubt on the validity of many of its recommendations. ...

The Commission, with its incomplete report of "facts and circumstances", intentional avoidance of assigning accountability, and disregard for the knowledge, expertise and experience of those who actually do the job, has now set about pressuring our Congress and our nation to hastily implement all its recommendations. ...

We the undersigned, who have worked within various government agencies (FBI, CIA, FAA, DIA, Customs) responsible for national security and public safety, call upon you in Congress to include the voices of those with first-hand knowledge and expertise in the important issues at hand. We stand ready to do our part." National Security Whistleblowers Coalition

Edward J. Costello, Jr. – Former Special Agent, Counterterrorism, FBI. Former Judge pro tem., Los Angeles, CA.

John M. Cole – Former Intelligence Operations Specialist, in the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division. In charge of FBI’s foreign intelligence investigations covering India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. 18-year FBI career.

Mark Conrad, JD – Retired Agent in Charge, Internal Affairs, U.S. Customs, responsible for the internal integrity and security for areas encompassing nine states and two foreign locations. Former Federal Sky Marshall. 27-year U.S. Customs career. Currently Associate General Counsel, National Association of Federal Agents. Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at Troy University.

Rosemary N. Dew – Former Supervisory Special Agent, Counterterrorism and Counterintelligence, FBI. Former member of The President's National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC) and the Electronic Commerce/Cyber Crime Working Group. 13-year FBI career.

Bogdan Dzakovic – Witness before the 9/11 Commission. 14-year Counter-terrorism expert in the Security Division of the Federal Aviation Administration. Team Leader of the FAA's Red (Terrorism) Team, which conducted undercover tests on airport security through simulated terrorist attacks. Former Team Leader in the Federal Air Marshal program. Former Coast Guard officer. (See also individual statement above.)

Sibel D. Edmonds
– Witness before the 9/11 Commission. Former Language Translation Specialist, performing translations for counterterrorism and counterintelligence operations, FBI. (See also individual statement above.)

Steve Elson
– Former Special Agent with the U.S. Navy and the FAA. Specialist in Counterterrorism, Intelligence, and Security. Twenty-two years military experience, primarily in Naval Special Warfare and nine years Federal service with the FAA and DEA. Retired Navy SEAL. (See also individual statement above.)

David Forbes
– Former head of Thames Valley Police Fraud Squad, trained at New Scotland Yard. Over 30 years experience in law enforcement, commercial and industrial security-related risk management, and service sector business management. Currently Aviation, Logistics and Govt. Security Analyst, BoydForbes, Inc.

Melvin A. Goodman
– Former Division Chief and Senior Analyst at the Office of Soviet Affairs, CIA,1966 - 1990. Senior Analyst at the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, State Department, 1974 - 1976. Professor of International Security at the National War College 1986 - 2004. Currently Senior Fellow at the Center for International Policy and Adjunct Professor of International Relations at Johns Hopkins University. He is the author and co-author of five books on international relations. (See also individual statement above.)

Mark Graf – Former Security Supervisor, Planner, and Derivative Classifier, Department of Energy. Former Chairman of the Rocky Flats (DOE) Physical Security Systems Working Group from 1990 through 1995.

Gilbert M. Graham – Retired Special Agent, Counterintelligence, FBI. 24-year FBI career.

Diane Kleiman
– Former Special Agent, US Customs.

Lt. Col. Karen U. Kwiatkowski, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former Political-Military Affairs Officer in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Also served on the staff of the Director of the National Security Agency. 20-year Air Force veteran. (See also individual statement above.)

Lynne A. Larkin – Former CIA Operations Officer. Served in several CIA foreign stations and in the CIA's counter-intelligence center helping chair a multi-agency task force and seminars on coordinating intelligence among intelligence and crime prevention agencies.

David MacMichael, PhD – Former Senior Estimates Officer with special responsibility for Western Hemisphere Affairs at the CIA's National Intelligence Council. Former Captain, U.S. Marine Corps.

Raymond L. McGovern – Former Chairman, National Intelligence Estimates, CIA, responsible for preparing the President’ Daily Brief (PDB) for Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. 27-year CIA veteran. Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer. (See also individual statement above.)

Theodore J. Pahle
– Former Senior Intelligence Officer with the Defense Intelligence Agency. His 37-year intelligence career was exclusively as a HUMINT (Human Intelligence) operations officer with DIA, Office of Naval Intelligence and U.S. Army Intelligence. He is a Middle East and Latin American operations specialist. Today, he continues to support the HUMINT effort as a contract instructor.

Behrooz Sarshar – Retired Language Translation Specialist, performing Farsi translations for counterterrorism and counterintelligence operations dealing with Iran and Afghanistan, FBI.

Brian F. Sullivan – Retired Special Agent and Risk Management Specialist, FAA. Retired Lieutenant Colonel, Military Police.

Commander Larry J. Tortorich, U.S. Navy (ret) – Former Deputy Program Manager for Logistics – Tomahawk Cruise Missiles. 24-year Navy career in the fields of aviation and counterterrorism. Two years as a federal employee with DHS/TSA in the fields of security and counterterrorism.

Jane A. Turner
– Retired Special Agent, FBI. 24-year FBI career.

John B. Vincent
– Retired Special Agent, Counterterrorism, FBI. 27-year FBI career.

Fred Whitehurst, JD, PhD – Retired Supervisory Special Agent / Laboratory Forensic Examiner, FBI. 16-year FBI career. Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer.

Col. Ann Wright, U.S. Army (ret) – Retired Army officer and former U.S. Diplomat. Served 13 years on active duty with the U.S. Army and 16 years in the U.S. Army Reserves. She was a member of the International law team in Operation Urgent Fury in Grenada and served in Panama and Somalia. She joined the Foreign Service in 1987 and served as Deputy Chief of Mission of U.S. Embassies in Sierra Leone, Micronesia and Afghanistan. She helped reopen the US Embassy in Kabul in December, 2001. One of three U.S. State Department officials to publicly resign in direct protest of the invasion of Iraq in March, 2003. (See also individual statement above.)

Matthew J. Zipoli
– Special Response Team (SRT) Officer, DOE. Vice President, Security Police Officer's Association, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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the clandestent government op cant take care of a elevator inspection policy...lol

people dont have to be in on it to be minpulated...especialy...elevator inspectors...lol

So these people are in on it and still have not came forward? If you believe this why dont you all track these people down and attempt to get the answers from them? Can you also prove such an elevator even exists? I have a hard time believing that the only individuals allowed to one certain elevator were government employees in all three WTC buildings. Where are you all getting this information from? If this elevator even exists then there would be reports that this wouldn't have been checked and someone would have came forward informing us of this by now. Also, as I have shown you the WTC was heavily surveillanced. I really have a hard time believing all this could have been done without anyone having evidence by now. Finally, the demolition experts I have seen said that you have place demolition throughout the building. You cannot just simply place it in the elevator shaft.

Also, the buildings were seen as collapsing beforehand:http://www.skyscrapersafety.org/html/article_20040619.html

the first responders said they found...nothing...nothing...bigger than a match book..everything..pulverised....if wires survived or where even used..what about all the miles of other wires that would run through the trade centers and the equipment within
this is a stupid argument....

Then how come with all the photos and videos taken of the debris that was around 24/7 after the fall of the buildings did nobody point this out to us?

As I have also shown you, I have numerous experts that agree with me. Loose Change implies that Mark Dayton is on their side which is of course not true.
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