Who thinks 9/11 was an inside Job?

Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job?

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the clandestent government op cant take care of a elevator inspection policy...lol

people dont have to be in on it to be minpulated...especialy...elevator inspectors...lol

So these people are in on it and still have not came forward? If you believe this why dont you all track these people down and attempt to get the answers from them?

there a restrictions of resources and access for individuals of the truth movement to do the a investigation..it is the government responsibility and duty to facilitate the investigate of 911 under the terms of the petition...

Can you also prove such an elevator even exists? I have a hard time believing that the only individuals allowed to one certain elevator were government employees in all three WTC buildings. Where are you all getting this information from? If this elevator even exists then there would be reports that this wouldn't have been checked and someone would have came forward informing us of this by now. Also, as I have shown you the WTC was heavily surveillanced. I really have a hard time believing all this could have been done without anyone having evidence by now.

yet all these individuals with vast experincein covert operations and intel cleartly dont see these issues as you do...do they...these are your laymens assumptions

Finally, the demolition experts I have seen said that you have place demolition throughout the building. You cannot just simply place it in the elevator shaft.

you mean the government front company controled demolitions inc the same company in charge of destroying the evidence at grund zero clean up

the first responders said they found...nothing...nothing...bigger than a match book..everything..pulverised....if wires survived or where even used..what about all the miles of other wires that would run through the trade centers and the equipment within
this is a stupid argument....

Then how come with all the photos and videos taken of the debris that was around 24/7 after the fall of the buildings did nobody point this out to us?

As I have also shown you, I have numerous experts that agree with me. Loose Change implies that Mark Dayton is on their side which is of course not true.

or ha been made not true....mark keep talking this way and we don't know if we can keep your family safe from weirdos....we need a real investigation testimony under oath disclosure of all classified evidence. under the terms of the petition..only a idiot would argue otherwise
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there a restrictions of resources and access for individuals of the truth movement to do the a investigation..it is the government responsibility and duty to facilitate the investigate of 911 under the terms of the petition...

Why don't you and other members of the truth commission put your resources together and come up with evidence that all these people were in on it? Arguing online will no do anything.

yet all these individuals with vast experincein covert operations and intel cleartly dont see these issues as you do...do they...these are your laymens assumptions

What assumptions am I making? Here is a diagram of all the elevators, none of which are only for govt employees:NOVA Online | Why the Towers Fell | Towers of Innovation | PBS

you mean the government front company controled demolitions inc the same company in charge of destroying the evidence at grund zero clean up

FEMA was in charge of removing the debris.US: The mystery of 9/11 | Stanford | World Association of International Studies

Also, it took them 8 months to removing everything (FOXNews.com - Silent Tribute Marks End of Ground Zero Search - U.S. & World)
All the while camera were taking footage and yet no demolition made it to film.
Also, as I have shown you in the past, he is not the only demolition expert that agrees with me.

the first responders said they found...nothing...nothing...bigger than a match book..everything..pulverised....if wires survived or where even used..what about all the miles of other wires that would run through the trade centers and the equipment within
this is a stupid argument....

Demolition experts agree that there would have been miles of it. Wouldn't they be able to tell from the video what is detonation cord? If paper survived then so must have detonation cord: http://www.debunking911.com/paper.jpg

or ha been made not true....mark keep talking this way and we don't know if we can keep your family safe from weirdos....we need a real investigation testimony under oath disclosure of all classified evidence. under the terms of the petition..only a idiot would argue otherwise

I bet if you can get just ten people out of the thousands to admit they were in on the attacks then at the very least half of the US population will agree with you. Afterwords, the govt will feel the pressure and eventually give in. If you can prove this, then all the more power to you. Arguing online will accomplish nothing.

You have argued in the past that Alex Jones cannot be killed by the govt or it will give it away that there was a conspiracy. If someone comes forward to say they are part of it then they will also be safe for the same reason. I'm serious. Just get ten people to come forward and you will have the vast majority of the people on your side.
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your a joke...Mr popular mechanics.. that is where all your links and info boil down to,,you are foolish and disingenuous..clearly,,your interest ls only in trying to perpetrate the 911 myth not deal with reality or proper protocol that should be expected and demanded ...spin...thats all it is thinly veiled spin
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your a joke...Mr popular mechanics.. that is where all your links and info boil down to,,you are foolish and disingenuous..clearly,,your interest ls only in trying to perpetrate the 911 myth not deal with reality or proper protocol that should be expected and demanded ...spin...thats all it is thinly veiled spin

I cannot remember the last time I quoted popular mechanics. It hasnt been for months. It is foolish to think that you can place demolition in an elevator and cause a 110 story building to crumble. So you think I am being disingenuous? Wouldnt you think from all the information you gave me that if I thought it was an inside job, then I would debate along side you? You think I am being disingenuous when I showed something you said that controlled demolition inc was responsible for hte cleanup which turned out to be false?

Take me up on my challenge. Get ten people to admit they were involved and you will receive your second investigation by the govt.
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your a joke...Mr popular mechanics.. that is where all your links and info boil down to,,you are foolish and disingenuous..clearly,,your interest ls only in trying to perpetrate the 911 myth not deal with reality or proper protocol that should be expected and demanded ...spin...thats all it is thinly veiled spin

I cannot remember the last time I quoted popular mechanics. It hasnt been for months. It is foolish to think that you can place demolition in an elevator and cause a 110 story building to crumble. So you think I am being disingenuous? Wouldnt you think from all the information you gave me that if I thought it was an inside job, then I would debate along side you?

Take me up on my challenge. Get ten people to admit they were involved and you will receive your second investigation by the govt.

officialy an IDIOT...
your a joke...Mr popular mechanics.. that is where all your links and info boil down to,,you are foolish and disingenuous..clearly,,your interest ls only in trying to perpetrate the 911 myth not deal with reality or proper protocol that should be expected and demanded ...spin...thats all it is thinly veiled spin

I cannot remember the last time I quoted popular mechanics. It hasnt been for months. It is foolish to think that you can place demolition in an elevator and cause a 110 story building to crumble. So you think I am being disingenuous? Wouldnt you think from all the information you gave me that if I thought it was an inside job, then I would debate along side you?

Take me up on my challenge. Get ten people to admit they were involved and you will receive your second investigation by the govt.

officialy an IDIOT...

What a profound statement. Stupid me thought you should actually do something about your cause besides making the debating on a conspiracy forum.
I cannot remember the last time I quoted popular mechanics. It hasnt been for months. It is foolish to think that you can place demolition in an elevator and cause a 110 story building to crumble. So you think I am being disingenuous? Wouldnt you think from all the information you gave me that if I thought it was an inside job, then I would debate along side you?

Take me up on my challenge. Get ten people to admit they were involved and you will receive your second investigation by the govt.

officially an IDIOT...

What a profound statement. Stupid me thought you should actually do something about your cause besides making the debating on a conspiracy forum.

yes you are profoundly idiotic ....how about you and the entire U.S intelligence services bring ten terrorist involved in 911 to trial..fucking disingenuous bastard...you just admitted your defeat
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Here ... show me one factually based link that says otherwise ....

??????????????????? you cant even ask a proper question...that says otherwise ....what ? you loon ...that stoves wont melt ?...that Carlin did not make fun of conspiracy theorys...as opposed to you showing something to give credit to your stupid statements...just give it up and stick to what you know....wtf ever that is
Here ... show me one factually based link that says otherwise ....

??????????????????? you cant even ask a proper question...that says otherwise ....what ? you loon ...that stoves wont melt ?...that Carlin did not make fun of conspiracy theorys...as opposed to you showing something to give credit to your stupid statements...just give it up and stick to what you know....wtf ever that is

Aaah ... so you have nothing to demonstrate that I am wrong in any way ...

... call me Ms. Kettle.
your concept of "fact" and his are a universe apart

:lol: True ...

yes if i say wood burning stove cant melt from a wood fire it is reality if I post a video on Carlin it says what I say it does...but your facts are another story

No, if I say you are lucky your house is still standing because you are an irresponsible wood stove owner, that is reality.

... as for Carlin ... I really don't have to do anything to prove your wrongness in that one, just you trying to take anything he says seriously is proof enough.

yes if i say wood burning stove cant melt from a wood fire it is reality if I post a video on Carlin it says what I say it does...but your facts are another story

No, if I say you are lucky your house is still standing because you are an irresponsible wood stove owner, that is reality.

... as for Carlin ... I really don't have to do anything to prove your wrongness in that one, just you trying to take anything he says seriously is proof enough.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO0-u900OG4]YouTube - George Carlin - Conspiracy Theorists[/ame]

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