Who thinks tomorrow (Thurs) is gonna be looooong day for The ONE?

Sounds like Obama will be a winner either way on Thursday.

I can't wait to hear this spin ^ when the mandate 's thrown out.

Obamacare is better than nothing, but it really got watered down in order to pass since Republicans weren't willing to participate to help make it the best it could be. Then, Democrats had to contend with assholes like Blue Dog DINO Ben Nelson. We could have had stew, but got water instead. If SCOTUS throws it out, I believe Americans will DEMAND something much better - like Single-Payer - which we should have had in the first place.
“I was a constitutional law professor, which means, unlike the current president, I actually respect the Constitution.” - Barack Insane Obama, 2008


My dog has more respect for the Constitution than Obama does. She only pees on papers. He's wiped his ass on the Constitution.

Our republic is on its death bed as Obama is being backed up by half this country out of the greed Ben Franklin warned us about. How is it even legal that he can by the stoke of a pen allow millions of illegal to live in this country or most of the other crap he has gotten away with. Half of this country thinks a dictatorship is not so bad it seems to me. :evil: These are actions that someone like Chavez would do. I wouldn't be surprised if Obama rams health care and a lot more through directly from the oval office if the court shoots Obamacare down. You give someone an inch in they will take a mile until you have a real dictatorship on your hands.

It's a sad day that people have lost their minds enough to allow their personal opinion hold more sway over them than the constitution. The separation of power is only able to control the president if there is a real push back and risk to his stay in the office.

Tell me liberals if the court strikes down the health care law tomorrow would you support Obama in doing it anyway? Then where will you draw the line??? How much power and control will you allow one man to have!

Think about what you're doing.
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So they are racists. They wouldn't do it if Holder weren't black


They care more about Holder being black than the law. Who cares to them that he "might" of broken the law...I think a fair judgement of Holders actions should be had and that's the only way it should be. If not then things are going to spiral out of control in ways we don't ever want to imagine.

Stupid people are generally the most ignorant. Ignorant people are generally the most racist. Let's just say that tests aren't racially biased after all.
So they are racists. They wouldn't do it if Holder weren't black


They care more about Holder being black than the law. Who cares to them that he "might" of broken the law...I think a fair judgement of Holders actions should be had and that's the only way it should be. If not then things are going to spiral out of control in ways we don't ever want to imagine.

Stupid people are generally the most ignorant. Ignorant people are generally the most racist. Let's just say that tests aren't racially biased after all.

At least you're finally admitting why you come off as being so stupid/ignorant/racist. Or do you actually have the proof you said you have that Obama was born in Kenya....

I'm guessing not.
Tomorrow is likely to see the House vote out a contempt citation against the President's albatross, Attorney General Holder.

Tomorrow is likely to see the SCOTUS issue its decision on the fate of ObamaCare.

What else is gonna go wrong for The ONE, tomorrow I wonder?

I sort of hope it stays intact just to piss off people who call the President "The ONE".

It would be a horrible thing to keep that unConstitutional piece of shit intact just to piss us off for calling the idiot in chief "The ONE."

I don't hate the Republic, and certainly not enough to wish harm over it just because so many libs called the prior President (a good one), "Chimp."

You need to adjust that "thinking" of yours.

The President is a fail and he is trampling on the Constitution. It is way past time he starts getting CHECKED
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CaféAuLait;5525589 said:
Tomorrow is likely to see the House vote out a contempt citation against the President's albatross, Attorney General Holder.

Tomorrow is likely to see the SCOTUS issue its decision on the fate of ObamaCare.

What else is gonna go wrong for The ONE, tomorrow I wonder?

It could be good or bad, I am worried about Robert's decision on the Arizona bill, he very well could back the HC bill.

Ex-AG: John Roberts might punt on Supreme Court health care case - POLITICO.com

Former Attorney General and former White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales said Wednesday Chief Justice John Roberts may try to avoid the constitutional issues in the fight over President Barack Obama's health care law and vote to allow the individual mandate in the law to take effect before the courts issue a definitive ruling on it.

whether or not Roberts is perceived as a true Chief Justice may also be a reason for his decision.

and after the lame contempt vote in the Tea Party House - it will be sent to the Senate for resolution ???

Your ignorance is unchecked. This is not a good thing.

The Chief Justice is likely not to punt. Hi is likely to call it for what it is: an unConstitutional action by the Federal Government. It is likely he will vote to void it. This is as it should be.

After the HOUSE -- including, as I understand it so far, some Democrats -- vote to cite our lack luster Attorney General in Contempt of Congress, the matter does not GO at all to the Senate. Holder's non production of lawfully subpoenaed documents ,etc was in response to an action of the HOUSE. It is the House alone which therefore votes on the matter.

Then, it is likely that it will be referred to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia who SHOULD (but likely will not do his job) refer the matter for the action of a Grand Jury.

There are alternatives. The House could impeach thie dope in chief for his false invocation of the materials as part of a coverup. That's pretty unlikely, but it would avoid having to get the judicial branch involved.

OR, the House COULD revert to handling the contempt matter the way it used to (and theoretically still could): that is, they could use what was known as "self help" and have the House Sgt. at Arms arrest the Attorney General. Damn the luck, but that's pretty unlikely too.

What is most likely is that the matter will get referred to the U.S. Attorney which is like having a subordinate investigate the boss. It will turn out to be a futile gesture and the Legislative Branch will end up generating some political heat only, a little smoke, no actual light and will produce no meaningful result. Moron libs will cheer this as though it constitutes something good.
It's ok Liability. I'm not going to gloat. I'm just happy for America today.
It's ok Liability. I'm not going to gloat. I'm just happy for America today.

I would gloat and spike the football if the decision had been a valid one.

So I don't care if you gloat or not.

I am very sad for our Republic.

Our last hope seems to be coming down to soundly defeating the incumbent in the Oval Orifice and putting in ALMOST anybody else; well, that and dumping every possible liberal Democrat out of the Senate.
It's ok Liability. I'm not going to gloat. I'm just happy for America today.

I would gloat and spike the football if the decision had been a valid one.

So I don't care if you gloat or not.

I am very sad for our Republic.

Our last hope seems to be coming down to soundly defeating the incumbent in the Oval Orifice and putting in ALMOST anybody else; well, that and dumping every possible liberal Democrat out of the Senate.

Maybe your party should begin focusing positive energy on issues that Americans are concerned with toward that end. That is how you defeat the opposition.

This silliness Republicans are engaging in is just pissing everybody off.
Tomorrow is likely to see the House vote out a contempt citation against the President's albatross, Attorney General Holder.

Tomorrow is likely to see the SCOTUS issue its decision on the fate of ObamaCare.

What else is gonna go wrong for The ONE, tomorrow I wonder?


One down:eusa_whistle:
Which one?

AS I stated it, I was 100% correct. So far, anyway.

Or can't you read?
Tomorrow is likely to see the House vote out a contempt citation against the President's albatross, Attorney General Holder.

Tomorrow is likely to see the SCOTUS issue its decision on the fate of ObamaCare.

What else is gonna go wrong for The ONE, tomorrow I wonder?

Tomorrow is likely to see the House vote out a contempt citation against the President's albatross, Attorney General Holder.

Tomorrow is likely to see the SCOTUS issue its decision on the fate of ObamaCare.

What else is gonna go wrong for The ONE, tomorrow I wonder?

If partisan politics rules the day, then nobody enforces or even seeks to enforce the Contempt citation. And YOU applaud that.


On the other hand, if the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia refuse to present the matter to the Grand Jury, Congress COULD appoint a special prosecutor (maybe) OR they could proceed via an impeachment proceeding. Unlikely? Of course. But you applaud that too. Again, a pity.

It IS possible that the SCOTUS will uphold the clusterfuck ObamaCare crap. But it is not likely.

So what do you believe the contempt citation will be for? Lying? No. Not showing up before Congress? No. Being a Democrat? Yes.

What is the reason in your opinion?

WTF are you babbling about. The Committee already voted for the contempt citation for the refusal to produce the documents demanded by subpoena.

The House will probably also vote to hold this disgraceful AG in contempt for that same refusal to comply with the Congressional subpoena.

And the bogus claim of Exec. Priv. will get pissed on in the process. That's why the matter will have to get referred to the U.S. Attorney -- who unfortunately is a subordinate of the contemnor. So it may require a special prosecutor or the old fashioned self help remedy whereby the Congress has the Sgt. at Arms arrest and detain the contemnor. That would be cool.

You are aware that it would be illegal for Holder to turn over said documents, correct?

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