Who wants to defend the Federal Income Tax?

No we really didn't.

And we have it ass backwards.

Local government should be where most of your taxes go because that is the point of government service delivery.

The federal government was never intended to micromanage the states as it now does.

Services are done at the level that makes the most sense

My local government plows the roads in front of my home and provides schools and some public services such as police and fire

My state provides universities and public highways and welfare

Federal provides the military, a monetary system, social security, postal system
No it's a question of how much we spend. But you and government have it backwards.

This is how you get people whining that level funding or a smaller increase than expected is cut in funding
What we spend is a function of We the People
We elect the representatives who provide the services we demand
If not, we elect new ones
Still looking for anyone to suggest a funding source to replace the federal income tax
What we spend is a function of We the People
We elect the representatives who provide the services we demand
If not, we elect new ones
Who the hell is demanding we pay salaries for people who live in other countries? Or subsidizing businesses in other countries? Or seeing if we can train a lion to run on a treadmill?
Who the holy FUCK is demanding that?
Who the hell is demanding we pay salaries for people who live in other countries? Or subsidizing businesses in other countries? Or seeing if we can train a lion to run on a treadmill?
Who the holy FUCK is demanding that?

Yes we invest in other countries
We also receive military bases in countries around the world to extend our military might

I don’t know what the fuk you are talking about with lions on a treadmill
Yes we invest in other countries
We also receive military bases in countries around the world to extend our military might
Subsidizing a small piza shop is investing? Paying someones salary is investing? Investing in a war torn, corrupt shithole that praises NAZIs? Why?
"Demand?" Do you have any idea what the words that you use mean? Apparently not.
I don’t know what the fuk you are talking about with lions on a treadmill
That is one of the things we pay for that you claim the people demand.
Subsidizing a small piza shop is investing? Paying someones salary is investing? Investing in a war torn, corrupt shithole that praises NAZIs? Why?
"Demand?" Do you have any idea what the words that you use mean? Apparently not.

That is one of the things we pay for that you claim the people demand.
I see those stupid “look what government wastes money on”every year
They misrepresent the facts and do not include information on what the study was actually about.

Your “shrimp on a treadmill“ is a prime example
Conservatives presented it as “stupid government wants to see if they can teach shrimp to use a treadmill

The study was actually about the levels of water contamination that shrimp can tolerate. Their performance on the treadmill was to determine the point that water contamination begins to affect the shrimp
I see those stupid “look what government wastes money on”every year
They misrepresent the facts and do not include information on what the study was actually about.

Your “shrimp on a treadmill“ is a prime example
Conservatives presented it as “stupid government wants to see if they can teach shrimp to use a treadmill

The study was actually about the levels of water contamination that shrimp can tolerate. Their performance on the treadmill was to determine the point that water contamination begins to affect the shrimp
“People just didn’t believe you could get a mountain lion on a treadmill, and it took me three years to find a facility that was willing to try,” said one of the project’s key researchers.
Lets face reality. You dont give two shits what the govt does. You are going to support them. You dont care that are one of the most corrupt entities on the planet. That lie to you literally every day. That waste your money on $500 sledge hammers.
You are a boot licker. People like you is how fucked up regimes like NAZI Germany happen.
“People just didn’t believe you could get a mountain lion on a treadmill, and it took me three years to find a facility that was willing to try,” said one of the project’s key researchers.
Lets face reality. You dont give two shits what the govt does. You are going to support them. You dont care that are one of the most corrupt entities on the planet. That lie to you literally every day. That waste your money on $500 sledge hammers.
You are a boot licker. People like you is how fucked up regimes like NAZI Germany happen.
Fool me once…
Unless you provide the actual study, what it’s objectives are and the results achieved, I just have to assume you are misrepresenting it.

Captive mountain lions were trained to walk and run on a treadmill so researchers could measure oxygen consumption at different activity levels.
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The federal government has grown to its present size in response to popular demand.
No one has to defend it as it is imposed on us all.

SCOTUS struck it down as unconstitutional at the turn of the 20th century, so Leftists simply added it to the Constitution.
Joe Banister has personally (when he was a Federal IRS enforcer of the law) investigated the creation story and says it is false to believe it was approved by the states.
“People just didn’t believe you could get a mountain lion on a treadmill, and it took me three years to find a facility that was willing to try,” said one of the project’s key researchers.
Lets face reality. You dont give two shits what the govt does. You are going to support them. You dont care that are one of the most corrupt entities on the planet. That lie to you literally every day. That waste your money on $500 sledge hammers.
You are a boot licker. People like you is how fucked up regimes like NAZI Germany happen.

I was able to quickly show how you misrepresented the study of Mountain Lions as…….some guy wants to see if he can get a Mountain Lion on a treadmill

The reality was that as part of a larger study of Mountain Lions in the wild they needed to get a medical study of the cardiovascular capability of Mountain Lions and used a treadmill and captive lions to do it
Wages for labor is a special category of economic exchange and deserves a proper approach. My idea is that the purchase of the labor, what is paid by the employer, be taxed as most usual purchases are. The payee (labor) receives a full, final amount and all is simple and clear. As wages were used to purchase, taxes would be paid. Every step is transparent and uncomplicated. No yearly stress with income taxes; just property and such.
It is logical. Companies don't pay tax on extracted supplies, they pay taxes based upon purchase of goods and services as well as profits on sales of the produced goods. Wages are what are necessary to "extract" for most people in order to confront the 'day-to-day'.
I am thinking you do not defend the present form of taxes, on incomes.
This started putting the Feds in charge of us all.
Before that, the role of the Feds was defined by the constitution and incomes were not taxed. And the founders got it right the first time.

If we could get the wisdom of those of the 1880s, when they paid no federal income tax, they would raise hell if anybody wanted the Feds to impose federal income taxes.
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You are welcome to identify another source of revenue
Types of taxes list:
Flat sales tax
There are dozens of different types of taxes. Some are levied on income, some on personal property and some on goods and services. Learn about each below.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.” One can argue about the extent and quality of the civilization that we receive for our tax dollars, but it can’t be denied that we do pay a lot for it.

In fact, when every tax is tallied – federal, state and local income tax (corporate and individual); property tax; Social Security tax; sales tax; excise tax; and others – Americans spend 29.2 percent of our income in taxes each year.

There are many different kinds of taxes, most of which fall into a few basic categories: taxes on income, taxes on property, and taxes on goods and services.


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