Who wants to leave California? Young voters can’t afford housing, and conservatives feel alienated

Crime is spiraling out of control in California, thanks to the pos Democrats and their sanctuary state policies. And yeah, they DO commit more crimes than citizens. But they vote Democrat and that's all that matters to the POS politicians who have run this once beautiful state into the toilet. Now it's become a genuine shithole.
Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, with soaring housing costs cited as the most common reason for wanting to move, according to a new poll.

Who wants to leave California? Young voters can't afford housing, and conservatives feel alienated

Liberals often point to Cali as their jewel....But, people are fleeing....Good job liberals, you ruined paradise.
This fails as a strawman fallacy.

There’s no evidence provided in the article that ‘liberals’ are ‘responsible’ for the cost of living in California.

And this from the article you posted:

“Migration goes in two directions: People leave and people move in,” Frey said. “It could be that people moving to California also have political reasons for it. Maybe they move to California rather than a state that isn’t as progressive or doesn’t have as big of a social safety net.”

People are moving to California attracted to its progressive political culture.
Poor and ordinary Californian jobs and wages all lowered because you losers want to change the landscape of America. Over regulation controls small business, monopolizes big business, over regulation of construction that cost goes In the price of property all because you democrats want to control people

Which "over regulation" do you write of, and be specific.
Any one them, environmental crap you require house to have to get a permit to build. Or resell.
Kicking street vendors off the street for not having 20 permits, small contractors competing for jobs with permits only big contractors can get because of obstacles .. like sending your workers to text to get a certification ..it’s all killing small business

Again, you're writing generalities. Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Liberals often point to Cali as their jewel....But, people are fleeing....Good job liberals, you ruined paradise.
This fails as a strawman fallacy.

There’s no evidence provided in the article that ‘liberals’ are ‘responsible’ for the cost of living in California.

And this from the article you posted:

“Migration goes in two directions: People leave and people move in,” Frey said. “It could be that people moving to California also have political reasons for it. Maybe they move to California rather than a state that isn’t as progressive or doesn’t have as big of a social safety net.”

People are moving to California attracted to its progressive political culture.
Poor and ordinary Californian jobs and wages all lowered because you losers want to change the landscape of America. Over regulation controls small business, monopolizes big business, over regulation of construction that cost goes In the price of property all because you democrats want to control people

Which "over regulation" do you write of, and be specific.
Any one them, environmental crap you require house to have to get a permit to build. Or resell.
Kicking street vendors off the street for not having 20 permits, small contractors competing for jobs with permits only big contractors can get because of obstacles .. like sending your workers to text to get a certification ..it’s all killing small business

Again, you're writing generalities. Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Go debate the homeless lol are you retarted?
This fails as a strawman fallacy.

There’s no evidence provided in the article that ‘liberals’ are ‘responsible’ for the cost of living in California.

And this from the article you posted:

“Migration goes in two directions: People leave and people move in,” Frey said. “It could be that people moving to California also have political reasons for it. Maybe they move to California rather than a state that isn’t as progressive or doesn’t have as big of a social safety net.”

People are moving to California attracted to its progressive political culture.
Poor and ordinary Californian jobs and wages all lowered because you losers want to change the landscape of America. Over regulation controls small business, monopolizes big business, over regulation of construction that cost goes In the price of property all because you democrats want to control people

Which "over regulation" do you write of, and be specific.
Any one them, environmental crap you require house to have to get a permit to build. Or resell.
Kicking street vendors off the street for not having 20 permits, small contractors competing for jobs with permits only big contractors can get because of obstacles .. like sending your workers to text to get a certification ..it’s all killing small business

Again, you're writing generalities. Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Go debate the homeless lol are you retarted?

You got nothing? Sad!
Poor and ordinary Californian jobs and wages all lowered because you losers want to change the landscape of America. Over regulation controls small business, monopolizes big business, over regulation of construction that cost goes In the price of property all because you democrats want to control people

Which "over regulation" do you write of, and be specific.
Any one them, environmental crap you require house to have to get a permit to build. Or resell.
Kicking street vendors off the street for not having 20 permits, small contractors competing for jobs with permits only big contractors can get because of obstacles .. like sending your workers to text to get a certification ..it’s all killing small business

Again, you're writing generalities. Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Go debate the homeless lol are you retarted?

You got nothing? Sad!
Do some research
Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, with soaring housing costs cited as the most common reason for wanting to move, according to a new poll.

Who wants to leave California? Young voters can't afford housing, and conservatives feel alienated

Liberals often point to Cali as their jewel....But, people are fleeing....Good job liberals, you ruined paradise.

California is on track to revert to a NON-CHARTERED commonwealth without statehood status.
It's already happening with the advent of New California.....and you will see it happen like pancreatic cancer all through the state...
oops...there's those two words pancreatic cancer again....heh heh heh ....
Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, with soaring housing costs cited as the most common reason for wanting to move, according to a new poll.

Who wants to leave California? Young voters can't afford housing, and conservatives feel alienated

Liberals often point to Cali as their jewel....But, people are fleeing....Good job liberals, you ruined paradise.

Sad part is that liberals see nothing wrong with what's going on out there...And they would like to see those policies nationwide.

there are many liberals who do....the trouble is they are all democrat party people,and we cant go against that party now can we?...
Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, with soaring housing costs cited as the most common reason for wanting to move, according to a new poll.

Who wants to leave California? Young voters can't afford housing, and conservatives feel alienated

Liberals often point to Cali as their jewel....But, people are fleeing....Good job liberals, you ruined paradise.
This fails as a strawman fallacy.

There’s no evidence provided in the article that ‘liberals’ are ‘responsible’ for the cost of living in California.

And this from the article you posted:

“Migration goes in two directions: People leave and people move in,” Frey said. “It could be that people moving to California also have political reasons for it. Maybe they move to California rather than a state that isn’t as progressive or doesn’t have as big of a social safety net.”

People are moving to California attracted to its progressive political culture.

There's no real evidence that the sky is blue....but um, if you look real hard at it you don't realy need the evidence.

Socialism, runaway egalitarianism, cantankerous Environmental standards and incredibly high taxation are all liberal bastions...and all very prevalent in Cali...so is the sky blue?
Which "over regulation" do you write of, and be specific.
Any one them, environmental crap you require house to have to get a permit to build. Or resell.
Kicking street vendors off the street for not having 20 permits, small contractors competing for jobs with permits only big contractors can get because of obstacles .. like sending your workers to text to get a certification ..it’s all killing small business

Again, you're writing generalities. Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Go debate the homeless lol are you retarted?

You got nothing? Sad!
Do some research

Sad, you can't back-up what you wrote?

Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Any one them, environmental crap you require house to have to get a permit to build. Or resell.
Kicking street vendors off the street for not having 20 permits, small contractors competing for jobs with permits only big contractors can get because of obstacles .. like sending your workers to text to get a certification ..it’s all killing small business

Again, you're writing generalities. Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Go debate the homeless lol are you retarted?

You got nothing? Sad!
Do some research

Sad, you can't back-up what you wrote?

Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Are you saying regulations haven’t increased since the 60’s? If not why would I waste my time looking up law books for you? Lol is that your defense? Hahha
Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, with soaring housing costs cited as the most common reason for wanting to move, according to a new poll.

Who wants to leave California? Young voters can't afford housing, and conservatives feel alienated

Liberals often point to Cali as their jewel....But, people are fleeing....Good job liberals, you ruined paradise.
This fails as a strawman fallacy.

There’s no evidence provided in the article that ‘liberals’ are ‘responsible’ for the cost of living in California.

And this from the article you posted:

“Migration goes in two directions: People leave and people move in,” Frey said. “It could be that people moving to California also have political reasons for it. Maybe they move to California rather than a state that isn’t as progressive or doesn’t have as big of a social safety net.”

People are moving to California attracted to its progressive political culture.

There's no real evidence that the sky is blue....but um, if you look real hard at it you don't realy need the evidence.

Socialism, runaway egalitarianism, cantankerous Environmental standards and incredibly high taxation are all liberal bastions...and all very prevalent in Cali...so is the sky blue?

Since 80% of the US population lives within 200 miles of water, wouldn't taxation be more due to infrastructure costs?
Again, you're writing generalities. Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Go debate the homeless lol are you retarted?

You got nothing? Sad!
Do some research

Sad, you can't back-up what you wrote?

Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Are you saying regulations haven’t increased since the 60’s? If not why would I waste my time looking up law books for you? Lol is that your defense? Hahha

Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Go debate the homeless lol are you retarted?

You got nothing? Sad!
Do some research

Sad, you can't back-up what you wrote?

Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Are you saying regulations haven’t increased since the 60’s? If not why would I waste my time looking up law books for you? Lol is that your defense? Hahha

Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Let’s debate the obvious.. can you?
Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, with soaring housing costs cited as the most common reason for wanting to move, according to a new poll.

Who wants to leave California? Young voters can't afford housing, and conservatives feel alienated

Liberals often point to Cali as their jewel....But, people are fleeing....Good job liberals, you ruined paradise.

I've about had it with this shit hole and am thinking of packing and moving back to the USA althogh I'd planned on the last move being my last. It's getting to be way too much to put up with. This time my wife can either stay or come with me but I've pretty much had it with this shithole of a nut house. They can't even keep the damn lights on anymore. Not sure how they're gonna have a high tech industry with no fuckin power. Maybe the tooth fairy or Santa Claus with help them out but I doubt it.
Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, with soaring housing costs cited as the most common reason for wanting to move, according to a new poll.

Who wants to leave California? Young voters can't afford housing, and conservatives feel alienated

Liberals often point to Cali as their jewel....But, people are fleeing....Good job liberals, you ruined paradise.
This fails as a strawman fallacy.

There’s no evidence provided in the article that ‘liberals’ are ‘responsible’ for the cost of living in California.

And this from the article you posted:

“Migration goes in two directions: People leave and people move in,” Frey said. “It could be that people moving to California also have political reasons for it. Maybe they move to California rather than a state that isn’t as progressive or doesn’t have as big of a social safety net.”

People are moving to California attracted to its progressive political culture.

There's no real evidence that the sky is blue....but um, if you look real hard at it you don't realy need the evidence.

Socialism, runaway egalitarianism, cantankerous Environmental standards and incredibly high taxation are all liberal bastions...and all very prevalent in Cali...so is the sky blue?

Since 80% of the US population lives within 200 miles of water, wouldn't taxation be more due to infrastructure costs?

It's not the geography per se...it's the concentration of people.... Cities were a good Idea at one time...now...not so much.
We have reached a point were the upkeep and operation of the machine is no longer a linear increase and god only knows where it's going.
Humans are not capable of living in Hive structure....they have neither the mentality or the physicality to carry it out...
Water presence is now no longer just an attractant to population it has become a lethal liability.

Socialism equals Hive structure
Egalitarianism equals the impossible idea that each individual can draw exactly the same breath.

Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, with soaring housing costs cited as the most common reason for wanting to move, according to a new poll.

Who wants to leave California? Young voters can't afford housing, and conservatives feel alienated

Liberals often point to Cali as their jewel....But, people are fleeing....Good job liberals, you ruined paradise.

If any of those business leaders that plan on leaving vote democrat, they should be made to only go to other leftist cities.
Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, with soaring housing costs cited as the most common reason for wanting to move, according to a new poll.

Who wants to leave California? Young voters can't afford housing, and conservatives feel alienated

Liberals often point to Cali as their jewel....But, people are fleeing....Good job liberals, you ruined paradise.

If any of those business leaders that plan on leaving vote democrat, they should be made to only go to other leftist cities.

No need to worry....the Marxist cancer must metastasize first in order for it to fail....trust me it will fail.
Just hold on to your butt for a bit because it's going to get rough before it does fail....OH and make sure you're packing.

Oh yeah, right. How long have nutters been saying that California would destroy itself? I know I've been hearing it since I moved here 25 years ago. People back then said California was doomed. DOOMED I tell 'ya!

They said all our businesses were leaving. Rushing out the door and no new businesses were coming to replace them. All our taxpayers were also leaving. Especially the good taxpayers. The taxpayers who worked for a living by God and all we would be left with was the brown moochers flooding across the border. This was in the early 1990s.

Meanwhile we have the 5th largest economy in the world and California is a busy busy place. I guess we've just been too busy to fail.

But please DO believe all the horror stories you hear from your Fox News nutters. Stay away. Don't come here for vacation or any other reason . You are not wanted You are not safe here. Way too dangerous and confusing for red state simpletons.
You got nothing? Sad!
Do some research

Sad, you can't back-up what you wrote?

Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Are you saying regulations haven’t increased since the 60’s? If not why would I waste my time looking up law books for you? Lol is that your defense? Hahha

Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Let’s debate the obvious.. can you?

All regulations are good.

I like "employees must wash hands before returning to work." You don't?
Do some research

Sad, you can't back-up what you wrote?

Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Are you saying regulations haven’t increased since the 60’s? If not why would I waste my time looking up law books for you? Lol is that your defense? Hahha

Name one regulation and lets debate it.
Let’s debate the obvious.. can you?

All regulations are good.

I like "employees must wash hands before returning to work." You don't?
You don’t have to eat there

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