Who wants to see Russia beat up over Ukraine?

Acknowledge that Trump did not vote for war. Thanks!

I aknowledge that Trump never voted FOR or AGAINST anything.

He never voted FOR any war, and he equally never voted AGAINST any war, because he was never in Congress.

Saying ANYTHING about his voting record is really stupid and you are making a fool of yourself by insisting on doing that.
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Even if Trump supported the war, so what? He didn't vote for it and that is the point. Joe voted for war. People don't remember this.
Joe likes wars. That is a fact, he voted for it. AND NO ONE CAN DENY, TRUMP DID NOT VOTE FOR WAR.

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I do not see Trump, do you CowboyTed AntonToo ?

gipper I see Joe voting for war, do you see him? I certainly do not see Trump
Trump was pro war...
You are trying to give him a pass because he wasn't in the Senate...

I remember the period vividly, the Bush Administration collected information around with little regard for it's integrity. They then somehow convinced Colin Powell after 3 days with the CIA that the intel was good.

Colin says to America and the world that the intel is good and that Sadam needs to be stopped or he will have the ability to kill millions of peoples live with one strike. We were shown tubes which we were told were making of rockets...

Senators asked Colin was info good and he said he thought was good. Colin was lied too..Straight out lied too...

I don't blame the Senators or Congrees who believed them. They were fed bad information and they made a bad descision with it...

Note: I do admire Obama who saw throught it and voted no.

If Trump was in any position at the time, he would have voted to invade. He is just being a prick by saying he didn't think that..

Sept. 11, 2002: Howard Stern asks Trump if he supports invading Iraq. Trump answers hesitantly. “Yeah, I guess so. You know, I wish it was, I wish the first time it was done correctly.”
Idiot Trumpers are claiming Trump would end this war.

A war by the way which we are not fighting but only helping fund in support of an invaded nation.

Newsflash… the only way Trump could end it is by helping Russia win

And he likely would do that
Trump would retreat like he did in Syria...

Then shit happens will go: "How could anyone have known this...."
Trump was pro war...
You are trying to give him a pass because he wasn't in the Senate...

I remember the period vividly, the Bush Administration collected information around with little regard for it's integrity. They then somehow convinced Colin Powell after 3 days with the CIA that the intel was good.

Colin says to America and the world that the intel is good and that Sadam needs to be stopped or he will have the ability to kill millions of peoples live with one strike. We were shown tubes which we were told were making of rockets...

Senators asked Colin was info good and he said he thought was good. Colin was lied too..Straight out lied too...

I don't blame the Senators or Congrees who believed them. They were fed bad information and they made a bad descision with it...

Note: I do admire Obama who saw throught it and voted no.

If Trump was in any position at the time, he would have voted to invade. He is just being a prick by saying he didn't think that..

Sept. 11, 2002: Howard Stern asks Trump if he supports invading Iraq. Trump answers hesitantly. “Yeah, I guess so. You know, I wish it was, I wish the first time it was done correctly.”
Correction about Colin Powell. Colin Powell spent 2 weeks at the CIA examining all information. When he was convinced the reports were accurate, he promoted the war. But nobody held his nuts to a fire.

So the truth of the matter is the CIA supplied the information and Bush was not the source.

Still few dictators deserved to be executed than Saddam Hussein who was executed by the citizens of Iraq.

By the way, Obama had almost zero experience and no training to afford him accurate views about Saddam Hussein.
We also pledged to not move NATO east when the USSR broke up but every President since then has done so. When little Bush was President, the Russians told us that their red line was putting Ukraine into NATO, that they didnt want to go to war over it but they would. To which we said "yeah you can go fuck yourself".

We supported a coup to overthrow the democratically elected "pro Russian" government in an election monitored by the EU which they said was legitimate, to install a pro western Government. We've been sending weapons and war materials prior to the invasion.

The biggest reason why we should stop sending aid though is that Ukraine CAN NOT WIN at this point in the conflict. So what exactly are we funding?

There isn't a single written document from the US "pledging" to Russia that NATO would not expand lol.

To see that Russia's military is completely decimated. For 3.5% of our defense budget, this is the best use of money the US has ever spent on their military equipment. We're essentially just giving Ukraine old equipment that is being phased out anyway and buying new toys for ourselves. It doesn't even matter if Ukraine can win or not, although at this point one can forsee Russia eventually leaving. They cannot possibly rebuild what they've lost so far. As it stands, they don't even have anything remotely enough to guard Russia. What will it be in 2 more years?
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It could all have been avoided had the US not pushed NATO eastward to provoke Russia.

According to Putin himself, in Tucker Carlson's interview, the invasion was the result of Russia having a historical claim to Ukrainian territory and is simply taking it back. It has little to do with NATO expansion. If you won't believe the person who initiated the war who will you believe?
But he would if he had a vote ..what idiocy, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job lol aarghhhh.
But he didn't, and you can't handle that fact.
You should be if not for your sake, your children and grandchildren.

If you’re old enough to remember the Cold War, you might remember the leadership of both sides smartly worked hard to avoid a confrontation. Our leadership today is doing the opposite. Why? Why would they push NATO to Russia’s border? What’s the objective?

NATO was an alliance against the USSR. The USSR no longer exists. Neither should NATO.

Why risk a nuclear exchange over a country no American knows anything about or cares about?

If a country that borders Russia wants to join NATO, they're allowed to join. No one is "pushing" anyone to join NATO. No one "pushed" Sweden and Finland to join, except for one person, Vladmir Putin.

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