Who Was The Beast Of The Book Of Revelation?

Did he? Did he sign a peace treaty with Israel? Did he sit in the Temple and desecrate it? If not, then he's not the guy...

Notice how you had to ask that question at least 3 times, and she completely ignored it, only answering with random wikipedia links and other deflections? Thank you, TIR, for your posts on these threads. You're a lot more patient with her than I am.
Notice how you had to ask that question at least 3 times, and she completely ignored it, only answering with random wikipedia links and other deflections? Thank you, TIR, for your posts on these threads. You're a lot more patient with her than I am.
I think Matthew 24 happens in the 40 years (a generation) between 30 AD and 70 AD.
Nope. It's not misleading at all unless you think a church is a building rather than a fellowship of believers.

The meaning of the Greek word used in Revelation translates-congregation.
Revelation ~
1a : an act of revealing or communicating divine truth. b : something that is revealed by God to humans. 2a : an act of revealing to view or making known. b : something that is revealed especially : an enlightening or astonishing disclosure shocking revelations.
I think Matthew 24 happens in the 40 years (a generation) between 30 AD and 70 AD.

I know that you believe that but if that is the case, then your guideline has to fit all of the predictions, and not just one or two.
If you are correct, then Jesus should be right here on earth, in Jerusalem. We should be able to go see Him. He's not here yet.
We didn't have the ability to destroy all life on earth between 30 AD and 70 AD. And that is a very big prophesy because it causes the return of Christ to earth to stop us. It was an impossibility in your timeline though.

This has had to have already happened according to your understanding:
“Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken,"

But, it has never happened. That has yet to be played out.
Your outline leaves out the majority of the other things that coincide with the return of Christ. There are 2,500 prophecies concerning the end times. All of them have to be fulfilled, not just a few. He didn't say, "When you see this thing or that." He said, "When you see these thingS, then told us what all the things were.

Here's a couple others we have to look forward to:
An earthquake that splits the mount of Olives. It hasn't happened yet. We know it didn't happen in Nero's day because the Mountain is still intact today. It will split when Christ touches down there.
Nero didn't mark the world population on the head or hand so you couldn't by or sell without that mark on your forehead or hand. Not coinage, a physical mark on a person. They are perfecting that prophesy in our time.
Proving my point that the religion that came out of Rome translated errors in to fit false council teachings and to mislead by the will of satan. The biggest being a capitol G God in the last line at John 1:1--100% proven fact error.
I know that you believe that but if that is the case, then your guideline has to fit all of the predictions, and not just one or two.
If you are correct, then Jesus should be right here on earth, in Jerusalem. We should be able to go see Him. He's not here yet.
We didn't have the ability to destroy all life on earth between 30 AD and 70 AD. And that is a very big prophesy because it causes the return of Christ to earth to stop us. It was an impossibility in your timeline though.

This has had to have already happened according to your understanding:
“Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken,"

But, it has never happened. That has yet to be played out.
Your outline leaves out the majority of the other things that coincide with the return of Christ. There are 2,500 prophecies concerning the end times. All of them have to be fulfilled, not just a few. He didn't say, "When you see this thing or that." He said, "When you see these thingS, then told us what all the things were.

Here's a couple others we have to look forward to:
An earthquake that splits the mount of Olives. It hasn't happened yet. We know it didn't happen in Nero's day because the Mountain is still intact today. It will split when Christ touches down there.
Nero didn't mark the world population on the head or hand so you couldn't by or sell without that mark on your forehead or hand. Not coinage, a physical mark on a person. They are perfecting that prophesy in our time.
Those were very dark days during the tribulation. There was famine, disease, war and death. Jesus went to the spiritual Jerusalem. The mark of the beast was the coin of the Roman empire. Nero's head was embossed on every coin. The mount of olives was split... One part of the city from another. There's also a Roman road. There's a lot of figurative language and symbolism. Jesus didn't abandon the new Christians to their fate in favor of futuristic claims thousands of years in the future.. not did he play guessing games with countries yet unknown or unnamed. Their situation was urgent and immediate. The temple destruction was vengeance because Israel killed the prophets.. the city was likened unto Sodom where Jesus died.
Nothing about your post is scriptural.
Jesus went to the real Jerusalem. And was crucified. He wasn't around for the destruction of the Temple.
There is more written about His return in the end time prophecies than was written about His time here on earth prior.
Did Nero hammer his coins on everyone's forehead? The forehead and hand are specified so as not to be confused with any other substitute, like coinage or an ankle tatoo.
The Mount of Olives is alive and well and waiting for Christ to touch down. If that already happened, where is Jesus?


Wait. Wait. You think Jesus died in Sodom? There hasn't been a Sodom since God wiped it out in Abraham's time, so I am guessing you mean a spiritual Sodom? Is there anything in the Bible that you take literally or historically? Did Jesus actually die there, or did He just die spiritually, and went on to become a painter and died at the ripe old age of 97?
Those were very dark days during the tribulation. There was famine, disease, war and death. Jesus went to the spiritual Jerusalem. The mark of the beast was the coin of the Roman empire. Nero's head was embossed on every coin. The mount of olives was split... One part of the city from another. There's also a Roman road. There's a lot of figurative language and symbolism. Jesus didn't abandon the new Christians to their fate in favor of futuristic claims thousands of years in the future.. not did he play guessing games with countries yet unknown or unnamed. Their situation was urgent and immediate. The temple destruction was vengeance because Israel killed the prophets.. the city was likened unto Sodom where Jesus died.
The temple destruction was vengeance because
Israel killed the prophets..?????
Israel killed roman
"prophets"-------ya mean dem SOOOTHSAYERS?
Nothing about your post is scriptural.
Jesus went to the real Jerusalem. And was crucified. He wasn't around for the destruction of the Temple.
There is more written about His return in the end time prophecies than was written about His time here on earth prior.
Did Nero hammer his coins on everyone's forehead? The forehead and hand are specified so as not to be confused with any other substitute, like coinage or an ankle tatoo.
The Mount of Olives is alive and well and waiting for Christ to touch down. If that already happened, where is Jesus?

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Wait. Wait. You think Jesus died in Sodom? There hasn't been a Sodom since God wiped it out in Abraham's time, so I am guessing you mean a spiritual Sodom? Is there anything in the Bible that you take literally or historically? Did Jesus actually die there, or did He just die spiritually, and went on to become a painter and died at the ripe old age of 97?

The coin of the whole Roman empire had the engraved likeness of Nero.

Read the verses about Jesus dying in Jerusalem (Sodom) again. It's pretty clear.
Are you talking about Antiochus IV Epiphanies? Were we capible of destroying all life on earth during Antiochus' time?
Was he capable of destroying all life on earth during Antiochus' time?
Was the gospel being preached worldwide?
Did he have neutron bombs that dissolved your flesh while you were still standing?
Did he talk Israel into a two year peace treaty?

Then, No, we aren't talking about Antiochus.
Go fish... :rofl:
Were he capable of destroying all life on earth during Antiochus' time?
Was the gospel being preached worldwide?
Did he have neutron bombs that dissolved your flesh while you were still standing?
Did he talk Israel into a two year peace treaty?

Then, No, we aren't talking about Antiochus.
Go fish... :rofl:

The Bible says nothing about neutron bombs. You have gone overboard with Darbyite futurism. Modern charlatans are always predicting that Russia will attack Israel and America is Babylon or some other other crackpot prophecy.
The coin of the whole Roman empire had the engraved likeness of Nero.

Read the verses about Jesus dying in Jerusalem (Sodom) again. It's pretty clear.
A coin is not a hand or forehead. Which is where the mark will be placed in the End Times. Nero's coins have nothing to do with it.
And Sodom has nothing to do with Jerusalem. Ask the archeologists that who found it years ago...
The Bible says nothing about neutron bombs. You have gone overboard with Darbyite futurism. Modern charlatans are always predicting that Russia will attack Israel and America is Babylon or some other other crackpot prophecy.
And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth...

Spears and arrows don't do that. In fact, that description/prophesy was incomprehensible at the time Zach wrote it. The Lord told him to write that, and we watched it being invented...

You haven't gone nearly far enough in your understanding of the Word...
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