Who was the most racist President?

Remember it was libs like Orval B. Faubus and George C. Wallace that opposed civil rights, while conservatives like General Eisenhower who sent the Army to liberal towns like the Clinton's Little Rock to desegregate the schools.

MLK was a Dittohead, make no mistake about it. His beloved niece, Alveda King, carries on his Tremendous Tea Party traditions.
Remember it was libs like Orval B. Faubus and George C. Wallace that opposed civil rights, while conservatives like General Eisenhower who sent the Army to liberal towns like the Clinton's Little Rock to desegregate the schools.

MLK was a Dittohead, make no mistake about it. His beloved niece, Alveda King, carries on his Tremendous Tea Party traditions.

George Wallace was a liberal? Where did you read that?

Where did you get the idea that Gov. Wallace wasn't a lib?

He endorsed Hard Core Ultraliberal Jimmy Carter for President.
Barring black students from public schools is not very liberal

The liberals in my home state of Ohio, and throughout the entire Liberal Realm, banned blacks from certain schools, pools and other public facilities in my youth. I don't know if you realized this, but Big Labor had separate Black and White seniority lists in the mills
I suspect those were conservative initiatives

Why would you "suspect" that? In highly urbanized areas of the Mid West, there has never been a conservative presence.
Point stands-without LBJ, NO civil rights

Maybe , maybe not. Maybe LBJ saw the writing on the wall that civil rights was inevitable and he decided to get the liberals on the right side of the issue. Remember, the Dems were united against civil rights in the 1950's, the Kennedy Family opposed Ike's Civil Rights act of 1957. The libs hated Ike for integrating the schools in Little Rock and elsewhere.
Conservatives have been against every emancipation effort in this country since its founding...

What conservative politician spoke out in favor of abolition?? what conservative politician was known for his strong pro-civil rights stance in the 50's and 60's??

Were those people being murdered in the south for going around and registering voters conservatives??

Remember it was libs like Orval B. Faubus and George C. Wallace that opposed civil rights, while conservatives like General Eisenhower who sent the Army to liberal towns like the Clinton's Little Rock to desegregate the schools.

MLK was a Dittohead, make no mistake about it. His beloved niece, Alveda King, carries on his Tremendous Tea Party traditions.

MLK was no dittohead and his children MLK III and Berniece will tell you that. Alveda was not his child. George Wallace was no liberal. And Eisenhower implemented Operation Wetback.

Maybe you are unfamiliar with the fact that MLK was against all of the rioting the libs scheduled back in his day. Totally against violence.

And the fact that he applied for a firearms permit tells me that he wasn't the crazed libs, leftist say he was today.

Further, look at his appearance. Always in a suit jacket and tie, you won't see MLK wearing a kufi or his pants worn in the "sagging" mode, even though liberals did throw him in prison a few times.
MLK also opposed the Vietnam War

Conservative Southerners threw him in jail and beat up Civil Rights protestors
George Wallace was a liberal? Where did you read that?

Where did you get the idea that Gov. Wallace wasn't a lib?

He endorsed Hard Core Ultraliberal Jimmy Carter for President.
Barring black students from public schools is not very liberal

The liberals in my home state of Ohio, and throughout the entire Liberal Realm, banned blacks from certain schools, pools and other public facilities in my youth. I don't know if you realized this, but Big Labor had separate Black and White seniority lists in the mills
I suspect those were conservative initiatives

Why would you "suspect" that? In highly urbanized areas of the Mid West, there has never been a conservative presence.

That's untrue.
fdr, no question. Wilson and Johnson next.

Well that can't be. The Left wing academia and press always rate FDR the best of all time presidents.

FDR even has a huge monument in Washington DC.

So there! Why would they all lie to us anyway?

Maybe , maybe not. Maybe LBJ saw the writing on the wall that civil rights was inevitable and he decided to get the liberals on the right side of the issue. Remember, the Dems were united against civil rights in the 1950's, the Kennedy Family opposed Ike's Civil Rights act of 1957. The libs hated Ike for integrating the schools in Little Rock and elsewhere.
Conservatives have been against every emancipation effort in this country since its founding...

What conservative politician spoke out in favor of abolition?? what conservative politician was known for his strong pro-civil rights stance in the 50's and 60's??

Were those people being murdered in the south for going around and registering voters conservatives??

Remember it was libs like Orval B. Faubus and George C. Wallace that opposed civil rights, while conservatives like General Eisenhower who sent the Army to liberal towns like the Clinton's Little Rock to desegregate the schools.

MLK was a Dittohead, make no mistake about it. His beloved niece, Alveda King, carries on his Tremendous Tea Party traditions.
Maybe , maybe not. Maybe LBJ saw the writing on the wall that civil rights was inevitable and he decided to get the liberals on the right side of the issue. Remember, the Dems were united against civil rights in the 1950's, the Kennedy Family opposed Ike's Civil Rights act of 1957. The libs hated Ike for integrating the schools in Little Rock and elsewhere.
Conservatives have been against every emancipation effort in this country since its founding...

What conservative politician spoke out in favor of abolition?? what conservative politician was known for his strong pro-civil rights stance in the 50's and 60's??

Were those people being murdered in the south for going around and registering voters conservatives??

Remember it was libs like Orval B. Faubus and George C. Wallace that opposed civil rights, while conservatives like General Eisenhower who sent the Army to liberal towns like the Clinton's Little Rock to desegregate the schools.

MLK was a Dittohead, make no mistake about it. His beloved niece, Alveda King, carries on his Tremendous Tea Party traditions.

George Wallace was a liberal? Where did you read that?

Where did you get the idea that Gov. Wallace wasn't a lib?

He endorsed Hard Core Ultraliberal Jimmy Carter for President.

Wallace endorsed Carter, because Carter stood up for him during Carter's days a "'not so liberal" candidate for governor. By the time that Carter ran for president in 1976, Wallace's days as a hardcore segregationist were fading, and Carter had become more liberal.

A lot happened to the social and political landscape between the era of the fight for civil rights in the early to mid 60'S and the early to mid 70's.
I am old enough to have witnessed it, and I did.

There was no way that Wallace was considered a liberal during the 60's, if ever at all.

He actually ended up near the end of his life practically begging black people for forgiveness because of his segregationist past and some were even gullible enough to believe him to be sincere.

Google is your friend. Look it up.
Jimmy Carter's racist campaign of 1970
I think Lester Maddox called Carter a "pointy headed liberal".
George Wallace was a liberal? Where did you read that?

Where did you get the idea that Gov. Wallace wasn't a lib?

He endorsed Hard Core Ultraliberal Jimmy Carter for President.
Still waiting for you to tell me what conservatives were on the front line with MLK in the 60's fighting for Civil Rights?? Goldwater?? Reagan?? Trump??

Trumpers are pathetic

The Robert F. Kennedy DOJ was on the front line with MLK to get inside and tap his phones. Just like the Obama/Lynch DOJ tapped the phones at Trump's home in New York.

The two great men, MLK and Donald J Trump, have more in common than just being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Still waiting for you to tell me what conservatives were there fighting for Civil Rights with MLK...

You bringing up the Kennedys and Hoover doesn't do shit for me...

I am not a Kennedy fan and I damn sure ain't a Hoover fan....but I can't count how many times I have seen Trumpers on this site opine about how Kennedy was the only good democrat president.....
Senator Everett Dirksen wrote the 1964 civil rights act.
Everett Dirksen: Forgotten Civil Rights Champion | National Portrait Gallery
President Eisenhower signed the 1957 and 1960 civil rights acts.
Civil Rights Act of 1957 - Wikipedia
President Grant started the civil rights laws.
March 1, 1875: Grant signs the Civil Rights Act

And yet you cannot ask, "Why were all those civil rights acts necessary?"
Maybe , maybe not. Maybe LBJ saw the writing on the wall that civil rights was inevitable and he decided to get the liberals on the right side of the issue. Remember, the Dems were united against civil rights in the 1950's, the Kennedy Family opposed Ike's Civil Rights act of 1957. The libs hated Ike for integrating the schools in Little Rock and elsewhere.
Conservatives have been against every emancipation effort in this country since its founding...

What conservative politician spoke out in favor of abolition?? what conservative politician was known for his strong pro-civil rights stance in the 50's and 60's??

Were those people being murdered in the south for going around and registering voters conservatives??

Remember it was libs like Orval B. Faubus and George C. Wallace that opposed civil rights, while conservatives like General Eisenhower who sent the Army to liberal towns like the Clinton's Little Rock to desegregate the schools.

MLK was a Dittohead, make no mistake about it. His beloved niece, Alveda King, carries on his Tremendous Tea Party traditions.

MLK was no dittohead and his children MLK III and Berniece will tell you that. Alveda was not his child. George Wallace was no liberal. And Eisenhower implemented Operation Wetback.

Maybe you are unfamiliar with the fact that MLK was against all of the rioting the libs scheduled back in his day. Totally against violence.

And the fact that he applied for a firearms permit tells me that he wasn't the crazed libs, leftist say he was today.

Further, look at his appearance. Always in a suit jacket and tie, you won't see MLK wearing a kufi or his pants worn in the "sagging" mode, even though liberals did throw him in prison a few times.
MLK also opposed the Vietnam War

Conservative Southerners threw him in jail and beat up Civil Rights protestors

Actually, the South was very liberal at the time. Most of the Southern states had Democrats in Congress.
Where did you get the idea that Gov. Wallace wasn't a lib?

He endorsed Hard Core Ultraliberal Jimmy Carter for President.
Still waiting for you to tell me what conservatives were on the front line with MLK in the 60's fighting for Civil Rights?? Goldwater?? Reagan?? Trump??

Trumpers are pathetic

The Robert F. Kennedy DOJ was on the front line with MLK to get inside and tap his phones. Just like the Obama/Lynch DOJ tapped the phones at Trump's home in New York.

The two great men, MLK and Donald J Trump, have more in common than just being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Still waiting for you to tell me what conservatives were there fighting for Civil Rights with MLK...

You bringing up the Kennedys and Hoover doesn't do shit for me...

I am not a Kennedy fan and I damn sure ain't a Hoover fan....but I can't count how many times I have seen Trumpers on this site opine about how Kennedy was the only good democrat president.....
Senator Everett Dirksen wrote the 1964 civil rights act.
Everett Dirksen: Forgotten Civil Rights Champion | National Portrait Gallery
President Eisenhower signed the 1957 and 1960 civil rights acts.
Civil Rights Act of 1957 - Wikipedia
President Grant started the civil rights laws.
March 1, 1875: Grant signs the Civil Rights Act

And yet you cannot ask, "Why were all those civil rights acts necessary?"
Point stands-without LBJ, NO civil rights

Maybe , maybe not. Maybe LBJ saw the writing on the wall that civil rights was inevitable and he decided to get the liberals on the right side of the issue. Remember, the Dems were united against civil rights in the 1950's, the Kennedy Family opposed Ike's Civil Rights act of 1957. The libs hated Ike for integrating the schools in Little Rock and elsewhere.
Conservatives have been against every emancipation effort in this country since its founding...

What conservative politician spoke out in favor of abolition?? what conservative politician was known for his strong pro-civil rights stance in the 50's and 60's??

Were those people being murdered in the south for going around and registering voters conservatives??

Remember it was libs like Orval B. Faubus and George C. Wallace that opposed civil rights, while conservatives like General Eisenhower who sent the Army to liberal towns like the Clinton's Little Rock to desegregate the schools.

MLK was a Dittohead, make no mistake about it. His beloved niece, Alveda King, carries on his Tremendous Tea Party traditions.
I get very frustrated when d1c sucking conservatives like yourself willfully lie about MLK once the history is clear.....

Funny how conservatives want to claim MLK years after his death but never claimed him while he was alive...…...how about you read some books by MLK instead of making shit up...
View attachment 283518
View attachment 283519
Just because King said something doesn't make it true or even good. I am not a conservative but don't want to claim King in any way. I prefer an approach like Malcolm X.

No you don't.
Conservatives have been against every emancipation effort in this country since its founding...

What conservative politician spoke out in favor of abolition?? what conservative politician was known for his strong pro-civil rights stance in the 50's and 60's??

Were those people being murdered in the south for going around and registering voters conservatives??

Remember it was libs like Orval B. Faubus and George C. Wallace that opposed civil rights, while conservatives like General Eisenhower who sent the Army to liberal towns like the Clinton's Little Rock to desegregate the schools.

MLK was a Dittohead, make no mistake about it. His beloved niece, Alveda King, carries on his Tremendous Tea Party traditions.

MLK was no dittohead and his children MLK III and Berniece will tell you that. Alveda was not his child. George Wallace was no liberal. And Eisenhower implemented Operation Wetback.

Maybe you are unfamiliar with the fact that MLK was against all of the rioting the libs scheduled back in his day. Totally against violence.

And the fact that he applied for a firearms permit tells me that he wasn't the crazed libs, leftist say he was today.

Further, look at his appearance. Always in a suit jacket and tie, you won't see MLK wearing a kufi or his pants worn in the "sagging" mode, even though liberals did throw him in prison a few times.
MLK also opposed the Vietnam War

Conservative Southerners threw him in jail and beat up Civil Rights protestors

Actually, the South was very liberal at the time. Most of the Southern states had Democrats in Congress.

No, the south was not liberal. Democrat does not always equal liberal.
Conservatives have been against every emancipation effort in this country since its founding...

What conservative politician spoke out in favor of abolition?? what conservative politician was known for his strong pro-civil rights stance in the 50's and 60's??

Were those people being murdered in the south for going around and registering voters conservatives??

Remember it was libs like Orval B. Faubus and George C. Wallace that opposed civil rights, while conservatives like General Eisenhower who sent the Army to liberal towns like the Clinton's Little Rock to desegregate the schools.

MLK was a Dittohead, make no mistake about it. His beloved niece, Alveda King, carries on his Tremendous Tea Party traditions.
Conservatives have been against every emancipation effort in this country since its founding...

What conservative politician spoke out in favor of abolition?? what conservative politician was known for his strong pro-civil rights stance in the 50's and 60's??

Were those people being murdered in the south for going around and registering voters conservatives??

Remember it was libs like Orval B. Faubus and George C. Wallace that opposed civil rights, while conservatives like General Eisenhower who sent the Army to liberal towns like the Clinton's Little Rock to desegregate the schools.

MLK was a Dittohead, make no mistake about it. His beloved niece, Alveda King, carries on his Tremendous Tea Party traditions.

George Wallace was a liberal? Where did you read that?

Where did you get the idea that Gov. Wallace wasn't a lib?

He endorsed Hard Core Ultraliberal Jimmy Carter for President.

Wallace endorsed Carter, because Carter stood up for him during Carter's days a "'not so liberal" candidate for governor. By the time that Carter ran for president in 1976, Wallace's days as a hardcore segregationist were fading, and Carter had become more liberal.

A lot happened to the social and political landscape between the era of the fight for civil rights in the early to mid 60'S and the early to mid 70's.
I am old enough to have witnessed it, and I did.

There was no way that Wallace was considered a liberal during the 60's, if ever at all.

He actually ended up near the end of his life practically begging black people for forgiveness because of his segregationist past and some were even gullible enough to believe him to be sincere.

Google is your friend. Look it up.
Jimmy Carter's racist campaign of 1970
I think Lester Maddox called Carter a "pointy headed liberal".

Lester Maddox was also Jimmy Carter's handpicked running mate as Lieutenant Governor in Georgia. Both men were liberals, although I can't comment on the pointiness of Mr. Carter's head.
Still waiting for you to tell me what conservatives were on the front line with MLK in the 60's fighting for Civil Rights?? Goldwater?? Reagan?? Trump??

Trumpers are pathetic

The Robert F. Kennedy DOJ was on the front line with MLK to get inside and tap his phones. Just like the Obama/Lynch DOJ tapped the phones at Trump's home in New York.

The two great men, MLK and Donald J Trump, have more in common than just being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Still waiting for you to tell me what conservatives were there fighting for Civil Rights with MLK...

You bringing up the Kennedys and Hoover doesn't do shit for me...

I am not a Kennedy fan and I damn sure ain't a Hoover fan....but I can't count how many times I have seen Trumpers on this site opine about how Kennedy was the only good democrat president.....
Senator Everett Dirksen wrote the 1964 civil rights act.
Everett Dirksen: Forgotten Civil Rights Champion | National Portrait Gallery
President Eisenhower signed the 1957 and 1960 civil rights acts.
Civil Rights Act of 1957 - Wikipedia
President Grant started the civil rights laws.
March 1, 1875: Grant signs the Civil Rights Act

And yet you cannot ask, "Why were all those civil rights acts necessary?"
Figure it out.
Maybe , maybe not. Maybe LBJ saw the writing on the wall that civil rights was inevitable and he decided to get the liberals on the right side of the issue. Remember, the Dems were united against civil rights in the 1950's, the Kennedy Family opposed Ike's Civil Rights act of 1957. The libs hated Ike for integrating the schools in Little Rock and elsewhere.
Conservatives have been against every emancipation effort in this country since its founding...

What conservative politician spoke out in favor of abolition?? what conservative politician was known for his strong pro-civil rights stance in the 50's and 60's??

Were those people being murdered in the south for going around and registering voters conservatives??

Remember it was libs like Orval B. Faubus and George C. Wallace that opposed civil rights, while conservatives like General Eisenhower who sent the Army to liberal towns like the Clinton's Little Rock to desegregate the schools.

MLK was a Dittohead, make no mistake about it. His beloved niece, Alveda King, carries on his Tremendous Tea Party traditions.
I get very frustrated when d1c sucking conservatives like yourself willfully lie about MLK once the history is clear.....

Funny how conservatives want to claim MLK years after his death but never claimed him while he was alive...…...how about you read some books by MLK instead of making shit up...
View attachment 283518
View attachment 283519
Just because King said something doesn't make it true or even good. I am not a conservative but don't want to claim King in any way. I prefer an approach like Malcolm X.

No you don't.
Sure, see-you don't know me.
Remember it was libs like Orval B. Faubus and George C. Wallace that opposed civil rights, while conservatives like General Eisenhower who sent the Army to liberal towns like the Clinton's Little Rock to desegregate the schools.

MLK was a Dittohead, make no mistake about it. His beloved niece, Alveda King, carries on his Tremendous Tea Party traditions.
Remember it was libs like Orval B. Faubus and George C. Wallace that opposed civil rights, while conservatives like General Eisenhower who sent the Army to liberal towns like the Clinton's Little Rock to desegregate the schools.

MLK was a Dittohead, make no mistake about it. His beloved niece, Alveda King, carries on his Tremendous Tea Party traditions.

George Wallace was a liberal? Where did you read that?

Where did you get the idea that Gov. Wallace wasn't a lib?

He endorsed Hard Core Ultraliberal Jimmy Carter for President.

Wallace endorsed Carter, because Carter stood up for him during Carter's days a "'not so liberal" candidate for governor. By the time that Carter ran for president in 1976, Wallace's days as a hardcore segregationist were fading, and Carter had become more liberal.

A lot happened to the social and political landscape between the era of the fight for civil rights in the early to mid 60'S and the early to mid 70's.
I am old enough to have witnessed it, and I did.

There was no way that Wallace was considered a liberal during the 60's, if ever at all.

He actually ended up near the end of his life practically begging black people for forgiveness because of his segregationist past and some were even gullible enough to believe him to be sincere.

Google is your friend. Look it up.
Jimmy Carter's racist campaign of 1970
I think Lester Maddox called Carter a "pointy headed liberal".

Lester Maddox was also Jimmy Carter's handpicked running mate as Lieutenant Governor in Georgia. Both men were liberals, although I can't comment on the pointiness of Mr. Carter's head.
Lester Maddox was no liberal.
Conservatives have been against every emancipation effort in this country since its founding...

What conservative politician spoke out in favor of abolition?? what conservative politician was known for his strong pro-civil rights stance in the 50's and 60's??

Were those people being murdered in the south for going around and registering voters conservatives??

Remember it was libs like Orval B. Faubus and George C. Wallace that opposed civil rights, while conservatives like General Eisenhower who sent the Army to liberal towns like the Clinton's Little Rock to desegregate the schools.

MLK was a Dittohead, make no mistake about it. His beloved niece, Alveda King, carries on his Tremendous Tea Party traditions.
I get very frustrated when d1c sucking conservatives like yourself willfully lie about MLK once the history is clear.....

Funny how conservatives want to claim MLK years after his death but never claimed him while he was alive...…...how about you read some books by MLK instead of making shit up...
View attachment 283518
View attachment 283519
Just because King said something doesn't make it true or even good. I am not a conservative but don't want to claim King in any way. I prefer an approach like Malcolm X.

No you don't.
Sure, see-you don't know me.

So what was Malcolm X's approach according to the white man?
Remember it was libs like Orval B. Faubus and George C. Wallace that opposed civil rights, while conservatives like General Eisenhower who sent the Army to liberal towns like the Clinton's Little Rock to desegregate the schools.

MLK was a Dittohead, make no mistake about it. His beloved niece, Alveda King, carries on his Tremendous Tea Party traditions.
Remember it was libs like Orval B. Faubus and George C. Wallace that opposed civil rights, while conservatives like General Eisenhower who sent the Army to liberal towns like the Clinton's Little Rock to desegregate the schools.

MLK was a Dittohead, make no mistake about it. His beloved niece, Alveda King, carries on his Tremendous Tea Party traditions.

George Wallace was a liberal? Where did you read that?

Where did you get the idea that Gov. Wallace wasn't a lib?

He endorsed Hard Core Ultraliberal Jimmy Carter for President.

Wallace endorsed Carter, because Carter stood up for him during Carter's days a "'not so liberal" candidate for governor. By the time that Carter ran for president in 1976, Wallace's days as a hardcore segregationist were fading, and Carter had become more liberal.

A lot happened to the social and political landscape between the era of the fight for civil rights in the early to mid 60'S and the early to mid 70's.
I am old enough to have witnessed it, and I did.

There was no way that Wallace was considered a liberal during the 60's, if ever at all.

He actually ended up near the end of his life practically begging black people for forgiveness because of his segregationist past and some were even gullible enough to believe him to be sincere.

Google is your friend. Look it up.
Jimmy Carter's racist campaign of 1970
I think Lester Maddox called Carter a "pointy headed liberal".

Lester Maddox was also Jimmy Carter's handpicked running mate as Lieutenant Governor in Georgia. Both men were liberals, although I can't comment on the pointiness of Mr. Carter's head.
Lester Maddox, who has died aged 87, achieved notoriety in the 1960s when he handed out axe handles, known as Maddox drumsticks, to customers at the Pickrick, his "whites only" Atlanta chicken restaurant. They were to be used against any African-Americans who might try to come and eat dinner. Not really a liberal, was he?
George Wallace was a liberal? Where did you read that?

Where did you get the idea that Gov. Wallace wasn't a lib?

He endorsed Hard Core Ultraliberal Jimmy Carter for President.

Wallace endorsed Carter, because Carter stood up for him during Carter's days a "'not so liberal" candidate for governor. By the time that Carter ran for president in 1976, Wallace's days as a hardcore segregationist were fading, and Carter had become more liberal.

A lot happened to the social and political landscape between the era of the fight for civil rights in the early to mid 60'S and the early to mid 70's.
I am old enough to have witnessed it, and I did.

There was no way that Wallace was considered a liberal during the 60's, if ever at all.

He actually ended up near the end of his life practically begging black people for forgiveness because of his segregationist past and some were even gullible enough to believe him to be sincere.

Google is your friend. Look it up.
Jimmy Carter's racist campaign of 1970
I think Lester Maddox called Carter a "pointy headed liberal".

Lester Maddox was also Jimmy Carter's handpicked running mate as Lieutenant Governor in Georgia. Both men were liberals, although I can't comment on the pointiness of Mr. Carter's head.
Lester Maddox was no liberal.

Sure he was a lib, Mr. Maddox was the Howard Schultz of his time. Like the leader of Starbucks, he refused to allow black non-customers use the restrooms at the Pickrick Restaurant that he was proprietor of.
The Robert F. Kennedy DOJ was on the front line with MLK to get inside and tap his phones. Just like the Obama/Lynch DOJ tapped the phones at Trump's home in New York.

The two great men, MLK and Donald J Trump, have more in common than just being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Still waiting for you to tell me what conservatives were there fighting for Civil Rights with MLK...

You bringing up the Kennedys and Hoover doesn't do shit for me...

I am not a Kennedy fan and I damn sure ain't a Hoover fan....but I can't count how many times I have seen Trumpers on this site opine about how Kennedy was the only good democrat president.....
Senator Everett Dirksen wrote the 1964 civil rights act.
Everett Dirksen: Forgotten Civil Rights Champion | National Portrait Gallery
President Eisenhower signed the 1957 and 1960 civil rights acts.
Civil Rights Act of 1957 - Wikipedia
President Grant started the civil rights laws.
March 1, 1875: Grant signs the Civil Rights Act

And yet you cannot ask, "Why were all those civil rights acts necessary?"
Figure it out.
You said I could not but I did. YOU WERE WRONG!
George Wallace was a liberal? Where did you read that?

Where did you get the idea that Gov. Wallace wasn't a lib?

He endorsed Hard Core Ultraliberal Jimmy Carter for President.

Wallace endorsed Carter, because Carter stood up for him during Carter's days a "'not so liberal" candidate for governor. By the time that Carter ran for president in 1976, Wallace's days as a hardcore segregationist were fading, and Carter had become more liberal.

A lot happened to the social and political landscape between the era of the fight for civil rights in the early to mid 60'S and the early to mid 70's.
I am old enough to have witnessed it, and I did.

There was no way that Wallace was considered a liberal during the 60's, if ever at all.

He actually ended up near the end of his life practically begging black people for forgiveness because of his segregationist past and some were even gullible enough to believe him to be sincere.

Google is your friend. Look it up.
Jimmy Carter's racist campaign of 1970
I think Lester Maddox called Carter a "pointy headed liberal".

Lester Maddox was also Jimmy Carter's handpicked running mate as Lieutenant Governor in Georgia. Both men were liberals, although I can't comment on the pointiness of Mr. Carter's head.
Lester Maddox was no liberal.
Correct-thank you

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