Who was the worst murderer in U.S. history?

Jeffrey Dahmer. Eating someone has to count more than just killing someone. Multiply by 100 or something.

Nope, eating someone counts for crazy but not on the murder scale. Dahmner got major press because of the race card. Ed Gein was the king of the nut case cannibals. According to legend he wasn't a hunter but he furnished "venison" to his friends in the community. Gross enough?

Searching the house, authorities found:[17]

Four noses
Whole human bones and fragments[18]
Nine masks of human skin[19]
Bowls made from human skulls
Ten female heads with the tops sawn off
Human skin covering several chair seats
Mary Hogan's head in a paper bag[20]
Bernice Worden's head in a burlap sack[21]
Nine vulvae in a shoe box[22]
A belt made from female human nipples[23]
Skulls on his bedposts
A pair of lips on a drawstring for a window shade
A lampshade made from the skin from a human face

Jeezus, what a sick fuck!:eek:
I guess I would have to be one of the "worst" murderers, considering that I've never managed to kill anyone in my life. :lol:
Jeffrey Dahmer. Eating someone has to count more than just killing someone. Multiply by 100 or something.

Nope, eating someone counts for crazy but not on the murder scale. Dahmner got major press because of the race card. Ed Gein was the king of the nut case cannibals. According to legend he wasn't a hunter but he furnished "venison" to his friends in the community. Gross enough?

Searching the house, authorities found:[17]

Four noses
Whole human bones and fragments[18]
Nine masks of human skin[19]
Bowls made from human skulls
Ten female heads with the tops sawn off
Human skin covering several chair seats
Mary Hogan's head in a paper bag[20]
Bernice Worden's head in a burlap sack[21]
Nine vulvae in a shoe box[22]
A belt made from female human nipples[23]
Skulls on his bedposts
A pair of lips on a drawstring for a window shade
A lampshade made from the skin from a human face

Jeezus, what a sick fuck!:eek:

Gein was off the scale. Apparently Gein was a grave robber as well as a serial killer so it's hard to separate the serial killings from his other offensive hobbies. One can imagine members of the community waking up in the middle of the night thinking about the juicy venison chops that the nice old man used to supply.
Just as a reminder, this is what the thread is supposed to be about:

Which private U.S. citizen committed the most murders?
I think that's fairly specific and clear-cut.

The thread opened with two questions:
Who was the worst killer in U.S. history? Which private U.S. citizen committed the most murders?
The answer to the first question is clearly government, it is the second question which is open to discussion.
Gosnell abused the law and was punished

Legal abortion is not murder......never has been
I do think the abortion industry deserves considerable blame for the savage inhumanity discovered at abortion mills like Kermit Gosnell's notorious butcher shop.

Why Big Abortion shares Gosnell’s guilt
Unregulated abortion clinics endanger women everywhere

Back-Alley Abortion Never Ended
The Kermit Gosnell murder trial challenges a traditional defense of Roe v. Wade.

Report: Planned Parenthood covered up Kermit Gosnell complaints

The truth about late-term abortion
Are the legal activities of New York abortion clinics really any less horrifying than those of Kermit Gosnell?
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Who was the worst killer in U.S. history? Which private U.S. citizen committed the most murders?

Some possibilities:

1) Harry Strauss - contract killer for Murder, Inc.

2) Steven Massof - He worked at Kermit Gosnell’s notorious abortion mill. Massof testified that he snipped the spines of more than 100 moving, breathing babies outside their mothers' wombs.

3) Charles Cullen – nurse who killed patients

Two were paid to do their killing (Strauss and Massof). Two were medical professionals (Massof and Cullen). All three did their murdering on the job.

I think Massof, who was possessed by a ghoulish fascination with abortion, is the worst. Massof’s high numbers are not in doubt. And what’s more horrible than killing an innocent baby with their entire life in front of them?
^^^This post reeks of desperation.
Henry Lee Lucas (August 23, 1936[1] – March 13, 2001)[2] was an American criminal, convicted of murder in 11 different cases. He had claimed to have committed a number of murders (shortly after his arrest he confessed to having killed 60 people, a number he raised to 100 while in court, and outside of court he claimed to have committed up to 3000 murders[3]) although he later recanted the confessions.
Who was the worst killer in U.S. history? Which private U.S. citizen committed the most murders?

Some possibilities:

1) Harry Strauss - contract killer for Murder, Inc.

2) Steven Massof - He worked at Kermit Gosnell’s notorious abortion mill. Massof testified that he snipped the spines of more than 100 moving, breathing babies outside their mothers' wombs.

3) Charles Cullen – nurse who killed patients

Two were paid to do their killing (Strauss and Massof). Two were medical professionals (Massof and Cullen). All three did their murdering on the job.

I think Massof, who was possessed by a ghoulish fascination with abortion, is the worst. Massof’s high numbers are not in doubt. And what’s more horrible than killing an innocent baby with their entire life in front of them?

Don't forget Bush.
Gosnell abused the law and was punished

Legal abortion is not murder......never has been
I do think the abortion industry deserves considerable blame for the savage inhumanity discovered at abortion mills like Kermit Gosnell's notorious butcher shop.

Why Big Abortion shares Gosnell’s guilt
Unregulated abortion clinics endanger women everywhere

Back-Alley Abortion Never Ended
The Kermit Gosnell murder trial challenges a traditional defense of Roe v. Wade.

Report: Planned Parenthood covered up Kermit Gosnell complaints

The truth about late-term abortion
Are the legal activities of New York abortion clinics really any less horrifying than those of Kermit Gosnell?

Gosnells clinic abused the law and he paid the price

Abortion is the law of the land. It has been fully legal for over 40 years and is not going back to the way it was. You can bitch all you like but it won't change things. Women have been seeking abortions for hyndreds of years. The market for abortions will not go away....only the availability of safe abortions

The best option for all is to reduce the need for abortion through free access to birth control and low cost options for pregnant women to keep their child. Scare tactics do not work and only make women more distrustful of the anti-abortion side
Who was the worst killer in U.S. history? Which private U.S. citizen committed the most murders?

Some possibilities:

1) Harry Strauss - contract killer for Murder, Inc.

2) Steven Massof - He worked at Kermit Gosnell’s notorious abortion mill. Massof testified that he snipped the spines of more than 100 moving, breathing babies outside their mothers' wombs.

3) Charles Cullen – nurse who killed patients

Two were paid to do their killing (Strauss and Massof). Two were medical professionals (Massof and Cullen). All three did their murdering on the job.

I think Massof, who was possessed by a ghoulish fascination with abortion, is the worst. Massof’s high numbers are not in doubt. And what’s more horrible than killing an innocent baby with their entire life in front of them?
Jim Jones, the Koolaid Killer of the 909 Peoples Temple followers including 200 children and 5 investigators including US Congressman Leo Ryan at Guyana. Leo Ryan is the only US Congressman to ever have been killed in the line of duty.

Community Organizing just isn't what it used to be.
Oh, I don't know about that, exactly. It costs $14,000,000,000,000 (yes, trillions) more per decade than before. That's more money than was spent on this continent since Columbus set sail in 1492, with the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria, through 2003. I do not see that as a good thing, since it has divided the country from its tradition of paying its bills. It seems we're in the middle of a willy-nilly make-a-wish spendfest for egocentricities that America never believed in. :(
bush the dumber. Iraqwmd's scam. Hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians. Men, women, children. In that mix the odds are thousands of pregnant women which means thousands of fetuses. This alone should concern the batshit crazy tea bag wing of the republican party.
It has been fully legal for over 40 years and is not going back to the way it was.
Slavery was fully legal for a long time. Should the abolitionists have given up?
only the availability of safe abortions
The abortion industry is indifferent to women's health. Just a few of the women chewed up by the abortion industry:

New 911 tape reveals botched abortion at Virginia Planned Parenthood

Authorities: Abortion doctors charged with murder

16-Year-Old Girl Suffered Botched Abortion at Planned Parenthood

DA: West Philadelphia abortion doctor killed 7 babies with scissors

The abortion industry, like many industries, has captured the regulatory apparatus. Legalization means mistreatment of women and a huge expansion of the industry.

For example: Lax state oversight results in widespread violations at Michigan abortion providers, report says

And let's not forget that polls show pro-lifers winning:

‘Pro-life’ position gaining support

Roe at 40: Polling Shows Americans are Pro-Life on Abortion

The best option for all is to reduce the need for abortion through free access to birth control
Examine the facts:

Studies: Birth Control, Contraception Don’t Cut Abortions

Study: Abortions Double in Spain Despite Increased Contraception

Scare tactics do not work
Certainly not working for the pro-abortion fanatics.
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Harry Strauss worked for Murder, Inc. led by Louis "Lepke" Buchalter:


He ended up in the electric chair in Sing Sing.
What's all this talk about "abortion clinics"? If I needed an abortion I'd just go to my regular gynecologist. The same one I go to for yearly checkups, pap smears, etc. No need to go to an "abortion clinic."

Of course, I'd make sure to get it done early (under 12 weeks). My doctor does abortions, but he's not an "abortion doctor." He just considers it part of the women's healthcare he provides. It's a small part of what he does.

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